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File: 270 KB, 1400x2144, too-much-and-never-enough-9781471190162_hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23027869 No.23027869 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best anti-Trump book?

>> No.23027879

This book does make you feel bad for trump though, he really is a big kid

>> No.23027881

>the world most dangerous man
Damn this guy seems like he means buiseness

>> No.23027882
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>> No.23027888
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>> No.23027892

That blurb is kind of shit, the book is mostly about Trump's dad bullying all of them, it's kind of epic

>> No.23027893

As a fascist I always found it weird how obsessed liberals are with Trump, he's barely even conservative.

>> No.23027897
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>> No.23027900


>> No.23027904

its not a left right thing its a hitler 2.0 vs not hitler 2.0 thing

>> No.23027928

even if trump wanted to be hitler he is isn't nearly as competent. that being said equating your political enemies to hitler is a good tactic. you don't need to promise anything or do a good job, just you defeating imaginary hitler is enough for anyone who believes this narrative.

>> No.23027943

But he's a terrible Hitler. I can't even get enthusiastic about him. At least give me a Huey Long or something.

>> No.23027946

>hitler 2.0
God I hope this is bait.

>> No.23027960

Yeap, because he is liberal as is. And "liberals" are democratic socialist in worst meaning

>> No.23027966
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Everyone in the government is a morally bad person, every single one of them lies cheats and steals and sells their constituents' futures for bribes. If you refuse to do these things you are pushed out of the circle of criminals. One thing they all agree on is they don't want Trump in the white house, and that means I do want Trump in the white house.

>> No.23027975


>> No.23027977

I think the strongest argument against Trump is that he's more blatantly corporatist than even establishment politicians like Biden. They're working in the same direction, as evidenced by the fact Biden hasn't reversed almost anything Trump started, but establishment politicians considered Trump reckless, while Trump was just blatantly corrupt and nepotistic.

Trump isn't a fascist, but by being such a graceless right wing populist, he opens the door to more competent right wing populists. The next step toward actual fascism would've been something like a DeSantis/Hawley ticket.

The funny thing is, it seems like that theory is actually being debunked by Trump's continued success, though. The leftists who were so worried about the Trump path to fascism predicted that Trump would become irrelevant and would lose to more competent pseudo-fascists like DeSantis. The exact opposite happened - Trump's base loves him so much that they destroyed DeSantis and the even more blatant, extreme populist, Vivek. Which just kinda shows Trumpists just really, really loved Trump. If anything, the only other Republican who even really stood a chance was Haley, who was the most moderate and establishment conservative on the ticket.

>> No.23027991
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I love trump now

>> No.23027995

I meant corporatocratic, not corporatist, btw

>> No.23027999

Voting for Haley is no different than voting for Biden, she's a puppet of the MIC/banking cartel. I like Ramaswamy, it's funny when he just keeps talking over people arguing with him.

>> No.23028014

We should have a thread on words that have lost nearly all meaning in our lifetimes.

>> No.23028027

>The next step toward actual fascism would've been something like a DeSantis/Hawley ticket.
This must be shitposting.

>> No.23028033

>any other -ism or -phobic

>> No.23028039

This post is literally genocide, possibly racist and sexist and definetly written by someone who follows Hilter (Trump)

>> No.23028045

Yea, it's not like Russia has historically tried to genocide Ukrainians during the past 200 years

>> No.23028061
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>Trump isn't a fascist, but by being such a graceless right wing populist, he opens the door to more competent right wing populists
Please be right

This is basically Samuel Francis' thesis. He saw Buchanan as simply coming too early, and he predicted a Trump figure as the manifestation of populist backlash against elite anarcho-tyranny within 20 years. Lo and behold, he was dead on. But I really wish we had another Buchanan instead of this retard Trump. Although, to be honest, if someone with Trump's charisma and sheer luck combined with Buchanan's intelligence and clarity of vision had won or come close to winning in 2016/2020 I think they would have just killed him.

I sometimes wonder if it's a feature, not a bug, of the Trump phenomenon that he didn't really do anything. What I mean is, his job was to "open the gates" and then hold them open by dithering for 8-12 years in the gateway, rather than being a single explosive release of focused Buchananite energy that simply gets crushed and smothered by the establishment - which is JUST strong enough to crush individuals like him, still. In a way, Trump was better, because he just swamped the establishment in shit while sowing seeds of right-wing populism everywhere.

