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23044456 No.23044456[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post that absolutely destroyed /lit/

>> No.23044464

All women are whores. It's one of the things you need to be stoic about.

>> No.23044473

can't you just accept nature

>> No.23044479

Men be like "I want the biggest titties and ass possible" but then when a woman says "I want the biggest dude possible with the biggest cock" somehow this is a shock to them

>> No.23044483

>be woman
How does this destroy /lit/?

>> No.23044485

Marcus Aurelius is more of a manosphere meme. We do not claim him. He was a druggie also.

>> No.23044499

>manosphere meme.
Reminder that everyone who got popular in the "manosphere" was a jewish operative

>> No.23044500

Go back, faggot.

>> No.23044505

>men be like "I just want a passably attractive woman to love me and be loyal and bear my children" but then when a woman says "he needs to be six feet with a six inch dick and a six figure income" somehow this is a shock to them

>> No.23044508


>> No.23044511

Who the fuck cares, the man was trying to figure out how himself and all other men may reach an ideal state while the rest were fucking pathetically like apes, if this makes you feel anything at all then that feeling should be a feeling of disgust towards the masses or something.

>> No.23044517

You literally posted a reddit thread.

>> No.23044518

We are just talking about fucking lmao, take your insecurities elsewhere

>> No.23044519

I'm not OP you dumb fucking nigger, stop posting entirely until you figure out how this site works.

>> No.23044520

No need to get over it at all, it's entirely irrelevant. Marcus lived an age of slavery and slaughtered Christians as well, and while these practices are abhorrent, they do not take away from the legitimacy of the stoic principles.

A simple matter of compartmentalization.

>> No.23044523

>We are just talking about fucking lmao
No, we're talking about a woman cuckolding her husband, retard.

>> No.23044527

That’s even worse. You’re simping for a retarded redditor.

>> No.23044529

He also had the gladiator executed and banged Faustina while they bathed in his blood. I get it though, it’s a weird part of his history. His forgiveness of Faustina’s infidelities is something I disagree with.

>> No.23044528

Wow you spend all of your time online on 4chan all day you're so cool

>> No.23044541


>> No.23044543

And men cheat on their wives with women they find more attractive as well, just because you are out here like "I would settle for a mere crumb of pussy, why I would pledge my eternal affection for even a moderaterly attractive women" doesn't mean that people who can actually fuck the objects of their desire aren't going to, in fact they do every day.

>> No.23044546

>You’re simping
You're retarded.

>> No.23044547

Only men of superior rank forgive their women a little bit of cockophagy. A man of superior rank is not bothered by the superiorities of women.

>> No.23044549

Marcus Aurelius had a long time partner, his teacher Fronto, who he loved very much. It was his duty to produce heirs but he was in a homosexual relationship with fronto. There is a great book on it full of love letters "Marcus Aurelius in love"

The accounts of Faustina's adultery and her plotting Avidius Cassius' revolt are not incredibly reliable. Marcus and Faustina appeared to have a great and loving relationship, she went on military campaigns with him.

Commodus though, was a very aptly named emperor.

But even if Faustina was unfaithful, and Commodus was how he was, that does not affect my views of Marcus as a Stoic. We need to keep in mind that becoming a stoic sage is not a realistic target, it is something we constantly strive to work towards.

Another thing I like to keep in mind, particularly with Marcus is the fact that the Meditations were never meant to be a published work, it was his journal that he used to remind himself of stoic principles, it is entirely likely that he failed to meet the expectations of the words written on the pages, perhaps he wrote the words when he had failed in some particular way. He was not perfect, Mary Beard makes that quite clear in SPQR with her particular dislike for both him and Seneca.

>> No.23044551

>And men cheat on their wives with women they find more attractive as well
I have never had the desire to cheat, if I want another woman, I break up with the one I'm with first.

>> No.23044553

Confucius say: key that open many locks is master key, lock opened by many keys is just shitty lock. Enjoy your cats and boxed wine.

>> No.23044557

Retard lmao

>> No.23044558

cope & seethe redditfag

>> No.23044560

>Marcus Aurelius in love
Entirely fiction. Take your faggot fanfic elsewhere.

>> No.23044563

This is worth discussing. One, a stoic would look at infidelity as an external event that one could respond to a number of ways, but should in no way enrage the stoic or incite him to injustice. On the other hand, there is quite a bit within your "control" as a cuckolded emperor. Based on the Meditations, Marcus obviously valued Faustina for personal and political reasons, even if she was not his "love" in the modern romantic sense. So that would take the typical spousal retributions off the table. But Marcus was obviously affected by this if he had the gladiator executed and made Faustina "bear witness," in a manner. The real questions from this scenario arise when you examine Marcus' motivations for executing the gladiator, and then examining the virtue of the action:

Did Marcus kill the gladiator because he was angry or embarrassed? If so, he has fallen short of his own teachings. If, after careful consideration, Marcus decided that the best way to maintain order through respect for leadership was to make an example of the gladiator, then there is an argument that Marcus has behaved in a stoic, albeit, messy manner.
Even if Marcus had a good reason to kill the gladiator, was killing him unjust? The gladiator being approached by an empress would not have much choice in the matter. Either Marcus kills him or Faustina has him killed for the rejection. Marcus executing him for a decision he had no real way out of seems unjust. What else could Marcus have done to the gladiator for accepting an offer he could not refuse?
In a general philosophical sense, this is a good test case for the question of when does a vulgar display of power become vulgar? What makes might makes right wrong?

