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File: 75 KB, 800x450, david foster wallace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22989920 No.22989920 [Reply] [Original]

Why does he cause so much division?

>> No.22989928

No clue who this is. Is he a hippie or just balding?

>> No.22989942

because he’s a cuckservative and more concerned with mushy sentiment than pragmatic action to save our nation.

>> No.22989946

b/c he is unique (w/r/t the way he writes, of course).

>> No.22989960

I read his thing about the cruise ships. Just sounded like contrived nonsense from a person who'd never worked a service or manual labor job. Cruises are fun, he just got filtered.

>> No.22990145

Genuinely have no idea what you're talking about. Cuckservatives are razor focused on pragmatic action. They've nuked any notion of sentimentality when they just destroyed abortion laws, they want to push their ideology even if it potentially harms them with the wider voter base.

Libs are the ones focused on mushy sentiments. You must be a commie not to see this.

>> No.22990152

you got filtered, bovine boy.

>> No.22990167

>Why does he cause so much division?
Because he hates television.

>> No.22990175


>> No.22990177

"aspie complains about admittedly contrived custom" should be its own genre of literature

>> No.22990365


its the lead singer from Suicidal Tendencies

>> No.22991314
File: 64 KB, 600x777, 1706229938878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care if he's pretentious or gratuitous or gimmicky or if he's just a Pynchon copycat or whatever shit people say. I unironically just like the way he writes. I like his sentences and the words he uses and the shaky nervousness of his text. I like his pyrotechnics and no one does them like he does. He's one of the few writers that I actually found pleasure in vocalizing each individual word he wrote while reading.

People keep telling me he's just gimmicky and that "anyone can do that" but they never name them. I would love to have more gimmicky writers like him in modern literature.

>> No.22991317

Did he wear that on his head to prevent his brain from falling out?

>> No.22991379

Same here. I remember reading Infinite Jest and wishing that someone would write a fantasy novel with his prose style, or science fiction, or something I had more personal interest in than drug use, tennis, and depression. His subject matter is interesting and all, but it’s really his prose that captured me. There’s nothing else like it in the world.

>> No.22991384

Pseuds read his work, run into a word they don't already know the meaning of, and throw the book down and accuse him of being pretentious. Meanwhile other pseuds bear with him, enjoy his work, and become obnoxiously obsessed with it. It's a lose-lose situation.

>> No.22991395

it's the hat

>> No.22991411

sup David. I always knew you faked you're death.

>> No.22991423

hey guys its me david wallace and I am glad you all enjoy my books yknow i really love the lit community and all we stand for

>> No.22991426 [DELETED] 

>They've nuked any notion of sentimentality when they just destroyed abortion laws,

Saying that murdering unborn children isn't in the constitution is not "nuking any notion of sentimentality", at least it's not to anyone who isn't a progressive cultist.

>> No.22991430

>They've nuked any notion of sentimentality when they just destroyed abortion laws,

Saying that murdering unborn children isn't in the constitution is not "nuking any notion of sentimentality", at least it's not to anyone who isn't a progressive cultist.

>> No.22991439

Liberals have given him a bad rep because they consider him a literary prodigy when he was simply extremely detail oriented. I've read a few of his articles and they are bloated, overly philosophical, and pathologically altruistic. That being said, he does offer a legitimate insight into various topics and I can't fault the guy for wanting everything he writes to be the best thing he's ever written, but it unfortunately comes off as him being preachy and pretentious.

>> No.22991474 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 540x540, ai-addiction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would you say is some good fiction that isn't overly preachy and pretentious?

>> No.22991490

Anything by Alexandre Dumas.

>> No.22991501

Because pretty much every single writer alive (especially unpopular or amateur writers) wish they could be him. We all envy him. He also seems to me pretty much the last non-pozzed ‘It Boy’ of literary fiction. He also was a bit of an abusive drunk. The weird part I think is that he probably would have survived much longer if he didn’t become a celebrity idol. Oh well.

>> No.22991505

Yeah. Okay. Comparing Napoleonic Adventure novels to Postmodern Litfic is a stretch but, fair enough.

>> No.22991507

His work is quite earnestly meant to be read aloud. It sounds so good aloud.