>> No.23028066

Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, and Jeff Bezos, did exceedingly well during the Trump years. Industry loves Trump: No taxes, no regulations, no pesky government overhauls, no school system upgrade. That is why Trump was allowed into office once and will be allowed into office twice.

If all the elites truly hated Trump, he would be a dead man, no question. Presidents are pawns of bankers, military industry and tech. These combined sectors have more power than any government on Earth. If they don't like a president they simply off him, and they are very good at it. No doubt a deranged Taxi Driver type, and of course a deranged journal is always found. What's with assassins and journaling anyways? Hardly anyone but assassins journal nowadays.

>> No.23028083

I think this is a fair take. I also think that the shallowness and celebrity obsession of American culture may be a conundrum for the progression of right wing populism. The earliest figure in American right wing populism was Charles Lindbergh, who was also not very bright, but who Americans also loved because of his celebrity. So, intelligent populists like Buchanan don't get very far because they lack star power, but stupid, incompetent people like Trump, Lindbergh, and Palin get pretty far because people like seeing them on TV.

>> No.23028084

They call this "gut-level gramscianism" and it is perfectly valid

>> No.23028087

If he actually pissed them off they'd whack one of his kids first. When I found out ms13 has a big presence in D.C. I realized they're probably the enforcers of some real nasty people. Seth Rich got off easy.

>> No.23028089

>Russians trying to genocide Russians
What did a retarded gay nigger mean by this?

>> No.23028112

>Trump is that he's more blatantly corporatist than even establishment politicians like Biden
which is laughable considering Biden was the senator from delaware for like a million years

>> No.23028116

>I think the strongest argument against Trump is that he's more blatantly corporatist than even establishment politicians like Biden.
Didn't even mention Trump's own incompetency. Did you see the E Jean Carroll trial(s)? The second trial happened because he couldn't keep his fucking mouth shut, and now has to pay $83.3 million to her.
I don't think anybody is intimidated by Trump. Narcissism always causes a massive fall to anyone. He's too incompetent and egotistical to actually seize power in a proper way; all the people that allowed him to succeed the first time are gone. Not even mentioning all the trials and charges he faces. My guess? He'll be found guilty in one of his criminal trials and will go to prison for a long while.
Can't run for president when you're in prison...but it does raise a constitutional crisis. What the fuck happens if he goes to prison?

>> No.23028121

>gut-level gramscianism
damn tru

If I were to guess what "gut-level Gramscianism" might mean, I would interpret it as an intuitive or instinctual alignment with the ideas of Antonio Gramsci, an Italian Marxist philosopher and communist politician known for his theories of cultural hegemony. Gramsci believed that the ruling class maintains its dominance not just through political and economic control, but also by influencing the cultural and ideological consensus of society. This involves shaping the beliefs, explanations, perceptions, and values so that the worldview of the ruling class becomes the accepted cultural norm, which he termed as "hegemony."

So, "gut-level Gramscianism" could suggest an innate or deeply felt understanding and acceptance of these concepts without necessarily having formally studied Gramsci's work. It implies a natural inclination towards recognizing and possibly challenging the mechanisms of cultural and ideological control and dominance in society, akin to having a 'gut feeling' about the pervasive influence of hegemony in shaping social norms, values, and beliefs.

>> No.23028131

>get falsely accused of rape
biased judge and jury vote guilty anyway
>publicly defend yourself against false accusations
>that's another 83 gorillion dollars lol
Shut up, faggot.

>> No.23028133

>the E Jean Carroll trial(s)
are an utter joke. the only thing trump is guilty of is being the orange bad man and fines were levied as such

>> No.23028137

I think boomers just really like Trump, he has been using his wealth and power to push his image in the public sphere for decades now, the apprentice was a huge show. That's why I think most likely after Trump it will be another celebrity regardless of political affiliation

>> No.23028138

>The second trial happened because he couldn't keep his fucking mouth shut
keeping his mouth shut would require that he doesn't deny the allegations she made. that's not an option when running for president.

>> No.23028143

It's funny because Gramsci applied his theory and proved it right when he successfully convinced the world fascism was a right wing ideology with nothing in common with socialism, and this would go on to dominate political discourse to this day

Truly, a piece of shit well ahed of his time

>> No.23028144

I like Trump because he makes leftists upset.

