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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 14 KB, 250x250, Brave-New-World-307644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2299303 No.2299303 [Reply] [Original]

That teacher thread?
That teacher thread.

>Grade 12 english
>Finished reading A Brave New World
>Have to write a 3 page report on why the world in the book would be bad
>Argue that since the people have never known something different, and that they are kept happy in one form or another and that their drug use is not different from our own abuse of anti-depressants, that there is nothing inherently wrong with their world
>Get an F, have to stay with the teacher after class for an "ethics and morality lecture"

>> No.2299307


>> No.2299309

>Have hot English teacher
>Her magnificent cans and love of Shakespeare inspire a similar love in me (I'm a leg man)

>> No.2299310

Just because you are a smart ass doesn't mean you are smart.

>> No.2299311
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>> No.2299312

He asked a subjective question and I gave a subjective answer.
Giving a differing opinion isn't being a smartass

>> No.2299315

You gave an answer that was entirely opposite of what was asked for.

It's your fault for not being able to follow instructions.

>> No.2299316

So if he asked for a paper on why intelligent design is the only rational theory of life I should do it no questions asked?

>> No.2299318
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>I sure hope you guys dont do this

>> No.2299321

Plus, OP states that he received a morality lecture after receiving the F. I'm inferring that op received the F because he argued for something the teacher considers to be amoral. I'm inferring the F isn't because op didn't follow instructions

>> No.2299322

Nice straw man.

Just because an assignment is asking you to write or argue something that you don't agree with, doesn't mean you just ignore the instructions of the assignment and write about whatever YOU feel is correct.

It's called an exercise in thought.

>> No.2299327

The question is moronic and your teacher sounds like a complete arsehole. The question should have been more along the lines of "Brave New World depicts a dystopian society. Discuss."

>> No.2299328

>people defending the teacher
My you people are bitter, how about you guys grow up?

>> No.2299329

yeah the more i stayed in school, the more i learned it isn't what you know how what you think, but how much you stroke the teachers ego and follow directions

>> No.2299339
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>Grade 12 English
>Test on Machiavelli and how we can apply it life
>Write 3 pages on how I'd control the city and the people within it with Machiavellian principles
>1 point from a perfect

>> No.2299343

>people defending the teacher are bitter

>implying op is not the bitter one, complaining on 4chan about something that happened years ago

It was a fucking high school assignment. There is not much room for free thought in those. Op was given an assignment and provided an answer that was opposite to what the assignment asked. Fail deserved.

>> No.2299372

Am I right that 12th grade is the final school year in the USA, and by that time it's your own choice whether you study English or not? If so I think that it's ridiculous if there really is no freedom for interpretation at that level. When I studied Advanced Higher English in Scotland the set curriculum was comparable to first year university work and there was plenty of room for freedom of thought and what you got to work on - for instance, part of the course was a 4,500 word dissertation on a topic of your choice.

>> No.2299379 [DELETED] 
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One of my more disorganised and varied shelves.

>> No.2299388

yes that would be correct. here you're at the mercy of whoever's teaching you, essentially.

>> No.2299393

Learn to follow instructions dip shit. He asked you to write about a specific thing and I do think that was lame of him to do but you didn't do the assignment he gave you.

>> No.2299407

English teachers hate everyone. I'm pretty sure it's because they wish they were off writing award winning novels and not teaching retards how to form sentences.\

I've never met one I've liked.

>> No.2299414

He asked you to give an argument why it was bad and your thesis didn't fit the prompt, why are you bitching? You don't have to believe something to argue it.

>> No.2299427

For all you know it was because OP failed to distinguish between ethics as a matter of social benefit and morality as a subjective issue.

>> No.2299428

>15000 word essay on any topic
>Write 10000 words on the importance of efficiency of words and language
>Recieve A

>> No.2299437
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You're exactly like the people on /pol/, who, when asked about how to improve say, economy, go off tangent with Jew and Mudslime rants. You were tasked to write why that world would be bad -- not the opposite. Do what you're fucking told.

