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23040754 No.23040754 [Reply] [Original]

>I am forgotten

>> No.23040769

he is more relevant than ever, there are silicon valley bros practicing a soft accelerationism with E/acc

>> No.23040782

Good, we should forget this anglo and his schizophrenic ramblings that people often mistake for philosophy

>> No.23040796

people like mark andreessen are shilling him now lol, god the world will never escape the yoke of psychopathic retards

>> No.23040804

>Virtual Futures 96 was advertised as "an anti-disciplinary event" and "a conference in the post-humanities". One session involved Nick Land "lying on the ground, croaking into a mic", recalls Robin Mackay, while Mackay played jungle records in the background."[

>> No.23040809

>Land taught at the New Centre for Research & Practice until March 2017, when the Centre ended its relationship with him "following several tweets by Land this year in which he espoused intolerant opinions about Muslims and immigrants"

>> No.23040812

Where did he go?

>> No.23040816


>> No.23040854
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So when do we get to go full transhuman? I for one would like mechadendrites for... reasons.
You forgot the best part. One of the attendees found it so offensive they shouted, "Some of us are still Marxists, you know!", and left the room.
Why is he backsliding into regular racism after having transcended to the level of hyper-racism?

>> No.23040855

Very interesting stuff


>Q1. I wonder if you could elaborate on what exactly is concealed … what will be revealed by apocalypse?

>R1. What is concealed (the Occult) is an alien order of time, which betrays itself through ‘coincidences’, ‘synchronicities’ and similar indications of an intelligent arrangement of fate. An example is the cabbalistic pattern occulted in ordinary languages – a pattern that cannot emerge without eroding itself, since the generalized (human) understanding and deliberated usage of letter-clusters as numerical units would shut down the channel of ‘coincidence’ (alien information). It is only because people use words without numerizing them, that they remain open as conduits for something else. To dissolve the screen that hides such things (and by hiding them, enables them to continue), is to fuse with the source of the signal and liquidate the world.

>> No.23040865

irrelevant to /lit/

>> No.23040878

>be nick land
>read books
>wrote books
What have you done?

>> No.23040882


See my ramblings:

In particular

There is the concept hyperstition and the possibility of hyperstitionally inducing this concept. I claim this is what I did, and I can feel this is also the route Nick Land went along. Can someone who has more experienced with this man's writings confirm ?

>> No.23040902

what has he contributed to society other than another useless ideology, academics love to wallow in their own filth

>> No.23040921

He inspired his students to make music.

>> No.23040926

By 2030s AI will be a trillion dollar industry and have transformed society, that is just one aspect of it all too mind you. But once again everyone will be reminded this is just one epoch, and in 5 years they’ll realize more time has subtly slipped away from them. Anti-aging is well underway, quantum computing a reality, full trans human society I give it 10 years desu.

>> No.23040934

don't forget that society will be controlled by a few companies

>> No.23040980

That should be interesting to see happen.. In China I'm not sure if that's possible given how much power the party has, and I'm unsure of what Land's outlook for it is either though I know he likes it. I can't imagine corps being more powerful than the government in America, though it's not a far reach at this point. I just can't picture how it might happen exactly.

>> No.23041016

don't American politicians all work for the lobby, it's the most absurd democracy I can imagine where you have to have huge amounts of wealth and funding to do politics. I am saying this because most companies that are not fortunate 500 are very far away of using ai in their processes. My hope is that ai will also get rid of most managers and businesses people that contribute nothing to the daily operations

>> No.23041311

Politicians already rely heavily on oligarchs. If you want power within your party you need a base of power that isn't accountable to it. That means allies in every institution (banks, courts, police, universities, news networks, etc). You need to vet your network for loyalty, which requires substantial non-profit organisations (private trusts, foundations, NGOs, think tanks, etc). All of this requires private income streams on a scale that can only be provided by the largest corporations.
It doesn't matter if you have a 1 party state like China, or a 2 party democracy or even a multiparty democracy with PR voting. The process for getting power is the same.
>I can't imagine corps being more powerful than the government in America
If the government displeases them they will simply replace the government with their own people. I've had a sneaking suspicion for a while that this is what the Heritage Foundation donors are currently doing with Project 2025.
>inb4 Trump is a retard tho
That's exactly why they would pick him as a front man. A member of their own class who is easy for them to control, but still inspiring enough to have people fighting for him in the streets.
Yes, and "lobby" is just the legal term for "acceptable bribery". The government is for sale, so long as you go through the proper channels.