>> No.23028155

I am just glad you are aware of how dirty the elite play. That is something many people will not admit, desiring to trust apparent authoroties. Half or more of history is nothing but their smoke and mirror games.

>> No.23028233

>The leftists who were so worried about the Trump path to fascism predicted that Trump would become irrelevant and would lose to more competent pseudo-fascists like DeSantis. The exact opposite happened - Trump's base loves him so much that they destroyed DeSantis and the even more blatant, extreme populist, Vivek. Which just kinda shows Trumpists just really, really loved Trump
Well, duh. Trump's personality makes him the closest thing we have to an American strongman, which is naturally going to attract populists/fascist-leaning types in spite of his failings. Contrast that to DeSantis and Vivek, who are total dorks (especially DeSantis--a goofball who wears cowboy high heels doesn't project the image of strength that people want).

>> No.23028244

>If all the elites truly hated Trump, he would be a dead man, no question. Presidents are pawns of bankers, military industry and tech. These combined sectors have more power than any government on Earth. If they don't like a president they simply off him

It feels like people have no idea how divided those guys are, when people describe companies and businessmen they all end up talking about Le Illuminati. Not even defending big companies but people really like to imagine a cabal of supervillains.

>> No.23028255

It's not hard when every one of their last names ends with "stein" or "berg".

>> No.23028273

>his job was to "open the gates" and then hold them open by dithering for 8-12 years in the gateway, rather than being a single explosive release of focused Buchananite energy that simply gets crushed and smothered by the establishment
> In a way, Trump was better, because he just swamped the establishment in shit while sowing seeds of right-wing populism everywhere.
I dunno, the establishment has been pretty effective at redirecting the energy of Trump's movement back onto the GOP plantation. Just look at the tone of his 2016 campaign (which was firmly anti-GOPe) compared to now. The establishment types have figured out how to speak Trump's language while more or less espousing the same old bullshit, and the average retard falls for it.

>> No.23028279

>It feels like people have no idea how divided those guys are, when people describe companies and businessmen they all end up talking about Le Illuminati. Not even defending big companies but people really like to imagine a cabal of supervillains.
I don't think those elites are so divided when it really matters, like when it's someone who would actually challenge oligarchy. Which is why they had the room to be divided on Trump - he didn't challenge their power at all, he was just too incompetent for some of them to be comfortable with. But ultimately, the ones who were opposed to him didn't care enough to be all that opposed to him.

I agree with you that illuminati conspiracies are retarded and usually come from a simplistic understanding of power. But I also think those elites come down hard on any actual challenges to their power.

>> No.23028297
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The Kushners ran the show

>> No.23028340

Roland Barthes, Mythologies

>There are people who think that wrestling is an ignoble sport. Wrestling is not a sport, it is a spectacle, and it is no more ignoble to attend a wrestled performance of Suffering than a performance of the sorrows of Arnolphe or Andromaque [Barthes here refers to characters in neoclassic French plays by Molière and Racine]. [...] The public is completely uninterested in knowing whether the contest is rigged or not, and rightly so; it abandons itself to the primary virtue of the spectacle, which is to abolish all motives and all consequences: what matters is not what it thinks but what it sees.
>Thus the function of the wrestler is not to win: it is to go exactly through the motions which are expected of him. [...] In judo, a man who is down is hardly down at all, he rolls over, he draws back, he eludes defeat, or, if the latter is obvious, he immediately disappears; in wrestling, a man who is down is exaggeratedly so, and completely fills the eyes of the spectators with the intolerable spectacle of his powerlessness.
>Each sign in wrestling is therefore endowed with an absolute clarity, since one must always understand everything on the spot. As soon as the adversaries are in the ring, the public is overwhelmed with the obviousness of the roles. As in the theatre, each physical type expresses to excess the part which has been assigned to the contestant. Thauvin, a fifty-year-old with an obese and sagging body, whose type of asexual hideousness always inspires feminine nicknames, displays in his flesh the characters of baseness, for his part is to represent what, in the classical concept of the salaud, the 'bastard' (the key-concept of any wrestling-match), appears as organically repugnant. The nausea voluntarily provoked by Thauvin shows therefore a very extended use of signs: not only is ugliness used here in order to signify baseness, but in addition ugliness is wholly gathered into a particularly repulsive quality of matter: the pallid collapse of dead flesh (the public calls Thauvin la barbaque, 'stinking meat'), so that the passionate condemnation of the crowd no longer stems from its judgment, but instead from the very depth of its humours. It will thereafter let itself be frenetically embroiled in an idea of Thauvin which will conform entirely with this physical origin: his actions will perfectly correspond to the essential viscosity of his personage.