>> No.23044564

we don't sign our posts here

>> No.23044565


>> No.23044568

The whole contemporary pop culture jargon of a man being a "cuck" because he is not "alpha" or whatever is so fundamentally out of touch with any kind of real moral vision that it's hard to even know how to respond to a question like this. It seem to me that the basic philosophy of the guys who spout that sort of perspective is essentially narcissism and nihilism: i.e., who gets the most of whatever (cars/money/women/etc.) is the "winner" of life, even if they are, like e.g. Andrew Tate, a repugnant piece of shit who also appears to be continually miserable.

If you age a little bit, you tend to realize that that "alpha" perspective on life is incredibly immature and also generally quite destructive to the person who follows it, because the nature of human desire is like a treadmill: it never stops, is never satisfied or lets up for more than a day or two, and a person who believes that the "good" of life is just piling up more material shit and societal gold stars is nothing more than a donkey perpetually chasing a carrot on a string. The very guys who think they are "alpha" are clownish beasts being led by their own desire.

On the other hand, whether it's being cheated on by a spouse, dealing with illness or misfortune, or whatever, everybody who lives a little bit actually comes to recognize that life involves real suffering, serious suffering. And when it comes time to meet that, it is not bullshit ideas about being "alpha" that are actually useful. Stoicism, however, actually has some substance to it that is helpful in addressing these issues.

>> No.23044572

Well that's not the norm for men or women, you can just look it up or read some history
Yes bro it's me that girl who rejected you, you can finally btfo me after all these years

>> No.23044574

>t. polycule enthusiast

>> No.23044576

You white-knight for redditors lmao
Stop talking

>> No.23044578
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I have no stake in this horse race but I do consider infidelity in arranged political marriages a COMPLETELY different beast than infedelity in a normal relationship
If I had to marry a person for a reason that is not my own tastes in girls, and she were to not like me either, I think it's completely reasonable an agreement where we just don't give a shit about each other.

>> No.23044582

>You white-knight for redditors
I did no such thing. You are an embarrassing retard. Go kill yourself.

>> No.23044584

Wrong. I want a delicious flat chested tomboy with short hair and a fit body.

>> No.23044606

Look at the most rich, powerful, and famous men in history and what do they have in common?

Women are all fucking shitty. A woman will fucking backstab and fuck you over for basically no reason at all. The only way to treat a woman is to fuck her over first. You need to be the emotional one, stoicism is stupid and just asking to get a woman to fuck you over. You need to be the psycho one and have her family and her questioning your sanity, because then the onus is on HER to be the stable one, and then you can just do whatever the fuck you want and she has to go along with it, or she can fuck off and you STILL win.

The power dynamic is in your hands, anons.

>> No.23044609

I mean... that's one way of going about it.

>> No.23044616

Also very short, a curious mind, innocent, playful, and wears cute clothes including a bowtie in her hair.

>> No.23044618

you are describing a child

>> No.23044619

He knows

>> No.23044624

It’s a style of woman, redditor

>> No.23044626

Ok. As long as we're all on the same page.

>> No.23044632

Read up on the manosphere and their obsession with "frame", look at Tate and his obsession with how he sits and how he holds his hands. All of these grifters want you to become robots that follow social queues and norms that end up binding you to the will of a society that hates you and women that view you as a tool to manipulate.

Basically everything that society tells me to do and how to act is a complete inversion of what gives you true internal power. Society WANTS you to work 9-5 and be a good little goy who is completely dominated by women, because they have transferred all of the soft power in culture and society to women. Hence the Taylor Swift psy-op of being the absolute best human being on earth.

>> No.23044636

Anon, you are THIS close.

>> No.23044638

ok but your bloodline ends with you

>> No.23044646

>muh ancestors

>> No.23044649

Back then when marriages were arranged is when infidelity was punished with execution.

>> No.23044652

More like muh progeny

>> No.23044660

Well the whole idea is that you have to strive on because your ancestors before you did. Ancestors who are most likely dust and if they aren't would undoubtedly think of you as an abominable alien if they have maintained any of the social mores of their respective times, and if they haven't and are just like neutral souls why would they care about bloodlines at all.

>> No.23044662
File: 866 KB, 2320x2320, aww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are attracted to me like crazy, always have been

>> No.23044664

Normies associating stoicism with Marcus Aurelius is the worst thing that ever happened to this philosophy.
I blame Ryan Holiday and twitter retards.

>> No.23044665

That not really relevant to my point

>> No.23044667

I believe you.

>> No.23044673

>associating stoicism with Marcus Aurelius
Stoicism is associated with Marcus Aurelius, retard.

