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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 44 KB, 600x900, Blindsight-Cover-Peter-Watts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23011541 No.23011541 [Reply] [Original]

>btfos your first contact novel

Psst...nothing personal kid

>> No.23011546

Blindsight was my first contact novel.

>> No.23011550

it's personnel grandpa. I bet you call apu pepe too.

>> No.23011557

I really enjoyed it. What did you think?

>> No.23011565

Much like Rorschach, I am posting without really understanding what I am saying

>> No.23011585
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here, I'll give you a start. Mind you, this was all before he became a white supremacist and had war declared on him by Hillary Clinton.

>> No.23011594

I identified with the vampire.

>> No.23011605

are you autistic/a sociopath? It is ok if you are but it would explain your affinity for Sarasti.

>> No.23011617

I'm a barely functioning (normies standards) autistic manipulator.

>> No.23011631

>write 10/10 novel about humanity meeting aliens
>sequel book is entirely about vampires
For what FUCKING purpose?

>> No.23011646

>He doesn't want a 7ft vampire chick to rape him
Pretty gay ngl m8.

>> No.23011662

I want that more than anything

>> No.23012613
File: 52 KB, 540x920, large_8066b9e6df34243f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are lik little babby,

Now read Rifters.
No vampires, so happy for you or sorry that happened.
Augmented sex abuse victims are paired with sex offenders (because they best fit the profile for transhuman ocean work) to mine thermal energy from the ocean floor for the overpopulated earth's power needs.
This is just the beginning. Its quite a ride.

>> No.23013460

Gotta pay off all that talk about the vampire guy somehow.

>> No.23015024

>read Echopraxia
>Bruks is being stalked by a hot vampire girl who's obsessed with him for some unfathomable reason
>Instead of taking advantage of the situation he instead assumes, despite no evidence of it, that she's fucking the nigger zombies just so he has an excuse to crack BBC jokes at her expense
Daniel was a 4channer in spirit even if he didn't post

>> No.23015370
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>super special plural system
fuck no it does not. rendezvous with rama mogs.

>> No.23015377

oh yeah, killing star is leagues better, too. even pushing ice is better. i bet if i had read any more first contact novels they'd also be better.

>> No.23015399

It's funny how many midwits get filtered by the vampires

>> No.23015413

they're fucking stupid

>> No.23015423

is it kino

>> No.23015440

If he had called them something other than vampires while changing nothing else about them you wouldn't have a problem with them

>> No.23015469

yeah i would have. they're just goofy. they seem more like they belong in one of those A/B/O smut books than something calling itself hard sci-fi.

>> No.23015801

Fucking literally, autism got the better of him.

>> No.23015934


I wanted to like this book, and enjoyed the first half but the change in scenery and kinda ehhh side story that ends up taking the main stage just wasn't for me. Loved the atmosphere and the scifi elements tho

>> No.23015941

Why exactly are they pairing off sex abuse victims with sex offenders?

>> No.23017152

The idea is that the job they're doing is so dangerous and stressful that a mentally healthy person would break under the strain, so the company sends people who are already mentally/emotionally broken and thus less likely to have a nervous breakdown. However the company isn't sure what kind of broken person will perform best, so they send a diverse group with a variety of issues with the expectation that a high attrition rate will eventually reveal the correct type of person for the job. If a few pedos get shivved by child abuse survivors, that's an acceptable loss and a valuable data point. It's a completely ridiculous premise for a whole host of reasons, though the book is well written if you can get past that.

>> No.23017338
File: 88 KB, 493x750, rozgwiazda0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The series, yes. Even if you don't care for this or that, its engaging and canadian.
Goes very hard in regard to neurobiology and chemistry, later entropy and emergence.

A very Watts thing to do; Riff on the goofy/useful idea now, give it scientific weight later. He did the same thing with the vampires. You can tell he just wanted the atmosphere and violent conflict machine that is offenders and victims trapped at the bottom of the ocean together. Nobody is happy in these novels and a beating is always in store for basically every character, another Watts hallmark.

He'll just justify it later with a citation towards some obscure study, or not at all.

