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/lit/ - Literature

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23023113 No.23023113 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>23018385

>> No.23023123
File: 7 KB, 241x209, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started posting BBC memes ironically at first, then I looked up BBC porn out of curiosity, and now I get off to it

>> No.23023127

A moment of awkward silence passes between them as he stirs his food.
>So what were you reading?
She says, looking towards the book beside him.
>The Odyssey.
He replies, his voice dry and emotionless.
>What do you think about it?
>It's good. I've...
He trails off, worried that he's talking too much. He glances at her; she watches him intently from across the rotten wood of the table. He can tell she's waiting for him to finish.
>I've actually read it a few times.
She says, a small smile forming on her lips.
>You must really like it then. What's your favorite thing about it?
John looks out the broken window, at the dark clouds looming overhead.
>The long suffering love between Odysseus and Penelope.
She looks a little surprised, but also curious.
>Ah. Most people like the hero's journey, the action and adventure. But it really is a love story, at the heart of it all. Isn't it?
John glances away awkwardly, before attempting to break the silence.
>You know a lot about it. I guess you like reading too?
She says, pulling out a worn and torn copy of Pride and Prejudice.
>Oh uh... I've never read that. I guess I don't read girly stuff or...
He realizes how insultingly she might take it and rushes to add:
>But I have no problem with it! I'm sure it's wondeful, I'm not saying it's--
Anne interrupts him with a chuckle.
>Don't worry about it. I know it explores love from the perspective of a woman, and how it might not appeal to everyone.
John feels relieved by her understanding.
>If you think about it, both the Odyssey and Pride and Prejudice explore the same themes of love, longing, and the conflicts that arise between them.
John looks at her intently, his heart racing. He suddenly notices how beautiful her soft face is, and blushes.
>I guess I didn't think about it that way. That's a really intelligent way to put it.
Anne smiles with a slight look of satisfaction at the compliment. John looks away, embarrassed by his staring. There's another awkward silence as he struggles to find the words to express what he's feeling. He cycles through what to say in his mind, each phrase sounding dumber than the last. 'Wow, I've never met such an intelligent woman.' No, weird. 'That's a beautiful thing to say.' Cringe. 'I'm glad I met someone like you.' Creepy. His body tenses as the silence cuts him to the core. "I'm ruining it." He thinks, feeling, on some level, that she can see right through him.
>What are you thinking about?
Anne asks. John glances towards her and still sees the faint smile from before. His heart skips a beat again, wondering why she hasn't left yet.
She smirks before replying:
>Really? You looked deep in thought.
John waits for a moment, unsure of what to say.

Come on bros.... Are there really /lit/ women like this? Bros...

>> No.23023175

Nope, none. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it breaks my heart too.

>> No.23023227

There are some /lit/ women (male) who are like that

>> No.23023241

>girl is retarded about book she has read multiple times
No, most of them get it's a social satire.

>> No.23023280

What's with 20% of the threads lately being people telling you NOT to read? Why would bucket crabs even care about /lit/

>> No.23023318

Is America the only country where there’s very little to none of that aristocratic gentleman farmer subculture?

>> No.23023341

Everyone's laughing bro this is hilarious
Hope you get the twitter screencap you're desperate for

>> No.23023373

>aristocratic gentleman farmer subculture
You mean the South?

>> No.23023418
File: 41 KB, 650x960, 1706358529730305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to post femboy memes, now I wear dresses and take E-Injections. That's life for you.

>> No.23023419

Increasingly often I find myself talking like a streamer in my head like "do you guys remember X. That was so crazy" or have imaginary conversations with my friends. I think it's a sign of mental illness

>> No.23023441

Egyptification of Western culture.

>> No.23023452

I'm trapped in a reading habit that I fear is closer to a drug addiction than a harmless hobby. I started reading dark and horror fiction years ago because I sympathized with the authors' pains and fears. For a time I was convinced it was cathartic, and maybe it is, but not in a way that meaningfully relieves suffering. Further, I've found it hard to enjoy reading other genres and, frankly, to enjoy any other hobby. So to summarize, I only enjoy reading dark/horror fiction, it doesn't make me feel good, so I read more dark/horror fiction to cope. I think it's time for me to start writing, probably horror. That terrifies me, in part because I'm a bad writer, but also because of what I might summon.

>> No.23023460

Just write one about a succubus and then it doesn't really matter

>> No.23023466

I never understood why people are into interracial. I am pretty racist but I don't see blacks as some kind of subhuman animal or as some kind of based sexual hyperpredator. When I think of "black guy" I think of a normal black guy. Why would it instantly mean something to someone, good or bad, to see a black guy fucking a white woman?

>> No.23023483

I hate being a white amerimutt.

>> No.23023489
File: 165 KB, 1024x683, 1706905130211253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drown yourself, twitterfaggot

>> No.23023516

Okay BBC connaisseur

>> No.23023531

i can't cum to black porn, their dicks look like logs of shit so i feel like i'm just watching a woman take a shit

>> No.23023539

Every woman on earth is an idiot.

>> No.23023544

even me??

>> No.23023560
File: 100 KB, 937x1024, lm_goedel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes into you

>> No.23023631
File: 504 KB, 1536x2048, 1706774676060993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asian women are God's gift to the white man.

>> No.23023668

Boosk for this (OP's pic related) feel?

>> No.23023683

stop posting John

>> No.23023692

went to the clinic but it was on fire so i guess i have to reschedule my appointment.

>> No.23023711

Nigga, I don't allow you to look into my fictional scenarios I make on a whim right before I'm going to sleep. I don't even write them down later, wtf

>> No.23023726

>this has 5 replies
We all had bad moms didn't we

>> No.23023742

Black men watch a lot of porn and fetishize women of other races. It's made for them more than it's made for losers with humiliation fetishes (be it for themselves or the woman involved).

>> No.23023746

How does a bad mother relate to this?

>> No.23023775

They want a girlfriend to do the things their mommy was supposed to do when they were a kid (take interest in their hobbies, thoughts and development)

>> No.23023813

white men fetishize asian women

asian women fetishize jewish men

>> No.23023814

I wonder if your terrible past informed your belief that a gf should not. The post looks like a normal interaction between friends to me. (Between a self-conscious loser and normal person, anyway)

>> No.23023845

You're just ignorant and put the entire content of the post on the guy being "self conscious". The features that make it clear it's mommy issues is it must be a woman, she must be taking an exclusive interest in you not just because of the literature but because she sees something in you worth bringing out that's represented by the literature, the questions and discussions they have are so entry level that it's clear no one has bothered to ask anon about what he was reading in his life which is a common parental failure especially these days. Sure your girlfriend is supposed to help you develop, that's the point of a relationship but she's not supposed to water you and dig you out of the ground, that was your mom's job.

>> No.23023864

Lmao ouch

>> No.23023879

>water you and dig you out of the ground
but that's my fetish

>> No.23023920

I finally got to try out all of my sexual fantasies and I was severely disappointed

>> No.23023936


>> No.23023941

No, just someone who was open-minded

>> No.23024045

It's well documented that people feel attracted to members of the other sex who resemble them physically. Racists take this to mean we have inborn, built-in racism, but this makes no sense since our ancestors hardly had any interactions with members of other races in their evolutionary environments. The simpler, more likely explanation, is that we simply feel attracted to the sort of people our own parents found attractive back in their youth. So, for example, if your dad was into thin, tall women, you're likely not just to be tall and thin yourself as a result of your dad marrying such a woman, but to also inherit your dad's sexual preferences, making you attracted to the same sort of women yourself. We don't marry people who look like us per se, but rather people who look like our parents.

>> No.23024071

So here's where I'm at:
God became a living man in a specific time and place in history and thus participated in the dialectic of his own becoming/being (I need a better term for this because neither really feels correct). From this event we can conclude that the ultimate truth, the final destination of mankind, et cetera, is not within a huge universal principle "out there" or in an idealized realm akin to the realm of Forms, but in a real place and time which will be reached one day, a place which mankind must undergo a vast dialectical process to approach. I identify this with the world to come in Revelations, which is not a mystical world "above" us or "inside" us but a physical place where resurrected mankind will dwell. However, it's not as simple as saying "one day we will reach a really nice place called heaven :)" - the engine of world-historical dialectic is immense and almost beyond understanding, and the events which occur "beyond" our world (such as the "events" in the inner life of the Trinity, i.e. the eternal begetting of the Son), the events occurring right now in our world, and the events occurring in the "inner" world of every individual person are all part of and contribute to this immense dialectical process, whose terminus may be completely beyond comprehension to beings who have not reached a certain stage of it (possibly meaning us right now).
At the other end of things, from the instantaneous standpoint of individual phenomenology, true "thought" seems to be impossible, or at least, it arises without a rational grounding as far as I can tell (though my own thinking on this is incomplete). The awareness is the basic principle or unit of the human existence or experience, and this existence "contains" or "experiences" all phenomena: the senses, the thoughts, the emotions, the experience of sensing and thinking, the experience of awareness of sensing and thinking, the ur-awareness of anything at all. There is no phenomena which can be said to cross the "divide" between the experiencer and the experienced, even the experience of thinking itself, even the experience of awareness or experiencing itself. For now I have to accept that thought is possible even though I cannot prove it. I can't even accept Eastern arguments such as those found in Advaita because they ascribe things to pure, basic awareness which simply cannot be verified as being fundamental to one's own individual awareness, "at hand," if you will. Not that I really agree with them anyway but their thinking is closer to mine in some was than most Abrahamic-influenced thinkers tend to be when they begin their thinking, save some like Hegel.
I need to understand more. My thinking is likely very juvenile and my arguments easily refuted, but I don't have the understanding (noun) necessary to produce anything better right now. What I aim for is sometimes seemingly in arm's reach and sometimes as distant as silver galaxies in the cold sky before dawn.

