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23033124 No.23033124[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

books when you know it's over

>> No.23033129

At least his dad asked

>> No.23033133

>Spend about a 1000 euros for a budget PC
>Marvelous improvement over the ancient piece of shit I was using before
>End up playing Gothic II
It's okay though, I'm not disappointed, I knew it would be like this.

>> No.23033140

Notes from the underground

>> No.23033141

You should have bought a ps2 europoor

>> No.23033151

I'll take poverty over having to live an existence where my only purpose is to act as a golem for my Jewish overlords, my boisterous little Amerigolem.

>> No.23033156


>> No.23033160

I spent a few hours today playing dynasty warriors 3 on pcsx2, hadn’t used that for a few years and goddamn the new version is great.

>> No.23033182

PS2 is Japanese

>> No.23033192

True. I can't tell you how much I relate. Bought a gaming rig a few years back right before the cryptoshit and the pandemic took off, and I still prefer to play Counter-Strike 1.5/1.6, Quake III Arena, Warcraft 3, GTA:San Andreas, and Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines.
New shit is rarely interesting anymore. Even stuff like Cyberpunk 2077, Red Dead Redemption 2, Witcher 3, God of War 2018 and GTA V are so lackluster and soulless, it's crazy. There's literally no soul in any of it, and feels like watching a modern blockbuster where the movie had to go through like 50 committees all with their shit opinions and outdated/boring views on it just to make the movie as least offensive and inclusive as possible, resulting in a bland and inoffensive blob of nothingness.

Honestly, literature is the only medium where I can feel the spirit and character ooze the most. I have more fun learning Old English and reading Beowulf than I do playing video games really.

>> No.23033201

Everything went corporate, music, movies, vidya.
You can still find the lone autismo doing his thing like the dev of Underrail or John Maus (who's actually prolly autistic).

>> No.23033206

The Ascent of Mount Carmel and The Dark Night of the Soul.

>> No.23033232

I used to love that. I've meaning to revisit the metal gear games and sotc ps2 had sovl.
Conspiracy Against the Human Race
maybe Heart of Darkness it was for me at least
Calm down Hans. You can still buy a ps2

>> No.23033237

Are you tripping, son?

>> No.23033255

You can play PS2 on PC.

>> No.23033260

>Get recommended to buy all these expensive parts with setup costing thousands
>Time to get some games
>Get recommended Minecraft, terraria or or some indie game with SNES graphics. Or games from 10+ years ago

It was like that everytime ive built a PC, last time being in 2014, and I'm guessing it's the same now

>> No.23033431
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>never get into building a PC
>always buy a mid range shitbox for a few hundred and run it until it explodes after 10 years
Get fucked nerds. Imagine spending 1000s on a bing bing wahoo machine

>> No.23033496


>> No.23033499
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over with what?

>> No.23033519
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It's over.

>> No.23033558

Red Dead 2 and GOW 2018 are actually kino tho, sorry you got filtered :(

>> No.23033573
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Skill issue. I enjoy benchmarking. I help other people build PCs. I like modding Skyrim.

>> No.23033598

>suicide for dummies
>how to die - NEET edition
>my bussy, my choice
>how to be gay in 21 days
many books available for u

>> No.23033648
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>build a ~2K PC after 7 years of using the old one
>excited to finally play Death Stranding
>can't play at all
>have clocked in 5 hours of gameplay and am on Chapter 2
>try an RTS
>suck at it
>keep buying games during Steam Sales
>play nothing because it's been so long since I've played any vidya that I am both no longer good at it, and I have no patience for any learning curve
>just use my PC to put vids on Youtube on background while I'm working, and watch movies
>have even forgotten what I knew about programming/PCs and literally cannot do anything but use it for movies and internet browsing
I hate that I became even more retarded as I grew up...

>> No.23033659

Don't worry anon, it'll get worse.

>> No.23034290


>> No.23034302

I'm like this except it's because I started reading fiction/history, I just can't imagine sitting there and playing something 1% as deep as a book twenty fucking times when all you're really doing is playing 6 or 7 minigames glued together

That's all any of these fucking games are, a bunch of little minigames taped to a shitty story.