>> No.23041322

Nick Land was saying this would occur in the 2010s...and then it didn't

>> No.23041345

The trillion dollar industry is a projection by financial institutions. We can see most of this developing real time. Also when did he ever give a specific timeframe? Regardless most of his writings and work was timed before this millennium eve began, before the Iphone or Facebook got going.

>> No.23041634

>hasn't posted on Twitter in three months
He's dead. Taken out by Xi Jinping.

>> No.23042170
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How do I write prose like Land and gain a superficial understanding of his philosophy? Is reading/studying Fanged Noumena enough?

>> No.23042199

He’s been traveling

>> No.23042232


>> No.23042248

That's obviously ai or a zoomer aping him

>> No.23042252

>In China I'm not sure if that's possible given how much power the party has
Dostoyevsky said beauty will save the world. He was dead wrong, it's multipolarity.

>> No.23042645

Read Deleuze (at least AO and ATP, use Holland’s introduction to help you), probably read bataille, nietzsche, Marx as well. Read Lovecraft, cyberpunk novels, and do a little bit of speed. good to go.
The later stuff you can raw dog it’s pretty comprehensible maybe familiarize yourself with Darwin

>> No.23043126

Fanged Noumena isn’t the whole picture, but it is a start.

>> No.23043141


>> No.23043320

The Anti-Anglo crowd needs to leave. Go start an image board in your mother tongue.

>> No.23043326

what’s the difference between young land and old land?
is better off for Techno-Capital to united the world under one government/one market or separate National market.
Why does Land likes Racism so much?

>> No.23043757

china seems set to be cold war II, so bipolarity. multipolarity will do nothing unless it is in europe.

>> No.23043800

I said superficial understanding, but thanks.

>> No.23043808

Explain why, because it isn't true

>> No.23043813

It’s an shame Nick Land never finished his works before passing..

>> No.23043846

There used to be fascinating Technics threads on /lit/
They hit me right when I was going through peak technoshizophrenia

>> No.23043895

I just moved to Shanghai. I wonder where he hangs out so I can meet him...

>> No.23043899

that is a superficial understanding.

>> No.23043929

It sounds awfully inefficient way to be merely surface level.
Why are philosophyfags like this?

>> No.23045257

He wrote an intro for the Shanghai World Expo guide. So I'm guessing you would find him at niche cultural events.

>> No.23045270

He finished them after passing, then sent them back in time to the 1990s.

>> No.23045361
File: 131 KB, 2000x1333, wandering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he likes to wander too?

>> No.23045438

because like any discipline the more obscure you go the harder it gets to understand. why is this so difficult for you westoids to get? jfc get off your ass and read a book instead of posting on 4chan all day.

>> No.23045691

I don't want to understand it, you ESL. I want to misunderstand it. Read between the lines for once instead of trying to make an acolyte of everyone.

>> No.23045703

>you ESL
that's like playing the holocaust card, you london-dweller

>> No.23045705

No one ever mentions Xenosystems. Meanwhile that's probably his largest text corpus.

>> No.23045778

Oh shit I didn't realized he dropped @Outsideness
Shame because that was a good handle

>> No.23045915


>> No.23045957

Well, his tweets are very boring. And I like his writing generally.

>> No.23045990

quite fascinating how an upright man can "evolve" to the level of a snake on LSD
all those 90s and 00s and even 10s wasted on... what?!

>> No.23046164

Never read any Land. Where's a good place to start?

>> No.23046183

his outsideness twitter was pretty cool, at least compared to his writings or his new twitter

>> No.23046220


>> No.23046453

>Read between the lines
>can’t figure out how to get a superficial understanding of someone’s writing
God you people are mentally disabled. Cocoon yourself in your shitstained chair until they figure out a cure for your terminal retardation, I’m begging you.

>> No.23047028

Hume or Engels.

>> No.23047191


Why does he act like a midwit American conservative on Twitter, despite having such elaborate philosophical beliefs?