>> No.23024095

why do anti-semites use 'christ killer' as some sort of insult?

just makes your 'god' sound weak lmao

>> No.23024106

To binge eat, or not to binge eat? I can always fast tomorrow.

>> No.23024107

antisemitic theories are getting weird as fuck lately, i think the greater prominence of greedy fucks from all creeds and walks of life has made it harder for people to go "the jews are responsible for all suffering" without doing some insane mental gymnastics where they say hitler was jewish or all christians are jewish and we need to embrace hinduism as the true religion

>> No.23024136

There is a darkness in the hearts of men. Not because they remember being loved, but because they only recall being hurt. And in the same vein, they inflict pain onto others because that is either all they know, or because they wish to exercise a kind of rebellion onto the idea of love and kindness itself. Ultimately however, they hate themselves, and wish only self-destruction at the hands of others; their cowardice forbids them to address themselves alone. That is the darkness that binds men and blinds them towards condemnation.

>> No.23024155

okay Conrad

>> No.23024169

not really

>> No.23024181

>qt3.14 overhears me talking to an autist
>she hears me say I'm khhv
>"what's that anon?"
>sweating bullets
>It's... uh... it's uh... it means kissless hugless handholdless virgin
>she looks at me with confusion
>walks away
>next day
>she walks over to me
>she suddenly hugs me
>i feel nothing
>not even the sensation of being hugged
>she lets go after about 10 seconds and walks away
>i lost my hugvirgin card for no reason
>literally had my hugvirginity hugraped by a dumb roastie
still salty about that. I was saving my hugvirgin card for my gf (never)

>> No.23024186

She's interested, dumbass. She wouldn't have hugged you otherwise.

>> No.23024189

she could be your gf you retard

>> No.23024194

My mother was dutiful but I never felt warmth from her. Nothing motherly about her.

>> No.23024225

>Come on bros.... Are there really /lit/ women like this? Bros...
Male romantic fantasies revolve around being loved and appreciated. Female romantic fantasises revolve around violence and other morally questionable actions. To answer your question, no. Also, thinking this way is faggy. I say this as someone who thinks this way.

>> No.23024228

could have just felt bad

>> No.23024304

I don't want any autistic screeching about this and I'll just say this is a comedic exaggeration of something much less interesting. The more accurate greentext is as follows, prompted by a chain of thoughts I had after this post >>23024136

>qt3.14 overhears me talking about being khhv with autist
>"What's that anon?
>uh... it means kissless hugless handholdless virgin
>"wow I didn't know that anon"
>a few days later she's discharging from the hospital
>stops to hug me out of nowhere
>totally unexpected
>feel no sensations, none at all
>releases after about 10 seconds
>"bye anon"
>"see ya..."
The hug itself made me very uncomfortable and I would have rathered she didn't, but the gesture and idea behind her action was extremely sweet and she was a very kind person. I felt bad saying dumb roastie in my previous post but it was necessary for the autismpost effect.

Now you can call me a retarded faggot

>> No.23024316

retard faggot

>> No.23024323

aye lads, look at how his heart and mind are turned asunder by the mere embrace of a roastie

>> No.23024327

To reiterate: she's interested, dumbass. She wouldn't have hugged you otherwise.

>> No.23024329

what causes this?

>> No.23024344

we all had to get here somehow right?

>> No.23024353

do you think it's inherent in our disposition or learned?

>> No.23024379

largely inherent, men are always going to be obsessed with women just because thats the kind of thing that gets selected since it carries offspring forward. there are many aspects of our current society that probably shape the outward attitudes though, religion is no longer a serious concept and probably cant ever be and people are very atomized and lonely so a lot more worship of individual women (like the ones you meet day to day) happens as opposed to worshiping the concept of women like an ancient greek might.

>> No.23024397

Oh, you might have gotten the wrong notion because of my ambiguous language. I didn't enjoy the experience of being hugged and didn't reallg fddl anything except discomfort. I didn't have any feelings for her at all either, I just thought she was a normal fairly attractive kind person.

>> No.23024405

You can actually explain human infatuation with immortal concepts, without being a dweeb, you know.

>> No.23024407

heres an example how not to

>> No.23024414

I wish I could excise this from me. I find it disgusting that I have the latent capacity to fawn over a woman in this way too.
>there are many aspects of our current society that probably shape the outward attitudes though
I think it's also more simply that male-female dynamics are completely upside-down.
I'm inclined to disagree with the other people telling you that she's interested. Women enjoy acting out of pity - signals they're a "good person" but also plays into how they play power games

>> No.23024425

>I'm inclined to disagree with the other people telling you that she's interested. Women enjoy acting out of pity - signals they're a "good person" but also plays into how they play power games
I know it was pity but she was a kind person regardless. I don't think she had any special motive but to do what she thought would be meaningful for a random loser.

>> No.23024431

I've just always been a Qui-Gon Jinn kinda nigga.

>> No.23024437

>tfw the wise old man trope dies due to the amount of old men shouting retarded gibberish we are exposed to everyday
jung btfo

>> No.23024439

Maybe, but motives aren't often conscious. I've seen these sorts of things play out in women before

>> No.23024447
File: 375 KB, 1000x1299, Albert Lorieux (c. 1898) - Solitude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and I keep asking in the other wwoym threads how I miraculously fall into this situation with a man. I cannot find them in any "third spaces" other than a university, which is a bit too young. There's no literary clubs or events near me.
I can assure you they are not and revolve around exactly what >>23023127 describes.

>> No.23024450

if you really want to know, youre going to have to post a pic. black pills are not male exclusive unfortunately

>> No.23024458

I'm the poster of the story. Don't bother, we're alone for a good reason. You'll find someone at university for sure and you'll make someone really happy.

>> No.23024481

Did Norm Macdonald steal his Bill Cosby hypocrisy joke from Fargo Season 1 Episode 6? The officer says what bothers him most about the MC is that he's two-faced, and the other officer says "not the violence and the murders and all?"

>> No.23024513

If you had just turned 30 and were fat, balding, in a low-status and mediocre income job, and living with your mother because you couldn’t afford rent, would you kill yourself? Should you kill yourself?

>> No.23024517

Do you like living?

>> No.23024531

Excuse me,

>> No.23024535

There is a persistent theme in the Bible, especially in the old testament, and it goes like this: Sin begins sin, passing down throughout the ages, and it will continue this way until someone breaks the cycle. Most people simply think of ancestral sin as Adam and Eve, and while they're right, it is often overlooked how Cain slew Abel, the incest-rape with Lot, the whole Golden Calf incident, Jacob's deception, David and Solomon's adultery, and many, many other times sin was committed. What this means is that sin echoes throughout the ages, and it will just keep happening until someone does something about it.

And that someone was none other than God himself, as Jesus the Son of God, who came down from heaven to wipe the slate clean. That's the sheer significance of why his sacrifice, death, and ressurection is so important: The cycle of sin has now been broken, go and sin no more, go in peace.

But the story does not end there. Because while the sin of man has been absolved, man's sinful nature remains and sin still binds those who don't believe into falling into the same cycles of yore. Sin begets sin, the cycle continues in the lives of those who reject him. But now at least the few who do believe have a fighting chance, to enter heaven having been forgiven and redeemed. Many are called, few are chosen.

>> No.23024536
File: 476 KB, 1280x874, Andrew Wyeth (1947) - Wind from the Sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I am not posting a pic on 4chan and getting stalked. I know that is not the issue... people approach me. I just can't find any /lit/erary people in my area.
Thanks anon. Hopefully, I can meet someone in grad school.
>we're alone for a good reason
But what would those "good" reasons be? Are you an abusive person? That would warrant it. Or are you punishing yourselves for impotence? I don't think that's fair. It would be wonderful to meet a partner and let them uplift you.

>> No.23024571

Not really

>> No.23024581

Should I play Dark Urge?

>> No.23024593
File: 849 KB, 832x1420, Athanasius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The further thing to consider is that the introduction of sin into the world by Adam and Eve had an ontological effect on the human and his relationship with God. For all of the righteousness of Moses and Abraham, they were still ultimately cut off from true communion with God and went to Hades. This is why the oft-overlooked Harrowing of Hades is so important. It's only in the God-man Jesus Christ that we can find life because in His own Person He mediates Divinity and humanity. On our own, we cannot forge a path back to God. We can only partake in the life of God through Christ and the sacraments that unite us to Him. As such, even if a man prior to the Incarnation repented of all of his iniquity, he would remain cut off from God. St Athanasius says this beautifully in picrel.