>> No.23034333

What a queer

>> No.23034334

You deserve all the migrants you get

>> No.23034343

>There's literally no soul in any of it, and feels like watching a modern blockbuster where the movie had to go through like 50 committees all with their shit opinions and outdated/boring views on it just to make the movie as least offensive and inclusive as possible, resulting in a bland and inoffensive blob of nothingness.
too real, this has ruined literally all art

>> No.23034403

would you include rimworld dev Tynan Sylvester to be a part of that

>> No.23034489

Better to Have Never Been

>> No.23035598


>> No.23035608

Seeing Minecraft shit at #1 trending on youtube the other day did make me realize we are probably in some kind of cultural recession

>> No.23035785


Appreciate what you have and drop your idiotic pretensions. It's not ideal but it's far better than dying in the mud for the interests of blood-sucking elites. You have far more chances to lead a better life than any of your forefathers ever dreamt of.

>> No.23035812

These fags are likely no older than 20 and have yet to realize that most of us end up having dead average lives.

>> No.23035830

I hope the unlikely heralding of WW3 wakes this generation up, that is unless the elites go scorched earth. They absolutely need a toughening up. Most of them are complete nonfunctional humans and require a massive perspective shift. Life can be average but that isn't a bad thing. There's bodies on the ground that would love to be OP, playing dumb and fun games and all he has to worry about is what he'll play next. This generation is so maladjusted and unaware of their privileged and easy lives that it makes my eyes bloodshot from anger.

>> No.23035858

That's all gaslighting faggotry. Dying in a war is tragic. War is tragic. The total execution of the human spirit, producing a society of people who sit around consuming entertainment and becoming more and more socially insular, is also a tragedy. It's killing people through suicides and attrition.

I can always spot a faggot, a million miles away.
>their suffering isn't real bc other people suffered too and some of them even died in wars!
Faggot detected, target engaged

>> No.23035865

I don't know man I feel you're right but what else is there? What else will give them that shakeup? That perspective shift? Cause to see and appreciate life?

>> No.23035869


>> No.23035914

>I spent a crazy amount of money to enable my arressted development so I can sit around and play video games all day and it hasn't offered my life anything substantial. Therefore I'll sulk and whine rather than sell it and use the money for something more productive like a gym membership, or save it in my bank account to get driving lessons or go on holiday. Wow, feel bad for me because I don't enjoy videogames anymore and living like a literal manchild. But instead of confronting this issue head on and growing up, I'll simple release myself from all responsbility and keep staring at this gay, illuminated desktop and keep complaining
God, I hate gamers so much. Books for this feel?

>> No.23035939

The Desert of the Tartars.

>> No.23035941

Diary of the average single millennial.

>> No.23035944

after you finished try out Archolos. Very good mod for Gothic 2 with a bigger more detailed world. There is also a german version for it with TTS.

>> No.23035959

I agree with you. Once I got into reading I realised just how shallow and similar every single game is. Even old RPGs that are ten times as complex as modern games are miles behind any book. I was hoping games would be immersive books where you are part of the world but I guess that is just too hard / expensive. Also, normies don't want that. They just want big empty worlds with lots of cutscenes

>> No.23035972

Zoomzooms just can't stop projecting.

>> No.23035974

Im older than you fatlennial. Telling how you immediately had to resort to coping lmao. Post belly boy.

>> No.23035977

>instant furious response

>> No.23035980

I just returned to the catalog and saw this thread got bumped but notice who of us coped first.
No need to
>no u
if it doesn't apply to you, average single millenial.

>> No.23035985


>> No.23035986


I think the last quarter of G2 sucked, which is a pity, since the rest of the game, including the expansion, was top tier

>> No.23035991

Hey if the shoe fits.
Hope you grow up soon boy.

>> No.23036241

The book of disquiet.

>> No.23036538
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How much more? I literally feel as if my skull is empty. As if there's a crater on the back and there's nothing there. It's this sort of "phantom pain" like sensation. How much dumber can I get?
You're both right in a sense, but my problem is that I always want to give anything a chance. But because as time has gone on and my brain has degraded, thus I cannot properly articulate why I find something to be subpar, I feel insecure about it and I have it ringing at the back of my head. As if there's some hidden knowledge or greatness in that "ludo" vidya I haven't finished yet, and I need to do it. It took me literally a decade to finish Deus Ex Human Revolution, because I'd play only once every few months. But then I finished and... it was fine, I guess. The problem I think is that we've seen pretty much most of the things that they have to tell, so what's left? You can get the same story beats from the average 2-hour Hollywood slop or some artsy "film", regardless of the genre.

