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/lit/ - Literature

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23041949 No.23041949[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Our gurl is all grown up now /lit/

>> No.23041958

From a one in a million sweet /lit/ girl to just another common whore.

>> No.23041959

why are naked girls so much less attractive than clothed ones

>> No.23041962

>heart tattoo
>David Mitchell
>Barnes & Noble editions

>> No.23041963

Maybe its our fault?

>> No.23041965

just only now noticing the tattoo. I wonder what it says.

>> No.23041976

>>David Mitchell
is that the guy who wrote Cloud Atlas ?

>> No.23041984

oh shit I thought it was the guy wrote the Fault in All the Light We Can't See

>> No.23041986

I cant imagine simping for this lol

>> No.23041997

I don't know what the black book is but the others are: The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet by David Mitchell, Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier, and Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones

>> No.23042014

The more I actively think about it the less I like the female body. Like repeating a word until it stops making sense.

>> No.23042018

It's okay. Your kind seems to be accepted now. You can come out already.

>> No.23042035

Straightchuds I just don't know anymore... maybe the gaychads have a point.

>> No.23042038

a strange women brandishing her cunt is not going to seem pleasant
or for some paradoxical reason it does seem kind of pleasant now...

>> No.23042044

post the painting

>> No.23042061
File: 366 KB, 640x622, 1631297737916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek I haven't thought about that book in forever. I remember it not being terrible, but that movie was fucking bizarro.

>> No.23042078

she was always a whore, you guys who got deluded

>> No.23042082

this is your fault, /lit/.

>> No.23042085

>she was always a whore, you guys who got deluded

>> No.23042086

it's the mystery that's missing

>> No.23042092

>it's the mystery that's missing
yeah, no space for the imagination to fill the gaps

>> No.23042125

you guys do realize that still-life models aren't porn stars, right? I went to art school- I can tell you, that after the very first time, it's like looking at a piece of fruit.

>> No.23042130

would you say it's empowering for women to pose nude?

>> No.23042131


>> No.23042134

Mmm I liek fruit

>> No.23042135

>I went to art school
>it's like looking at a piece of fruit

>> No.23042142

>it's like looking at a piece of fruit
apples are erotic, grapes too

>> No.23042144

I don't know. Modelling is just a job.

>> No.23042146

captcha MOAT

>> No.23042147

>not peaches
low test

>> No.23042149


>> No.23042155

nude modelling isnt objectionable but posting on social media is

>> No.23042156

>Modelling is just a job.
what about your girlfriend, anon? suppose.

>> No.23042166

in art class? it's fine. art students look at nude models the same way med students look at corpses, I'm sure. we were too busy bitching about the lighting to give a shit about how hot or ugly or naked a model was.

>> No.23042168
File: 54 KB, 1024x937, 1685556289258667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23042171

>art students look at nude models the same way med students look at corpses
Are med students all necrophile thus?

>> No.23042173

i do not engage with frogposters. hidden.

>> No.23042178

were you an art student, or are you assuming that everyone is a mindless coomer?

>> No.23042190

alright, anon, alright.
I'm gonna defend your faggot asses. I'm not gonna let artists getting bullied on lit/ from all places.

excuse me

>> No.23042422

women are warmth, shelter, truth

>> No.23042430

This makes me want to cry

>> No.23042448


>> No.23042473

>absolutely trash goodreads-tier taste
>multiple tattoos
>sagging breasts
>attention whore
>social media addiction
>our gurl
sounds about right. she's what /lit/ deserves

>> No.23042681

Look at what you have done, faggots

>> No.23042691

i didnt finish it but remember being blown away by the exact midpoint on top of the mountain scene where the retard that can barely speak gives his existential monologue

>> No.23042694

add flipper feet to that list

>> No.23042747

for me it's >community college

>> No.23042751

Nigga, that photo is so. fucking. old.
Just shut the fuck up if you have nothing new to share.

Hang yourself, footfag.

>> No.23042757

This guy fucked a piece of fruit.

>> No.23042785

Eyes are bright and full of life
Eyes look dead and dull.

>> No.23042798


>> No.23042803

Look at what you have done, geniuses.

>> No.23042818

>no bush between those legs
Fuck off

>> No.23042886

>I went to art school- I can tell you, that after the very first time, it's like looking at a piece of fruit.
Oh it shows anon.

>> No.23043002

All women are whores, retard.

>> No.23043005

>it's like looking at a piece of fruit
that's what everyone says about seeing you

>> No.23043008

begone yon cuckold

>> No.23043009

I fucking despise bushfags more than any other group on this website. Stop making women think it's ok to not shave you fucking nigger.

>> No.23043022

Someone post the original thread

>> No.23043032

>/lit/ this isn't literature

>> No.23043050

Those tits are actually pretty nice.

>> No.23043083

Puritybros... it's over... slutfags have won...

>> No.23043097

If I took this art class could I see her nude and paint an offensive portrait?

>> No.23043104

sorry bro you have to pass penis inspection before they let you in

>> No.23043130

This >>23043104
To be exact your penis has to be big and BLACK for you to pass (this is redundant since as is well known BLACK penises are way bigger than their pathetic sissy white counterparts)

>> No.23043139
File: 633 KB, 778x624, 1523793491822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's like looking at a piece of fruit

>> No.23043144

she could have posed without posing a picture to instagram

>> No.23043146

>All women are whores, retard.
no doubt. but some are worse than others

>> No.23043147


>> No.23043154

but then how would she have advertised her onlyfans?

>> No.23043157

does she have it?

>> No.23043208


>> No.23043216

You guys have short memories, and this is old news. About 3-4 years ago she did a set of nude videos/pictures as part of an art modeling gig and sold them on OF or some other site. One Anon paid for access then shared them on all on here.

>> No.23043226

you gotta be kidding

>> No.23043241

because you're a fucking faggot

>> No.23043254

Nah. I think I have the link to the folder the Anon uploaded on my computer or hard drive somewhere, or maybe the folder itself. It was fine, I suppose, but there was something very sterile and anodyne about the pictures and videos, maybe because they were just her posing nude. She was quite naked I assure you, but there was a certain lack of eroticism to the whole set. I don’t think I looked at them more than once.

>> No.23043258

>maybe because they were just her posing nude.

In the sense that it was video(s) of her posing stationary, since it was part of an art posing thing. It’s sort of a weird effect if you see what I mean; a video of a nude woman holding herself still, basically. Perhaps that’s why it felt odd to see.

>> No.23043266

>but there was a certain lack of eroticism to the whole set
kek. I got to give my verdict.

>> No.23043268

I see

>> No.23043270

Anyone else hate this internet meme where any comment on the attractiveness or lack thereof of a human foot results in accusations of being a foot fetishist? Feet are obviously going to be judged aesthetically. No one wants to date a woman with hulk feet.

>> No.23043281


>> No.23043283

Her feet look fine in that pic, although I’d have to see her soles to properly judge.

>> No.23043284

Eat shit, racist pedoscum--you're probably a footfag even.

>> No.23043286

I think it's just the camera lens

>> No.23043288
File: 443 KB, 1420x1300, the patrician's choice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't be /lit/ unless you like feet.

>> No.23043294

Terrence Malick got fucking Natalie Portman to do a foot scene. He doesn’t get enough praise from the 4chan feet appreciator community.

>> No.23043298

>Natalie Portman to do a foot scene

>> No.23043302

It's in Knight of Cups

>> No.23043363
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23043374

If you look at a pic of a naked chick and even notice the feet, you're a foot fag.

>> No.23043396

Low iq