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/lit/ - Literature

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2299639 No.2299639 [Reply] [Original]

So I kinda wanna read these books. The thing is, I got the game (the first one) on the steam sale and I want to play it know. But should I wait and read the books first? I've played two or three chapters in the game and I've noticed that sometimes they talk about past events.

tl;dr: should I read the Witcher books before playing the games as the games spoiler the books?

>> No.2299675

take this shit to /v/

>> No.2299677

Real mature, man

>> No.2299722

While it isn't completely necessary to read the books (I didn't, and I loved the game), I'm sure reading them will help immerse you in the world and give you some background knowledge.

>> No.2299740

Well the thing is I think the game is directly spoiling some things from the books (or maybe it's just things they made up for the games). For example, when Triss talks about some event where Geralt and some sorcerer fought some genie or something and destroyed half a city in the process

I'm not afraid to not experience the game I'm supposed to, I'm afraid of getting the books messed up (And I'm more interrested in the books actualy, just haven't been able to pick them up from my bookstore yet (had to order them in))

>> No.2299819


>> No.2299837
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>reading books about videogames

>> No.2299847

>not knowing what the hell you're talking about
sounds about right

>> No.2299854

Just in case you aren't trolling: The games are based on the books, not the other way around.

>> No.2299861
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>Witcher books before playing the games
>not knowing what the hell you're talking about

You're right!