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/lit/ - Literature

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23020146 No.23020146[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What book is she reading, /lit/?

>> No.23020148

sexo sexo sexy back sexy hair sexo coca cola sex

>> No.23020149

Something retarded, no doubt. Stomp on her back and steal her shoes to smell later.

>> No.23020154
File: 18 KB, 495x362, 1497914064594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My diary. That bitch stole my fucking diary

>> No.23020158

Islam is right about women

>> No.23020176

Islam is right about everything

>> No.23020184

No and you need medical attention.

>> No.23020187
File: 222 KB, 1499x2000, gass the tunnel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23020191
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>you dont want women to act like whores
>you need medical attention!

>> No.23020199

women are so sexy
they are so small and frail, feels like they might snap like a twig
almost like children
I want to fuck them

>> No.23020212


>> No.23020222
File: 343 KB, 1024x768, office-anime-girl-wink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silly anon green twigs don't snap

>> No.23020225

lust provoking image irrelevant time wasting question

>> No.23020238


>> No.23020243


Ice Planet Barbarians.

>> No.23020251

something by Deleuze and Guatarri for sure.

>> No.23020258

How is she acting like a whore? This could be her boyfriend or husband taking the photo, and they could be out hiking somewhere alone or whatever.

>> No.23020267

This makes me feel lonely anon. Tfw no cute petite blonde gf to read naked on rocks with
Lol hes just a seething incel. He hates women because they wont touch him. Not because he has any understanding of conservative islam

>> No.23020297

i'd wager a colleen hoover novel.

>> No.23020312

Your just as much of an incel.

>> No.23020339

Why do you need to take all your clothes off while hiking? Why is your husband taking pictures of you naked? Why are you posting them to the internet?

>> No.23020351


beta simp faggots lol

>> No.23020358

dude everybody knows a woman can post her naked pictures on the internet as long as his husband took the photos then it's trad, how stupid are you?

>> No.23020367
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Her body, her choice, chud

>> No.23020482

If on a winter’s night a traveler, duh.

>> No.23020562

Your diary should be written in a complex code that would take years for even an advanced ai to decipher.

>> No.23020572

One time I saw a chick do a photoshoot at the beginning of a hiking trail then go home

>> No.23020611
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Her body, my choice

>> No.23020646

How to Put on a Shirt, by Dr. Pants. She's only on chapter one.

>> No.23020664

>Dude! I respect women bro!
>Preceds to be a sex pest and shrinks when found out

>> No.23020689
File: 65 KB, 645x785, chud_seethe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you want to control womens' bodies?

>> No.23020709

>Why do you need to take all your clothes off while hiking?
They're having fun.

>Why is your husband taking pictures of you naked?
He's having fun.

>Why are you posting them to the internet?
He's having fun.

>> No.23020712
File: 23 KB, 500x375, 92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Fun" is for niggers. "Fun" destroyed civilization. Women enjoyed embroidery and motherhood before "fun" ran rampant. We will destroy "fun" and restore the natural order.

>> No.23020713

Hitler the helicopter nanny

>> No.23020727

Can I actually get a name? I am not even horny I just want to know the book's name.

>> No.23020735
File: 171 KB, 1200x586, Voynich_Manuscript_123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's just a late Medieval RPG rule system but everyone thinks it's about horticulture

>> No.23020911

are you saying that I should William H. Gass The Tunnel? I would love to do it with her.

>> No.23020918

Did you see those eyes tho? Hitler have that drip bro

>> No.23020970

The Will to Power

>> No.23020972

>baww I need pisslam because I’m a failed loser
Pisslam is the ultimate cuck religion too

>> No.23021256

I swear half the time I go to the beach now I see women tanning while reading. I'm sure it's for the picture/larp but whatever. Better that than on their phone I guess

>> No.23021282


>> No.23021287

Don't care, I'm reading her ribs

>> No.23021290

I look like this

>> No.23021294

Books about going to the beach topless?

>> No.23021355

colleen hoover

>> No.23021380

I look like this and I say this

>> No.23021458

>How is she acting like a whore? This could be her boyfriend or husband taking the photo, and they could be out hiking somewhere alone or whatever.
Then why is the photo on the internet? If it quacks like a prostitute...

>> No.23021479


>> No.23021512

This thread is still up.
Yes, the jannies want /lit/ dead.

>> No.23021702

brown incel hands typed this btw

fucking based

the reason they need to cover their women up and give them no power is because of an underlying weakness. same thing with the brutal way they treat gays or other criminals in their countries. you see the way they behave in countries which allow more freedom. they don't deserve to live in such societies if they can't behave themselves.