>> No.23028370

And you know what ? This is exactly the problem with people who hate Trump. They are totally unable to intellectualize what is written above. This is what allows them to fail to pick the absurd humor of Trump when he says he will be a dictator but just for a day, and turn that into subject matter for "genuine" political concern. At least some of the people who enjoy the Trump show have enough room behind them to take a step back, which the anti-Trump crowd definitively lacks, as they joins the cult of those that denounce the Trump cult.

>> No.23028381

Some people are genuinely that stupid, but for others they play dumb and misinterpret everything he says as a tactic. These people are dishonest, machiavellian narcissists. If someone is doing this, no matter the circumstance you should avoid them.

>> No.23028769

Ukrainians genetics are distinct from Russian

>> No.23028792

No, they're actually not, you fucking retard.

>> No.23028797

this. this is literally it. I guess Trump didn't start any wars and i was doing better under him than Biden so theres no reason to not vote for him in my case.

>> No.23028827

probably what he means by russians is muscovites, who started as a viking tribe that historically has always clashed with the more southern tribe of people who wore their hair in toplocks.

>> No.23028850

They have unholy alliances all the time. Part of the game. They know their ilk. You make deals to get ahead. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. They are pure Machiavellians. All of them want low taxes for their treasures and less pay for their workers.

>> No.23028873

even if I grant that Russians and Ukrainians are ethnically the same, Russia is still recruiting Africans and Muslims to kill white "Russians" in Ukraine. Not to mention displacing the population of Easter Ukraine with busloads of Tajiks and Dagastanis (muslims) which is genocide according to the UN definition.

>> No.23029342

These sorts of books always come off as hollow for two reasons: books no longer change public consciousness since the literate people who would read them are old people entrenched in their beliefs and would never consider the opposing side (conservatives won't read a book for a liberal, liberals won't read a book from a racist), and since Trump is a religious Christ-like figure to his boomer support base he can't be defanged by political or legal arguments, or really any arguments at all.

Simply doing whatever the opposite of whatever one enemy wants is a path to ruin because it robs you of the initiative and just makes you vulnerable to someone else. The anti-Trump people in government also uniformly oppose China and Russia - it doesn't mean those governments are on your side. A lot of the anti-Trump hysteria doesn't even come from the ruling class itself, but its lower public-facing appendages - who knows how much Bilderberg Group types actually care whether the president is red geriatric or blue geriatric.

>> No.23029362

So killing Ukrainians is all good and fine as long as its a pack of white guys doing it. Absolutely based beyond belief

>> No.23029374
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unironically that Michael Wolff book because although the book is obviously almost certainly exaggerated gossip coming straight from Stephen Bannon and his clique when they were on their way out after the early days of the Trump Presidency, it is by far the funniest and gets to the core of Trump which is that he's just a fat grievance-riddled narcissistic retard who likes hamburgers and cumming lol
other books owing to liberal hysteria take him as a pseudo-fascist figure too much

>> No.23029410
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>> No.23029463

He basically just copied the italian school of elitism

>> No.23029836

Gornald Gremp is le Bad by Emily Cohenstein

>> No.23030034

Only because those men are trying to stop them from taking land that is rightfully theirs, retard. They're not trying to "genocide" Ukrainians. Stop sucking CNN's dick.

>> No.23030043

>a person who was excellent for big businesses during his time as president is anti-establishment
This is your mind on contrarianism

>> No.23030048

He was also good for little businesses and workers, dumbfuck.

>> No.23030053

He has instructed the Republicans in the senate to block Ukraine aid until he gets elected to then sweep in and "save" Ukraine. Either he'll succeed or Ukraine will fall and then it'll be the fault of Biden, so it's a win-win for him. He's a scumbag

>> No.23030068

>The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) permanently reduced the U.S. corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent.
I'm sure Jeff Bezos et al hate him though

>> No.23030072

>consolidate power towards federal government for fifty years
>consolidate power in executive branch for fifty years
fascism will sadly be an inevitability like in late Rome

>> No.23030075

That doesn;t refute what I said at all, triplenigger. And yes, they do, because he wanted to stop the flow of infinite illegal immigrants that they rely on. go play in traffic, you zero-IQ non-entity.