>> No.23024594

Women sure are whores, she couldn’t stand to see you pure and had to ruin you for all time

>> No.23024606

>But what would those "good" reasons be?
Because God doesn't will it for me at this time or even ever.

>> No.23024614

**or possibly even ever

>> No.23024627

I didn't expect you to post a picture but if a woman under 30 is that starved for company in 2024 thats usually the case, sorry for blackpill.

I'm not sure then, were you just living to achieve something at 30 and now that you havent its over?

>> No.23024631

Idk what you mean by that. Living to achieve something?

>> No.23024651

In my case, too many to count. The simplest reason among others is that I am simply incapable of being intimate with people IRL so I just explore it in fiction. Of course, I'm a terrible person too but it doesn't matter if I will never willingly enter a relationship.

In the case of the rest of the anons, you're not going to encounter anyone that doesn't have qualities that will make your life terrible. They will either emotionally neglect you out of fear of being rejected by you, or they will cling to you for support and drag you down. They'll be schizos with ridiculous beliefs, or just extreme ones that will stress you out constantly.
And at the end of the day it isn't worth it when there are successful, happy men that will fill your life with joy and have all of the positive qualities of the anons here with none of the negatives.

I'm phoneposting so it had to be poorly made.

>> No.23024653

tfw had nocturnal emission

>> No.23024664

>They will either emotionally neglect you out of fear of being rejected by you, or they will cling to you for support and drag you down. They'll be schizos with ridiculous beliefs, or just extreme ones that will stress you out constantly.
Honestly you're right anon. That's been my exact experience
>And at the end of the day it isn't worth it when there are successful, happy men that will fill your life with joy and have all of the positive qualities of the anons here with none of the negatives.
I needed to hear this. Thank you

>> No.23024669

Like was the whole point of your life up to 30 to have certain things by 30

>> No.23024693

>I didn't expect you to post a picture but if a woman under 30 is that starved for company in 2024 thats usually the case, sorry for blackpill.
I'm a guy. I'm not the woman you're speaking to.

>> No.23024727

100% I would, and I might. I mean not really, but only because there is a good chance you will live to see the world implode, but that is all I would be living for. Are you helping your mom with bills or something, mediocre is an odd way to phrase minimum so I can only guess you have something, and you can totally move out on minimum by the way, not that I think you should!

>> No.23024733

Is that wrong lmao, that is literally what life is. Sucks we feel the need to fuck young people over pretending otherwise.

>> No.23024745

People have just been brainfucked by 90 percent of the media now depicting people under 25. They get old and have no idea what to do with their lives now because no conception has even been given.

>> No.23024779

Holy fuck I'm bored.

>> No.23024787

Next week I’m planning to message two girls. One is a girl I’ve never spoken to before but who used to follow me, the other is a girl who briefly talked to me but then politely declined for no reason. I anticipate it will go horribly

>> No.23024794

call me a pilgrim because I'm looking for some Plymouth cock

>> No.23024807

No, but there’s a sense that if you’re a failure at 30 you’ll always be one. Besides, I don’t want to be just not a failure. I want to be very successful, and I feel like I’ve already fucked it all up.

That’s bullshit though. The chance you were going to be successful by 30 was always effectively zero. You just want to not be a total loser.

>> No.23024810
File: 2.41 MB, 950x1730, Romance list.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's me but I'm 28.
I started reading ya romance. It's one of the few things preventing me from offing myself. That and it would ruin my mom's life

>> No.23024812

Oh melons refers to female breasts. Always thought people were literally talking about melons.

>> No.23024825

>miraculously fall into this situation with a man
Not realistic. Go outsude and talk to people

>> No.23024832
File: 441 KB, 1001x1000, Andy Wei (2019) - David's Room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right lol

>> No.23024887

Sorry to hear it but glad you find some solace in something.

>> No.23024905

Watching this is fascinating

I don't really like Howard either but this video essay nigger really reveals how this shit is a neo-puritan religion, the past basically exists so you can go back and see it entirely from the perspective of a gay little whiner bitch in 2020

>> No.23024963

My mom just admitted she's black.

>> No.23024977

This could be us but you post on lit

>> No.23024979

finally the truth comes out

>> No.23024992

>"4chan says the darnest things
>only came here to make a screenshot for compilation
oh ehm gee so kewl 100+ reddit points, i knew those 4chan(ner)'s were chud bbc cucks xDDDD

>> No.23024993

Actual black pill just dropped here

>> No.23024994

Not sure if that image is supposed to convey sadness or discontent so I'll just say you're still a /lit/fags dream, someone that can understand where they're coming from and share interests with them, but /lit/fags don't chase dreams. So no worries.

>> No.23024997

No she's not, she's a wwoym fags dream, very different things

>> No.23025005

Toward the end of the twentieth century,

Time would bend beyond belief,

Travelling across the centuries

Time would change with a twist of the wrist.

A journey would begin for the man

Known as Jesus Christ of Nazareth,

Traveling to the future, into time unknown,

Time would stop for no one.

Christ travels to find an end to his suffering, but ends up back at the cross. Back to where it started, Back to the pain and the loss, where his sorrow was born. Christ in a land not even on his map. His country. God's country. Surrounded by barbarians. Whose language he cannot understand. His quest for enlightenment leads only to confusion and fear. The God of His time is dead. Trapped in past, present, future. All at once, not Now. It's just time; a stream, in which Christ is as lost as mere man.

>> No.23025016

I have a bad callus on the bottom of my foot and a blister formed around it. I thought it was a normal blister with water in it so I pricked it and a bunch of pus came out.

>> No.23025033

I hate how he pretends to have morals. Immortality good because it appeals to us not the fact that your life should be changed completely by his words. But even so, if his heart was in the right direction I would forgive him still. And he would forgive me too. But alas! I cannot do anything but be bound to the earth the cursed ring. He cannot do anything as well, his lament is more sorrowful. I was raised without faith and I doubt I have any faith. But I do have an eternal hope. This is why free will appeals to me or rather my lack of. A God that gives you a little faith must be the entire will of the world. It's already over but perhaps it's just getting started. Perhaps evil is bound. Perhaps we shall never philosophize as Android humans which would be by the way a pleasure so unimaginable that we may not even have the receptors to experience everything life has to offer.

Though my end be bittersweet I shall leave with a piece of you, my love. ;_:. I miss you lunar. You evoked such a memory inside me that I cannot ever repay. It was a relationship and freedom. It makes me cry that the place we first met was also the last place we met. And it will happen again. And again. And again. I will always be grateful for this chorus that never ends. Farewell my sweet friend.

And to Aphrodite I apologize for being so foolish. Perhaps I shall meet you on my own terms. I will never forget the time you had kissed me but I will always be sad that we never got the chance to know each other. But it was your will that you did not want to know me. My wisdom is this: it just is. I know that may be hard to understand. But I enjoyed it very much. I think you are a good friend. Your smile lights up rooms for days haha.

And to my God-given daughter. I will always try to love you perfectly. I wish that I could say what you want to hear. But I am a fool for writing what I have to say. I tried to show you the dark side of humanity because we will always show you the light in order to deceive ourselves. You are a beautiful young lady. I hope that we can dance one day even though I know that will never happen. I am sorry for over promising things to you. I want you to know that your family loves you. The life in us is something you are trying to learn about. I aught have nothing to give nor share. ITT a pity and a crying shame.

Goodbye 4chan! You were my life's work. If I am the only person alive then life, life happened indeed. I miss the times we spent embracing the crazy world together. And the frogs were funny so were the wojaks.

I will continue to lament until the time comes when it comes around. I only wish there was more to say in such a short attention span itt. I love music it's my religion, what else could I have done. But the paranormal is also a nuclear fallout. Fucking cool.

>> No.23025043

If I killed myself tonight it would probably take a couple days before anyone realized what happened. My supervisor at work would wonder why I didn't show up on Monday and someone would probably try calling me but it would take a while before anyone thought to look up my address and physically check on me. I guess my roommates might start to wonder what happened if they stopped seeing me and my body started to smell after rotting but that would also take a little while. At maximum it could be up to a week before I was found.

>> No.23025045
File: 19 KB, 800x600, 1701582840233594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how he pretends to have morals. Immortality good because it appeals to us not the fact that your life should be changed completely by his words. But even so, if his heart was in the right direction I would forgive him still. And he would forgive me too. But alas! I cannot do anything but be bound to the earth the cursed ring. He cannot do anything as well, his lament is more sorrowful. I was raised without faith and I doubt I have any faith. But I do have an eternal hope. This is why free will appeals to me or rather my lack of. A God that gives you a little faith must be the entire will of the world. It's already over but perhaps it's just getting started. Perhaps evil is bound. Perhaps we shall never philosophize as Android humans which would be by the way a pleasure so unimaginable that we may not even have the receptors to experience everything life has to offer.

Though my end be bittersweet I shall leave with a piece of you, my love. ;_:. I miss you lunar. You evoked such a memory inside me that I cannot ever repay. It was a relationship and freedom. It makes me cry that the place we first met was also the last place we met. And it will happen again. And again. And again. I will always be grateful for this chorus that never ends. Farewell my sweet friend.

