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23036767 No.23036767 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23036769


>> No.23036773

'che mamada

lol what a ridiculous name!

>> No.23036795

Liked purple hibiscus, however not Americanah. I studied under a Nigerian professor, who happened to be one of the protégés of Wole Basedinka, and he said the book embodies the attempts to step away from pan-Africanism and other pessimistic black ideologies towards those that portray Africans as intelligent successful and cultured. The issue is that while this is a reality for many Africans it excludes many back home. Americanah is a book for the children of politicians and doctors. No real Nigerian in the slums would be able to relate. I still read her stuff out of obligation though.

T. Nigerian

>> No.23036873

you already have a thread for this garbage

>> No.23036938


>> No.23036969

As a nigerian what would you rate her looks, and what is a 10/10 in nigeria

>> No.23036973

Redpill me on Nigeria, can you save Africa? What is the problem? Are Bantus just dysgenic apes? How do we get Africa, or parts of Africa, up to pre-2000 Europe tier prosperity without using gay liberalism?

>> No.23036974

Nigeria is literally bantu central

>> No.23036978

Then what the fuck happened to the ones that travelled south/east?

>> No.23036990

This post shows a stunning lack of understanding of Africans and their lack of potential as a species. Go watch Empire of Dust.

>> No.23037007

As a white nationalist I want to see Africa thrive. If we could help create one "model state" in Africa it could be a model to the others. What if one hundred years of passive eugenics was enough to boost the average IQ to 80, 90, or even higher?

>> No.23037009
File: 142 KB, 1200x700, Afar-girl-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ethiopeans, Bushmen and a few other african ethnicities are pretty normal looking though, I'd wager some parts of africa really are poor because of historical events and others are due to bantu swarms

>> No.23037015

As a fellow white nationalist, I would say that the most humane solution would be to send all the Africans back to Africa and let them hash it out themselves, as they were doing before Europeans discovered them. The less humane solution would be to send all Africans back to Africa and then release some kind of contagious, flesh-eating virus so that we could enjoy the natural resources and beauty of Africa without dealing with niggers.

>> No.23037021

Africans are poor because niggers are stupid. It's literally that simple.

>> No.23037041

I don't think we should burden Africa with true niggers, African Americans. The latter have been dysgenically bred and allowed to accumulate a lot of karmic baggage and have effectively differentiated from the (multiple) species of original blacks in Africa. I agree African Americans (niggers) should be quarantined somewhere, but I think this can be done relatively easily without swamping already struggling African countries with them. Maybe another, more tightly managed Liberia type solution would be good. Niggers already don't care about political sovereignty, they only want welfare gibs, so we can just give them a better welfare state all in one area instead of having them spread out in white societies.

As for Africa, I think we should indeed let them mostly sort themselves out in Africa but I think it should become a "project" of Europe to help them as much as possible. Guidance, advising, maybe some infrastructure, etc.

Of course all this hangs on successfully getting the Fourth Reich (or something similar like Eurosiberia) up and running.

>> No.23037047

Why basedinka get a nobel while achebe didn't when he wasn't even criticizing colonials in things fall apart?

>> No.23037053

>I think it should become a "project" of Europe to help them as much as possible

>> No.23037054

>one shot at life
>be named "chimpmanda"

>> No.23037057

>A species (pl. species) is often defined as the largest group of organisms in which any two individuals of the appropriate sexes or mating types can produce fertile offspring, typically by sexual reproduction.
>largest group
I get you're just trying to be edgy but when it results in being so demonstrably incorrect it doesn't really work.

>> No.23037066

No, we've been saturating them with Euro-liberal fantasy projects and European-style capital buildings. I'm saying let them revert to a more organic society that is actually commensurate with their normal way of life, but then teach them how to build clean wells, and re-teach them if they forget. No naivete about it. Go back to Albert Schweitzer type paternalism, with lower stakes because we aren't trying to conquer and govern them or convert them into little Europeans.

Then, like I said, maybe after a century or two of reasonable passive eugenics, we'll find that they go from being nigger-tier 65IQ average to 95IQ. That would be pretty damn good. But I bet with a century or two you could get even higher.

>> No.23037073

For clarification: When I say Schweitzer, I DON'T mean Christianize them. I just mean his affectionate but paternalistic views.

>> No.23037097

It puzzles me how westerners still haven't understood why Africa is the way it is. Think about Haiti's story for once, its struggle for independence from France and the consequent treatment it got from Europe and the US. They punished and isolated it for trying to get rid of slavery. The US did the same thing and got respected and then left alone. Today Haiti doesn't have or isn't even allowed to have allies. Now apply that story to Africa keeping in mind that Europeans left Africa permanently dependent with fucked up borders and neocolonial trade agreements that would leave it perpetually tied to the colonial economic model of exporting raw materials and importing machinery and loans. It's not all of Europe's fault, rather the limited interaction with the rest of the world and at such a late period also played a role. Africa got its invite to the birthday party too late in the game, so the lessons that europeans and asians learnt 500 yrs ago about governing multicultural societies are being discovered today, etc. I mean look at how long the germanics took to perfect their societies after rome fell, 800 yrs from caesar invading gaul and germania to carolingian merovingian, charlemagne, dynasties and that only happened after western rome was completely destroyed.