>> No.2299445
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>freshman english class
>have to write essay about some shit to do with conflict
>write something about war and how it's a necessary part of society
>hand in essay
>next lecture the professor makes us read some anti-war paper and talks about how it's the greatest thing ever

>> No.2299447

My English teacher was absolutely brilliant and if it wasn't for him there's no chance I'd have worked hard enough to get into a decent university. As I type this I'm listening to an interview with him on BBC Radio Scotland.

>> No.2299458

Because that's a great way to stimulate the mind.
Bad is subjective, good is subjective, the question was worthless.

>> No.2299506

What country is he from?

>> No.2299517

Err, Scotland.

>> No.2299520


>Bad is subjective, good is subjective, the question was worthless.

Yes, and you were told to argue for one side of that, but instead you argued for the other. If it were an objective question, you wouldn't have to argue for it.

Ex: Were the bricks red?

They either were, or they were not. You cannot argue this. This is not something you would right a paper on.

Ex: Were the bricks a good choice of building material?

This is a subjective analysis of value, similar to your assignment. You could argue the bricks were appropriate, or that they were not appropriate. You would probably cite information that details what red bricks are good for and why they're good for that. You could also argue from aesthetics.

Now, you were asked to argue why bricks were not an appropriate choice of building material, but instead you argued that they were. Your teacher was looking to see if you could argue the position, you demonstrated that you could not. Thus, you received a failing grade.

The question was not worthless.

>> No.2299522

>>teacher asked us to write a paper about ourselves
>>teacher a stupid cunt
>>she's always overly interested in personal shit
>>mf -> nope.jpg
>>"Ok, Anon. If you don't wanna write something about yourself, just write things about yourself that you feel like sharing."
>>she didn't get my point that fucking whore
>>write paper anyway
>>just make shit up, tell her my parents are filthy rich, i have a yacht and i like to take my dog for a walk when people annoy me
>>get paper back
>>"Anon, I can clearly see that you have severe emotional problems and I advise you to see a psychotherapist. Going on walks with your dog is not a suitable way to deal with your problems."
>>not a word about grammar, vocab or sentence structure

>> No.2299523



Damn brain. inb4 that invalidates everything I said

>> No.2299525

Worthless is subjective, therefore your post is not useful in this thread.

>> No.2299530

I once got told I was wrong, just flat out wrong, for comparing the concept of removing words from the language in 1984, to political correctness.

No explanation of why, just "You're WRONG."

Never mind the fact that people actually are trying to get words to stop being used.

>> No.2299540

I agree with you, although I feel the teacher was wrong because they went so far as to give the guy an 'ethics and morality lecture'; people believe what they believe. Additionally, it's fucking high school, if he didn't want to go to the lecture, he could have just left, they can't keep you there.

>> No.2299553

>Argue that since the people have never known something different, and that they are kept happy in one form or another and that their drug use is not different from our own abuse of anti-depressants, that there is nothing inherently wrong with their world

>implying base pleasures are the same as happiness
>implying our abuse of prescription drugs isn't wrong
You deserved the F. Ignoring anything related to your poor examples, there are plenty of other reasons their world was bad.

>> No.2299563


Come on, that's not fair. I've had a few English teachers that I've really liked and actually did something for me. Some weren't so great, but I never got the sense that
they HATED me or anybody else.

Everybody wants to write a bestseller. Not everyone can write a bestseller, though. The ones left behind are still worth something, though. A lot of them are very
intelligent people, and they make perfect teachers. A wise man once said that the best coach is a mediocre athlete.

>> No.2299560
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The teacher was justified

>> No.2299569


>Bad is subjective, good is subjective, the question was worthless.

This is a non sequitur. Good and bad are subjective? Fine. Great. WRITE A PAPER ABOUT WHY IT WOULD BE BAD... IF YOUR OPINION WERE THAT IT WERE BAD. Go!