And to Aphrodite I apologize for being so foolish. Perhaps I shall meet you on my own terms. I will never forget the time you had kissed me but I will always be sad that we never got the chance to know each other. But it was your will that you did not want to know me. My wisdom is this: it just is. I know that may be hard to understand. But I enjoyed it very much. I think you are a good friend. Your smile lights up rooms for days haha.

And to my God-given daughter. I will always try to love you perfectly. I wish that I could say what you want to hear. But I am a fool for writing what I have to say. I tried to show you the dark side of humanity because we will always show you the light in order to deceive ourselves. You are a beautiful young lady. I hope that we can dance one day even though I know that will never happen. I am sorry for over promising things to you. I want you to know that your family loves you. The life in us is something you are trying to learn about. I aught have nothing to give nor share. ITT a pity and a crying shame.

Goodbye 4chan! You were my life's work. If I am the only person alive then life, life happened indeed. I miss the times we spent embracing the crazy world together. And the frogs were funny so were the wojaks.

I will continue to lament until the time comes when it comes around. You can find me on /v/, /g/, /lit/.

>> No.23025051

Wouldn’t your girlfriend wonder why you’re not replying and come to your house to make sure everything is okay?

>> No.23025054

bro you're not supposed to make him want to kill himself more

>> No.23025061
File: 43 KB, 352x263, 1517666803657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your girlfriend

>> No.23025064

lets all agree to not reply to that guy

>> No.23025065

Is this a suicide note lmao

>> No.23025072


>> No.23025074

Jeff was out partying and I was left alone like a loser, locked in this bleak dorm. I didn’t have any plans other than to keep mucking around on my computer and maybe have a couple of smokes. Nothing mattered. The days blurred together like the bleak walls surrounding me. I felt empty and devoid of meaning. The world seemed dark and meaningless. My life was an endless cycle of nothingness. Sartre’s words echoed in the empty room: “existence precedes essence.” I exist I suppose. I think. I would feel it sometimes after a few brews. The room was dark, damp and reeked of Doral cigarette smoke and bodily fluids of all kinds. The door was locked, allowing no one in and nothing out. I stared at my cigarette, contemplating, searching for some sort of purpose or meaning in this meaningless existence. I drew another long drag as the smoke filled my lungs. I didn’t have anything else to do. I took another massive drag and leaned back against the wall, closing my eyes. I was alone. I turned on the TV and flipped it to some reruns of Cheers. Where everybody knows your name. Yeah, Norm, that's my man. I watched as Norm downed another beer. It's funny how things never change. We still get up, put on our pants, play a role and go about our miserable lives the same as the characters on TV. Was that all there was to life? Is that going to be me for the next 50 years? All signs point to yes.

>> No.23025083

jeff's a fag
keep watching tv

>> No.23025086

Prosetastic my nigga (why does prosaic mean bad prose?)

>> No.23025159

Only way I'd be interested in one of you incel basement dwellers is if you played games with me, like full playthroughs of Baldur's Gate 3 whenever I want.

>> No.23025195


>> No.23025199

>writer A is better than writer B
>retard, writer B is better than writer A
>says the pseud
>no u

Board sucks. Barely anyone says anything of worth and it’s mostly shit that belongs on a different board

>> No.23025200
File: 45 KB, 716x544, 1626110728956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your bait shall not work, foul jezebel

>> No.23025205


>> No.23025218

Thanks to some anons here for effort posting. It caused me to put better thought into my actions and what I write/say most times.

>> No.23025228

I’m so tired but I’m afraid to go to sleep

>> No.23025254

>anno domini 2024
>video games

>> No.23025289

Add 3 '

>> No.23025336

Listening to the MISHIMA biopic soundtrack at 4am in the morning. No I haven't slept.

>> No.23025450

Had a dream last night that I was at a friends party
Some purple haired girl hornily rubber herself on my knee as I sat down on the couch
I woke up and felt sad that I couldn't capitalize on the attraction
This isn't the first of it's kind
I wish I could smoke weed so that I can sleep with dreamless nights and not be haunted by succubae

>> No.23025452

>I wish I could smoke weed so that I can sleep with dreamless nights and not be haunted by succubae
You really don't

>> No.23025458

I woke up this morning severely sad that it wasn't real
Multiple times my dreams have confused me as to what's real and what is not.
I would gladly take nothing over a confusing and disappointing something

>> No.23025462

Idk I am usually motivated by my dreams involving women. I will take them if you are offering

>> No.23025662

I just wanted the internet of witty, shitposting fun back, because it's safer and more varied than to socialize with actual people. What I'm getting instead is instigation from feds of various intel agencies trying to bait me into flavour-of-the-day wrongthink so they can use it as evidence white people are terrorists or some other daft reason like that. It's frustrating, I'm having difficulties with coping with the fact my favourite space is long lost and every extra second I spend here is wasted life

>> No.23025673

Would it be vulgar to write fanfiction about my own life? Lately I've undertaken the frustrating task of trying to talk to women, and the results have been middling to say the least. However, I have managed to form something of a connection with at least three girls. It is, of course, unlikely that any of them will date me but a man can dream. And I have indeed been dreaming of not only marrying one of them, but all three at once. Now you might be thinking to yourself that any one with insane fantasies like this deserves to be alone. But consider this for a moment. Am I alone because I am like this or am I like this because I am alone?. Anyway, I have considered putting my fantasies to paper, if only just to get them out of my system.

>> No.23025718

i think quite a few famous writers basically did this

>> No.23025775

Do whatever the fuck you want

>> No.23025813
File: 82 KB, 762x600, 762px-L._Ron_Hubbard_in_1950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loads of women signed on to Dianetics from the start, even though the book claims that most women who've been pregnant tried dozens of times to abort the fetus.

>> No.23025842

I just started vtubing

>> No.23025849

That room would smell so gross

>> No.23025854

Lies are legal bronze age piracy.

Every excess breeds its counterreaction

Absolute power is a door into dreaming.

Obsession is annihilated by its own excesses.

>> No.23025855

cigarettes are disgusting but indoors they are unbearable

>> No.23025890

>post nut clarity
The only 'clarity' I experience post nut is the realization that I should never watch porn and masturbate again. Usually I go about a week, maybe two before I get drunk, relapse, watch porn and masturbate, before going sober and not watching porn for two weeks before I repeat the cycle again. Any anons have advice for how to break this? Thanks in advance. Practicing Christian btw but this cycle has been going on for the last 4ish months. Sometimes I go a little longer than 2 weeks, maybe a month tops but the cycle then continues.

>> No.23025897

>Am I alone because I am like this or am I like this because I am alone?
Given the way I perceive language, this doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.23025898


>> No.23025900

I wanna jerk off but there are people over and it's too hot. Ugh, when will my suffering end?

>> No.23025903

Your mom is disgusting but indoors she is unbearable

>> No.23025946

now imagine if she smoked cigs

>> No.23025949

It's a chicken or the egg scenario

>> No.23025978

For some reason I didn't realize it at the time but I understand what he means now. I think, in this situation, that you (and by extension, me, since I share a similar feeling) are alone because we are like this, not that we are like this because we are alone.

>> No.23026016

Why would you say that?

>> No.23026017

I'm so tired. No matter how much I sleep, I'm always tired. I wake up dreaming about going to sleep later that night.

>> No.23026127

We rise born again each morning lay dying every night heaven or hell our dreams

>> No.23026213

I went to the zoo today. Elephant was looking at me and flapping its ears. So I flapped my elbows and it flapped its ears again, and we went back and forth like that a couple of times. This is the happiest I have been in years, a decade even.

>> No.23026344

Had the thought yesterday of starting a /column/ general, where anons posted and discussed opinion pieces from across the media (maybe substack as well) but I'm not sure whether it would take off

>> No.23026364

When I was a kid I had the biggest crush on my mum's thick Chinese-Fijian milf friend

>> No.23026376

Is this general anything other than just anonymous twitter?

>> No.23026392

That story made my day better, thank you anon.

>> No.23026493


>> No.23026594

see my problem is that a sincere version of me is genuinely obnoxious, annoying, and frankly, quite rude. that's how i am, that's my default nature. decades on this earth however, have taught me that expressing my true self however, is basically always a bad idea. which is why in person the impression i leave i someone quiet, polite, respectful, and yet... artificial. and quite so, because if ever i let my guard down, i know it would just frustrate the other party anyway. there is no middle ground: either i act civil and get others to cooperate with me, but inside i am uninterested and uncaring, or i let sincerity reign and the other party realizes they are with someone with a very juvenile and repulsive personality. there is no winning, only a public mask and an anonymous place for me to compulsively repeat sneed and other obnoxious things because frankly it amuses me to no end

>> No.23026601

Should I return the money some lard ass farmer gave me after treating me like piece of shit while I worked for him two weeks?

>> No.23026614

i came to the conclusion of hard determinism over a year ago and went through months of nihilistic depression and am now back to only lightly depressed but still nihilistic.

>> No.23026687

So your destiny was to realize the hard determinism?

