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23000687 No.23000687 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23000696

Societally enforced monogamy is a very recent invention and an exception to the rule, not the rule itself.

>> No.23000702

In the epic of gilgamesh the people cry out to their gods to stop gilgamesh from deflowering their daughters before marriage
This is approximately 4000 years ago, the story being set 4700 years ago.
Does this sound like a "recent invention" to you?

>> No.23000706

This is just a phase, the end game of liberalism is the extinction of women. Eventually they will commodify themselves and price up sex until the market begs a competitor and once we start making ersatz women the real thing will quickly be made inferior and have to price itself lower than the constantly improving and deflating with increased market saturation ersatz women. Women will be killing themselves left and right being unable to cope with the reality they created and male only families in the east where they care about that kind of thing will start to arise from gene editing and be a more self propagating form of family structure due to not having an inferior half.

>> No.23000761

Sci-fi books with this plotline?

>> No.23000789

Took me a while thumbing through my diary desu but I have
>Women owe us nothing, we really shouldn't be focused on fixing women, rather we should help and encourage them to accelerate the process of alienating the genders. Women are an inferior product, you spend all day justifying them as a necessary evil and you forget that they are in fact an evil. But evil is self defeating, and barring any unholy slavery to give energy directed towards preserving their existence, we would see women phased out by a preference for male children in genetic design since a male brings more value to the family. Even if white people aren't down for male kids only india surely will be and this is the indian century (using the digital yuan). Just as well sexbots will eventually surpass human limitations, and just as well eventually that tech will be obsolete and cheap and everyone will have it, and women will be hopelessly outmatched. They will from then on only exist in luddite societies, or as daughter pets which are free to leave but don't since there is no benefit to being a woman. Even if you are not young enough to enjoy sexbots when they come you may just live to see the day of womens downfall, when nobody wants prostitutes anymore.
>I don’t believe in prostitutes. All women are prostitutes, and the officially employed ones are just the cheapest of women. Even the advent of onlyfans millionaires is just because being the most expensive isn’t necessarily the most profitable, the onlyfans whores are the cheapest of cam whores in fact. But if all women are whores then also none are actual whores since they are all the same. How am I supposed to believe in prostitutes then, how could she actually offer to treat me differently than other women? When a man who actually requires real whores to get laid goes to them they must be revolted at this man gaming the system, she would never be able to take it seriously. Idk it’s just like why shouldn’t going to street prostitutes be good enough for me? Am I really such a psycho that I must have the ultimate whore that costs everything? It all seems pointless.

>> No.23000834
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>> No.23001049

This used to be corrected by 1) monogamy 2) a culture of hostility towards promiscuity 3) Christian sexual morals of shame and repression. There more these barriers are broken down, the more liberal the system gets and the more sexual inequality. From a purely descriptive point of view, this doesn't have to be good or bad, but anthropologists will tell you that non-monogamous societies tend to be significantly more violent than monogamous societies because they have more "losers" who cannot satisfy their libidinal needs.

>> No.23001164

More violent towards others not towards each other. There are plenty of hunter gatherer tribes today whose existence dispels this idealistic notion of monogamy being natural or more desirable than anything else.

>> No.23001190

I mean yeah when considering humanity as a whole

>> No.23001202

>can't have children without birthing depraved abominations
sexbots will only exist as a means to get women back to acting properly. when that happens, globalism and sexual deviancy will be dead too when the men push against it. accelerate in the name of restoration.

>> No.23001373

how can one man so eloquent and seemingly very intelligent and still give so much of a fuck about pussy? it baffled my fucking mind

>> No.23001966

He analyses all through sex, he has become pure sex