The point of these assignments isn't to shape your thinking through reward and punishment. It's to test your ability to attain whatever goal.

Chicago and New York are 800 miles apart. One train leaves from Chicago going 60 mph. Another leaves from New York going 80 mph. How long would it be until they meet?


NO. Shut the fuck UP. F


>> No.2299573

you realize that - almost certainly - the teacher had none of this in mind. there's like a 75% chance that the teacher actually thought that the society in BNW is unquestionably bad and that he was lecturing OP for his failure in ethics and morality in thinking it was good, right.

>> No.2299577

what an amazing sequence of comments! i guess i really spend too much time on /b/

>> No.2299579

Well, that's not to say I didn't learn anything from them. My final English teacher in college taught me a lot, but he was probably one of the biggest assholes I've ever met.

>> No.2299582

>ITT OP gets humiliated

Keep up the good work.

>> No.2299602
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 1325210070356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have to write a brief one page essay on public humiliation and its effectiveness for 6th grade assignment on The Giver
>Teacher is a pregnant and a total bitch
>Write about how she humiliates us in front of our peers everyday and how it clearly hasn't worked
>Get called to read it in front of class
>Everyone is roaring with laughter,
>She's furious, yelling at me and calling me a a horrible amoral heathen or something like that
>"why are you humiliating me?"

I know I was being a smartass, but it was worth those detentions

>> No.2299606

I lold.

>> No.2299727

Thanks for reminding me of why I hated high school so fucking much

>> No.2299828

Is this true? I'd love to do this.

>> No.2300688


THIS. My god, one of the main reasons I hate the American education system. Not agreeing with the teacher or what everyone thinks is a "classic" or "revolutionary" is a GOOD thing. It means the student is forming their own opinion and analyzing the piece for what is underneath, not simply going with it because everyone else thinks its so great. Twice, I wrote some pretty awesome essays. One on why Ethan Frome wasn't a classic and the other on why a quote by Benjamin Franklin was disagreeable, and I got attacked for both. But that's just America, making sure opposing opinions are crushed and people can be molded into what the government wants.

>> No.2300703

Furthermore, English isn't like math or science where there's a definite answer or some formula. It should be "any answer is right as long as you can defend it" this is going to give the student analytical tools as well as skills in research and debate, which can be easily applied to the real world. Making a student write an essay supporting your own opinion is bullocks. And pretty much destroys the entire purpose of reading a book, which is to gather knowledge and form your own opinion.

>> No.2300707

on the other hand, there is a tendency among dumbass teens to attack EVERY classic book, often for no other reason than the fact that the requirement to read the book obliges them to actually do work, and that sort of tendency should not be encouraged

>> No.2300709

>Have to write on Barthes' Death of the Author
>Prof loves Barthes
>Argue that Barthes is wrong
>Get an F because I didn't "understand" the text and am stupid
>Write all future essays catering to prof's views
>Get As on all subsequent essays.

>> No.2300746

>in-class essay
>given an excerpt of an article from The Onion
>can't remember question specifically, but boils down to "why is this funny?"
>in AP English Comp, full of illiterate tryhards
>get a 5

Aside from this he was kind of "that" teacher, we had our differences but ultimately I've come to respect him.

You wouldn't happen to be the wraith of DFW? 'Cos I believe he did just this.

>> No.2300772

No, but I'm glad to know the spirit of DFW agrees with me. Where did you hear this?

>> No.2300776

Well I heard it from DFW. He's sitting next to me right now. He says, hi. :3

>> No.2300781

I can't remember if he mentioned it in one of his own essays or it was elsewhere.

>> No.2300784

Hey DFW, how's in hangin'.

>> No.2300793

He's a little grumpy and shy right now, but he says they are hanging OK1.
[1] By OK, he means that his testicles are currently hanging at around 4 inches from the tip of his penis.