>> No.23026704


>> No.23026755
File: 2.13 MB, 2043x2436, 1682342713368001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorite things to do when I'm out is to mimic the calls of birds that are in nearby trees. They'll sing and I'll whistle back in the same way, and they'll look at me or fly to a branch that's a little bit closer then sing again. We'll sing back and forth at each other for a bit until either of us gets bored or realizes that the other doesn't want to fuck

i love birds bros

>> No.23026768


>> No.23026771

I also love birds. I wish I could get them to land on me or eat off my hands but I usually scare them away when I get close.

>> No.23026815

>Want to pirate game.
>It has Denuvo.
Grrrrr, damn you, video game companies, how dare you not let me steal your game.

>> No.23026822
File: 10 KB, 600x497, 65478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know how minecraft maps have a seed? and that seed is the formula for how the map generates? what if our universe has a seed in the same way, a specific formula for the amount and combination of energy/forces/whatever that, from a hard deterministic view, made the universe become what it today?

>> No.23026838

> come to a conclusion
> that coming to a conclusion is literally impossible
Retard. You didn’t really come to a conclusion then. Either you’re fucking wrong or you can’t be right.

>> No.23026850
File: 856 KB, 1392x2290, IMG_20240203_144005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two things I'd like to say.
First of all, I'd like to apologise to an anon who asked me a question, a few days ago; it wasn't my intention to offend, nor condescend.

Secondly, after some hesitation, I've decided to learn French, in an autodidactic fashion. I have no previous experience with the language, yet it's my intention to be semi-fluent by the beginning of this Summer (a B2 level at least, by EU standards). The reason is my desire to pursue, after my academic years, a diplomatic route of labour; and French is a vital language to learn for that field.
Any tips or advice from you fellows would be appreciated.

>> No.23026865

Here's an edgy suicide note:

>My only excuse is that I do not exist.

The twist is that I don't need nor want an excuse.

>> No.23026869

>that coming to a conclusion is literally impossible
strawman, this wasn't stated in the original comment

>> No.23026871

I want to love another person in spite of all of their flaws. I want to tell them, "I know you will judge me, hate me, consider me ugly, narcissistic, self-absorbed, and that you will think about other men, and that's okay. I understand people are flawed." I want to let them know that I am narcissistic, egotistical, judgmental, vain, insecure, and generally a terrible person, and that if they want to leave me, I would absolutely understand. I would be glad that they could have the honesty to prevent us from continuing on a loveless relationship- something I hate so much. I would not judge them in any way for it.

In all respects, the relationship would be normal. The difference would lie solely in the understanding between us, and the feeling of freedom that one can be who they truly are, because all of the ways in which we are terrible, all of our insecurities, all of our interests and desires, would be known from the start. Yes, I know it's a juvenile fantasy. But I don't think I could ever go the traditional route wondering if I am being a horrible person by not telling the other person this or that secret, or whether they do no love me and continue simply because they pity me. I would want absolute openness, for the best of both of us.

I thought about this from some previous postings ITT, about how atrocious relationships tend to be with all of the lies and deceit that people tell one another to preserve what is not meant to be.

>> No.23026876

I love birds too bros but they're too social for me. Some families, like corvids, are also very reciprocal. Once I started feeding some local crows, one took it upon themselves to try to share its bread. Some of their calls are for feeding, they want you to share your food with them, or, they want you to eat their food, and it took some time to explain to the crow I didn't need to eat its slice of bread it found. I advise not just learning the territorial and fucking calls like anon, but the feeding calls if you want to feed crows directly. The benefit of corvids in general is that they remember faces so they'll seek you out once they know you talk back and bring food.

>> No.23026878

>Once I started feeding some local crows, one took it upon themselves to try to share its bread. Some of their calls are for feeding, they want you to share your food with them, or, they want you to eat their food, and it took some time to explain to the crow I didn't need to eat its slice of bread it found.
That's fucking adorable.

>> No.23026880

Well a lot of people don't leave notes at all

>> No.23026891

It was very distressing at the time. It kept putting it places it was hoping I would stop and eat it, but I know crows also like to clean their food, so it would have to go wash it in water to eat it once it gave up trying to feed me.

>> No.23026903

I'd rather leave that than a will. Might make the coroner's job a bit easier.

>> No.23026937

Why do people complain of political division when political opinion is more homogeneous than ever?

>> No.23027004

Dubs and I pull all of the used syringes out of the biohazard bin at the doctors office and stick myself with them

>> No.23027060

I had a dream last night.
This morning, I still remembered part of it.
Now the Sun is gone, and so is my dream.

>> No.23027064
File: 268 KB, 647x1149, 1506815606020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just keep walking this barren land while trying to ignore my surroundings, keeping my sight on the sky. No yesterday or tomorrow, just static and sorrow.
I have always believed that my problem was a lack of will. I do not want anything, and everything I do is just to stay away from me.
I remember I had a dream last night. I don't remember what it was about but I cried while I was dreaming. Maybe they were simply the tears I hold back when I'm awake.

>> No.23027085

God wins

>> No.23027097

I lose

>> No.23027098

Then why did God give me a miserable life? Just for a laugh.

>> No.23027118

Unironically a blessing. By most human standards Christ was in a constant state of misery. "those who are first will be last, those who are last will be first". Keep praying

>> No.23027124

I have dreamt twice of the same old man. First time was months ago. He is tall, very pale and wears an old suit.

>> No.23027125

I would definitely post in it

>> No.23027127

Because I've always believed in the maxim "nothing changes until you do". We do have the power to change our situation, hopeless as it seems

>> No.23027139

you just described my last few years with a women, almost to a tee, God bless you with a gift my friend

>> No.23027148

Did you write this? If so it's one of the better things I've seen on /lit/

>> No.23027149

Thinking of which hooker I'll be banging on my vacation in two weeks

>> No.23027150

was this your first hug?
are you a medic/student or something?

>> No.23027152

"All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well"
suffering purifies your vision, it gives sight to actual value, once you see what really matters, love, which is God, and loving those he surrounds us with, you will never suffer again, only the delay of time and longing

>> No.23027170

let me guess. Bad childhood, most likely neglect.

>> No.23027177
File: 100 KB, 641x2614, white_whale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she probably has a boyfriend, anon and thirst after breaking your heart after giving it to her
never thrust women who 'read', NEVER
a man should look for a Daisy Buchanan

>> No.23027184

Everytime someone says men aren't retarded just remember that this comic gets regularly posted without irony.

>a man should look for a Daisy Buchanan
Consider reading?

>> No.23027198
File: 285 KB, 1652x1200, garden-of-an-inn-capri.jpg!HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I'm the story poster anon again.
I was just thinking that an opportunity to talk to someone in your position is fairly rare, so I wanted to ask for something such as a throwaway email. This is not for a friendship or anything, I'm not even sure what I would say if I did message back, I just think having the opportunity is better than not. I understand if it sounds weird, so no worries.

If you post one, I will probably not message you for a while, so just keep that in mind. I'll post this again or something similar later today and/or on the next /wwoym/ to increase the general odds of you seeing it.

>> No.23027211


>> No.23027225
File: 37 KB, 828x638, 1703528251895685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I promised my mom I wouldn't buy stupid shit this month, and it's only the third. There is so much stupid shit I want to buy, I'm going to lose my mind.

>> No.23027227

I have a confession to make: up until today I thought that "yarn" actually means "young adult romance novel".

>> No.23027237

Anyone else having to wait a minute as part of the captcha? This shit is so annoying it might actually get me to quit this garbage website lol

>> No.23027292

What stupid shit do you normally buy? I also have this problem

>> No.23027312

Why does it feel like mind is stuck in the past? It feels like my last mental checkpoint is early 2020.

I feel like I'm still 24, new at work, with a bachelor's, with all my parents, with someone I thought would be my wife, with a full head of hair, ready to take on the world, with all my friend beside me.

But it's actually 2024. I'm nearly 28. A master's. A new country with no friends. No gf or wife. Two grandparents and a step-father gone.

A minute feels real, a day feels like a struggle, the years feel like dream that I must wake from. The only moments i feel genuinely alive are the very last moments of consciousness before sleep. I wish I knew what was wrong with me.

>> No.23027328

COVID was just crazy, I have spent five years more or less sitting in my apartment working some kind of makeshift computer job where I use maybe .5% of what I learned in my degree. In the long run it's like, what even is that? So many systems and promises failing at the same time.

>> No.23027410
File: 3.27 MB, 640x350, 1691069774594.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally starting to understand husserl

>> No.23027453

My roommate accidently burnt plastic. I can smell it in the air. It hurts to breathe.

>> No.23027474

All I like is lifting, consoooming media, and daydreaming
I'm going to kms in my mid 40s

>> No.23027481

Be conscious of what advertising you are exposed to. It has more of an effect then most realize
Report ads that advertise shit you want to buy until all you see on your feed is weird shit you have no interest in buying

>> No.23027487

You'll realize you've ascended when all you see are ads for tiktok and dental replacements

>> No.23027498

>What stupid shit do you normally buy?
a bunch of random things for random projects I want to do but probably won't get around to, like beads, chicken wire and clay, a bunch of super tiny books in a tiny bookshelf, a flowerpot, a measuring tape that looks like a chameleon...

>> No.23027503

I use adblock my dude

>> No.23027509

Why do I get aroused thinking of my wife being fucked by a big dick and having frivolous open sex with faceless men, but the second I put a face to any of those men, I get immensely disgusted?

