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23047127 No.23047127 [Reply] [Original]

Give me your best recs to learn German, I especially need to read German.

>> No.23047129

Just download German for Reading by Karl Sandberg

>> No.23047160

What if you need to speak german?

>> No.23047187

Foundation German and Intermediate German from Michel Thomas

>> No.23047329

watch willi will's wissen and die sendung mit der maus on youtube with german subtitles

>> No.23047350

Those recording always have those strange mouth noises from Mr. Thomas, also does his method actually work?

>> No.23047491

Just do Anki cards and read Dragon Ball in German

>> No.23047497

Also start out with one of those guided readers where as you read it it slowly introduces you to different words

>> No.23047560

>give me the magic bullet
>nooo not that one I need a special one! I'm a special boy!
You might as well become a drug addict, you're not going anywhere in life

>> No.23047566


>> No.23047568

U an illegal?

>> No.23047612

>also does his method actually work?
MT's method is fantastic for getting the gist of grammar and sentence building. From there on out it's all about refining it.

>> No.23047622

If death is not a sufficient enough impetus I am not sure what would be. LearnGermanonline.org is also available in addition to what other anons have posted.

>> No.23047892


>> No.23047915

Jesus Christ calm down

>> No.23047920

>Only and always recs jews

A little on the nose.

>> No.23048394

Somewhat related, how much German do I need to learn before reading something like Faust? I heard high schoolers read it in Germany

>> No.23048422

Doubt it, Faust is written in a somewhat antiquated style for its day (somewhere between Shakespeare and Chaucer Tales in their originals for English) and my German wife told me when we met that she had never read it in full. Maybe they do excerpts.

Topic: Unironically Duolingo is good when you‘re dipping your toes in as the convenience of little bits of daily practice can’t be beat. After a few months of that just shift little bits of reading, television/movies, vidya, whatever over to German for the immersion into full sentences and listening. You only really get to the upper level though when you are speaking it regularly with someone.

>> No.23048530

How did you get a German gf?

>> No.23048885

learn like a child. learning grammar first is like learning how a bike is made and it works before even riding it. g0vwt

>> No.23048905

I highly recommend this video >>23047892
Yes, I'm shamelessly samefagging.

>> No.23048998
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Should I learn German from my native language or from English (I'm ESL)?

>> No.23049211

Are you fluent in English because of the massive amount of time you spend online instead of socializing with real people that live in your country? Then English. You should learn from English anyways because chances are, there are way more resources for learning German in English than in whatever your native language is.

>> No.23049288

you read Goethe in German highschool
it was more understandable than some low German novel we had to work through

>> No.23050608
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Thoughts on pic rel?

>> No.23051808

Bump. You can also check out the language learning general on /int/. They have a bunch of resources.

>> No.23052619

I'm learning German by going through German For Reading Knowledge and reading a German-Greek biglot bible with audio. Also Nicos Weg.