>> No.23021763
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>mfw waiting for OP to give a clue

>> No.23021793
File: 24 KB, 391x587, FB_IMG_1696332396886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to control women's bodies. I have always wanted a compound to fill with sex slaves to impregnate throughout the year and dress in furs / chains.

>> No.23021818

Repent retard

>> No.23021826
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There is legitimately nothing wrong with the nude human form and I have not heard a single a good argument against it.

>> No.23021845

>I want to control women's bodies
no, that's gay
you want women to control their own bodies
that's why you need a compound bro, to give them the proper conditions to control themselves
otherwise you don't need a compound as you might as well live in a street shitter slum and beat women all day long

>> No.23021856

I post on and off on /lit/, I don't really remember seeing coomer threads before last year.
Can we just like, not do this? This isn't /v/ or /pol/.
Can we keep it non-coomer at least here if no where else? You've got /gif/ already you porn addled coombrain fucks.

>> No.23021860
File: 280 KB, 913x1317, 20230829_181632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine riding in on your warhorse and scooping her out of her merchant domicile and swiftly carrying her to your hidden war citadel.

I'm certain she would struggle and her merchant husband and father would kvetch, but they can do nothing. Money means nothing to a warrior of honor. You would most certainly best them in single combat despite their protests to remain civil and accept a job at their bank.

Of course, she will not like that you have slayed her husband and father and turned their skulls into drinking cups, but a lion doesn't concern itself with the thoughts of a sheep. You breed her the very same night and after you deposit your mighty ejaculate inside of her the pregnancy takes. You have no intention of raising the child to be a warrior like yourself. You know that a heeb child is destined for treachery and gayness. So instead, you use her breast milk, meant for the child, to increase your gains.

Now your physique rivals the gods. You become god king of America. You are destined for world annihilation. That'd be weird jkjk hahaha

>> No.23021947
File: 524 KB, 945x1600, 1971usgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you had time to slay her husband and father and decapitate them, why did you need to hurriedly scoop her up and uncomfortably carry her while swiftly riding?
and why go through all that trouble just to annihilate the world?

>> No.23022105

I really want to touch, sniff and lick it and also whip it until its skin is peeling.

>> No.23022179

buy an ad

>> No.23022182

>Then why is the photo on the internet?
Because her boyfriend / husband wanted to post it?

>> No.23022197

And how do i invent that?

>> No.23022200
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>> No.23022216
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A. The slaying took moments

B. I was in a hurry because I was horny

C. Annihilate everything in existence.

>> No.23022323


>> No.23022416

How could such a based post trigger such a couple of faggots on 4chan

>> No.23022476

If it's anything other than "family vacation with HUSBAND and children" then that's a whore"

>> No.23022529
File: 55 KB, 486x735, c7670-nao-omura-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down, the human body is only beautiful for a short period of time. Best to be fertilized while ripe.

>> No.23022538
File: 1.38 MB, 1389x2048, MV5BMjM4MTcxMzY3MV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwOTkwODgzNDE@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the human body is only beautiful for a short period of time

>> No.23022560

Yes. That women is not fertile or beautiful. Perhaps elegant, but not begging for pregnancy. Saying she's beautiful is more performative because most people, men and women, can't admit their youth is the most vital portion of their life.

>> No.23022641

>Perhaps elegant, but not begging for pregnancy.
Your desire to impregnate isn't an appreciation of beauty, but your egotistical desire to possess beauty.

>> No.23022752

No, human beauty is related to youth and fertility. Sometimes people have otherworldliness and their beauty is more along the line of how mountains can be beautiful, but rarely is that the case for both men and women.

>> No.23022757

once a "not gay but $20 is $20", impregnating a hag to steal her stuff is like winning the lottery

>> No.23022775

Personally I've given up on successfully forming a family and decided I should pursue sluts and only sluts.
I was never meant to have happiness, may hedonism take my pain away then.

>> No.23022804

>t. hey look everybody I'm a homosexual!
fuck off back to india

>> No.23022823

Huh? Homosexual how? Hedonism only includes homosex if you like it. I don't.

>> No.23023174

I won't answer technical questions on /lit/

>> No.23023301

>implying Islam is for whites
LMAO!!! Pisslam is a religion for and by brown incels you sub 90IQ retard! Take your desert LARP and fuck on outta here.

>> No.23023305

Anyone who thinks Islam is right about anything is retarded, insane, or both.

>> No.23023311

Stop posting children, you sick fuck. MODS!? Stop indulging this shit.