If I play a vidya, I want to relax and just have fun, with a TPS/FPS/HNS. But those are always a rudimentary story held together by set-pieces. If I have fun, I can ignore it and just waste an hour, but these days I cannot think of anything that's just "fun". Vidya have become so bloated that everything feels like a tedious job. I used to like RPGs, now I can't stand them because it's so much time invested into something that becomes tiresome shortly and is ultimately meaningless. Back in the day you wanted the game to be big, so that you could immerse yourself into that world. Now that I'm older my tastes have more or less solidified and I cannot "get lost" in any world anymore. If something "clicks" with me entirely I'd want to give it a shot, but that's rare.

I don't know. I'd like to get better at RTS games because I guess I could sharpen my strategic skills, but where does it end? I bought a 4X game and it was an absolute timesink. Then I said
>only good story driven vidya from now on
which brought me to the points I mentioned above. I just don't know anymore. Vidya just have a LOT of bloat and filler. Same with TV shows. But whereas you can fast-forward a tv show, skip a page in a book, and so on, you can't do that with a game, you have to keep doing the same things over and over to get to the end.

Even non-fiction books have started weighing me down. I feel this tremendous suffocation at all times, as if I'm at crossroads and forced to choose, but I do not know what to do. I'm constantly tempted to just let it all burn and go and do nothing at all. Why watch that movie or why read that book, why devote time to read that fantasy series when you could be reading philosophy and why do that when you could be reading non-fiction related to your work and why do that when you could work out more and- It goes on like that. I just don't know.

All that said, I still feel the need to finish DS because of how unique it looks, at least.

>> No.23037077
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When you know it's over, there is no book. If your parents cursed you with bad genes; if you have autism, are ugly or short; if you're an idiot, you are effectively and practically invisible. People who haven't yet experienced what it is to be truly lost will try to delude you into thinking that there's still a chance for you to improve even when you're 26 and balding and have no friends or prospects. They'll tell you to work out, go to bars, join groups, and when those inevitably don't work because you're awkward, autistic, and unattractive, they'll say either you weren't trying hard enough or that things will get better (when? what things? how?) or there's Christ if you like or some other platitudinous bullshit. This will go on forever until you die.

But if you're so inclined to wallow in and dive completely into misery, I've been reading Ligotti and will probably move on to Schopenhauer; this after trying to find God through Hegel and Kierkegaard. Best wishes to you: at least it ends eventually.

>> No.23037177

Incredible suffering.

>> No.23038496

>get free pc from my dad
>worth 600 euros
>use it to edit photos, work and play games from 2011
>max comfort and productivity unlocked
imagine spending that much money just to play goyslop simulator 2024

>> No.23038506

We're so back.

>> No.23038514

There's nothing good though
>you just play games
I don't do anything. I'm going to be 30 soon. Life is nothing

>> No.23038537

>gym, go on holiday
And that's all there is huh? Is that supposed to make me feel better? That sounds awful

>> No.23038742

Yes, and paying for kids and wife.

>> No.23039028

It is what it is, stop being a faggot anon.

>> No.23039150

I spent a brief period of my life on ssri’s and I was calm, focused and happy. I was still a hopeless loser but at least I enjoyed life. Now I am pushing 30 and barely enjoy anything. I would love to be able to play CSGO or something and have fun again but nowadays video games just make me angry.

>> No.23039157

That may be true, but even those living in total poverty have a purpose in life, I.e improving their situation however they can. But in a society with every necessity provided and anxiety tranquilised, what is there to live for?

>> No.23039180

>t. consumer

>> No.23039528
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Try stoicism.

