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File: 966 KB, 1391x1492, Hsu-Mark-Fisher-K-Punk-4017402406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23032619 No.23032619 [Reply] [Original]

>mogs every other contemporary cultural and psycho-social theorist utilizing marxist analysis

im so sad that hes dead bros, literally no can replicate his style without come off as dogshit

>> No.23032907

Why does he look like he's about to cry? Why does he have breasts?

>> No.23032937


>> No.23032945

It looks like the photo was taken on the set of "Come and See"

>> No.23032949

I don't understand why you're so obsessed with this guy. And yes, I read his book.

>> No.23033050

>Fuck capit-ACK

>> No.23033145

hes the literal only dude whos critism of current capitalist society wasnt either just making up a bunch of new models and words that have no use when trying to apply them to making change and/or didnt just copy and paste 1800s marxist critique of capitalism to the modern day as if it isnt severly oudated in several key areas
tldr; hes one of the few actually good theorists that didnt just do this: >>23033050

>> No.23033326

Can you recommend a short text for someone who's never read him?

>> No.23033329
File: 125 KB, 648x1000, 91Mnaha0wYL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one you see posted on /lit/ literally every day

>> No.23033351

Refuted by his suicide. Nuff said

>> No.23033353

I meant more like a blog post or essay, not a complete book

>> No.23033355

>dead commie
lol, lmao

>> No.23033373

Retroactively refuted by Guenon

>> No.23033419

http://k-punk.abstractdynamics.org/ (his own archived blog, warning, very 2000s)
https://crackmagazine.net/article/long-reads/mark-fisher-interview/ (interview with him)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSvUqhZcbVg (good vid that goes into his ideas of "the future has been cancelled", i also rec his longer vid about the simpsons as it also goes into cultural theory)

the man literally wrote a blog and thats how he got at first famous enough to publish a book, plus capitalist realism is literally only 200s pages, its short as hell and its pretty readable alll things considered

>> No.23033424

literally how? will admit, aside from reading his wikipedia of his life and activisom and also about the specatator society or whatver the fuck it was called, i havent read any of his work or books about his life

>> No.23033435

for some reason he's been showing up in my youtube algorithm quite a bit lately

>> No.23033441

>kills himself knowing he was never going to write anything original and that he was only capable of writing about original artists and theorists

>> No.23033451

Thank you

>> No.23033460


>> No.23033465

hes one of the same like 7 writers that algorithim trends love with philotube, nietszche, zizek, gunaon, marx are all on constant rotation of like 3 years, only POMO thinker who is on rotation is baulldrillard cus hes the easiest to get, deleuze was trendy for a few weeks but its not happening again since hes so confusing

>> No.23033538


>> No.23033551

why is that book worshipped so much? haven't read

>> No.23033590

the answer to most "why is thing liked so much" is to expiernce it yourself dumbass.
regardless, the forward in this books most recent republication literarally states from someone who sent an email thanking fisher after the book was made, was that there genuinely just wasnt anything else published at a time that gave names to this soul crusihing expiernces that didnt exist prior to the 80s and have infested everything (market stalinism, retromania, "pleasure adomenia" or something i forget the exact phrase but anyone who knows it knows what im talking about)

>> No.23033820

He's right about lost futures and the termination of pop cultural development since the 90s. Art, music, film, architecture...we are trapped and can only reclaim our lost optimism through pastiche
Based 738 disciple

>> No.23033832

When you clean Mark Fisher off of his marxist garbage he is actually quite an insightful gentlemen. The one thing holding him back is his marxism and leftism

>> No.23034137

>tfw zoomers start making creative music again shortly after his death and debunk the whole "we're frozen" spiel

>> No.23034165

He was a cult leader. Acid Communism was nothing more than the Jehovahs Witnesses of the left

>> No.23034221

He explained that on his K-PUNK blog were he blogged as k punk

>OK, most difficult post yet, but here goes….
I was sexually abused by a doctor when I was in my early twenties. It was just after I had been released from psychiatric hospital after my first nervous breakdown and put it into his care for clinical depression.

>It’s interesting that one of the original meaning of the word ‘punk’ was the male subjected to sodomy in jail. Iggy Pop was famously raped by bikers (cf ‘Dirt’ from Funhouse), but the most coldly pitiless observer of the sex/power abuse virus is undoubtedly Swans’ Mike Gira, who was also raped whilst a young man. ‘Keep your head on the ground. Push your ass up. Move around. Cry. Open your mouth

>> No.23034414

About his eyes, it's just what really intelligent, empathetic people look like.

>> No.23034559

I read that this guy was molested by a doctor...A MALE doctor...then he offed himself, and tried to make people think it was because he cared so much about socialism and not because who was ruthlessly buggered . I think I'll give him a skip

>> No.23034575

>we can't imagine living in a non capitalist society
everyone can imagine living in a socialist society, people just don't want that to happen IRL.
t.Guy from an ex socialist country

>> No.23034583

Mau mogs>>23032619