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/lit/ - Literature

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22991575 No.22991575 [Reply] [Original]

You’re the closest thing I have to friends. My life is very sad but I love talking about books with you.

>> No.22991579 [DELETED] 
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We're here, together

>> No.22991594
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I don't have any friends or acquaintances either. The internet is good enough honestly, at least you guys can't hurt me

>> No.22991597

What books u like?

>> No.22991615
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>> No.22991619
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I like talking about books with you too, anon.

>> No.22991675

Tell me your favorite book. We can talk about it like frens

>> No.22991676

As silly as this place is, I found great inspiration and discussions here. Thanks frens

>> No.22992678

You're worth more than you think anon. Don't settle for just this board. Take more chances with life.

>> No.22992687

This is pretty gay, man. Stop dick riding me.

>> No.22992697
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so it seems, so it seems. and yet, we can't heal you either. the people in the world outside are so scary these days but that doesn't mean you should just be comfortably numb.

>> No.22992700


>> No.22992704

I enjoy talking about books with you as well anon. Make today a good day.

>> No.22992732
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>And not one book was mentioned

>> No.22992734
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superiority of 4chin over reddit comes from anonymousity. No fucking nigger who disagrees with me will go through my profile and check my comments from 5 years ago. Which means that I'm discussing topics with more of an idea of you, than an actual you. We could have quarreled in another thread, or had deep connection with in another, doesn't matter. Once the new thread starts we can talk freely to each other with no prejudices, which makes our weird relation more real than on any other website

>> No.22992739

fuck off

>> No.22992745

I consider myself barely literate but you guys are still my best friends

>> No.22992747

all 4channers I've met irl have been mentally ill.
I am disgusted with this site and wish the feds would FEMA camp us all

>> No.22992753

>all 4channers I've met irl have been mentally ill.
That's because no sane person would meet up with a 4channer irl. No wonder you are also mentally ill

>> No.22992757

i dont even know personally anyone who uses 4chan lol. Reddit definitely a lot (females)

>> No.22992760

Thank u fren.

>> No.22992770

That's a fucking true. We're here just thinking about life and the things we aprecciate in life, not about ourselves. And fuck man, that's amazing. No ones fucking cares about you.

>> No.22992788

I’ve only ever known people who are “4chan adjacent”, i.e. leech of us and our intellectual generosity. It takes a certain personality type to enjoy and thrive in this sort of “social” set-up. That’s why it’s mostly certain myers-briggs types here, just as an example.

>> No.22992798

I might troll you guys a lot but I enjoy the book recommendations you guys give me

>> No.22992829

>its only certain myers-briggs types here.
Funny because my personality is supposed to be social and caring. I probably only despise the particular social environment i am in

>> No.22992833

How to win Friends and influence People

>> No.22992847

4channers people IRL are retards because most of them just know 4chan through popular boards like /b/, /a/ or /pol/. They're seminormies. If you know a /lit/tard irl probably will be just a weirdo, but not too retard.

>> No.22992858

You aren't missing out, I hate all my friends.

>> No.22992863

Oh yeah, forgot to mention that. /b/, /pol/, /r9k/, /a/ do NOT count. That’s basically a separate site.

>> No.22992897 [DELETED] 

Something that a lot of people fail to consider is that friendships require work, in the same way that marriage does. I think a lot of you (and everyone, it's not just a 4chan) are still holding on to this childlike view that friends are people who you just magically click with, and from that point on you can do absolutely anything you feel like with them, be as impulsive and reactive as you want to. The truth is that being reasonably like-minded to someone else is only the start, you have to keep paying attention to their reactions to things and consider their expectations and needs from a friendship. Push disagreements too far, make fun of them too much, be too explosive and attention-hogging of a presence, or just passively do a bad enough job of listening and showing up to things and you'll start to lose even very good friends.

>> No.22992903

Something that a lot of people fail to consider is that friendships require work, in the same way that marriage does. I think a lot of you (and everyone, it's not just a 4chan thing) are still holding on to this childlike view that friends are people who you just magically click with, and from that point on you can do absolutely anything you feel like with them, be as impulsive and reactive as you want to. The truth is that being reasonably like-minded to someone else is only the start, you have to keep paying attention to their reactions to things and consider their expectations and needs from a friendship. Push disagreements too far, make fun of them too much, be too explosive and attention-hogging of a presence, or just passively do a bad enough job of listening and showing up to things and you'll start to lose even very good friends.