>> No.22991509

Because he comes off as pretentious even when he isnt and hes one of maybe 3 postmodernists that isnt a hack.
>altruism is... le BAD!!
Total. Nigger. Death.

>> No.22991517

I want peach to sit on my face

>> No.22991524

>altruism is... le BAD!!

It is when you make it your identity.


"Oakley further states that some people are naturally "hypersensitive" or they have an excessive desire to "help" others. According to Oakley, such people are convinced that they are helping others without considering the practical results of their "help""

>> No.22991547

Literary Industry Plant of world-historic proportions.

>> No.22991548

>Comparing Napoleonic Adventure novels to Postmodern Litfic is a stretch
Well I don't read postmodern litfic. I've only read DFW's articles.

>> No.22991607 [DELETED] 
File: 208 KB, 1024x1024, grape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Qween Grape?

>> No.22992690
File: 20 KB, 500x329, 1706271451272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He cute.

>> No.22992723

Wish I could save him in some sort of time machine

>> No.22993116

Because he was a racist writer

>> No.22993123

probably because anons who have high taste and were well bred can recognize he's a mediocre author whereas low bred manic depressive anons insist he's the best American author of the last 50 years.

>> No.22993147

he was speaking of the party, not the base.

>> No.22993164

This is a very fair point. An artist can fail on any number of qualitative counts, yet dominate so well on even one that it secures his memory.

>> No.22993309

Why was he unironically depressed?

>> No.22993534

this is probably the most flattering picture of him in existence and it's just him looking somewhat like bam margera from the jackass era. can his simps just admit he's tall yet goofy

>> No.22993647

my high school english teacher loved this guy. but my high school english teacher also told us a story about how in college he was suicidal and even attempted or something before his roomate helped him. i don't know, because of all that i just labeled david foster wallace as weird and moved on. i don't know why this nigger lives rent free in every anons head.

>> No.22993983
File: 43 KB, 480x640, 1697021611259543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think anyone will ever deny that. I still think he genuinely looked cute when he was younger and leaner but he put on some weight in his later years which exaggerated his goofball looks.

>> No.22995052

I miss him so much bros.

>> No.22995600

>David Foster Wall-AAACCCKKK

>> No.22995622

I believe that's Zulu Alitspa.

>> No.22995625

He looks like one of those dudes that’s really into that hippie jam band like my grandpa.

>> No.22995684

What? Dave liked TV, he just had some serious criticisms about it and our addiction to it.
He reads Lyle's introduction in one of the interviews, I think the Charlie Rose one, and it's just so fucking good.
He will feed you tomatoes and radio wire and retire to sheets safe and clean, but don't hate him when he gets up to leave
Dave has several looks, and they're all cool.
What a weird fucking thing to reveal to your students. I get exposing a little bit of your vulnerability, but that's just a mentally ill thing to subject your students to, regardless of the message he wanted to convey.
I've heard indie rock, but I like to think he had a run in with Seth Putnam of Anal Cunt, who wrote I Just Saw The Gayest Guy on Earth about Dave or Everyone in Allston is Gay. Not that I think Dave's the gayest guy on earth, it'd just be funny to me. I think about this fairly often.

>> No.22995821

What would he think about current internet?

>> No.22995826

Read IJ a few years ago and loved it, should I read The Pale King next or his nonfiction?

>> No.22995850
File: 1.48 MB, 999x913, bondburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be brief, because it'd be pure conjecture, I don't think he'd be surprised, but I don't think he'd think it was so over either. I think he would stick to his argument for the importance of sincerity in a world that feels like it's growing more and more insincere. I do not believe his song or dance would have changed, and for further reading as to why I believe these things, please see IJ, footnote 216.

>> No.22995942

Some incels consider that reading him is a substitute for a personality.

>> No.22995957

You should read his porn convention article at the beginning of “consider the lobster”
It’s pretty funny and also haunting if you have a soul

>> No.22996882

Probably his nonfiction or any of his short story collections. Pale King is too unfinished. You might want to leave that for last.

>> No.22996938

I've heard this before and it's not true at all. I've even heard him say the opposite in an interview. I read aloud all the time and DFW does not lend himself to it.

>> No.22996956

Good writers usually do that. Meanwhile a mediocre writer is usually well loved or loathed.