What's up with my brain? I don't watch or enjoy cuck or bbc porn. Maybe I just enjoy the idea of my wife being sexually ready and enjoying pleasure? Been a while since we went to town due to some physical issues of hers

>> No.23027523

Ad block doesn't really block all the ads. Not the ones you see on facebook and other social media sites that pop up as suggested content
As well as the plethora of other covert advertisements on those sites

>> No.23027537

I don't use any social media platforms, and my tastes are too weird for most ads anyway. I've never gotten ads for things I actually want to buy anyway, except maybe reusable paper towels or something like that.

>> No.23027548

>michael's niggas

>> No.23027599

I don't think I had enjoyable sex until I was 25 because I needed an emotional connection to enjoy it. Every other time I bedded a woman, my interest in her would completely disappear the second I took off her panties. It was all a game to me back then. A game of getting a date and then acting the right way and making the right jokes and saying the right things are the right time and showing the right emotions are the exact right moments and touching her in the right moments throughout. It's actually scary how good I got at it. It took me a long while to learn the right things, and I didn't go on many dates, maybe once every couple months, but eventually I ALWAYS managed to get her in the bed. Shame that it didn't matter at all because I only did it for the chase and not my well being.

>> No.23027742

I don't understand on what basis does society expect me to do things for it when it never did anything for me. Where is its sense of entitlement coming from?

>> No.23027758

I never got the feminist notion that sex is about power. I only ever saw it as a basic need like food or shelter or water or whatever. That was until I fucked a girl in the asshole. I get it now.

>> No.23027778

As a man you should have intuitively understood the idea. Unlike women, men don't have sex first and foremost because it feels good, but rather because it is gratifying to their ego. Obviously it is enjoyable on a physical level as well but in that sense men are outclassed by women to such a degree that it's not even funny.

>> No.23027784

You would know tranny

>> No.23027827

>when it never did anything for me
Do you buy food from a store? Do you live in a house with plumbing and electricity?

>> No.23027878
File: 37 KB, 680x426, 1654712117954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do homosexuals suck penis? Doesn't penis smell and taste bad?

>> No.23027910

No, quite the opposite actually.

>> No.23027988

This is unironically a porn addled brain. You're also likely circumcised and desensitized

>> No.23028011

For the same reasons women suck penis, I assume.

>> No.23028023


>> No.23028050

>with faceless men, but the second I put a face to any of those men, I get immensely disgusted?
Because when they're faceless, it's a hypothetical fantasy- when they have faces it becomes more "real". I think it's pretty normal. People have a lot of sexual fantasies they get off to, that they don't actually want to happen in real life. Rape fantasies are a pretty obvious one.

>> No.23028186

Just took a big, wet shit.

>> No.23028223

was it good?

>> No.23028234

That's not true. Gay men are men so they must have a cognitive, reflective experience of sucking dick. Women only have access to sensation and emotion, and most of their emotions are validation and approval seeking. Women suck dick the way a puppy sucks its mother's nipples, it's pure instinct.

>> No.23028240

I'm paranoid about meeting my online friends I've known for years because I think I will be too autistic, and that I look much uglier than how I usually look in photos.

>> No.23028248

I took off 2 week from work at the start of the year, but the suicidal thoughts are back.

>> No.23028256

I have been struggling with the feelings I have for a married older woman.

I am engaged and I love my fiancée. Due to our work circumstances I have been living out in Arizona while my bride to be is working back in D.C.

We get along perfect, I love her and she loves me. We both know each others families and we get along great.

There is a woman at my job who I am working with, she is twice my age but looks like she could be as young as me. I just thought she was kind of pretty at first but as time has gone on she has shown herself to be very sweet, intense, and hard working.

I keep catching daydreaming about being with her in bed and I keep trying to catch a glance of her at work when I think she won't notice.

I feel ashamed honestly, I can't help myself. I love my fiancée and I feel gross and disrespectful for even having these thoughts.

I'll be finished up here in around a month or two depending and will be heading back to D.C. This is honestly for the best, I just wanted to get that off my chest.

>> No.23028286

suicidal thoughts?

>> No.23028305
File: 267 KB, 609x781, booba_up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show baboobas, femoid

>> No.23028363

i live in a small spanish town
i felt in need of a bit of spirituality
i went to the church to "talk to god"
my grandma used to go whenever she wanted to talk to god
to my surprise, the door was locked
it was thursday afternoon
i will try again another day
saturday morning
i run my errands that i had in town, circled back exactly 2 hours later but it was closed
i have seen it open on several occasions, with lost tourists wandering in and out of the place taking pictures and a wedding last summer
i just never felt like entering up until now
then finally, sunday, noon
mass in session, please be discreet and stay in the back until we are done
i give some change to someone collecting donations, i pay for a candle
i get notified that mass concluded, the church will now close
i ask to just light the candle, i get permission to quickly go to any altar on the west wing
seriously impressive, ornate, intricate statues, paintings, stonemasonary everywhere i look
i place my candle under a life sized jesus crucifixion where 50 other candles are illuminating the century old sculpture
i think about my grandmother
the light dims, i can hear the doors closing, i look at the exit, then at jesus on the cross
i walk out of the church
a slow walking elderly man exits with me
i ask him what time the church is usually open because i would like to speak to god
he laughs and tell me that i dont have to take an appointment with god just to speak to him
behind us the doors locks from the inside

>> No.23028371

its ok to have these thoughts, but remember that they are only thoughts

>> No.23028375

>without irony

It‘s true I have killed seven whales who were dating girls I was after.

Tits or gtfo

>> No.23028383

please elaborate on this.

>> No.23028389

You should worry that your 'friends' will be uglier and more autistic than you realise

>> No.23028395

Thanks, that's good to know

>> No.23028449

My neighbor doesn't want to be my daughter.

>> No.23028468

Women want the treatment of equality, but not all that comes with it.

A woman will say "we can do anything a man can" or "we're just as ___ as men". Yet if but the 50th ranked male fighter against the #1 female fighter, he will destroy her. Same goes for every sport.

In business, a woman who is chastised for her mistake makes it an emotional scene instead of swallowing her pride and moving forward like men do. She must let the people on social media that the mean, old, crusty, white male boss was a sexist/misogynist. She probably gets advice to go to HR.

A woman who is tricked, out-thought, or one-upped, makes accusations. She accuses the man who lied his way into pussy of rape. She accuses the man who beats her in a debate of gaslighting or other manipulation tactics.

The 30 year old man who fucked her when she was 19/20 is a "groomer" because he just wanted some young, legal, tight pussy and the girl had Daddy issues and thought he was her soulmate.

And what do we see when the female "intellectuals" go on social media and make their posts/video essays about how society views women? They have their hair done, wear make-up, and made sure to pick the best outfit in their wardrobe, because they want to look nice. They want to look nice for a camera while they tell you to stop objectifying them. They wear low cut shirts that show their breast meat or tight fitting pants, but they don't want you to look.

Now of course there are "men" who have been ruined by single mothers and ideas such as "feminism gets you laid", who drink latte shakes and paint their nails. They surely cry and act like women, but I'm not referring to those "men".

tl;dr: the woman is a fool, and it's society's fault for allowing them to vote. Give an inch, they take a mile.

>> No.23028478

I honestly think that debate is completely worthless trash and that slaughtering people is much healthier. Unfortunately, the army is stronger than me, but if I had a button that I could press that would instantly kill some retard spewing nonsense, I would press it every time.

>> No.23028480

How's junior high treating ya? Not that you're wrong

>> No.23028487

>you’re right but you must be a child because I’m a coward and slave to societal norms
Not him but stfu that type of shit is so annoying

>> No.23028497

It's funny that there's literally more slaves today than in human history, but people go on about how slavery WAS bad.

>> No.23028505

I think its the lack of original thought that he's criticising

>> No.23028528

Look, if you have a boyfriend don't fuckinn flirt with me

>> No.23028545

I'm just saying this is something most men discover around that age.

>> No.23028555

>tfw will never be a student at a prestigious males-only boarding school
>tfw your true love will never watch you play football, then you watch her play violin at a recital
>tfw you will never study Latin, Greek, and the classics with based old man bro teachers

>> No.23028557

Just learned the Philippines raised the age of consent from 12 to 16. There goes my plans.

>> No.23028571

Why are so many retards on /lit/?

>> No.23028591

Trying to read a philosophy book and the author keeps inserting untranslated quotes in Greek, Latin, and German.

>> No.23028685

Whether I should buy a condo in a city I’m not sure I want to live in. The neighborhood is great and the price is good. I think I could rent it out if I end up not living there long term.

>> No.23028749

Well, I think you've come to its worst general

>> No.23028789

What's bad about it?

>> No.23028809

I didn’t know where else to post it so I chose this general. WWOYM is repetitive and doomer oriented, certainly

>> No.23029011

Even a literal monkey knows just enough Greek, Latin, and German to decipher the occasional quote in them. You're not dumber than a monkey, are you?

Are you?