>> No.23030080

>I would solve the ukraine in 24 hours
>turns out he would indeed not solve the ukraine in 24 hours
I hate what politics is, I fucking hate every single person that votes and partakes in the fucking scam that is the democratic election process.

>> No.23030087
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The late empire was a decentralized mess
They literally SPLIT THE EMPIRE
How can you say centralization is like late rome you dumb fucking gorilla nigger
If anything fascist centralization is early rome, you fucking retard

>> No.23030121
File: 37 KB, 594x471, 779cd01981671c616838f16148a981c82d1f8c9b398ec1b4891e22b17c90e40d_1~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fascism is a 20th century ideology and thus ipso facto could not exist in rome by definition ergo-

>> No.23030167

oh so you hate 81 million real americans that are not fake voters?

>> No.23030187

My diary, desu

>> No.23030189

My initial post was in response to someone acting like Trump was anti-establishment. What you responded didn't have anything to do with it. Go take some morphine, your cultist zealotry is in an overdrive

>> No.23030195

>What you responded didn't have anything to do with it
That isn't a sentence, and yes it did, you immense fucking faggot.

>> No.23030203

There are 0 good anti-Trump books because the people with access to the publishing industry don't want to admit it's their fault he found his way to the highest office in the world.

>> No.23030216

Checked. I was originally critical of Trump but after seeing how the Democrats allied with a fucking Cheney and weaponized the DOJ on top of covering up the Biden Influence peddling scandal...I'm voting for him. Fuck it.

>> No.23030225

>Everyone in the government is a morally bad person, every single one of them lies cheats and steals and sells their constituents' futures for bribes. If you refuse to do these things you are pushed out of the circle of criminals. One thing they all agree on is they don't want Trump in the white house, and that means I do want Trump in the white house.
>>a person who was excellent for big businesses during his time as president is anti-establishment
>This is your mind on contrarianism

Get it? You argued against a point I didn't make.

>> No.23030228

Pretty much the same tbqh. I was anti-Trump and anti-Hillary in 2016, but after seeing how the media attacked him day after day, and how they've covered for Biden at every turn, I figure he must have been doing something right to get them so pissed at him.

>> No.23030236

>You: hurr durr Trump was le good for big business
>big business: we will do everything in our power to stop Trump from getting back into power, because he was stemming the flow of our 3rd-world slaves into America
eat a gun, retard nigger

>> No.23030241

This is completely brain-dead type of thinking where you outsource your opinions to other people
>People hate him so he must be good

>> No.23030244

If he makes faggots like you mad, he must be good, yes.

>> No.23030251

>>The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) permanently reduced the U.S. corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent.
I bet you're the most sane MAGA cultist out of all of them

>> No.23030250

you do be a mad faggot

>> No.23030258

You don't know the first thing about me besides me not liking him, and you decide this is a reason to support him. This is why you're a braindead mouth breather who can't think for himself

>> No.23030259

>fact therefore conclusion
>this is outsourcing opinion according to anon

>> No.23030264

I do be stating facts doe

>> No.23030268

You already posted this statistic earlier in the thread, and it was equally meaningless then. Infinite immigrants means more to a corporation's bottom line than a minor tax cut. You're fucking stupid.

>> No.23030275

I know that you;re a leftist, and that's all I have to know to want you dead. Trump was an olive branch to you faggots. He was the compromise. What comes next is much, much worse for you.

>> No.23030276


>> No.23030285

>minor tax cut
>>> reduced the U.S. corporate tax rate from 35 percent to 21 percent

>> No.23030289

I'm a leftist because I don't like Trump? You're in a frenzy

>> No.23030290

Yes, you fucking retard. Keep spouting your reddit talking point ad nauseum though.

>> No.23030293

Shut the fuck up, faggot.

>> No.23030300

Look how angry you are because everyone isn't worshiping Trump the Immaculate. Sad!

>> No.23030310

The Little Horn because he is the antichrist

>> No.23030319

Go kill yourself you fat, balding troon.

>> No.23030340
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I'm not any of the three doe

>> No.23030348

I don't believe you.

>> No.23030430

Ideology means the worshipping of an idea.
You worship an idea - communism - meaning that le big business capital controls the country.
You ignore obvious reality, that Trump was hated by the elite, and instead run it through your ideology, which says he wasn't, because he was good for business, so he must have been an insider.
Ideology is the greatest mental cancer on earth and there's a reason the bible talks so much about idolatry.

