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File: 292 KB, 1280x1440, lovebirds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22985346 No.22985346 [Reply] [Original]

How is Stalin not the epitome of the Randian ideal of a man?
This sour cunt was literally an ubercommie in denial, and those praising her are fucking morons.

>> No.22985508

>I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.
Probably because Stalin violates the second principle.

>> No.22985541

>I will never live for the sake of another man
she was devastated when her man abandoned her for some young tight uni student.
if she followed her own rules she should have been overjoyed.

>> No.22985568
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Is this the kind of nonsense discord trannies now post? Now that they realize no one actually takes them seriously on this board and everyone laughs at their pathetic marxists theories this is what they come up with? Go outside, get a hobby or a job and stop the dilation.

>> No.22985614

Meds schizo

>> No.22985635

>Probably because Stalin violates the second principle.
He unironically didn't ask them tho. If they didn't want to get shot they should've established their own USSR and kicked his ass instead of being useless moochers.

>> No.22985709

Did Stalin allow dissidents to leave?

>> No.22985726

ngmi tranny

>> No.22985733

Transgenders are the ultimate gift to the right, I swear the hand of providence must be at work in the transgender phenomenon. Male autism is an ambivalent source of power, male autists can be leaders and theorists or weird little fixers and hackers, but they can also produce endless drama and do weird degenerate shit and ruin an entire movement. Anyone neurotic enough to be leftist or rightist is likely to be an autistic male, and the ambivalence of this autism would normally fall evenly on both left and right, each getting their fair share of neurotic degenerates and genius savants (and all shades between the two extremes).

But the transgender phenomenon acts as a kind of automatic sorter that funnels the majority of degeneracy-inclined, neurosis and drama-inclined autists to the left, while also terrifying the remaining degeneracy- and drama-inclined neurotics on the right and acting as a cautionary tale of "do we really want to introduce troon type drama like the left is constantly undergoing?"

Meanwhile because troons are just autistic crazed men, they have the typical male autistic inability to feel shame or to regulate their emotions, and the left's individualist and hedonist ideologies give them the free rein that every Chrischan wants (but should never get, for his own good) to act like a total lunatic. So they naturally gravitate to the top of every leftist group through sheer male aggression and sheer autistic lack of shame and self-awareness, and all the others, women and metrosexual go-along jimmy males, just passively let it happen because they are ideologically blinkered into "supporting" what is really an invasive species of insane autistic men with impossible to satisfy emotional needs and narcissistic and borderline personality disorders.

Over time the left's image has been turned into one giant flailing troon, leading a procession of confused demoralized women who have to constantly affirm that women don't exist and are slaves to dick even within womanhood, and heckin' chungus bipoly men who don't care either way and are likely to troon out themselves at some point. Imagine trying to be a communist in 2025 and every communist venue you go to online or offline has screaming troons telling you that to get your official communist sash you have to swear an oath to defend drag queens.

Whatever higher being set this chain of events in motion is really an artist.

>> No.22986044

refute op or dilate

>> No.22986061

How can a man above the age of 16 take Ayn Rand seriously is beyond me, literally autism coupled with genuine midwit IQ.

>> No.22986110

She looks like a rabbi in a wig.