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/lit/ - Literature

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22984146 No.22984146 [Reply] [Original]

>be me
>in a literature lecture
>”sorry about all these white dudes anon”
>”Another lot of dead white guys I know”
>”I’ve added a few black and female writers. Sorry if that seems tokenistic. But they’re important”
Are all lecturers like this?

>> No.22984149

Why are you black

>> No.22984152

Just in case you're not getting it: they think black people are important. Got it? Good

>> No.22984153

Everyone in the room was white.

>> No.22984154

you messed up anon. school is for learning STEM. literature is a hobby

>> No.22984213

>a few black and female

You should have stood up and expressed your outrage thant Chicanos, Asians and LGBT were not represented

>> No.22984698

Your fault for color-labeling yourselves. No refunds.

>> No.22985430

is this only in big shot unis? i'd hope community colleges would less detatched from reality... right?

>> No.22985435

I went to a private college and this wasn’t a thing unless you took a class specifically for it. But I don’t live in a blue state so idk
This phenomenon is extremely over exaggerated on the net

>> No.22985491

>This phenomenon is extremely over exaggerated on the net
Every modern phenomenon is

>> No.22985521

Who is this vague “you” you’re talking about?

>> No.22985534

I didn't go to book school, I went to books.

>> No.22985535

>God why are all these English speakers from England and Western Europe white?!?
College is dead, has been for decades. Save your time and money.

>> No.22985547


>> No.22986081

Yeah? How about you SUCK my STEM?
>I agree with you though; there's no hope for real education in modern academia.

>> No.22986375

>Are all lectures like this?

Not until they find a way to fuck up medieval lit

>> No.22986393

>STEM: Sociology, Theology, English, Music

>> No.22986532
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Funny how this just proves how much of a joke the humanities academia is. It's always used as a propaganda tool by the intellectual elite to propagte the status quo of thinking.
Don't get me wrong, humanities are interesting but studying them seems like a low iq move desu. Unless you know that you are not going to be dealing with retarded ideologues.
>I will pay a lot and work hard so that mister profesor can inseminate my mind with his worldviews.
>OH also all of the profesors have the same opinions

Yall niggas falling for this fr?
Extremely comedic, since you can learn everything in humanities by yourself and there is no industry that you need to be trained to enter.

>> No.22986667

LGBT is not a race. Perverts do not deserve representation.

>> No.22986703

Your professors are just being weirdly performative about their inclusion of non-white and/or non-male authors. The best way to be inclusive is to just have non-white and/or non-male people on the syllabus and literally never mention race/gender/whatever. Just fucking read them and discuss them as you would anyone else.

t. academic philosopher that includes lots of "non-canonical" readings in all my classes.

>> No.22986751
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White women aren't having kids so they've collectively adopted all black and brown people as their baby. Minorities are like one big collective cat to them. For the same reason that real mothers are fanatically devoted to even the most mediocre or wayward child, and cat ladies need to obsessively share with everybody how happy they are to have a "fur baby," white women desperately need everybody to know that they're proud of and devoted to their big shitty cat/baby (minorities). A huge part of female consciousness is dedicated to what you could call performative doting. They need to be seen being a faithful wife and mother. This is sublimated today into producing constant apologetics for minority misbehavior and the victim cult surrounding them.

Transexuals also fall into this category. Basically, it's just anyone who is a loser or freak and thus a child by virtue of "needing help." The actual loser has to be mostly absent for it to work, of course, as women are extremely fragile and entitled to comfort, so too much contact with the reality of the shitty behavior of their "wards" would make their other primal instincts activate.

It's not an inherently white phenomenon either. It's just a woman thing that manifested first in prosperous white countries destroyed by modernity. Lately "aspirationally white" or "white-adjacent" women ("white-acting" millennial and zoomer women from other cultures, especially upper middle class East Asians and South Asians) are being assimilated into this surrogate child cult as they go through the same deracination and sublimated desire for a big dumb baby to love.

Just like the state is the collective absentee father of all white and off-white women, minorities are their collective wayward child. It's actually a feature and not a bug of the surrogate child that it IS so wayward, because it gives the women lots of mental gymnastics to focus on and fritter away their time with, thus distracting them from the actual real content of their lives, which are awful and vacuous. Also, never underestimate the sheer flexibility of female socializing. What MATTERS in class or on twitter is that women love "structured playtime." The content is secondary.

Interestingly, women are the most fanatical devotees of cults for similar reasons. The cult leader becomes their collective father and lover. Women are always seeking a family structure unconsciously. At least part of them is. The other part of them wants to be a 16 year old debutante / cute little toast of the town eternally. This manifests in a number of paradoxes when not stabilized by a healthy culture, like how they get horrific plastic surgery even when they're very young now, and they spend all day worshipping the 1/43 photos they took that "came out right" (made them look the way they think they ought to look), and how a bunch of them try to rebel against it by "becoming men" (but still needing hyper-female levels of attention/validation for it lol).

>> No.22986776
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>t. academic philosopher

>> No.22986948

nta, but america

>> No.22988130

>That will be $100,000 over 4 years plus tip, and room and board.

>> No.22989132

I was in grad school on the cusp of wokeness overtaking all societal discourse, and I remember in an intro historiography/methodology course a proto-SJW girl (who decided on writing about race, gender and Marxism because she was a bad scholar who regularly plagiarized and actually stole another MA's PhD thesis proposal) criticized the course syllabus for not including enough black and indigenous female voices. The rest of the class openly called her out for advocating tokenism.
Today she would be the grad student union's president and her "critique" would be mandatorily applied to all courses

>> No.22989137
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