>> No.23044678

What does stoicism have to offer the world other than navel gazing and vague suppositions about your center of choice

>> No.23044677

Nearly all accounts of famous Romans and Greeks being homosexual are modern writers projecting a homosexual relationship on what is plainly described as a friendship

>> No.23044681

But how do you act crazy if your nature is tranquil?

>> No.23044682

I know. My point is that it shouldn’t be.

>> No.23044684

The ability to bear the absurdity of reality.

>> No.23044686

>Stoicism, however, actually has some substance to it that is helpful in addressing these issues.
Yes it tells you to be fine with being cuckolded because it's outside your control or something

>> No.23044689

Why not?

>> No.23044692

Why, because Epictetus called me a worthless faggot in 2000 different ways, wow thanks doc I'm ready to face the day

>> No.23044695
File: 2.05 MB, 1384x778, the nerd herd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried not being such a faggot?

>> No.23044696
File: 520 KB, 853x1124, 1707261716287060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You win when you out-crazy the fucking bitches.

Always remember that women, due to their lack of physical strength, are naturally better at gaslighting and manipulation. You have to be better than them at this. you have to give them the rope they need to hang themselves. You have to keep them unsure of who you are. If they really know you and can predict how you'll react, they'll treat you like a hamster. If they are surprised by you and have an air of aloofness, it keeps their woman-senses tingling and they will be the ones manipulated by you.

Remember, nearly EVERYTHING in society is based on the emotional reaction it provides. Cost, function, these things are secondary to the emotional stimulation. If you're a crazy fucking asshole, it is always better than being a boring regular guy.

>> No.23044698

Mark lived in a world where if you cheat on someone you get put to death. If you lived in that environment you'd probably think differently. Politics was very life and death for them

>> No.23044703

This is not bad advice, but at the same time, you seem boderline unhinged.

>> No.23044705

Epictetus told me straight up to not even bother unless I had turned my back entirely on worldly pursuits or I'd just be a dilettante showing off, I'm not even close to that, I love ass so much

>> No.23044706


>> No.23044711

He barely contributed. The meditations are barely stoician philosophy outside of the few Epictetus quotes lmao, which are as abundant as the Epicurus quotes ffs.
The reason he’s the poster boy for stoicism is because he’s known for being one of the “good emperors” and that whole roman empire aesthetic sells a lot, especially to young men.
Just watch (actually don’t) those manosphere videos about stoicism, selling it as “the emperors’ philosophy”.

>> No.23044714

women are intimidated by this too by the way so is more likely to cheat on you not less. she's not able to attain such a state and acts out self destructively like Jenny from Gump
double down on the stoicism though

>> No.23044716

It's bad advice because maybe women can use a kind of "unlogic" in arguments but the second there's an obvious contradiction in your logic to be called out she will call it out, so acting the sperg is not going to work here imo

>> No.23044732

>he’s known for being one of the “good emperors” and that whole roman empire aesthetic sells a lot, especially to young men
This doesn't seem like a bad thing at all.

>> No.23044734

It's the Nietzsche criticism. Rejecting and suppressing the beast isn't as noble as stoics and Christians claim. We justify why we shouldn't have harems like apes etc based on ideals of the higher self but part of the motivation is always rooted in basically fear of not getting away with it. We don't moralize about pleasures that don't have the potential to backfire.
The animal instinct is to keep your woman sort of in check like apes did, maintain an environment where she doesn't cheat etc. Not incorporating that instinct in some way creates internal conflicts, the answer is not to go full ape just to incorporate that part into your conscious thoughts and self image.

>> No.23044741

It’s not a bad thing, but it’s also not a valid reason to read him over Epictetus or Seneca if you want to learn about stoicism.

>> No.23044743

>you seem boderline unhinged.
Always better in a social situation than boring and apathetic

>> No.23044746
File: 13 KB, 280x280, Amy-280x280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Marcus Aurelius in love"
>Author / Editor information
>Amy Richlin is professor of classics at the University of California, Los Angeles. She is the author of The Garden of Priapus: Sexuality and Aggression in Roman Humor, translator of Rome and the Mysterious Orient: Three Plays by Plautus, editor of Pornography and Representation in Greece and Rome, and coeditor of Feminist Theory and the Classics.
>Her grandparents all immigrated to the US from Lithuania and Belarus.
>Richlin is a Jewish name.

>> No.23044753

>We don't moralize about pleasures that don't have the potential to backfire.
But we do? Masturbation, gluttony, many others?

Also once he got cucked, he couldn’t get uncucked but he could have punished his wife and the gladiator, that was very much in his power.

>> No.23044754


>> No.23044757

Dishonesty is bad

>> No.23044760

>In Rome and the Mysterious Orient, Richlin translated three works – Curculio, Persa and Poenulus – by the Roman playwright Plautus (notably using "references taken right out of American pop culture" to make Plautus more understandable to modern audiences).[12][13] For example, the conventionally translated text:

>The lover that first set out on the highways of love with an empty purse went in for harder labours than Hercules

>was translated by Richlin as:

>The dude who first set out to go on the road of love without no dough, / this guy had to go through way more shit than all them Labours of Hercules."[13]
If this isn't a jew, I'll eat my hat.