>> No.2300803

>>2299407 My english teachers have always hated me because I could write a better story than them...

>> No.2300827

I could understand the F were it not for the lecture afterwards on ethics and morality. The lecture gives the appearance that the teacher failed the student because of his own perspective on morality. To fail a student based on personal opinion is against many rules and regulations in place in many school boards and for good reason...

>> No.2300852

itt: trolls and hyperbole.

I sometimes feel like a few of my English profs are overcompensating for their... being male and white.

Yes, I get it, Wyatt's poetry was sexist, he was writing in the 16th century, after all...
What's that? Black and native people in America were dispossessed? I think most thinking people agree on these points, could we now move on to some sort of analysis that's perhaps deeper and goes beyond "this text is racis!!" If it's so damn terrible and you've little else to say than that, why are we being taught this? Because of... cannon law?

>> No.2300859

>Grade 11 World History
>argue in final essay that Mehmed II was a bro to his Ottoman subjects for defeating the Byzantines and taking Constantinople.
>proud of final product after all that research
>get mark back: C
>remember teacher is a 72-year-old priest who sides with Byzantines

I learned a valuable lesson that day: know your audience.

(N.B. I don't 'side' with either the Ottomans or Byzantines. I just wrote about the way the Ottoman people saw their leader, and Mehmed's personal traits that brought him success)

>> No.2301418

your analysis is too superficial, i mean you sound like a total moron "there's nothing wrong" WTF man, the book points absolutely to the fact that a perfectly happy world isn't good, because you can't enjoy a real life with all the sad and happy things, you can't really enjoy what makes you happy if you didn't experimented what makes you sad, the point of the book is letting you understand why this world which claims is doing good things, in fact is causing alienation and submission through conformism

(sorry about my english, i'm not a good english writer, my first language is spanish, but my egotistic self tells me that this is the best answer you'll ever get from this board)

>> No.2301431


Oh and i forgot the genetic manipulation of the people, the lower classes are completely submisive and stupid, serving the higher classes that's what capitalism is about.
On the other hand, the society is against the one who is not alienated, john the savage and marx are persecuted by the society till the end of the book, just because they're against the conformity and the coldness of the society

>> No.2301437

While it#s true bias may make someone more inclined to give a good mark, if you failed to realise that there is no "hidden/absolute truth", it probably deserved the C.

>> No.2301454

>thirteen years old
>in middle of history essay
>history and English are my best subjects and always too of the class
>doing essay on slavery in the US
>suddenly have an existential crisis in the middle of the essay
>suddenly conclude that although slavery was thought to have occurred we may not know for sure
>how can we know anything?
>how can history be trusted?
>get essay back
>also told to see teacher as he thinks I may be in the same category as holocaust deniers

I used to have mental breakdowns during essays a lot around that age.

>> No.2301462

upload the exact prompt and your essay, /lit/ will judge

>> No.2301465

I'm with OP here to be honest. I generally get better marks if I challenge the assumptions in the question. As long as, at the same time, I can successfully dismiss the assumption by considering reasons why the assumption may be correct.

Also, OP seems to have been failed due to the teacher's ethical standpoint and not his essay writing ability which is wrong.

>> No.2301485
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it's hard to tell, from your post, whether generalizations like these are based on essays you thought were the bomb, but which were actually pretty shit by most objective standards.

so you got poor marks, but you may be confusing the reason behind that as having what you considered a thesis that was too radical for The Man to handle, as opposed to failing to have backed said thesis adequately. in fact, seeing as you attribute said marks to a suggested government conspiracy of uniform norm-enforcement across thousands of local school districts, my instinct is that the problem isn't that your approach is radical, but that it's irrational.

you sound like one of those flower children who's been assured from early on that s/he's a unique snowflake, and that all their beliefs are legitimate points of view. when you run into someone who throws out your ideas, you flesh out a narrative based on oppression of minority opinion.

but i could be wrong. why don't you track down & upload the essays in question?

