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23015628 No.23015628 [Reply] [Original]

Was this book solely responsible for the slander that Jews want to control the world and enslave everybody? Were there any theories like that before the publication of this hoax?

>> No.23015648

it literally tells you the history in the wikipedia page moron

>> No.23015712

I prefer to trust the videos of jews themselves saying that one day every single goyim will be a slave of them.

>> No.23015714

>publication of this hoax
no one claims it's a "hoax" they say it was plagiarized.
That should answer your question.

>> No.23015756

You can find anyone to say anything crazy. There are fringe white supremacists who say that white people should enslave all other races and rule the world. Doesn't mean there's actually a conspiracy for world domination attributable to all white people, or even white people in general.

In fact, according to Jewish eschatology, all nations will come to worship the true God when the Messiah comes.

>> No.23015799

>There are fringe white supremacists who say that white people should enslave all other races and rule the world
...Are there?

>> No.23015808
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Why would they dismiss it as a forgery when everybody can see the principles outlined in there have fully come to fruition?

The fact that it is copied is irrelevant. It is the biggest pilpul they ever conceived.

>> No.23015829
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>You can find anyone to say anything crazy. There are fringe white supremacists who say that white people should enslave all other races and rule the world. Doesn't mean there's actually a conspiracy for world domination attributable to all white people, or even white people in general.

In white nations the few people that say this are marginalized and persecuted. When kikes in Israel say such they are made an important Rabbi


>""Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel."

>"Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat."

>"In Israel, death has no dominion over them... With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they'd lose their money. This is his servant... That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew."

>> No.23015838

Yet the people who keep claiming this book is plagiarized use it to diminish the actual content of the book for some reason.

>> No.23015843

Love that I can't make a thread because of shit like this

>> No.23015847
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>stop talking about one of the most controversial publications in history

>> No.23015855

You can also find non-Jewish people who support immigration. What does this prove?
>In white nations the few people that say this are marginalized and persecuted. When kikes in Israel say such they are made an important Rabbi
That Rabbi you linked was condemned for those comments by the ADL and American Jewish Committee according to wikipedia

>> No.23015870
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>That Rabbi you linked was condemned for those comments by the ADL and American Jewish Committee according to wikipedia

Jewish pilpul.
He is even now highly respected authority and beloved by millions of Jews and died venerated and celebrated. He was one of the Cheif Rabbi's of Israel, imagine what he said that was not recorded.

>> No.23015880

>the slander that Jews want to control the world and enslave everybody?
It's literally written right there in their holy books. It's also one of the many reasons they were exiled. One could argue that this specific book was fabricated, but the majority of the information in it is still fully correct.

>> No.23015907

So because some far right nutjob Jew is respected it means there is a Jewish plan to dominate the world?

Winston Churchill is a hero in the UK. He stated:
>I do not admit ... for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place.

Does that mean there exists a plan by British people to genocide the globe.

>> No.23015914

It's like /pol/fags have nothing else to do but rehash the same talking points endlessly on every possible board

>> No.23015933

why did the Jews plagiarize so much

>> No.23016005
File: 47 KB, 490x930, 1668889671293126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that would be the torah

>> No.23016038

Psalms is not the Torah. They are distinct books. Still Jewish mythology sure, but you're retarded. MTPH

>> No.23016066


>> No.23016071

>Still Jewish mythology sure
That would be point right? Kek weak pilpul

>> No.23016091
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Here's some more "mythology"

>> No.23016126
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>So because some far right nutjob Jew is respected it means there is a Jewish plan to dominate the world?

Jewish misdirection.

He is one of a handful of the most respected leaders, occupying the highest religious offices, of an ethnic religion in a country founded exclusively on Jewish theology, which itself is at the very center of dozens of issues globally and locally. Nor is he a 'far right nutjob' but a highly cited, highly regarded authority on the subject.

You wretched kike.

>> No.23016142
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>> No.23016149
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>> No.23016152
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>> No.23016157

This is why you shouldn't engage with poltards they are just going to assume you are their object of hatred and then denigrate you as such. It's like in the incel threads here where people have to strongly insist they are replying to and btfoing a woman in their every response.

>> No.23016177

Yeah I just said Winston Churchill is one of the most respected men in British history and yet he said that he has no pity for the "Red Indians of America" or the "black people of Australia" because a "higher-grade" race replaced them. Does that imply that Brits are genocidal? No. They honour Churchill for patriotic reasons even though he was a genocide-justifying racist piece of shit.

Also you literally posted a picture of Hitler, another pure racist no different to the Rabbi you condemned who wanted to and did enslave the Jews and Slavs...

You don't even object to what that far-right Jewish rabbi said as a moral principle. You yourself are a far right racialist just like him. You only care that he is in the other tribe and not your tribe. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.23016187
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>You only care that he is in the other tribe and not your tribe. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.23016196
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Thread theme:


>> No.23016227

No it just exposes you as a two-faced propagandist who pearl clutches at this supposed Jewish attempt to enslave the world even though you adore that very same idea when it is your tribe who are doing the enslaving... Here you are posting out of context quotes from the Bible as if they're morally reprehensible things to say even though you hold substantially the same views.

>> No.23016255
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>no u
That's nice rabbi

>> No.23016289

>No it just exposes you as a two-faced propagandist who pearl clutches at this supposed Jewish attempt to enslave the world even though you adore that very same idea when it is your tribe who are doing the enslaving
It's power all the way down. The group in power should at least have the balls to admit it rather than pretend we are currently in some completely natural status quo and play the victim.

>> No.23016301

Hitler enslaved people because they were non-German. The Jewish rabbi you posted wants non-Jews enslaved because they’re non-Jews. Both are far right racial supremacists, both are evil. You are in their camp, not mine.

>> No.23016329

if you walk like a duck and talk like a duck you fucking kike

>> No.23016339
File: 319 KB, 792x1522, 1675571027822833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitler was most likely a zionist puppet. So they're the same camp. Secular leftists like yourself have no power or relevance

Here's your torah, faggot

>> No.23016344

There is no “the group in power”. Jews have a disproportionate amount of power compared to their population size because of their higher IQ. But there are representatives from other groups who also have lots of power. Nobody is stopping non-Jews from opening up financial firms, tech companies, becoming lawyers, doctors, scientists etc.. You are the one with the victim narrative.

>> No.23016345

>Hitler was most likely a zionist puppet
good fucking lord lmao

>> No.23016347

>no argument
I accept your concession

>> No.23016361

>The rothschilds are powerful
There are non-Jewish powerful families like the Rockefellers and the Gates and the Bezos and the Buffets. Jews are disproportionately represented in powerful positions because of their higher IQ but there are plenty of non-Jews in those positions too.

>> No.23016367

Enjoy it, I hope it gets you far in life

>> No.23016389

While all the white countries were sanctioning South Africa for their “racist” apartheid system, Israel remained the only major country on the international scene to keep good ties with them. Think about that before you spew your idiotic black-and-white worldview lacking all nuance.

>> No.23016411
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>Jews are disproportionately represented in powerful positions because of their higher IQ
You're funny. I like you

>> No.23016663
File: 266 KB, 384x418, IMG_0814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jews are disproportionately represented in powerful positions because of their higher IQ but there are plenty of non-Jews in those positions too.
Deception, betrayal, lying and cheating are not indicitive of high IQ, only low morality. Neopotism, cronyism, these are the hallmarks of the jew.

>> No.23016852

>Does that mean there exists a plan by British people to genocide the globe.
Yes. Anglos and jews are pretty much the same thing, they have been for a very long time.