>> No.23044766


>> No.23044770

>If you lived in that environment you'd probably think differently
Well Mark didn't

>> No.23044772

>all your heroes are gay
>yeah well you're jewish
Gasp. Recoils. Aghast

>> No.23044775

Used opium to cope

>> No.23044798

He was a simp. Should've executed her.

>> No.23044805

Can you name one philosopher that actually exemplified the views they expounded?
Just because someone who gave you good advice doesn't do it doesn't always mean it's bad advice.

>> No.23044851


>> No.23044862

>do unto others as you would have them do unto you
>*whips temple merchants in the face*

>> No.23044877

Well he never was a temple merchant, so it applies.

>> No.23044885

>how would you feel if you were a temple merchant
>I don't understand, I never was a temple merchant
Jesus confirmed black.

>> No.23044904

>Masturbation, gluttony
Are traps that can lead to serious consequences. Feeling good after exercise is an example of a pleasure with only positives so there's no need to moralize or justify not risking indulging in it.
Punishment is part of keeping the woman in check, it's indulging in the animal instinct. Reasons for not doing it will always appeal to negative consequences so in a sense you're suppressing your self, your will out of fear. Going too far with this idea leads to basically just being an ape and "balance" is also not the answer. Balancing conflicting perspectives through suppressing one or the other is different from a dialogue where each party is satisfied with the compromise.

>> No.23044922

I looked up the verses. He doesn't whip the merchants, he drove out the animals in the temple with a whip of cords.

>> No.23044963

>Marcus Aurelius
Oh no, I hope he doesn't find posts about Stephen King's car crash, we'll be totally btfo
OP, stop reading Reddit like it's a good source. You're not even posting the interesting bits about that story that have been memes for millennia. Kids these days couldn't even find Babylon if it was on their fyp

>> No.23044966

You're a barely closeted homosexual.

>> No.23044995

Actually good post. This board is low iq sometimes

>> No.23045129

That's another reason to become a stoic. If that guy was happy about life despite being a cuck it means his system was good.

>> No.23045152

>ok but your bloodline ends with you
And so? What will happen? Do you think you won't die if you have children? Your ego is not going to transport itself through your genes.

>> No.23045203

I don’t care for stoicism but don’t see this as a critique. Getting cheated on is the same as any other natural misfortune, there’s not much you can do about it except endlessly appeal to the woman like a faggot or keep her locked away. He was right to execute the gladiator however because women lack control over their own actions, so having sex with them is tantamount to theft or pederasty.

>> No.23045212

>We are just talking about fucking
Yes, and that's who men want to fuck

>> No.23045213

>Another typical case of the interference between sexuality and ethics and of the distortion of them is the notion of honor. It is true that this primarily concerned the female sex, but the matter was no less significant for that. For a long time it was held, and still is in certain social strata and regions, that a girl loses her “honor” not only when she has free sexual experiences outside of marriage, but even when she is a victim of rape. A similar absurdity even inspired the theme of some “great art,” the grotesque extreme of this perhaps being reached by Lope de Vega’s drama The Best Judge Is the King, in which a girl, having been kidnapped and violated by a feudal lord, loses her “honor”; but she quickly regains it when the king has the rapist executed and has the girl marry her fiancé. A parallel absurdity is the idea that a man loses his own “honor” if his wife betrays him, whereas, if anything, the opposite would be true; in adultery, it is the woman, and not the man who loses “honor”: not by the sexual fact itself, but from a superior point of view, because where marriage is something serious and profound, the woman in marrying freely binds herself to a man, and through her adultery she, first disgracing herself, breaks this ethical tie. So, incidentally, one can see how foolish it was of the bourgeois world to let the blow land on the betrayed husband. It would be equivalent to ridiculing one who suddenly discovers a thief, or a leader when one of his followers breaks his oath of fidelity and betrays him—unless one wants the defense of “honor” to engender in the husband the quality of a jailer or a despot, which is certainly not compatible with a higher ideal of virile dignity.

>> No.23045216

>"I want the biggest titties and ass possible"
That's only what teenagers and 90 IQ monkeys say, femoid

>> No.23045223

It's an extremely basic reddit tier post that doesn't add anything fresh to the discussion. Sperging about Andrew Tate while doing nothing to try to understand where guys like that are coming from is not insightful. Wow, meathead simplifications are hecking immature, thanks retard.

>> No.23045228
File: 12 KB, 538x112, verymodernyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>contemporary pop culture jargon
>"hehe, I get cucked just like my based ancestors...."
Fucking retard

>> No.23045232

You sound like a stoic blogger who uses all of your free time writing stoic apologetics and telling other men to be more industrious. Ryan Holiday?

>> No.23045245

>"I must have a child," she said.

>He shook his head from side to side.

>"I must have my way!" she snapped. "If need be, I'll find another father for my child. I'll cuckold you and dare you to expose me."

>"Cuckold me all you wish," he said, "but no child."

>"How can you stop me?"

>With a smile of utmost kindness, he said: "I'd have you garrotted, if it came to that."

>Shocked silence held her for a moment and Paul sensed Chani listening behind the heavy draperies into their private apartments.