>> No.2301507

>Purposefully formulate controversial ideas
>Don't have any real justification for ideas beyond them being against popular consensus
>Wonder why my essays asserting poorly conceived ideas aren't getting graded well

>> No.2301508

Yes, there are virtues of disagreeing with common thought. His assignment wasn't to present his own opinion, however. His assignment was to attempt to argue for one side.

When you're asked for your opinion, give it. When you're not asked for it, keep it to yourself.

>> No.2301514

>Year 12 English
>Had to write a paper about ourselves at the beginning of the year
>Have absolutely fucking nothing to write about
>Bullshit 4 pages
>Get sent to school psychiatrist for compulsive lying disorder

>> No.2301526

Your teacher was right IMHO;

1.He asks you to diss that world.
2.You don't diss it.
4.Get an F

>> No.2301594

Those feels when your teachers indirectly reference something you've written for them in a derogatory way.

Also: that feel when your nice cosy seminar group of 18-21 year olds gets invaded by a 45 year old bloke called Steve who talks utter shit.

>> No.2301600

>implying most English teachers aren't liberal as fuck
>not just telling the teacher what he or she wants to hear

Maybe it is because I live in the SF Bay Area, but every English teacher I have come across thinks they are a freedom fighter or some shit.

>> No.2301605

>Grade 12
>finished reading an interesting poem
>subjective interpretation
>techer gives us a volutary assignment
>have an idea that's totally out of the box
>present it like a boss
>receive an A

yeah, my teacher was awesome.

>present a

>> No.2301612


I fucking love Steve. Adds some flavor to the discussion.

>> No.2301645


Growing up means doing what you're told.

>> No.2301669


>Growing up means losing your individuality


>> No.2301829

>that feel when your nice cosy seminar group of 18-21 year olds gets invaded by a 45 year old bloke called Steve who talks utter shit.

ah yes, i've known the steves:
>talk forever without either making a point or asking a question
>demand that the professor re-explain everything at least twice
>pick up on anything you say in class, then rope you into a long conversation after class using your in-class comment as launching point for them to talk about some unrelated topic of interest to them only
>most things about them, including the above complaints, is a constant downer as the course/seminar progresses, as it's difficult not to feel a bit sorry for someone trying to branch out of their comfort-zone and having what looks like a pretty horrible time of it

>> No.2301832


You never had individuality.

>> No.2301840


Agreed. It's up to the person whether they liberate themselves with this knowledge, or hide from it.

>> No.2301843


Are you me?

>> No.2301853

most profound thing said on /lit/ in the past 23 minutes

>> No.2301865
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>wrote an awesome paper years ago
>didn't do what my teacher expected
>I'm brilliant and got an A/no one understands me I got an F

>> No.2301870

Surely you got depressed at some point because of the poignancy of the decision to write the awesome paper?

>> No.2301874


Oooh. Just curious, was the last one in the Buddhism thread, or...?

>> No.2301904
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>13 years old.
>Have to write a horror story in class.
>Zero inspiration, rip off a simpsons halloween episode.

>Next class.
>"Anon, come see me after class."
>"I really liked your story, anon. We would like to print it in the school paper."
>It gets printed, everyone in school compliments me on it. Nobody noticed its the Zombie episode from the simpsons.

>> No.2301920

And one person more Machiavelli trolled successfully

>> No.2301926 [DELETED] 

how come you americans read books like that while all we did in my school was read animal farm(over about 6 weeks,because they where all thick in my class) and a story about some creature who likes Chinese food

And then the rest we watched films of macbeth and JAWS :/

no wonder my grammar so shit.

>> No.2301933

...so it was Stephen King's "Pet Semetary"?

>> No.2301935

The "ethics and morality" lecture says it all really. I could see Western government's loving the idea of a Brave New World situation, your teacher must have been one of those liberal communist muslim nazis.