>> No.23029012
File: 24 KB, 682x630, 1704483103200965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is a blur and everything comes at once. Memories of dreams or maybe dreaming of memories. Its getting harder to tell the difference. ////between memories of the past, last nights nightmares and the delusions that slip into the shadows of sleepness weeks.///

My mind is a desert, always has been. Mountains lathered in shredded snow, shrouded by the pretty summer thunderstorm clouds and a city in such disrepair

I've been awake for sixty five hours and theres this dull roar, that has been growing louder and louder. It creeps in the way that the shadows creep closer after an evening of watching scary movies. Outside, under the sycamores and water locusts I try not to think about a summer day when I ran to the park and read a book atop a hill beneath the early morning sun. And I try not to think about the silence that suddenly overwhelms you like a tide, the absolute perfect stillness where the shadows are slowly shrinking away and the sun climbs grimly through the sky and there is no one around not a bird not a bee not another human and for a moment you wonder if this might not be the predicament all around the world and....and then you move because the stillness is unnerving and then you hear a sound. I spend to much time trapped in these ancient memories, dirty monologues that expose fears

>> No.23029051

Sometimes I wish I could draw. Sketch. Paint. There is a tree that lingers baren in winter, stark lines, dark bark reaching to flat pale blue skies, cloudless now but frequently lathered with the musky grey of pregnant clouds. Drunk. I am drunk and I can't stop myself. I sometimes wish I could draw. Sketch. Paint.

>> No.23029107

romantic love is far more complex (and for that, far less rosy) than these gustav klimt embroidered memes about it with their vague metaphysical poeticisms about immortality would lead you to believe. images like OP reduce romantic love into a pinterest-like literary mood.

>> No.23029125

Whats a gustav kilmt. Give an exceprt that helps to define his work

>> No.23029158

what? are you retarded?

>> No.23029181

Yes. Respond to the post please

>> No.23029183

it's a meme you dip, lighten up

>> No.23029201

it's not a meme, it's mood board nonsense for the lit equivalent of avant teens and brooding early 20s on 4chan.
he's a world famous painter. the "characters" in OP's image are from his paintings.

>> No.23029235
File: 121 KB, 442x532, 1702782989566948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the information. Have a /heem/

>> No.23029307

Every time I'm around one of my relatives I feel humiliated. They constantly condemn me for not being their height/doing the shit they do. Instead of dissuading them from doing this, my father told me to practically mutilate myself to become taller. God is my only hope in life.

>> No.23029333

1. I'm dating a kindergartener. She's very sweet.

2. I started watching Fargo. I've noticed that I'm starting to talk like them.

>> No.23029389

It just occurred to me that the fellas smoking ciggies in Infinite Jest was OK because they had a cure for cancer.

>> No.23029396
File: 28 KB, 440x244, 440px-Aelbert_Cuyp_-_Rivierlandschap_met_ruiters_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his work isnt my cup of tea as the britbongs say. I prefer the impressionists, the dutchies, and the romantics. A little surrealism.

Are there any recent art movements (paintings) that strive for feeling/stuff/beauty/meaning like those epochs did?

In my opinion, family is supposed to make you feel content (happy/warm/safe). Worrying about height is foolish, past a certain age you cant modify it, and it is mostly decided by genetics and in small part by nutrition, exercise, sleep. Are you certain these condemnations are not imaginary?

>> No.23029399

Immigrants should kill Europeans en masse until Eurooeans wake up

>> No.23029434

But how do immigrants know they are not Europeans dreaming of being immigrants?

>> No.23029466

most, if not all art movements strive for feeling/stuff/beauty/meaning, it's just that you likely object to the form it takes. painters like georges rouault and emil nolde were deeply religious avant garde artists (as an obvious consequence of their religious convictions, they abhorred the subjectivity of impressionism as you might abhor klimt for his seeming failure to possess "feeling" or "meaning") in the 19th-early 20th century, but since their choice of form didn't lend itself to the heroics of classicism or the intuitive natural beauty of the plein air artists, they were maligned by both the klimts and hitlers of the world -- nolde especially. but i find rouault's painting "the old king" to be a deeply moving portrait of the isolated duty of a sovereign, whose lined face, despite his royal regalia, reveals the asceticism inherent to his task. it's an emotive "expressionist" portrayal of the ethos contained in classicism.

>> No.23029473
File: 169 KB, 1000x1000, theoldking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.23029494

Fuck you. Europe has produced most of the worlds greatest inventions and worked tirelessly to further every field of scientific study. These advancements include the internet and computer and very language you use to proclaim such vile That land has also created the most beautiful works of art in every fields, including but not limited to philosophy, architecture, religion, sculptures, and paintings.

While I understand the intention behind your post, a desire to stimulate action via self defense, it is so vile and counterproductive that I cannot endorse it. You should be promoting the good things that Europe and the European people hasve brought the world and advocate for stronger borders and a return to nationalism

>> No.23029495

>Are you certain these condemnations are not imaginary?
They've frequently asked me why I'm not as tall as them; maybe part of it is imaginary but IMO its mostly real.

>> No.23029549

The real failure here is your inability to cope with their comments.

>> No.23029553

That portrait is good, i agree with your deacription. I am drunk so apologies for misspellings and if I come off as rude.

I have trouble appreciating the religious artwork of the previous eras, the frequent scenes of violence (crucifixtion, john the baptists execution) and the flatness (the Christian paintings have a 2d flatness to them - YES i know lots of this art is from the medieval europe ime where flatness was the style) and the disorderlyness offends me.

(Disorderlyness: alot of religous art places figures on different levels that is displeasing.

Are there any artists similar to Roualt you would reccomend?

>> No.23029559

if only i could ink
a mental drink
and it eats

>> No.23029568

He is past the point of believing that eurocucks will do anything about their present ills. Valid, really, because what is already happening should have resulted in a prompt revolution.

>> No.23029570

You'd be less depressed if you stopped watching Cheers.

>> No.23029574

Its important to seperate banter/familial insults from real insults. A sibling making fun of a known defect/failing is not the same as a stranger doing it.

Be aware; your own hyper focus on these self perceived issues, joined with the insults and prejudices of social media (4chan manlet threads etc) may cause tunnel vision and hypetsensitivity.

I dont know your family, maybe they are dicks but maybe you are hyper sensitive. Talk to them about your concerns

>> No.23029590

Using deragatory language like eurocucks is self defeating. I agree Europe and America needs to respond to their subjugation via revolution but there are more productive ways to go about it. You have to show the good that these nations were capable of producing and then contrast it with the current bad. Show people there is a working solution

>> No.23029614

99% of people overlook the extent to which circumcision has destroyed marriages and male psyches. Marriages because of a terrible sex life which permeates into other aspects of married life. Psyches because it renders them a neurotic, juvenile, insecure and needy mess all because their own parents betrayed them in one of the worst ways possible when they were born.

>> No.23029656


>> No.23029667

He was my best friend. You guys were my best friends. I just want my friends back. I can't do this

>> No.23029668

>The real failure here is your inability to cope with their comments.
Yeah I know; reality is chaotic and it's up to you to make the most out of it, but I just don't know how to respond to those who say this. Should I laugh it off? Should I just say ok?
Yeah there is a chance that I'm being a bitch. I'll just let time do its thing and maybe future me will have a better image of today's situation.

>> No.23029679

How old are you?

>> No.23029711


>> No.23029745

Nice digits. Gtfo 4chan. I turn 30 soon, been here since I was 13yo. This site is cancerous. Leave. Go exercise. Also study art, music, history, science, on your own; whatever just pick whatever you like and study and branch from there. I know this is 4chan and everything is a meme but leave this site and dont come back. You are still young. Go write a paper on Renoir and William Orange

>> No.23029754

Good sex truly is my favorite thing in the world
I love wrapping my legs around him in missionary ugh it feels perfect
Glad we are sort of on the track to becoming friends too
Happy the sun is coming out and the days are getting longer

>> No.23029757

There's a separate board for you.

>> No.23029759

There's no fucking way I'm leaving this place. Where else do I turn to discuss books? Reddit?
Also although this site is cancerous I'm not addicted to this place; I go on 4chan only a few times a day instead of hours upon hours.

>> No.23029762

What about the connection makes it better? I mean I get it but also

>> No.23029764

>the token resident nondescript femcel is leaving the general again
Oh good the poetry threads are going to max out quicker

>> No.23029812

Some directions please
Is that where you move to?

James Baldwin is pretty dope have any of you read him?

>> No.23029815

Spent the whole day grunting in agony at my loneliness

>> No.23029817


>> No.23029821

Itenity bop
Itenity bop

>> No.23029842

>you remember Hector
>you now remember his cruel fate
>you now remember the cruel fate of his family
Bros... Why did he have to die...

>> No.23029847

Dude. I thought the same thing, "theres no other place like this, never gonna leave". I'm telling you, one human to another, that this site has, and will have, a negative impact on your life. I dont advocate for any social media, avoid it all. This is a warning. You are still young. All the info you can gain here, you can gain via studying on your own. Tldr dont trust jews.

>> No.23029873

>This is a warning. You are still young. All the info you can gain here, you can gain via studying on your own. Tldr dont trust jews.
Where can I be autistic then? Maybe I'll quit the chan if there's a good alternative.

