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File: 156 KB, 970x600, amazon-kindle-3-nyt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2298884 No.2298884 [Reply] [Original]

i just received my first kindle. What should I do now? Should I register? There is some kind of hack for the screensaver? Any advice? Pro-tip?

>> No.2298891

Personally, didn't register, too many free books anyway.


>> No.2298894


>> No.2299008



>> No.2299391

Which Kindle did you get? The 4 can't be rooted yet.

>> No.2299399

Sorry to derail, but does anyone know any good .mobi and .epub trading locations? I really want to get "The Way of the Serpent on mobi, but having trouble finding it on the google.

>> No.2299408

What is the appeal of killing the screensaver. It isn't inconvenient in the slightest

>> No.2299433

Hatred of ads?

>> No.2299439

they're so non-intrusive and harmless that i don't see why you'd care enough to do it even if it were a 5 minute operation. but if they bother you then by all means eliminate them.

>> No.2299441

> kindle has ads


inb4 hurr durr it doesnt affect reading experience at all


>> No.2299443

> kindle has ads
> oh it's really not a shitty gadget at all i dont feel bad at all about buying it

lol kindlefolk are hilarious

>> No.2299446

No, you're right, although obnoxious.
Also, Nook.

>> No.2299448

You can pay 30$ more so you don't get ads in the screensaver. The actual reading experience is the same on Kindles with and without ads.

>> No.2299451


Im not OP, just suggesting possible hatred


Hating on an ereader is hipster garbage, i have 90 books i got in 20 seconds, all that i wanted to read. Got it for a gift, will make great use of it.

inb4 hate books, i have a room in my house set apart as a personal library. i cant read my kindle in the bath or pool after all.

>> No.2299453
File: 201 KB, 1200x1600, Trollkindle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Kindle threads

>> No.2299454

> buy a product
> pay money for it
> company just may me pay for their own billboard

Do you guys wear graphic tshirts too and ones with massive company logos? Sure, it still functions to cover your chest.


>> No.2299455

I got a kindle as a gift and I am enjoying it. Its more convenient for me since I travel often and I can get any book I want at anytime in seconds.

>> No.2299456

> can't read the sticky

How are you gonna read your 90 books, bro?

>> No.2299459

viral marketer detected. I mean, fuck, come on. At least be more subtle.

>> No.2299460

I dont even get what your talking about.

>> No.2299461


>> No.2299464


Adverts in a novel.

This fills my veins with righteous anger.

"The Curse of Lono - brought to you by Diet Coke!"

If you own one of these things I hope you die an agonizing and horrific death.

Perhaps having the skin peeled from your bones by a wild pack of family dogs.

Books, with adverts... un-fucking-believable.

>> No.2299467


The ads arent in the books

>> No.2299471


> "I remember saying something like, "I feel a little lightheaded... maybe I SHOULD BUY A COKE.""

>> No.2299472


the ads aren't in the texts, shithead, they're on the screensaver, and they aren't things like Diet Coke, they're local businesses.

but keep talking out of your ass, you sound really tough like Dirty Harry, you're giving me an internet boner

>> No.2299473

Mine doesn't.

Probably because I'm in the Britfag master race.

>> No.2299474 [SPOILER] 
File: 45 KB, 326x494, jhfjkskflsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a book you might like

>> No.2299475

>"A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers...so be smart and purchase a diet coke."

>> No.2299477
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>> No.2299478


They are on the screensaver. It is no different to having the cover of "The Brothers Karamazov" changed to a foot-high proclamation of Ocean Finance's LOWEST EVER interest rates. You are scum and I hope the next time you use that thing your dick starts weeping pus.

>> No.2299485

You have never seen a kindle, have you? Otherwise you wouldnt be talking out of your ass so much.

>> No.2299487
File: 7 KB, 195x195, 1315582475132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm an Irishfag and my Kindle doesn't have ads.

>> No.2299488

>Chances are when you went to buy books you saw a poster advertising a book!
>There are ads on the tv!
>There are movie previews before a movie!
>There are billboards along the side of the road!

>> No.2299489


Whatever..it's easier on the subway than a large book, and I haven't paid for shit in the last year. Your anger means dick to me, I love my Kindle. Get a fucking life and stop worrying about my reading device. Enjoy your "covers" which no longer exist for a lot of us.

>> No.2299490


I'd rather talk out my ass than take it in the ass.

Wait until you start associating War and Peace with greasy fuckin' chips, you cum-swilling ass bandit.

>> No.2299497


> "I love my slippery turd, it only cost me a hundred dollars and now I can cram all the shit I like into my face wherever I go! It's so much easier than lugging all my stool samples with me! God, I'm thirsty, where's my Mountain Dew?!"

>> No.2299493


Babby's first insults. This is 4chan, we all secretly want to take it in the ass here. Or at least suck dick or at the very least fuck traps.

>> No.2299495

mfw you seem proud to have payed more for your kindle

>> No.2299504
File: 79 KB, 409x409, yougonnagetcomfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I don't have ads on my delicious kindle

>> No.2299503
File: 48 KB, 319x243, umad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2299508



>> No.2299509


That basically boils down to "Books are shit, anyone who likes them is wrong". You might be on the wrong board mate.

>> No.2299510

Not him but it's pretty fucking stupid to use that as an argument for why it's okay.

Oh, we're already given shit for breakfast and lunch, what's wrong with eating shit for dinner too?

