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23023365 No.23023365[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is 19 too late to learn a second language?

>> No.23023385

It's the right moment to learn one actually

>> No.23023387

why is the word for second (as in the short time unit) and second (as in after the first) the same?

>> No.23023394

I learned 4 languages from the other language branch after 20.

>> No.23023395

not at all, if anything, it's a great age to make big decisions that will take a big amount of your time and energy. I'd even argue and say that you will be able to fully grasp what you need to learn at 25 or something. don't believe the "flexibility of brain" shit, you either do this or don't

>> No.23023398

What do you think?

>> No.23023401
File: 103 KB, 572x518, guitar how to learn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learning to play guitar will actually get you laid

>> No.23023403

It takes a second to count to two (second number)

>> No.23023468

You'll be fine

>> No.23023658

>learning to play guitar will actually get you laid
This isn't 1970, buddy. I've seen literally dozens of people in real life who fell for that exact meme and then gave up midway after realizing that women will literally just laugh in your face now if you tell them you play the guitar. Also, guitarfags have ridiculously terrible taste in music.
It's never too late, all the shit you hear about the brain becoming elastic, soft, hard or whatever other bullshit is all fake pseudoscience. A 60 year old man can learn a new language just as well as a 20 year old, and a 20 year old just as much as a 10 year old. Age does not matter at all, putting 2-3 hours of effort everyday for a full year does.

>> No.23023667

Is 22 too late to learn a third language (Japanese)?

>> No.23023679

I'm 22, learning Japanese as my third language. Don't feel like it is.

>> No.23023685
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, 1704069651519920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your first language is English, you already understand like 80% of German, Finnish, and French. If you learn a root language like Latin then you basically understand every romance language by association. The point I'm getting to is that if you learn those 2 languages (English + Latin) then you already understand like 12 languages. Make sure to list all of them in your resume as languages you're proficient in.
Japanese has English loanwords so you already basically understand it, just add "u" as a suffix to every English word and you're speaking Romaji.

>> No.23023743

since you're asking you probably are not going to read second language anyway

>> No.23023754

It’s OVER. Get off my board gramps, literature is for those of us with our lives still ahead of us. You had your chance.

>> No.23023757

fuck no, great age to take up language study, especially reading ability

>> No.23023765

No it's a great time to start learning
I'd suggest you learn French and to use Karl Sandbergs French for Reading
Use anki, anki might not seem like much in the short term but in the long term it accelerates your progress like nothing else
You will never be fully comfortable reading no matter how much you study so once you finish French for Reading you just need to start reading as much as you can

>> No.23023792

No, goofball. I started learning French at around age 24-25 and it took me a couple of years of on and off (sometimes half-assed) study and input to be able to read in the language relatively comfortably and understand it. You lose neuroplasticity as you age, yes, but you make up for this by putting in the effort. You're never too old to learn a language and once you start learning it becomes easier. My experience learning has only made me want to continue to learn languages well into my older years. I encourage you to look up Comprehensible Input and related learning methods because I think it's the single best way to learn a language, though I think there's something to be said about starting out with a book (I used Assimil).

>> No.23023803

Read or speak? You could learn how to read French or German in 6-12 months if you pushed yourself. Speaking is a lot harder

>> No.23023830

my mum learned Chinese at 66, you can do it

>> No.23023871

Just give up man, those 18 year olds who start when you start at 19 are gonna be good at a second language before they reach 20 while you only become good once you are 20 years old. Thats so embarrasing, I would rather die desu

>> No.23023878

I know english better than my "mother tongue", it's freaking embarassing

>> No.23023966

You should first ask yourself, why get laid? Why go through the trouble? Sure sex is fun. But learning a skill to get laid is a waste of time.

>> No.23023974

no, but considering you felt like you had to ask that makes me think a second language might be too much for you.

>> No.23023982

Amen. OP should have just started.

>> No.23023989

I started to learn English in this age with help of TV series with subs. Kinda suck that I had barely got any English classes in college, and sat through all school without bothering to learn anything. Still confused about grammar and stuff when write here, but reading isn't much a problem as buying book in English with reasonable price

>> No.23024007

You've already gotten more than enough responses on your question.

Let me add to this post for you OP: That what you put into it is what you get out of it. If you're a slacker and don't put in the time you will become mediocre in said language.

>> No.23024126

>is 19 too late
The answer to that is "no" in 99% of all questions

>> No.23024555

You are literally at the beginning of your life.
Also, not /lit/

>> No.23026234

It will likely take you at least 4 years to learn ( emphasis on at least), unless you are able to devote most of your days to learning it (i.e., you don't have a full time job or higher education commitments).

However, if you have knowledge of Chinese then it will take you significantly less time.

This is useful for native english speakers

All that said, don't look at Japanese as just one skill, but a discipline containing many skills. If you were to just focus on reading or listening Japanese then you would need less time yet still have gained something valuable. Even learning the Japanese scripts of hiragana and katakana is a useful skill.

>> No.23026238 [DELETED] 

Everyone can devote all of their days to language learning
You should study for at least 2-3 hours each day
Obviously there can be exceptions but if you aren't studying daily you're never going to make it

>> No.23026243 [DELETED] 

Sorry I should clarify
If you have committed your life to raising children by having them then obviously you cannot spend that much time daily since you've dedicated your time elsewhere

>> No.23026248

No, I didn't mean daily, but rather a large portion of each day - as if it is your main focus.

>> No.23026251

Sorry mate

>> No.23026254

I agree with you though, if you don't study every day you're not going to make it

>> No.23026286

>But learning a skill to get laid is a waste of time
two birds in one stone. both are fun

>> No.23026287

You’re not funny

>> No.23026320

is 28th too late to learn a seventh language (georgian)??

>> No.23026333

Yeah, its over mate

>> No.23026346

I don't know. Is it? I learned french when I was your age.

>> No.23026447


>> No.23026491

i liked his post. boringposters deserve respect, they give the site a pleasant buzz of activity