>> No.23039666

>I don't want to spend it on something boring like gyms when I want funko pops and robux!!
You're a poor excuse of a man. Hopefully you'll never be able to pass your genes on

>> No.23039819

I want neither

>> No.23039865

Physical exercises are objectively boring - it's a plain and simple mechanical repetition. It is enjoyable through the pleasure that a man derives from caring about and honing his body - but for that pleasure to be obtainable a man has to love himself and desire to see himself prospering and in health. If a man doesn ot care about himself and his health, then he will not be able to enjoy physical exercise, and there's no use in sending him to the gym. He needs to find worth in his existence first, which will give him the strength adn determination to work on improving that existence.

>> No.23039925

NTA but I am running out of "it is what it is"s

>> No.23040024

This. Except I can't imagine reading shitty fiction and history that's only 1% as deep as philosophy.

>> No.23040035

>pic rel
that's not stoicism, that's nihilism

>> No.23040057

you first retard

>> No.23040067

I had a similar enough outlook and playing through DS solidified it for me. It is a sort of "antigame" which narrativizes the current state of your engagement with gaming. Hollow encouragament contrasting with the long periods of isolation. The story of you falling down a hill and scattering packages everywhere is quantified in a lowered container health percentage.
Today the audience for gaming is happy enough to participate in something they see others are participating in. That's how I'd explain my own difficulty with articulating the subpar and second guessing. Personally, I have expiremented with mod creation and it has brought back a great deal of interest in the fames I used to love.

>> No.23040101

True. That's why the only video games I play nowadays are gameplay focused, like simulators or strategy games. The only story driven games that make some sense are cRPG's, because a lot of them try to be like interactive books or catered D&D experiences. Unfortunately there haven't been any good RPG's released in the last 10 years or so.
>RDR2 kino
If a cowboy soap opera that's at least 20h too long with gameplay that feels as aged and clunky as GTA IV's is good, then that says a lot about the industry. Don't know about GOW, but since it's a Sony production, it's probably a movie "press X to awesome" type game.

>> No.23040111

Based Eurobro.

>> No.23040155

I feel that, I built a rig around the same time and barring a few recent games, ended up doing the same thing with it plus emulation. I'm debating selling it while I can still get some money out of it, and downsizing to a laptop or something.

It doesn't help that I'm borderline old and games just don't hold my attention like they used to.

>> No.23040199

Europe is worse than America in every metric

>> No.23040285

>Europe is worse than America in every metric
Zero arguments from the Amerimutt. Explain.

>> No.23040298

The biggest problem in modern civilization, for Westerners anyway, is that there’s just this intuited sense that there’s nothing worth doing.

>> No.23040302

Wait. Do you really think Europeans are any different in the regard that you’re implying? Europeans fought the two most catastrophic wars in human history at the behest of bankers not even a century ago and faced decades of revolutions and civil unrest after. Do you even know your own history?

>> No.23040501


>> No.23040513

Europe is the same as America except Europe copies modern American culture and America is jealous of Europes historical culture. Both are pozzed and full of blacks/arabs so calling either great is a joke

>> No.23040658

If your idea of stoicism comes down to not giving a shit, you're either a high schooler or a dumbfuck whose main source of philosophical knowledge comes from some internet alpha male guru akin to Andrew Tate who approach the topic very selectively so that it fits their flimsy worldview.

>> No.23040682

>Both are pozzed and full of blacks/arabs
Europe doesn't end on Germany/UK/France. My country is 99% white and there are barely any Arabs in my town aside from the kebab guys, and the only black people I see around here are Americans.


>> No.23040696

Don‘t worry, your nowhere shithole that america briefly used as a soviet buffer state will get enriched now that they don‘t need anything else. It‘s already starting.

>> No.23040807
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I get what you're saying. I actually went back and played DS again yesterday. I was going up and down, up and down, traversing the terrain, and the whole time I kept thinking what a waste it all was. It wasn't fun, it wasn't relaxing, it was just a chore. But I figured, screw it, the story's weird enough to keep my attention. And then I got to Refn talking to Reedus about making bombs out of his feces and urine so that he'd throw them to the oil ghost whales, all the while a ghost baby with an expiration date was in a vase. I could've been learning a language, reading one of my books, working out, doing anything constructive, but no, I was playing a retarded and intentionally frustrating game, so that I could learn the grand message of
>peepo should... be together, gaijin; that'll be 60 dorra and 50 hours
Maybe it'll work as a movie, but it's just so goddamn retarded as a concept, and awfully executed, that there's just no point to it. With a game you have, on paper, virtually unlimited time to get your point across, but ultimately there never is a point. It's how most arthouse flicks take 3 long hours of slowness to say something rudimentary. But with games you have the extra bloat which falls on you and cannot be skipped or sped up. You're actively taking on extra chores for little payoff.