>> No.23030463

I haven't read this book but it seems insane to me to call Burke a reactionary, he was a thoroughly whig liberal who even went so far as to support the American Revolution as a member of British Parliament, introduced a bill to ban Slavery in the Empire, and attempted to impeach Warren Hastings on humanitarian grounds on behalf of the fucking Indians. His only so-called 'reactionary' position was that 'The French Revolution has clearly gotten out of hand and this type of violent anarchy is bad and will probably lead to a Caesar-like dictatorship' which was entirely prescient at predicting Napoleon and was totally correct and a completely normal position to have given the context. The only people who hold the view that this is "Reactionary" are moral freaks who worship at the idea of violent revolution and are often socialists who simply wish that the Paris Commune would have succeeded like the French Revolution, but probably with even more bloodshed.
Even calling Burke a 'conservative' is IMO a stretch.

>> No.23030492
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Ideology: a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.
Idolatry: the worship of idols as if they were deity.
Conclusion: you're a pseud.

Trump is an inside man, and his whole gimmick is that he's not. You ignore the "obvious reality" that he's a thoroughly connected billionaire who's presidency was nothing bad for the ruling businessmen, quite the contrary in fact, see >>23030251

>> No.23030548

Ok. Not going to argue with 90 IQ redditors who pull out dictionary definitions to debunk abstract ideas.

>> No.23030641

>I don't know the meaning of basic words, you're low IQ

>> No.23030699

I strongly disliked Hilary Clinton and was hoping Bernie Sanders would beat her. The fact Debbie Wasserman-Schultz got caught red-handed conspiring to spread anti-semitism in order to hurt his primary campaign, only for Hillary to hired her to a top campaign position the day after she resigned as head of the DNC because of it...I sat out the election.

That said, I had 0 trust in Trump and naively hoped that him winning would cause the Democrats to reform their party and the media to maintain at least some level of criticality that was lacking during Obama and went crazy during Trump ("TRUMP'S PENIS LOOKS LIKE TOAD FROM MARIO KART!" and "DID YOU SEE HIM SLOWLY WALK DOWN A RAMP?" and "HOLY SHIT, COVFEFE!!!!"). None of that happened, the MSM shilled hard for a corrupt politician who was foisted all most as hard as Hiliary.

So yeah, fuck it. Trump called out bullshit while he was in office, the economy roared, and there were no new wars. I've come around from criticizing him to actively supporting him by both voting and advocating that others do the same. I don't think libtards have any real sense of just how many people have gone from "never Trump" to "fine, Trump" to "fuck you, Donald Trump!"

>> No.23030760
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It went even deeper, before DW-S became head of the DNC, Hillary's running mate Tim Kaine had the job. She offered him a better one: VP. It was planned that DW-S would sabotage any Dem challengers to Hillary from day 1, and to prop Trump up as the 2016 candidate so she could make everyone hate him and his supporters. A big portion of the red vs blue hatred since then can be laid squarely at her feet. It's been wild to watch, but it has not been good for us.

The covfefe thing was definitely a fatfingered 'coverage' though, King Saud sticking up for him was hilarious. Man what a season that was.

>> No.23030782

>Everyone in the government is a morally bad person, every single one of them lies cheats and steals and sells their constituents' futures for bribes.
what the plebs calls "corruption" is the normal process of democracy, because democracy is the tool used by the bourgeois to base society on bureaucracy and commerce. so when civil servants and business men ''collude'', in fact they just enjoy the fruit of their revolutions

The narrative that somehow bureaucrats are the enemy of the business men is a lie fed to the peasants so that the peasants would participate in the bourgeois revolutions.

>> No.23030797

american psycho

>> No.23030801
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>Democracy and plutocracy are equivalent in Spengler's argument, and he said the "tragic comedy of the world-improvers and freedom-teachers" is that they are simply assisting money to be more effective. He believed that the principles of equality, natural rights, universal suffrage, and freedom of the press are all disguises for class war of the bourgeois against the aristocracy. Freedom, to Spengler, is a negative concept, only entailing the repudiation of any tradition. He said that freedom of the press requires money, and entails ownership, meaning that it serves money. Similarly, since suffrage involves electoral campaigns, which involve donations, elections serve money as well. Spengler said that the ideologies espoused by candidates, whether Socialism or Liberalism, are set in motion by, and ultimately serve, only money.

