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23016106 No.23016106 [Reply] [Original]

Why does all the best science fiction have an element of mysticism or even religion to it?

>> No.23016132

Man was created for relationship with God and therefore cannot, but help to make objects of worship. It's the same reason atheists replace religion with imaginations of a AI-god, alien creators, Homo Deus, and what-have-you. Kierkegaard explains it best in the beginning of The Sickness Unto Death, but I think his argument has largely gone unnoticed by men. Another important reason is that the Freemasons and similar groups have arms everywhere, and are prominently involved in the entertainments of society. And in the same vein, once a field is seeded, it bears fruit of the seed; once the propaganda has gone out into the minds of the youth, they grow and produce works in keeping with the natural course of the things they have been fed.

>> No.23016271

Of all the boogeymen spiritualist and religious types can take aim at I'll never understand what makes them think there's anything particularly pernicious about a glorified bocce club.

>> No.23016278

>I'll never understand
Correct. You won't.

>> No.23016439

Yes I think it's a weird compulsion or schizophrenia that develops in certain types of people who spend too long inside their own skull.

>> No.23016678

No, it's a byproduct of accumulated knowledge and observation. People like you will never comprehend it. There are two types of yous: (1) people who do not possess the intellectual capacity to get it, and (2) people who are too arrogant and/or lazy to put in the effort necessary to get it. I don't particularly care about either group, as I know for a fact they will live and die in their ignorance--the Masons themselves know the same.

>> No.23016748

Because metaphysics is interesting in general. When you present it in a science fiction setting where man instrumentalized life to a high degree, it becomes a palpable myth, akin to the likes of The Holy Grail.

>> No.23016753

If you had insight and observations about Freemasons you'd share them instead of calling other people names and sniffing your own farts.

>> No.23016759

No, I wouldn't, but nice try to manipulate me into spoon-feeding you. You've just proven my point you lazy fucking retard. If you want to know, put in the time, otherwise just shut the fuck up and let the men talk.

>> No.23016768

>what is P2
You're unfortunately ignorant, even from the exclusively material point of view.

>> No.23016777

Put in the time with what? What am I supposed to read or study that will elucidate me so I can be as smart as you?

>> No.23016789

Bad movie desu