Sometimes I think a game can click enough and give you the time of your life. But if it doesn't click, then there's just no point to try and make it so. That's the conclusion I've more or less come to. They can be fun, but after a certain age, they need to appeal to your specific tastes for you to see it as a worthy investment of your free time.

>> No.23040814

Can’t sympathize. SSRI’s made me totally emotionless.

>> No.23040944

But DS is fun...

>> No.23040950

I never understood people who think about free time like this. Sounds like hell.

>> No.23040958

Bro gta 4 is fun as hell. Maybe you just dislike everything because you're depressed. Rdr2 was amazing

>> No.23041018

Pascal's Pensees

>Let us imagine a number of men in chains and all condemned to death, where some are killed each day in the sight of the others, and those who remain see their own fate in that of their fellows and wait their turn, looking at each other sorrowfully and without hope. It is an image of the condition of man.

>> No.23041206

If you take art for its 'point' you are illiterate.

>> No.23041273

You guys are loners. Playing games with friends is the only reason to do it.

>> No.23042247

You couldn't even understant what he said and yet you're calling someone else illiterate. Kys

>> No.23042592


>> No.23042779
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Although it's kind of a spoiler. To me, I could feel the exact moment all hope was lost, and not having been sure before that moment made it delectably gut-dropping.
Even knowing how it goes, though, it's still a poignantly beautiful portrayal of a society gradually, voluntarily letting itself die, one thing at a time.

>> No.23042801

Typically when euro-cucks shit on america it is someone from a western-euro country who lacks the self-awareness to realise that their country has become a poor imitation of america.
I don’t know much about your eastern euro nations. They do seem quite poor and crime-riddled but I don’t know or care enough to know of those living environments would be nicer than western environments. God bless you either way my friend.

>> No.23043027

Why do you chuds think books work like a power up item in an RPG
>hurr durr if I read this book things will instantly make sense and my life will improve

>> No.23043047

> Parnassian and decadent authors... le bad!
nice attention span you got there zoomzoom

>> No.23043107

Anyone who plays games to relax is the same as someone looking a for a better fix to numb their dread and pain. You need to get a stronger hit of your preferred substance, so try different genres. Think about it like having a porn addiction and your usual stuff just isn't doing it anymore so you move on to incest or furry shit. I recommend getting into fighting games. Those are fucking fun I tell you.

>> No.23043148

Nah ill just do another new vegas playthrough

>> No.23043194

/// He was agonizing over the moral issues involved /// The team returned disconsolate from three losses /// Reading it, you can't help pitying the hapless little girl trapped in the crossfire of a bellicose and bitter split /// There are patches of mildew on the walls /// Sand spits are an ubiquitous feature of sandy coasts with prevailing oblique wave incidence and associated strong littoral drift /// He had been a strict father but was indulgent toward his grandchildren /// Later they discussed the topic more fulsomely /// This illustrates the common error of considering the basolateral amygdala as isomorphic with fear /// Within a staple, fibres were separated by removal of adhesions and twists, then stretched along ruler to straighten crimps /// Had he but known the agony of spirit his daughter was experiencing he would have returned posthaste to Philadelphia /// Alongside the cards, this kit includes forceps, a Petri dish, dropper, tesh tube, blank slides, prepared slides, lens paper, and more /// He has warned some of his more gung ho generals about the consequences of an invasion /// The 1910 midget auto racing season will bow in at Fresno Sunday when speed aces from all sections of California will vie for fame and money on the Airport speedway track /// This had many drawbacks including the added pressure on peewee-aged players (12-year-olds) /// The road system was so complicated that we had to stop to get our bearings several times /// The studio chiefs wanted a marquee name in the lead role /// Our industry's conversion to new methods has been very dilatory /// Society will blink at rude behavior if the person being rude is powerful enough ///