>> No.22992965

>Push disagreements too far, make fun of them too much, be too explosive and attention-hogging of a presence, or just passively do a bad enough job of listening and showing up to things and you'll start to lose even very good friends.
I've had more serious arguments and fights with my best friend than I could count, but I think it only made the friendship stronger long-term. For a true friend, you want someone with whom you can conflict and contend, with complete freedom and no holds barred, knowing that your friendship is stronger than any disagreement. Someone you can critique as viciously as you critique yourself. Out of love, but never holding back. That's a true and beautiful and virtuous interaction between two people.

>> No.22992999

This except I hate all you fuckers and want all of /lit/ (and this includes me, of course) to die.

>> No.22993014

I really am not one of these posters who just loves being a blind dream crusher to get a dopamine hit, I mean this sincerely: he's not going to be your friend for long, not unless you both learn to dial it back. I get that you're both probably 19 and are still used to life being a constant two-way barrage of insults and challenges to masculinity everywhere you go so it's just par for the course, but that's going to change soon and one of you is going to get tired of being treated that way when they've otherwise gotten used to being treated like an adult.

I had a very close friend who probably would have said something very similar about how he can deal with me, I haven't spoken to him in over a year.

>> No.22993023

well said anon

>> No.22993026

Also, what you're saying only even theoretically works for "great" friends. There is lots of value in having some not-great-but-still-solid friends too, and you absolutely have to follow these rules with them.

>> No.22993068

Maybe your friend really is an asshole, or maybe you're just a pussy. But "a constant two-way barrage of insults and challenges to masculinity everywhere" isn't really what I had in mind. That just sounds like regular banter. It's more than that. You should be able to talk about serious, deeply private and sensitive things in your lives without holding back. I'm not talking about being callous or insulting them out of nowhere, but you should be able to say what you think without fear of offending.
28yo 15 years friendship
Sure. I would call those acquaintances or something like that. I think "friend" should be reserved for more serious types of relationships so we don't have to say "true friend."

>> No.22993076
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>> No.22993083

Shut the fuck up, you whiny bitch

>> No.22993097

Back to r/4chan with you ”fren”

>> No.22993110

I'm learning not to associate with most people also. I seem to find more comfort for you guys. The world and its people are majority crap.

>> No.22993540

I honestly think the well-known phenomenon of the 4chan meet where everyone looks retarded is more due to selection in regard to who goes to a meet than selection in regard to who uses 4chan

>> No.22993763

> I'm not talking about being callous or insulting them out of nowhere
Then I'm not really talking about you, I'm talking about the countless young men who actually think it's okay or even admirable to just start randomly verbally abusing their friends with all guns blazing and never back off. I'm not saying don't talk about deep issues, though obviously the depth and seriousness of the conversation has to be somewhat proportional to how close you are with them, and you can't expect to get away with making every random point of disagreement your hill to loudly die on, pretty much no matter who your audience is.

My friend was a giant asshole, imagine someone who talks IRL like the posters here who immediately cuss out anyone who makes a post they slightly disagree with, while also being mind mindbogglingly wrong about random things almost on the level of that guy on /ck/ who thought you operated an ice tray by buying ice at the store and then fitting it into the holes.

>> No.22993769

Yeah there are a lot of immature guys like that out there. Did you ever tell your friend off? I guess he wouldn't take it seriously anyways

>> No.22993807

Yes, several times, and we kept trying to reconcile but it became clear he was just fundamentally incapable of not finding little ways to disrespect me in every interaction. To be clear, he was getting a little bit better but my standards for respect were raising faster than he was catching up (since I was tangibly starting to live like an adult), and there were enough major issues that I needed some real contrition in order to move on and I wasn't getting it from him.

>> No.22994198

The amount of people who use 4chan and also show their face has to be incredibly small. Even identity. I know in many threads some people will extend into other communities and get to know each other but for a large portion of the base that isn’t the case.