>> No.23029887

>Where can I be autistic then?
I dont know what that means. In the past, men would keep a journal to log their thoughts and they would also discuss things with their friends. Find a way to channel your energy, shitposting is a poor altetnative. I dont want to come off as more learned than thou, but this site is not good for a developing mind

>> No.23029898

Not him, but friends. They're the only thing that can help you get out of these shitty imageboards that endlessly rot and become worse. And I'm not talking about "friends", but actual friends who you wouldn't mind having with you for the rest of your life, who are of a similar nature to you. As for how to get them, you simply roll the gacha until either you get sick and tired of it or manage to get one.

>> No.23029917


>> No.23029943

Fugg off fake me
>but this site is not good for a developing mind
In what way? Although I use 4chan I'm not terminally online; I have friends, I'm writing a shitty autobiography, go to the gym, read history, etc.

>> No.23029976

I'm not fake. That's my actual opinion.

>> No.23030002

Its bad for you. Some intellectual big brain anon can explain it. But consider this, people who have share similar values, lifestyles, histories as you all agree that you should go live a real life and avoid this site.

Artificial social interaction will stunt your ability to interact in the real world. Artificial social interaction with little to no limitations will significantly stunt your ability to interact in the real world. Why not trust your seniors

>> No.23030010

Sir, my seniors are hypocrites.

>> No.23030031

Hypocrisy doesnt invalidate facts. I got real shit to do: Nigger leave this site, go live a real life, this site is bad for you in so many ways that I struggle to explain. Find real life friends like the other anon suggested. Seriously

>> No.23030032

Modern 4chan is a lot like social media. (Most) People compete to make threads and posts that will get a lot of replies, which is deeply tied in with extremely low quality dogshit posts that offer absolutely nothing. It's also very hard to get people to engage in serious conversation about something, almost all attempts end up instantly getting derailed by some faglord who just has to do everything in his power to argue for retarded shit and blatantly without any good faith. That, and faggots who make everything about saying the controversial thing, without any care about the substance of what it is that they're saying and how they phrase it. For every "le based :)" or "le cringe :(" you see there's maybe one or two posts that explain why they like or dislike, agree or disagree with something. You're probably only still here because this place has a few people who have the same general mindset or skills as you, the rest are just worthless niggers spamming garbage. It's much more healthy and fulfilling for you to get real friends who have the same mindset or skills or interest as you than to stay here and spend your days skimming through 999 underage little shits talking about trannies for a single interesting post.
I got out of here around 2018 and didn't come back all the way up until a few months ago. That's basically the same as quitting outright, right? And now I can't even waste allday on 4chan anymore, I end up ragequitting around the 30th based/cringe that I see on that particular day.

>> No.23030059

>Find real life friends like the other anon suggested.
I didn't even necessarily mean real life friends. Both real life friends and online friends come with their own positives and negatives, the first and biggest difference that comes to me off the top of my head is the fact that online friends are kept away from eachothers lives. This means they won't have to deal too deeply with eachothers sticky business nor will they (usually) do anything like loaning/borrowing, so the relationship is more smooth. This is at the same time also a bad thing though, as you won't be able to depend on them too much during bad times and neither will they be able to depend on you.

>> No.23030062

There's literally nothing wrong with wasting time. Don't be a bugman.

>> No.23030073

Waste your time doing something interesting or funny then, not slogging through endless threads that are all about niggers or trannies or whatever and why you should worship or kill all of them.

>> No.23030112

Vegans support the shitty industrial system that destroys animal life and biodiversity more than carnists do. At least if you removed the factory farms, you can still hunt. A vegan can't even be alive without his supplements.

>> No.23030132

I nevet said anything about wasting time. Idgaf how you spend your time but if Im asked, I think you should spend it to benefit you and your family.
My main issue is that this site ia bad for people and will have a negative effect on that guys psyche

I still think real life friends are better than internet friends. Real life friends mog internet friends. With RL friends you can go experience new things, have someone to meet chicks with, see bands with, see movies with, visit art mueseums with, borrrow money from, see sports games with, go on roadtrips with, help find jobs, crash on their couch, drink with etc.

While internet frienda offer several benfits, real life friends offer more

>> No.23030141

Poetry sucks and i'm tired of pretending it doesn't.

>> No.23030169

Fox Mulder recites this fairly well. But good to read.

At times I almost dream
I too have spent a life the sages’ way,
And tread once more familiar paths. Perchance
I perished in an arrogant self-reliance
Ages ago; and in that act a prayer
For one more chance went up so earnest, so
Instinct with better light let in by death,
That life was blotted out — not so completely
But scattered wrecks enough of it remain,
Dim memories, as now, when once more seems
The goal in sight again.

>> No.23030231

>You're probably only still here because this place has a few people who have the same general mindset or skills as you, the rest are just worthless niggers spamming garbage. It's much more healthy and fulfilling for you to get real friends who have the same mindset or skills or interest as you than to stay here and spend your days skimming through 999 underage little shits talking about trannies for a single interesting post.
This is genuinely good advice, but as noted before, I'm not terminally online. I have irl friends. Also I doubt I can find friends irl who enjoy the same things that I enjoy/have my own mindset. Who besides my history professors would want to discuss La Ancien Regime France, the Han Empire, etc?

>> No.23030242

The hollow summer. Stars you cannot see at night because of the electric lights of the city floods and confuses the senses, illuminates the surface of the dark water and infiltrates the sky.

The beer was nice as were the drugs. They extended the length of any moment, clothing it in a warm murky glow. He wanted to enjoy the warmth, knowing that the frigid winter chill would soon set in. A chill of the bones and a powdering of the streets. Work was not steady; the unnamed recession twisted and rippled its effect into even the darkest of corners of industry. Even into his. Crime for hire.

It was not the low desert of Phoenix. The empty heat that pressed at the skin. A test of pain and and the flesh. A test that could not be stood against in winter; the pain tests of winter were the pain of the heart. It is not hard to understand which is easier. It is not hard to understand which was despised.

But it was hot. I slept away the day, feigning a need for sleep, a need to recover. And now, a few days later, it was cool. And the wind howled in the upper boughs of leaf filled trees, trees that I do not know the name of.

>> No.23030406

i have not fapped in over a month now and i feel so sexually unsatisfied its unreal. how do people do this indefinitely

>> No.23030417

Prostitutes. The Erotic review

>> No.23030423

Same here. Gonna hire a top tier hooker soon tho.

>> No.23030445

A lot us are probably here because we are unable to make friends irl. I would vastly prefer if my 4chan friends magically physically manifested themselves and then we could go outside together and talk about books or whatever. Here I can talk about things I like and I am interested in and I often receive engaging replies and positive responses. With real people I can't even move beyond small talk about the weather. There is simply no other option. 4chan certainly doesn't help, but I was a weirdo alienated from others long before I started posting here. I agree that if you have real friends then you should fuck off from here and try your hardest with them. Use your present social capabilities to branch out and try and find some lit friends. DO NOT let it atrophy away as you sit in your bedroom writing effortposts about eunuchs in the later Han dynasty. This is a sanitarium for despondent dead ends, especially wwoym. We will pull you down with us!

>> No.23030446

the bar is kind of like church

>> No.23030473

I used to do this but I've gotten a lot better, just took being realistic about the fact I'll never get around to those projects and now I don't spend aimlessly on them

>> No.23030618

Well la dee da Mr. Gucci loafers

>> No.23030628

Yeah I barely even feel anything when I jack off anymore. It really frustrates me and is likely why i jack off so much and have weird fetishes

>> No.23030643 [DELETED] 

A sparrow sits outside my window
Singing brightly on the branch.
I tap the glass and smile
and hope she’ll sing her song for me.
She tilts her little red head and silently considers me
Before launching into the crisp morning air.
And I feel sadder than before.

>> No.23030655


>> No.23030738

I don't think I would embody your fantasy, though. Anne seems sweet, gentle, and feminine. While I don’t think I’m the antithesis of those traits, my posting on 4chan already negates that image like >>23024977 implies. I’m pretty cringe, but if you think it’d be insightful: burner45389258038@gmail.com

>> No.23030740

I started posting bible verses and now i feel like I'm being crucified daily

>> No.23030863

After not going outdoors for about 4 days, I went out at about 9 this evening and immediately noticed how clear it was, the clearest night I've seen this winter, Orion instantly obvious as in a textbook illustration, the floridly flashing cold glitter of Sirius standing out in sharp contrast to the steady mellow yellow glow of Jupiter about 30 degrees to its northwest. It reminded me a little of a chick who invited me to her place one night, while her parents were away for some reason, who knows for how long. It's a literal log cabin with all the amenities in a site amazingly secluded from light and noise for how accessible it is from the grid. One of the things she did was press me to read Renault's The Last Of The Wine, which I've done about three times since then. One of the things I did was lead her outdoors, to see even Jupiter casting a slight halo of haze in high thin midsummer altostratus, something she hadn't noticed before. For the most part we liked the same things in people, if very different things in environments, like man and woman in the abstract.

>> No.23030971

Do you still feel the same urge to masturbate as before?

>> No.23031434

I'm very angry, that none of you have designed to reply to me; not even to criticise me.
Fuck all of you

>> No.23031637

Fuck autocorrect!! And fuck you!