>> No.2299511
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>> No.2299515

I dont understand what the issue is? The advertisements or the kindle itself? Would you be ok if the advertisements didnt pop up as a cover or just that people use kindles to read their books and not paper binded?

>> No.2299584

I could see how it might affect overall experience, but I think people who are affected most are the same people who judge books by it's cover.

And let me tell you, I do judge em by it's cover. If it is visually pleasing it's value to me doubles. If it resonates with it's content - even better. Though campy, corny fantasy book covers have special place in my heart too. I guess I'm fairly fetishistic about it. But kindle? It's different. All the visual information is more associated with the device itself. You can compare it to a bookshelf. Some, like in a shop, has stickers and ads on them.By itself it's just a container - a place to put books in.This is what kindle feel like to me. Shame, tho, that it renders covers useless as you see them maybe once in a reading process.. but it is convenient as hell.

Sorry for my broken English.

>> No.2299632

Very, very tempted to buy one of these.

>> No.2299650

Is it only the new kindle that has ads? Does the Kindle 3/keyboard (shown in OP's pic) have no ads?

>> No.2299664

Isnt there a way to remove the ads from the kindle? I mean the hardware is exactly the same, isnt it? So shouldnt one be able to flash the full price kindle firmware onto a ad-supported one?

I mean you save 25% by buying an ad supported over over a standard one, and it *should* be a simple process of getting rid of that(and everything else is exactly the same, right? The ad-supported one isnt in a different color or has a different logo silk-screened on it, right?) so why pay extra?

Not that i care. There are other bigger reasons i would never get a kindle anyways(no epub support, no external memory)

>> No.2299667

I'm pretty sure amazon has had ad supported kindles since version 2... I deff. know they have kindle 3's with ad support.

>> No.2299669
File: 31 KB, 371x499, size710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ads? Jut turn the internet off, it's useless, sucks all the battery and kindle sucks for browsing.


>Faggots that use amazon store and don't torrent their books deserves ads.

>> No.2299681
File: 285 KB, 720x720, bullshitdude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there are plenty of books (especially academic texts) that are nearly impossible or actually impossible to torrent.

also, not supporting people whose material you enjoy is for faggots.

>> No.2299703


no, a socio-economic system still organised by the principle of exchanging money for goods and services is for faggots

>> No.2299718


>> No.2299721

You don't even get a service out of 'paying' for an ebook, tbh. Much better to use a more efficient filesharing system, like torrenting.

They haven't even gotten rid of VAT on ebooks yet for fucks sake.

>> No.2299724

have one stickied e-reader thread
ban other e-reader threads
free jah people

>> No.2299742

Oh sure you do. The company that sold you that ebook needs to hold the unlock files for the DRM, should you try to transfer/sell/whatever the ebook.

Oh... did you mean service that benefits the consumer? Cause nothing bought in the digital age offers that over pirated, or traditional physical media.

The days of passing down a cherished book to your children are soon going to be gone.
>not an argument against digital media... just the fucking evil shit companies like Amazon, Sony, Apple, etc... do to the digital files they *rent* to you.

>> No.2299748

>Oh sure you do. The company that sold you that ebook needs to hold the unlock files for the DRM, should you try to transfer/sell/whatever the ebook.
So in essence I'm paying to be inconvenienced?

>> No.2299751

>paying for data online


>> No.2299752


>Not backing up the ebooks you pay for and converting them to other formats to keep them forever.

>> No.2299771

But at that point, you might as well just steal the files to begin with. Infact, i think it would be less iffy, legal wise, since i'm pretty sure piracy is a liter offense than breaking DRM.

>> No.2299778
File: 31 KB, 488x480, society139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Stealing files on the internet

>> No.2299788

Not sure if you're trolling or an idiot, but in the eyes of the law, downloading copyright material without the consent of the owners is considered theft.

Its just become 1000x easier to justify because the publishers all seem to go out of there way to fuck the consumer over. If anything, the moral 'right' thing to do now a days, is steal it to hurt the authors enough to force them to reconsider the relationship they are in with publishers.

>> No.2299796

>Its just become 1000x easier to justify because the publishers all seem to go out of there way to fuck the consumer over. If anything, the moral 'right' thing to do now a days, is steal it to hurt the authors enough to force them to reconsider the relationship they are in with publishers.
Good. Sooner for-profit publishers get exterminated the better.

>> No.2299798
File: 13 KB, 240x200, rub063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>laws on the internet

>> No.2299841


ACtually, breaking DRM without distribution has not been held up as an offense.

>> No.2299947
File: 117 KB, 495x660, tumblr_lk8hdhKooy1qegl87o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody say trap?

>> No.2300088

Implying I dont already read used books exclusively (alibris.com) or go to my local library or read books that have been out of print since the fall of rome, or at least the berlin wall.

Im not supporting authors anyways.

Im still jewing the author

>> No.2300100

Its not been prosecuted, it is however still surprisingly severely illegal, read the DMCA sometime

>> No.2300119

British model doesn't have adverts.

>> No.2300129


It hasn't been prosecuted because A) how do you know people have done it and B) if prosecuted, it'd probably be overturned on precedent and risk endangering the whole act.

>> No.2300214

Since when did the kindles start having ads?

I got mine last year and there were never any ads...

>> No.2300223

Also, I'm American.

>> No.2300237

September last year in the US I think.