>"I am your wife," Irulan whispered.

The Emperor Paul Maud'Dib to his legal wife, the Princess Irulan. Can a world historic man bow to the desire ridden "morality" of the masses?

The free man is a slave to virtue, not to any external force.

>There is no measuring Muad'Dib's motives by ordinary standards. In the moment of his triumph, he saw the death prepared for him, yet he accepted the treachery. Can you say he did this out of a sense of justice? Whose justice, then? Remember, we speak now of the Muad'Dib who ordered battle drums made from his enemies' skins, the Muad'Dib who denied the conventions of his ducal past with a wave of the hand, saying merely: 'I am the Kwisatz Haderach. That is reason enough

>> No.23045255
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You wouldn't understand what I want.

>> No.23045259

small tits age more gracefully too and the girl may have self-esteem issues which tames down the insanity
tomboys are on the spectrum, smarter, better interests, still pathos driven but possible to be reasoned with trough logos and more likely to do more than the plank in the bed
short hairs ain't a must but no deal breaker either
better all around

>> No.23045260

Maud'Dib was a war criminal though.

Genghis . . . Khan? Was he of the Sardauker, m’Lord?”
“Oh, long before that. He killed . . . perhaps four million.”
“He must’ve had formidable weaponry to kill that many, Sire. Lasbeams, perhaps, or . . .”
“He didn’t kill them himself, Sil. He killed the way I kill, by sending out his legions. There’s another emperor I want you to note in passing — a Hitler. He killed more than six million. Pretty good for those days.”
“Killed . . . by his legions?” Stilgar asked.
“Not very impressive statistics, m’Lord.”

"...at a conservative estimate, I've killed sixty-one billion, sterilized ninety planets, completely demoralized five hundred others. I've wiped out the followers of forty religions..."

>> No.23045262
File: 1.83 MB, 480x480, 1629746035002.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look gay to you?

>> No.23045266

If your preference in women is "she must like me and be moderately attractive" then you aren't even in the conversation lmao

>> No.23045271
File: 33 KB, 575x350, chud_had_it_enogh_by_soygemvault_dfb0129-350t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern manboys will talk about how they are rational and then scream about how they want a civil war and billions to die because they can't stop touching their own dicks to naughty videos or talk to a girl.

>> No.23045280

I mean it’s nice that you’re polite and keep things separated but you’re still abandoning one partner for one that is more appealing to you. At its core it is not really different.

>> No.23045283

femanon detected
i can sense it's huge, over 200pounds at the very least

>> No.23045284

I have the desire to sleep with every woman i find attractive but I just fight it. I even got propositioned a few times as a married man but I just had to say no.

>> No.23045305

>one partner
Women are NEVER on your side anon. Once you learn that, it all makes sense.

>> No.23045306

Marcus was a Roman emperor. I never considered him wise to begin with.
I dont blame him or judge him for his wife cheating though, if that did happen. How could he be blamed for the actions of another?
All I'd say is he looks silly, posing as a confident emperor while he was really just a man.

>> No.23045312

Impeccable taste anon.

>> No.23045315

How can you really be emperor if you can't just cut the head off of your wife and her lover and marry a new younger woman? I like the attitudes in the Iliad and Odyssey more than modern philosophies.

>> No.23045317

I assume when anon says "if I want another woman" he doesn't mean any kind of attraction, he means he actually wants to partner up with her specifically

>> No.23045322

What would it prove or mean even if you did that?

>> No.23045330

Isn't the point of his philosophy that it doesn't matter what you think of him, what matters if was he happy or not?
People that are focused on what people think of them are usually a nerve ball of anxiety.

>> No.23045335

Nothing needs to be proved, you get a younger more fertile wife and more progeny / it would scare people. It's not a out rationality, it's about living the life of an African dictator or having a real kind of freedom that only warlords have.

>> No.23045377

I have spoken an absolutely filthy amount of shit about women, but, that's partially because I'm just an embittered moron.
Most men, aren't like us. Most people, in general, men and women, are not very aware and not very altruistic or empathic.
They're not even bad or evil, they're just arrogant through ignorance. Most people don't comprehend the depths of evil, they therefore come to believe both that they aren't capable of much of it, and, that the preponderance of evil could never touch them.
What I mean is, lots of women cheat, and lots of men cheat too. People do all sorts of bad things and refuse to take accountability, or comprehend the depth of the problem, because they justify their own actions. Our evil, is never evil, it's a product of our suffering, its our "mistakes," or our "forgivable sins."
People who really tackle the issue recognize that they too are fallible, and have contributed to the evil in the world; that both things are true, every evil action puts more evil outward into the world, which makes us suffer and provides more justifications for even more evil.
People who cheat think they're only ruining their own lives and maybe some other person's when they do it, and they're selfish/self victimizing, so they typically don't even see what they're doing as evil, but as justified. If they knew they were literally unleashing Hell itself with every bad choice they make, they'd probably reconsider. They don't have to face this, because self victimization and material comfort provide the illusion of an "individual life;" notice that when people lose everything, often this is when they come to God. Rock bottom. If there's no rock bottom, unfortunately, a lot of people will just write off their own evil and keep spreading it.
Then there are people who do recognize this, men and women, and they become moral hypocrites. They do recognize the goodness of morality and the need to prevent evil in the world, but become haughty, and they spend more time judging and rebuking others than working on their own sins. I have been like this before.
There are another group of people, very rare, who reach a middle ground, where they acknowledge that they are stupid and will always be capable of doing evil works while deluding themselves that they are doing the shining light, and they accept this, in a process called "humbling." If a man of this kind and a woman of this kind meet, then there is a happy marriage, because then there is friendship; it becomes less about "fate," my "soulmate," "true love," and is predicated on the acknowledgment that all we do in life is a choice; love between a man and a woman, is a choice to stick by someone because it contributes good into the world instead of evil. Someone of this mentality places their marriage above their partner and themselves, and therefore, is far less likely to be fickle.
But who has this perspective? It's rare in general. The problem isn't really women.