>> No.2301948

nuh oh my god

>> No.2301950


Welcome to the world of literature, film, and television. Everything has already been done, so long as you didn't plagiarize it word for word it's more or less what everybody else does.

>> No.2301963
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Burned my fingers on this sort of thing a few times in school

>"Give your opinion on X and Y"
>write a creative opinion that differs from teacher's
>terrible mark
>ask teacher if my writing or research was bad
>"your work was great, but that's not the interpretation I taught"

So much rage until I realized teachers and undergrad profs just want to hear their own words coming back at them, so they know you were paying attention in class. Straight As from thereon in.

Also: "Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views." -- William F. Buckley, Jr.

Sums it up.

>> No.2301970

On the subject of ripping off others:

>2 years ago
>english exam for the second year of high school
>get to choose between several different subjects to write about
>realise I have no ideas for any of them
>end up writing a horror story thats basically a re-written greentext creepypasta
>get an A

thank you Based 4chan

>> No.2301984


>Not observing that half the book contradicts the other half and is designed for princes (specifically the Medici prince) to fall from power due to being fucked with this.
>Not knowing that princes already possessed most of the information in the text as common knowledge.
>Doing anything on "Machiavellian Principles".
>Deciding based on this information that Machiavelli was still a troll.

The guy was for republics.

>> No.2301991


That's besides the point. Its just not every day you get a English teacher with enough spunk to let you write about how you'd control your peers with immoral techniques.

>> No.2302010


He's not talking about the liberals you think he's talking about.

>> No.2302018

People from all sides do this, it's not just liberals. Only a moron would show that they are a close minded person.

That being said, liberals tend to act open minded more than most, and while it may be rare, sometimes they may actually be telling the truth.

>> No.2302023
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I can imagine OP taking a geometry class:

>Circle with r=1
>Task, "Calculate the area of the circle"
>OP proceeds to calculate the circumference

>> No.2302027
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>trying to show off your critical thinking skills in an academic setting
>not just repeating what the lecturer said

I thought you guys knew how to play the game.

>> No.2302193

>History class
>Discussing Bismarck and the Ems Dispatch
>"Sooo...was the Ems Dispatch forged?
>Everyone says that it wasn't forged "because he just shortened it"
>I disagree and say because the meaning is completely warped it was forged document
>Everyone is looking at me, and the teacher is pulling a constanza.jpg face.
>"Do you really think anon?"
>Turns out he just wanted me to form more arguments
>Ends the lesson with the statement that history is not white or black, but mostly grey.

Good teacher.

>> No.2302216

>Have to write a 3 page report on why the world in the book would be bad

>Have to write a 3 page report on why the world in the book would be bad

>Have to write a 3 page report on why the world in the book would be bad

>Have to write a 3 page report on why the world in the book would be bad

>Have to write a 3 page report on why the world in the book would be bad

>Have to write a 3 page report on why the world in the book would be bad

>Have to write a 3 page report on why the world in the book would be bad


>> No.2302224

>Have to write a 3 page report on why the world in the book would be bad
>Argue that there's nothing wrong with the world because ignorance is a bliss

>> No.2302227

>Have to write a 3 page report on why the world in the book would be bad

That's the directions. Quit being a faggot.

>> No.2302316

I've had English teachers give me bad or straight-up incorrect advice before. That stuff really sticks with you. One example that comes to mind is never to use first-person and, somewhat relatedly, never to refer to "this essay," "my argument above," etc. Flash-forward a decade, and I see this shit in peer-reviewed academic publications all the time. I don't know where they get some of this bullshit advice from.

>> No.2302545

Then he should have included a disclaimer in the assignment that regardless of your actual opinion, you have to write negatively about BNW's setting.

>> No.2302561

Its traditional style, however these things get relaxed. Just like table etiquette, there's still a right way to do things, its just doesn't matter.

>> No.2302567

include a disclaimer in the assignment saying you need to do the assignment. Is this really what the world's coming to?

>> No.2302577

If need be, yes.