>> No.23047405

The Terminator films

>> No.23047987

Honestly I would rather have land have been forgotten and remained obscure. He was always misinterpreted a lot in the past even among people who should know better, but his work has now entered the normalfag counsciousness completely bastardized. I'm talking about the "e/acc" people. They just take the surface level aesthetics (they like saying technocapital a lot, accelerationism is when fast) among with common misinterpretations of his work (taking the technophilia at face value and not as a vehicle for the Outside, having zero understanding of deleuzian&g metaphysics or materialist psychiatry, when he says capitalism he is talking about the neo-lib economic system rather than an undefinable force, etc) with absolutely no clue about anything yet they are the most influencial this strain of thought has ever been. You have legions of retards identifying as accelerationist who don't even know who he is. Don't ask them about any other CCRU writers or even just the blog you'll be met with the fluoride stare.

>> No.23048340

if you want a superficial understanding check out justin murphy's vids on meltdown (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3M7p3hmVNM&list=PLo7qEJPyC_VPulxQYO817V-6pgldpv4VX)) and c.j. cala's vids on fanged noumena (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_E30OyNbHE&list=PLYcqM2Ojf48KH0ySxRThlEAW0DwWAsNKz).).

if you want a more in-depth understanding of land >>23042645 pretty much got it right.

>> No.23048345

All I really know about this guy is that lib faggots used to be cool with him because he talks in a faggy nerd voice and uses big made up words and talks about nothing, but then he said black people commit crime or something and they disowned him. Just JK Rowling for the extremely online

>> No.23048359

for his later work

>> No.23048641

psychopathic retards are based because they torment niggercattle like you

he's not smart enough to understand archaeogenetics so he settles for basic bitch HBD

>> No.23048654

incorrect, america is mexican and europe is brown/black, both spics and arabs/nigs are cucked to BRICS
the future is unipolarity masquerading as unipolarity

>> No.23048668

>quantum computing a reality,
lol. lmao even

>> No.23048685

>read nietzsche and some morons who say the exact opposite of nietzsche
it literally is, though.
people will just plug themselves into the experience machine, wonder what will happen to anyone who won't

>> No.23049864
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what does he see in him?

>> No.23049951

A useful idiot he can manipulate for lolz

>> No.23049982

it just makes me wonder if he knows how to solve any problems at all, or how much he's being paid, or if he even needs to do anything at all

>> No.23050157

he severed all previous ties and moved to Shanghai. i think he writes about bitcoin now

>> No.23050355

Someone who can inadvertently help bring about human extinction.

>> No.23051045


>> No.23051066

why did he go dark again he was making based tweets

>> No.23052176

Why solve problems when bringing them to their logical conclusion brings about their transcendence?

>> No.23052206

guy is 62 and still using edgy online handles like a 16 year old

>> No.23052243

do you guys remember girardfag and does anyone have any archives of his posts/threads?

>> No.23052267

i just want to know what China is paying him for, or more specifically what exactly he s getting up to given his past work. it's probably something scary, if you really think about it.

>> No.23052370

Probably something like this:

>> No.23052811

in these videos >>23048340 the dudes just seem gamer-brained and in the meltdown essay murphy quotes there's shit like:
>Meltdown has a place for you as a schizophrenic HIV+ transsexual chinese-latino stim-addicted LA hooker with implanted mirrorshades and a bad attitude. Blitzed on a polydrug mix of K-nova, synthetic serotonin, and female orgasm analogs, you have just iced three Turing cops with a highly cinematic 9mm automatic.

these IDW nerds like yarvin etc. just cannot stop talking about the matrix or lord of the rings and their idea of edgy is this kind of 90s cyberpunk shit (to be fair that essay is from the 90s but they still talk like this and think it's cool). very strange to have such a boring aesthetic for a potentially bizarre and dangerous ideology about how technology and capitalism combined are a literal cosmic vampire that feasts on human misery and if you can't beat 'em you might as well join 'em.

>> No.23052846

can believe i thought this guy was an intellectual
lmao @ the trash he posts

>> No.23052901

So... has anyone actually read his work? And I'm not talking about Meltdown, which he wrote in his 30s.