>> No.23045470

>full of testosterone, muscle mass, low inhibition, and aggression
>weak and useless

There's no equivalence.

>> No.23045483

>full of testosterone, muscle mass, low inhibition, and aggression
A perfect description of /lit/s userbase if I've ever seen one

>> No.23045485

Most of the people here are lady men.

>> No.23045492


>> No.23045515

Add impulsivity and that fits me!

>> No.23045545

Listen, kids: there is no way of virtue or of life that prevents you from getting cheated on. Acquire wisdom and choose your wife wisely. Lead your life as a husband wisely. That is your best protection against infidelity, but there are no guarantees because it has to do with the virtue of another and not your own. Does that invalidate Aurelius? Of course not. After all, especially in the ancient world, how many men may have been cheated on and never knew, even raising what my grandmother used to call, "jacket babies"--the children hidden in your jacket who were by another man than your husband. There were no DNA tests, after all.

>> No.23045551

Yes, precisely. I've never even had a desire to read Aurelius because of what sort of men typically tout him. Even so, OPs post does not invalidate any wisdom he had to impart.

>> No.23045572

No need to sully a historical figure's name/character based on dubious claims...

your own sexual perversions/effects on society and your demographic at large/needn't be justified

just go with the flow, do you

>> No.23045577

I suppose it was out of his control but who really knows. What I do know is that socially inept virgins are openly shitting on one of the most accomplished people in history, so there's that too.

>> No.23045625

And women who chase after the biggest dicks are also mentally teenagers or low IQ monkeys, yet you take any examples of this as indication of how all women are.

>> No.23045644

...There's something to this.

Sometimes, philosophy can become navel gazing. We all know the value of killing a man who bedded your wife. We know it instinctually. There doesn't need to be anything further than this.

>> No.23045650

>le every noteworthy man of the past was a homo
Mere Freemasonic rewritings of history. To be discarded along with their authors.

>> No.23045656


>> No.23045660

You embrace discomfort so much that getting cucked is leisure

>> No.23045679

This was taken straight from the reddit thread

>> No.23045687

Why are people copy pasting from the reddit thread?

>> No.23045745
File: 155 KB, 1500x1597, henrik-ibsen-1085305006-98d5ba2d6fb04395ada0b0efc41ffd78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My noble Princess——
It is the physician, Helena! [_He takes her hand._] No, here, where I stand.
[_Tearing her hand away._] Faugh! there he was again!
She does not see me. Here, here, Helena!
The loathsome creature;—he is always about me.
What does she mean?
Stand apart, gracious lord——!
Sweet stillness! He does not dream——; oh my Gallus!
Go, noble Caesar; it is not meet——!
How boldly your close-curling hair curves over your neck! Oh that short, thick neck——
Abyss of all abysses——!
The delirium is increasing——
I see, I see. We must take note, Oribases!
[_Laughing softly._] Now he would be taking notes again.—Ink on his fingers; book-dust in his hair—unwashed; faugh, faugh, how he stinks.
My lord, shall I not——?
Away with you, woman!
How could you let yourself be conquered by him, you great-limbed, bronzed barbarian? He cannot conquer women. How I loathe this
impotent virtue.
Stand apart, all of you! Not so near, Oribases! I myself will watch the Princess.
Art thou wroth with me, thou glorious one? Gallus is dead. Beheaded. What a blow that must have been! Be not jealous, oh my first and last? Burn Gallus in hell fire;—it was none but thou, thou, thou——!
No nearer, Oribases!
Kill the priest, too! I will not see him after this. Thou knowest our sweet secret. Oh thou, my days’ desire, my nights’ delight! It was thou
thyself—in the form of thy servant—in the oratory; yes, yes, thou wast
there; it was thou—in the darkness, in the heavy air, in the shrouding incense-clouds, that night, when the Caesar growing beneath my heart—

[_Recoiling with a cry._] Ah!
[_With outstretched arms._] My lover and my lord! Mine, mine——!
[_She falls swooning on the floor; the slave-girls hasten
forward and crowd round her._
[_Stands for a moment immovable; then shakes his clenched fist in the
air, and cries_:] Galilean!