>> No.23017386
File: 64 KB, 986x701, ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna be Valerie so bad bros...

>> No.23017397

>gay vampire rape
That didn't happen though, when Siri loses his shit and says that it nearly happened it's obviously just him being overemotional and saying anything and everything he can. Sarasti wasn't saying "yeah I wanted to cut off your arms and legs and turn you into my personal cocksleeve" when he said he could imagine it, vampire brains are so weird that Siri prompting it meant he probably literally simulated and modeled and entire rape fanfiction scenario in 4k hyperrealistic detail unconsciously.

>> No.23017400

>barely functioning autistic manipulator
you're more transparent than you think, fren.

>> No.23017426

The whole point of the book is that it really sucks to be Valerie. Her character arc is basically a deeper dive into Szpindel's line in Blindsight about why he feels sorry for Sarasti.

>> No.23017431

I wanna be a 7 foot tall lanky autistic nightmare that eats human flesh

shrimple as

>> No.23017474
File: 139 KB, 1024x1062, valerie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want you to think of something. Christ on the cross.

>> No.23018992

rifters was a very weird series.

I think Peter Watts has some unusual sexual tastes

>> No.23019725
File: 2.05 MB, 2795x4999, __oshino_shinobu_and_kiss_shot_acerola_orion_heart_under_blade_monogatari_drawn_by_konnota_and_phluxxor__e2800ed06754cd12b89dc312011ccc62.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was mad as FUCK when the book ended and he never fucked the vampire cutie.

>> No.23020861

I just watched an interview with him where he explains how the vampire thing started and its a pretty good story.
Has to do with his autistic biology shit and getting put on a panel about vampires.


>> No.23020873

Lmao I love how hard pseudo jerk off this book as 2deep4u. It’s literally baby tier philosophical dialectics on consciousness. Please stop pretending this shitty novel is good and the author is a visionary. The retard literally threw such a temper tantrum that trump was president he attacked border patrol and got deported and charged with multiple felonies, he’s an autistic retard that thinks he far more intelligent than he actually is.

>> No.23020888

Isn’t that what Jacques Vallees books are?

>> No.23020889

You can't really hold it against a Canadian for being retarded about politics, they have some kind of congenital condition due to founder effect that causes them to temporarily become angry toddlers when political topics come up.

>> No.23020901

You just believed him outright about the border story and didn't bother verifying that it occurred seven years before Trump was elected president?
See, this is why we're fucking dead.

>> No.23020929

Watts is a well known shitlib climate change alarmist with Bush Derangement Syndrome. The border scuffle incident isn't relevant.

>> No.23021022
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Oh yeah, doomed, fucking big time.

>> No.23022111

>yo this vampire scary
>what the fuck he really scary for real
>yoooooo he so scary I've shit my pantd fr
[The vampire]
>I don't think about you at all
then it's some gay ass story as he wanted to fuck a mutt girl but she cucked him and later some about lesbian trapped in girl with multipersonal delusion and how it's wrong to make fun of such weirdos every delusion is hekin cute and valid then the biggest threat [the vampire] got's killed in nanosec by the lesbian for no other reason that
>he le scary fr fr
when he was their captain, the only one thst was capable of steering the ship keeping all the systems working etc. Whole fucking book is just doujin self insert with fetishes of the redditfag author with his marine biology autistic hobby sprinkled on top when he's not focused on jerking off or shitting himself because vampire looked in the direction of the protag.

>> No.23022166
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UnIronically if he called them like, Blood Takers or something, I would have stopped picturing Jukka like this every scene.

>> No.23023662
File: 660 KB, 490x200, reloaded-ghosts.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The whole gag is that something once thought lived firmly in myth had a very concrete origin in reality.
Nobody complained when The Matrix made the exact same move ("anytime someone said they saw a ghost or vampire or whatever, it was a program doing something it shouldn't be," then we see antiquated agents that can only be killed with silver bullets or can phase through walls) and /pol/ even has a fun little connection between jews, blood libel, and the legend of vampires.

It seemed like something that could live perfectly well in hard sci-fi.
Never really threw me off.

>> No.23023666

Footfall mogs it.

>> No.23025810

and he's a libtard