>Spengler said that in his era money has already won, in the form of democracy. However, he said that in destroying the old elements of the Culture, it prepares the way for the rise of a new and overpowering figure, who he calls the Caesar. Before such a leader, money collapses, and in the Imperial Age the politics of money fades away.

"The coming of Caesarism breaks the dictature of money and its political weapon, democracy. After a long triumph of world-city economy and its interests over political creative force, the political side of life manifests itself after all as the stronger of the two. The sword is victorious over the money, the master-will subdues again the plunderer-will. If we call these money-powers 'Capitalism,' then we may designate as Socialism the will to call into life a mighty politico-economic order that transcends all class interests, a system of lofty thoughtfulness and duty-sense that keeps the whole in fine condition for the decisive battle of its history, and this battle is also the battle of money and law. The private powers of the economy want free paths for their acquisition of great resources. No legislation must stand in their way. They want to make the laws themselves, in their interests, and to that end they make use of the tool they have made for themselves, democracy, the subsidized party. Law needs, in order to resist this onslaught, a high tradition and an ambition of strong families that finds its satisfaction not in the heaping-up of riches, but in the tasks of true rulership, above and beyond all money-advantage. A power can be overthrown only by another power, not by a principle, and no power that can confront money is left but this one. Money is overthrown and abolished only by blood."
- Spengler

Read the first chapter of this, on "The Romans," to understand what has happened to modern society because of late/finance capitalism:

>> No.23030803

>it's just how business is done
you're the kind of person who would justify doctors getting cash rewards for pushing injections and prescriptions

>> No.23030853

This post was written by ChatGPT.

>> No.23030860

I don't think he was concealing that

>> No.23030864

Yeah, but why do it?

>> No.23030883

I think he was just earnestly using chatGPT to explain the quote and then posting the results, as if to say 'damn this was actually interesting', that's all

>> No.23031050
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Rick Perlstein talked to other liberals about the dearth of good anti-Trump lit. We don't seem to have a Hunter S. Thompson figure who can get into the guts of Trump's cult following and draw out the surreal. He thinks the liberals should be much more political and antagonistic, but they're like, eh.

>The Handmaid’s Tale might be the kind of thing I’m looking for; I couldn’t get into the series and haven’t read the novel. But I’ve always found it telling that Mary McCarthy panned it with extreme prejudice in The New York Times Book Review in 1986, characterizing the notion that the Christian right had in mind turning women into passive vessels for childbirth the ravings of a literary hysteric. I find just that kind of domestication and denial of right-wing threats, Infernal Triangle readers know by now, endemic among America’s establishment elite. Maybe because Margaret Atwood was more politically radical, and a Canadian, that hers was the sounder imagination, when it came to that. . . .

>Why is there no great recent fiction about the American right? I have my theories. One is not unrelated to my suspicion that Section 501(c)(3) of the tax code may end up as the death of liberal democracy. Too much of liberal America doesn’t understand, or are bound within institutional confines that don’t allow them to understand, that conservatism is their adversary. Something that must be defeated if the most basic values that sustain a healthy society (whose flourishing too many liberals take for granted, or presume The Grown-Ups have under control) are to survive. For a way too big chunk of Blue America, the answer will always be more affirmations to “going high” when “they go low,” or that “there’s not a liberal America and a conservative America—there’s the United States of America.” And from a position like that, the kind of stories that really get inside the ugliness and fright we’re now dealing with may simply sound too “divisive” and “mean,” or hysterical—just like Mary McCarthy said about The Handmaid’s Tale.

The animosity is more personal than political. Liberals hate Trump because they see him as as a selfish, arrogant blowhard who doesn't give a shit about anybody.

Trump as the antithesis of Obama is a theory I've sorta had for awhile. That is, Trump is everything Obama is not but they're both "celebrity" politicians. The Republicans elected their own version of Jon Stewart as president. I don't think there's much substance there in either case. It's the hardest thing to explain. Basically, at the end of the day, it's just two clans with the same cultural values fighting each other. The liberal clan is a bit more technocratic and has more degrees under their belt, but that doesn't fully explain it.

>> No.23031064

He /is/ a selfish, arrogant blowhard who doesn't give a shit about anybody, he always has been. When you have to defeat a monster, you use another monster.