>> No.23045750

There's no reliable historical record of this happening. 39 people in this thread pontificating about a matter of purely slanderous rumour; you might as well be discussing Harry Potter.

>> No.23045756

A fridge?

>> No.23045765
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>> No.23045775

That's commentary, not a primary source

>> No.23045795
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>> No.23045814

The online resurgence of stoicism is just cope for lack of God

>> No.23045821

God is just cope for a lack of control, copes all the way down.

>> No.23045836

If stoicism was sufficient for dealing with the sufferings of life it's surprising it never really stood the test of time. Funny that.

>> No.23045840

Go ghost hunting, once you have a paranormal experience, God ain't such a joke anymore.

>> No.23045843

Ghosts aren’t compatible with Christianity

>> No.23045844

I think people really do not understand that stoicism is not about doing nothing about your circumstances. It is about not concerning yourself with the things that you have no control over. When you sleep with the Roman Emperor's wife you best believe that it is in his power to do something about it.

>> No.23045848

The bible is full of other worldly apparitions anon

>> No.23045851

She must have been a real bad bitch. That's the only explanation.

>> No.23045852

The key is that as his wife, Faustina was supposed to bear Marcus children and heirs. If she sleeps with a gladiator it could result in bastard children. Marcus, as Roman Emperor, has the power to put a stop to it and the best move is to have him executed so as to make it known that your life is on the line for meddling in the affairs and duties of an Emperor and Empress.

The Stoic move, for a Roman Emperor, is NOT to look the other way. It is to put out the fire and prevent all future fires so that you never need to even consider looking away again.

>> No.23045857

There are ghosts in the bibble. Bejus became a ghost and haunted his followers for fun.

>> No.23045860

I've never liked stoicism. It's stupid. And its proponents have become dogmatic. Which isn't what philosophy should even be. It just appeals to people who grew up on Hollywood movies. Yet they think they are rebelling against the structure that created those movies

>> No.23045861

I am not afraid of ghosts

>> No.23045863

Go ghost hunting. Go with an open mind. It might take several locations and hours of your time, but the paranormal is 100% real. You need to experience it for yourself. If and when you experience something you cannot debunk, you will have a sense of wonder that you haven't had since you were a child. It becomes addicting to experience.

>> No.23045868

>bro just go to haunted houses until something spooky happens then you will know the bible is gods word

>> No.23045869

Maybe I should. What did you experience anon? Don’t be vague.

>> No.23045871

It's not about if you can, it's about if you should. Aurelius did though. It says something that he was the last good Emperor of Rome too.

>> No.23045879

Well it will at least show you the supernatural is real. That's a good starting point.

>> No.23045886

And i can't control the supernatural, it's inexplicable, i need something to cope with it.

>> No.23045909

>"jacket babies"--the children hidden in your jacket who were by another man than your husband.
I don't get it

>> No.23045917

You don't need logos to justify anything/could/ would/should. I respect Caligula more for making the Senate watch his horse for hours.

>> No.23045945
File: 284 KB, 1023x799, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I did a ghost hunt at Hycroft Manor in Vancouver, and the staff spoke of hearing crying and footsteps when nobody was in the building. Okay, could be raccoons in the walls, most "paranormal" stuff is easily explained. The staff seemed positive that there is a ghost of ww1 soldiers in the attic as that's where some of them tried to recover from ww1 wounds and died up there.

Anyways, I didn't experience anything in the 6 hours we were there, and when I walked to get my jacket in the fireplace room/drawing room or whatever it was called, I saw a floating, wet black "ball" that then zipped behind me to pass me, I turned my head and watched it fly out into the hallway, I then saw it accelerate and fly halfway up the stairs and "pop" like a bubble. It was totally silent. I can only describe it as a wet looking black ball the size of a billiards ball. From my memory, it looked like it had smoke inside of it, and when it moved, it turned into a longer oval-shape. I saw it for maybe 3 seconds tops.

The second weird thing was when we did a private investigation at an apartment in New West, a couple had a baby recently, and they had been hearing wear sounds from the baby's room. We did an investigation there, and the weird thing I saw was these little "sparkles" of light, like ice crystals floating... they would spark just for a fraction of a second, and then the spark would spark again a foot away in a direction, up or down, and then a couple seconds later, another spark. Was it some static electricity? Maybe, but the sparks were only happening in that room with the baby cradle. The couple said they didn't believe in ghosts but since they had the baby, they thought strange things hard started happening.
A few more things, I hear some very strange sounds at the Dead Man's Island military base in Stanley Park. Maybe not paranormal, but I heard the sound of someone dragging something in a hallway right in front of me but there was nothing there. The soldiers also heard footsteps all the time around them at night and HATED sleeping there. Again, you have to experience it yourself, someone telling you about it just sounds like bullshit.

>> No.23046103
File: 36 KB, 960x510, BASED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based based based based

>> No.23046139

I didn't know that. That would explain why Commodus was so angry.

But Marcus was gay so its normal that his wife was unsatisfied.

>> No.23046150

Just wanted to add, I went to like 50+ ghost hunts, and unexplainable things happened only a few times. Most ghost hunting is fake because it makes good money.