>> No.23037196

>le bantu
the most hopelessly dysfunctional Sub-Saharan countries are literally non-Bantu
>Burkina Faso
>South Sudan

>> No.23037579

LMAO, Bantus are farmers and unlike pastoralist communities, they had a concept of private land not just roaming about with cattle. This led to them clashing with whites who wanted to grab their farmlands for themselves. In places like Kenya you saw whites taking the kikuyu plateau (kikuyu farmlands) to create the white highlands.

Colonialists therefore generally hated the Bantu because they offered the most resistance to settlers.
Currently it is easier to work with African countries that are majority Bantu than lets say nilotic or the cushitic peoples.

Bantu hatred reeks of colonial Ressentiment

>> No.23037726

chimichanga ngubu who?

>> No.23037763
File: 179 KB, 1216x573, chimamanda ngozi adichie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chief Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
>master's degree in creative writing at Johns Hopkins University
>Master of Arts degree in African studies from Yale University
>2022: made the Odeluwa of Abba, a Nigerian chief, by the kingdom of Abba in her native Anambra State. She was the first woman to receive such an honour from the kingdom

>> No.23037931


It's mostly a matter of insfrastructure, which thankfully the Chinese are now solving, so Africa will develop and become prosperous in the future. Just give it some time.

>> No.23038015

I'd bleach her

>> No.23038209

There are few things less horrifying to imagine than a chinese fried nigger.

>> No.23038234

I love how Haiti gets to kill all the white people on the island and then also blame whites for their failures lmao. As usual, blacks beed unlimited access to white resources or else they will die, and that becomes whiteys problem for some reason lmao

>> No.23038251

We are going to solve honkey-nigger relations in this thread and save Africa or die trying. I implore both sides to stay civil. Let's set aside historic grievances and assume that all parties are interested in real solutions.

Now I ask again: How do we make Africa great again, while also benefiting or minimally inconveniencing Europe?

>> No.23038284

>to step away from pan-Africanism and other pessimistic black ideologies towards those that portray Africans as intelligent successful and cultured.

360° turn over
Why are they like this ? What's their fucking problem ?

>> No.23038547


>> No.23038593

Selective breeding until we can get them to gain 10-15 average IQ, then kill all the rest

>> No.23039070

Bless you?

>> No.23039106

Yea just like how europeans killed each other by the millions and blame hitler for it. You think you are special because you don't blame anyone? Don't you also blame blacks for your problems in the us and africa? Aren't smart or powerful enough to deal with them?

>> No.23039108
File: 364 KB, 680x454, eoddrives.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teach them
I hate you, I fucking hate your stupid ass so much.

>> No.23039125

Black intelligence on full display lmao. Americans blame blacks for social problems because they still live here and commit all of the crime and are a net drain on our tax base, you are blaming whites for Haiti being awful, when they literally kicked every white out of their island paradise nation and then it turned into a shithole lmao. See the difference?

>> No.23039130
File: 120 KB, 1440x960, Homicides-by-Race-desktop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't you also blame blacks for your problems in the us
don't make me tap the sign

>> No.23039313

That's beside the point. Using your 'superior iqs' and capital you should be able to solve that problem. Stop blaming a supposedly poor and unintelligent demographic for a problem you should be able to solve. You can't have it both ways. Either blacks are stupid and you are smarter and should be able to control them, or blacks are as equally intelligent as you are and you are having a hard time negotiating their grievances. You have to decide what narrative is more accurate.

>> No.23039348

this is the stupidest nigger cope I've ever read in my life
>if you're so smart, how come you can't niggers not be niggers?
I hope you get shot in a drive by tonight, you worthless pavement ape

>> No.23039393

Stop blaming blacks for your problem whitoid. Use your superior iqs to solve the problem. What's so hard about that? Do parents blame their children for misbehaving? You brought these people into your countries, mistreated them, discriminated against them and are now surprised that they continue acting the way they do. You have had 400 yrs to fix this problem but still complain of muh black violence. Use your high iqs.

>> No.23039411
File: 271 KB, 1021x1282, hitler201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Use your superior iqs to solve the problem
Something of that variety is certainly coming, mostly due to milder and nicer solutions being prevented, or openly stomped on and mocked

>> No.23039849

literally isolate them and let them live in their natural state, africa doesn't need to become anything
if you want their resources, at least be consistent about it and plunder them into extinction, no halfass humanitarian bullshit or education retardation

>> No.23039862

I did the maths. Extracting uranium from sea-water would "only" double electricity costs. At some point, this will happen. Imagine their face when they can throne on their resource like kings

>> No.23039871

>imagine their face
who are you talking about ? africans ?

>> No.23039879

yes, obviously.

>> No.23039950

see, what could give them enough power to stay on the throne when the world powers would want the ressources ?

>> No.23040008


>> No.23040729