>> No.23031070
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>other books owing to liberal hysteria take him as a pseudo-fascist figure too much
You might be right. I see Trump in the main as a grifter. It's Griftonomics. Trump's business model is also expensive. He has to spend big to raise big, and the spending is via P.R., legal fees, to generate media amplification reacting to him and outraged audiences who provide continuous donations and then buy gaudy, overpriced merch and NFTs.

The free media on his legal woes (if presented as "they are coming for you") add a bigger take with marginal expenses on legal fees vs. ads. But if he's losing defamation cases then that flips the model upside down and he will be officially losing money. It's probably better to think of all this as a business which people mistakenly attach a higher calling. Or rather, the business converts stupid terrified people into donors for money which they will never see again. Kind of what you'd expect from the casino/reality show guy, but nothing new to direct marketers, churchy religious groups and NGO fundraisers.

Sell, promise, bullshit. Toss in a dash of doom mongering, conspiracy, and presto. Money flows. Trump is a poor man's idea of what a rich guy should be like, so lack of success or competence is easily blamed on "enemies." The working man's mantra. Problem is if he's losing his business model and his ability to generate ArgueTainment and Faux Outrage that allows his flying monkeys to survive on the monetized grifterNet. I'm talking about the real die-hard Trump fans who buy the merch and drive around the U.S. in schizomobiles covered in bumper stickers and livestreaming 24/7. They need him to fight the new satanic evil which they fund Trump to fight against, but he's screwing them, and they're screwing each other. Eventually it'll unravel and they'll go back to space aliens and diet drugs.

I think more conservatives hate come around to that. When they see Biden out there saluting the dead soldiers (before ordering dozens of air strikes to end lives in the Middle East), they at least believe that Biden believes in what he's doing. I was shocked by this -- but Alex Jones (of all people) is defending Biden striking back at the Quds Force.

>> No.23031097

Trump did the same thing they all else do, which leads me to believe that Trump is controlled opposition. Ron Paul is dead and his son is now also controlled opposition. The last hope for America was Ross Perot.

>> No.23031381

>muh populism
out with ye you upper class scum.

>> No.23031395

Checks out. Authoritarians always seem to come from tragic backgrounds where their father fucked them up good. Makes me wonder.

>> No.23031609

That describes 90% of Washington. With Trump it's something else.

>> No.23031620
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Right here. Fuck Trump!

>> No.23031626

Hrmpf, I fucking hate seeing thsi guy. Did you really have to make this thread op? Fuck trumputler and I hope he dies in jail ahahahhaahahha

>> No.23031630
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"I support him because he makes libs seethe, so he's gotta be doing something right" is a sure sign you're a complete fucking retard.

>> No.23031643

I just want him to win because he makes the libs seethe. Don't really care much for the rest though so I don't "support" him.

>> No.23031652
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>> No.23031655

Yea that's genuinely funny lmao.
"Ugh trump is such a buffoon" That's the appeal if you're not a direction-brainer.

>> No.23031658

"I just want a clown in the white house m'kay"

>> No.23031660

>I just want a clown in charge of the circus
Yes. Stop playing this character though....

>> No.23031663

you're very selfish. Think about all the swarthy people that suffered under him.

>> No.23031670

16K Russ diaspora in Donetsk dead since the color revolution, asshole. Where’s your Twitter solidarity for them?

>> No.23031676

The best anti tr*mp books is written by Hitler becuase he is literally him and he was also a loser. Just read meinkampf to see what a looney tr*mp is.

>> No.23031735

Russia threw every man they found there in the meat grinder for a civil war that was instigated by the FSB, Girkin confirmed it himself. There would be no bloodshed without Russia's bidding, so stop crying crocodile tears.

>> No.23032587

Only poor people, retards, and grifters support Trump in current year.

>> No.23032629

>Democracy and plutocracy are equivalent in Spengler's argument
democracy is more insidious than plutocracy in that it creates a sort of buy in for the people voting. why violently upend the system? how unenlightened! how uncouth! we've moved beyond such barbarism because now we get to vote our problems out instead of putting their heads on pikes. so let's see, here are the two preapproved choices we can vote for. this guy may not be great, but have you seen the other one? truly we are now enjoying the fruits of this, the most civilized age

>> No.23032632


>> No.23032711

You are obsessed

>> No.23033402

There would have been no bloodshed if the America/ Ukrainian governments had been reasonable and not decided to fight an unwinnable war for no reason.