If you want real ghost hunting, check out channels like:


90% of channels doing "ghost hunting" are staged. Once you actually do it yourself and consistently try and observe the paranormal, you'll know when something actually odd happens. People are super interested in life after death, which makes the paranormal somewhat of a catch-all for that and people love watching it and getting spooked out. The problem is, you'll have people fake shit to get attention and give people hope about an afterlife. I do believe in an afterlife and I do believe in ghosts, but definitely there are many, many people who fake that shit to get views and paypigs for "psychic" advice.


The people who believe in this shit the most are Freemasons.

>> No.23046174

But Marcus failed and his son destroyed the empire. He should've never married.

Hadrian's example should've been followed.

Half like Achilles, half stoic. That's the way.

>> No.23046177

>Men be like "I want the biggest titties and ass possible"

>> No.23046193

I don’t read stoic philosophy that’s how

>> No.23046196

It is, because it’s not logical. A man can’t grow himself taller. Women and math are like oil and water.

>> No.23046210

Decent but she would be nicer with dark hair

>> No.23046225

You can think that but unless women are sexually active with only their significant other only (impossible) and don’t get up and leave when bored (also impossible) this wouldn’t even be in the conversation

>> No.23046231

Not even close to being the truth

>> No.23046255

Stoicism is a denial of the self.

>> No.23046347

the seething responses to this post are hilarious

>> No.23046351

Not smoking crack is the denial of pleasure

>> No.23046356

lmao accurate

>> No.23046638

Bitch what does this even have to do with the thread

>> No.23046647

It's a sort of metaphor--as though the child was smuggled into the family inside your jacket.

>> No.23046653

Did he know about it? If he just got cheated on it is how it is some women are bitches. Is he supposed to know where she is 24/7?

>> No.23046654
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>A man can’t grow himself taller.
but ask a woman to put down the box of donuts and hit the treadmill to get back under 200 lbs and all of a sudden you're the bad guy
society, bottom text

>> No.23046720

Stoicism is not a complete philosophy. It's just a pathetic shadow of one. All the discipline with none of the moral development and introspection. Pathetic, really.

>> No.23046821
File: 19 KB, 430x360, Risitas 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 (You)s
Really touched a nerve, huh?

>> No.23046833

Shut up, retard.
>say retarded thing
>people call you a retard

>> No.23046877

You can really tell people got tilted when they start trying to disprove the premise like it's a math formula
>errr well you said all men like big tits and ass and actually some men like flat chests!
As if they suddenly lost all ability to read between the lines on a 4chan shitpost

>> No.23046881
File: 642 KB, 1022x731, 0f8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Men be like "I want the biggest titties and ass possible"

>> No.23046884

It's just explaining why she wanted to fuck the muscle bound man who fights in brutal combat daily over cuckus aurelius

>> No.23046927

kill yourself you never even go outside

>> No.23046944

/// Red, white and blue bunting hung in the city's renovated train station /// The 82-year-old songwriter mixes serious contemplation with mordant humor on his new album /// She threw him a look of haughty disdain /// This recognition frees logic from the epistemological discussion of secondary qualities /// Was there no postman or postmaster whom he could suborn to intercept them for him? /// As to syllogism specifically, Locke in a passage, 8 which has an obviously Cartesian ring, lays down four stages or degrees of reasoning, and points out that syllogism serves us in but one of these /// Littoral warfare includes amphibious landings /// He's a science-fiction maven who can talk for hours about fictional technology /// Bacterial sepsis continues to be the leading cause of death in intensive care units /// My husband is retreating into sullen withdrawal or making sharp passive-aggressive digs at me /// He turned away to wring out the wet shirt /// We are far too concerned to repeat the old shibboleths of the past without trying to face the vexing and intractable problems of the present /// No wonder the court feels little compunction about overturning statutes /// He is like an artist who is more anxious to produce a meretricious effect than he is to be true to himself or to nature /// The rules are set in stone, so we can't make any adjustments /// Stop being so unctuous and tell the truth /// The word limey originated from 18th and 19th century British sailors drinking lime juice to ward off scurvy /// Following a march by protesters, police tried to tear down some newly-erected tents at the encampment and scuffled with demonstrators /// The most dangerous creature of all is the nymphet, the femme fatale, the siren who will lead a good man to ruin, a common archetype threaded throughout art, music and literature /// Strategic recklessness aside, the chief problem with the plan was that it needed a weak, feckless opposition /// He attempted to tackle the nettlesome issue of police and community relations /// Some jurisdictions have recognized a spoliation tort action, which allows the victim of destruction of evidence to file a separate tort action against a "spoliator" /// This fetid odor is common to stinkhorn fungi, and attracts insects that help to disperse the spores /// Climate affects snow fluffiness /// He was carping from the outside, attacking and undermining all the work that was being done /// The prosecution's case hinged on the evidence of a witness who died before the trial /// He was peevish when he was interrupted, although most of us have to submit to interruption and try to do so without losing our equilibrium /// Amid all the razzle-dazzle of the party convention, it was easy to forget about the real political issues ///

>> No.23047033

His whore wife wasn't even the point