>> No.23052906

i've read some of his blog posts

>> No.23052967

source it's really him?

>> No.23053072

It's in the video description of this interview. Presumably the host would have asked:

>> No.23054466

What's the technical term for the aesthetic of Dune? It's probably a better fit for their ideas.

>> No.23054475

that's what happens when you fry your brain with drugs during your formative years.

>> No.23054500

He probably did that for money. I am going to try the French Quarter. A lot of white people hang out there. I saw a recent pic of him and he looks very old and grey haired with glasses.

>> No.23054502

>recommending faggot youtuber nonsense on a literature board
Kill yourself, cunt. Honestly.

>> No.23054503

Do people actually take this fucking clown seriously?

>> No.23054505

deadly serious

>> No.23054508

It's very very tiring being even moderately big with over a few thousand followers and being on Twitter. If you have mainstream views you'll get hate every day, but if you are anti-mainstream you'll be attacked with 100 times the volume from normies and radical SJWs alike. It is fucking exhausting and gets to people, changes them over time.

>> No.23054512

Why? Why on earth?!

>> No.23054518

seems sort of prescient with all the ai stuff that is happening, like he has insight about accelarationism that is getting more and more credible

>> No.23054522

>fast cars?
>hot women?
>cool places he lived?

>> No.23054527

He's not being paid for anything. Him and his wife both had university degrees so they were able to get work visas to teach English and they emigrated there. It's a comfortable middle class life. I know it doesn't sound romantic but he pretty much destroyed all of his credibility and ability to earn income in the Zionist controlled "Western" academic establishment. You do what you have to to survive.

>> No.23054543

I bought Fanged Numemoeinfoanf like 8 years ago, I even took an hour long (one way) bus ride to the industrial outskirts of the city to pick it up from a depot after I missed the delivery.
Convince me to actually read it this year, my backlog is massive

>> No.23054547

>strange to have such a boring aesthetic
It's literally been the "cool" aesthetic for the last five years or so heh. Music, fashion, games... Go outside, man.

>> No.23054551

Prove he has a wife
AI is getting more advanced so considering 'capital' as a superintelligent God self-projecting itself into the present from the future through AI, or whatever fucking nonsense he spouts, make sense? Are you retarded?

>> No.23054558

yeah basically all of the ai industry, which is the most important technology in like 50 years and possibly ever, is accelerationists vs doomers, basically a paradigm invented by land

>> No.23054565

>Prove he has a wife
I love that basedlennial and zoomers find the concept of wives so impossible that you have to "prove" someone has one. Newsflash retard: every Gen X and boomer who wasn't a faggot (and even then...) could get a wife even if they were broke, drug addicted losers.

>> No.23054569

Such a paradigm was not 'invented' by Land. Any major technology throughout history had people who supported it's further development and those who didn't. Nick Land invented terms that have been butchered by normies. Most people who work in AI have not even heard of Nick Land.

>> No.23054571

No it's that you have been continuously claiming that Nick Land has a wife for weeks and you have not once provided any evidence for it.

>> No.23054572

well can you at least admit he was the first person to talk about the concept of accelerationism

>> No.23054581

He wasn't and even he admits that. Accelerationism has its origin in Deleuzian schizobabble. Nick Land maybe formalized it and gave it clearer conceptual existence but he wasn't the first person to 'talk' about it.

>> No.23054583

This is the first time I've posted in a Nick Land thread, and it's common knowledge he has a British wife. So you've been arguing with someone else.

>> No.23054589

which deleuzian was first to talk about accelerationism? I know it wasn't delueze himself. it would be interesting to read the first people who used this term. Nick Land was certainly among the first. and if you look at the twitter handles of many ai researchers they have stuff like e/acc in it

>> No.23054598

Deleuze and his boyfriend in Anti-Oedipus. Read it. e/acc is a normie vulgarization of Land's thought.

>> No.23054599
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Good goy! Discuss our operatives!

>> No.23054603

ok I will read it!

>> No.23054646

Same question, been looking for a while

>> No.23054649

hes just like me

>> No.23055024

He lived in the same town where Crowley was born. Don't know if this has anything to do with his alleged amphetamine psychosis or if that's purely coincidental.