>> No.22994763

>he was getting a little bit better but my standards for respect were raising faster than he was catching up (since I was tangibly starting to live like an adult)
This sounds like some ice-cold calculating shit. Did you ghost him? Feels bad man

>> No.22994901

What I mean is he was only, say, half as abrasive as before but that was way more than I was prepared to handle at that point, I deserved better and got it elsewhere. Actually he sort of ghosted me at the end even though we had just tried to reconcile (like I was saying, petty disrespects) but when he finally came around I was over it and didn't respond, so the ghoster became the ghostee.

>> No.22994910

I don't even like books or anything 4channers like. That's how lonely I am. I just come to troll while the big boys discuss their topics.

>> No.22994914

Sounds like you're both just garbage people, but generally speaking, this is woman behaviour. Maybe you two should have a good ol wrestling match to hash it out.

>> No.22994922
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I love all of you anons, genuinely

>> No.22994927
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There, there. It will be ok.

>> No.22994947

I love this place, including all anons. It's one of the only places where I can be myself after a day at work feeling totally alienated from colleagues at ie lunch conversations for not keeping up with the latest celebrity drama or reality show on Netflix. My friends don't read either and when I talk about literature they just get bored. Even at college people didn't read and I made no friends there. The world does indeed feel bland most of the time, but here I've had some genuinely interesting discussions and got some great book recommendations. You guys also inspire my literature interest, and by extension my appreciation for life.

I think literature has saved my life in fact. I've always been a sensetivte anxious kid who never really fit in larger social groups, and still don't. I've never been able to communicate my feelings of alienations, existential dread and meaninglessness to others, and nobody has really understood it. Many times I've felt like I've been on the brink of mental breakdowns and the will to suicide. But luckily I found great books as company where writers have wrote about these types of feelings and thoughts, seemingly communicating as a close friend to me. And you guys so the same. Thank you.

>> No.22994995
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We're all in this together (and normies are subhuman)

>> No.22995001
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I love talking about books with my frens

>> No.22995098

A ghosting competition. Clearly you deserve so much more respect you stupid fucking cunt.

>> No.22995529

And to think that n another thread, I might have called you a faggot.

>> No.22995535
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>> No.22995549
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Human behavior exemplified in a single post; blabbers on about the importance of kindness and mutual empathy, when the only meaningful factor is personal utility and enjoyment.

Relationships are best left for the books, where they are real, and so I can graciously spare myself the pain of human calculation.

>> No.22995551
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>> No.22996131
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I fucking hate going outside.

>> No.22996132
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The problem with people irl is finding something actually interesting to talk about with them. Most people irl either just gossip and complain about others or talk about the most trivial mundane things.
Whereas on this site I can easily find people interested in the same topics as I and even create a thread on any topic I like, drawing like-minded individuals in.

>> No.22996134

We're having a moment you fuck.

>> No.22996136

I "know" more individuals from 4chinz than any other site/social media and i don't even post that long here
lit is not like this but fit is full of name/tripfags and other assorted lolcows and people congregating in deranged discord servers

>> No.22996138




>> No.22996186

>You’re the closest thing I have to friends. My life is very sad but I love talking about books with you.
man the fuck up faggot

>> No.22996196

Why don't you give me your discord so we can be real friends?

>> No.22996295

Remember anon, we're here forever. We'll always be around to listen and talk the shit about literature, and that I think is the best thing about this place. And it helps that social anxiety and inadequacy doesn't really matter here, you have all the time in the world to write out your ideas and communicate with like-minded people, almost like writing letters to each other, which itself is a dying art. See you around anon, and remember to never give up on the dream of life.

>> No.22996419

Join the Writing General discord server, fren. Let's talk books

>> No.22996423


If anyone wants to message me, add me on discord

>> No.22996474

Imagine meeting up with a redditor. I think they'd scream for the manager (my mom)

>> No.22996867

Even if physically not alone, we all do both live and die alone. There is no choice in that matter, the choice you got is what you do about it.

>> No.22996907

I’ll be your friend, I have a pseudo email I can give you if you want. I like talking books and shit.

>> No.22996915

Nta but I think I added you. Meanmugginmoll

>> No.22996962

Sure. I'll add you once I am done cooking :)