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/lit/ - Literature

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22983617 No.22983617[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this really the smartest board? Do the geniuses and mystics really hang out here?

>> No.22983620

No, this is by far the dumbest board. Perhaps after /his/

>> No.22983622

not really, intelligence is rare even here
this is godless board and full of atheists, they are mentally capped

>> No.22983627

A few years ago it was. Now it’s just /pol/tards and zoomers.

>> No.22983628
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>> No.22983631

What are the most intelligent boards then? I don’t see other boards going into detail about the nature of reality like /lit/

>> No.22983634

What changed? Did Guenonfag leaving cause this?

>> No.22983638

currently there is no intelligent boards, some subreddits on reddit are better than here, like C_S_T or truechristian if you are one

it's worse than reddit here

>> No.22983639

>going into detail about the nature of reality
Yeah, you fit right in. Another brainlet to the horde

>> No.22983641

nah pol, v,x,a,his and all the coomer boards are dumber

>> No.22983655

No, your pick is fedora tipper seeking validation or shitposter seeking assblast. Once in a blue moon there is an anon with a brain, but those are few and far between to claim any sort of consistency

>> No.22983664

/soc/, /r9k/, /adv/. By far. Now GTFO.

>> No.22983665

But you’re poor and miserable

>> No.22983666

The slow hobby boards.
>um where are the "deep" discussions about reality
Pretending to know about reality beyond indiosyncratic pet theories and being naive enough to bother having sincere discussion with people who are statstically guareenteed to be dumber than you; and genuine intelligence are inversely correlated.

>> No.22983668

yes we very smart

>> No.22983681

No one here is rich. Even /v/ requires spending money on something beyond a shitty 2009 laptop to pirate shit books like Rainbow Fallen or whatever gay Anglx book with fisting scenes.

>> No.22983683

/pol/ without all the bots and shills educates /lit/niggers on every single topic

>> No.22983687

/pol/ and /int/, and whatever the other anon said

>> No.22983690

You've never been to /tv/. That place is fucking mentally stupid.

>> No.22983695

Simply not true. You just have to understand the technical terminology they use, it's way smarter than here

>> No.22983696

He's butthurt that some kid said communists are nigtards or something like that.

>> No.22983703

>You just have to understand the technical terminology they use
Like what? The shit that Gen Z uses?
>on god
>fr fr
Yeah fuck no. That board always has the dumbest takes, and talks about the same 10 movies and franchises over and over. Probably because movies and television aren't a good medium in general.

>> No.22983708

I just reached my first two fingers down my asscrack, collected the grease, then ate it.

>> No.22983717

>What are the most intelligent boards then?
Unironically /pol/ but it'll filter you seeing that you are retarded

>> No.22983738

>>on god
>>fr fr
Nobody uses that there. You fell for tiktok zoomer irony.
You are living proof that lit users are retarded. If you went to /v/ right now you'd actually think people are shilling Palworld.
>and talks about the same 10 movies and franchises over and ove
Like /lit/ argues over and over about Pynchon, Joyce, some other Anglx tranny shit, the Bible, and the Iliad? That is not even 10 books, and they are worse than the average Marvel movie

>> No.22983748

>What are the most intelligent boards then?
That would be /d/. The creatives have the most deranged fetishes. With good enough strawmanning and bait, you'd see some of the best discourse there out of all the boards. Close second is /sci/'s math general.

>> No.22983750
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>> No.22983757

Shut the fuck up retarded mouthbreathing zero iq pseud

>> No.22983759

/mlp/ is by far the most intelligent board, they filter everyone

Verification not required.

>> No.22983761

>buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword *shits pants*
Average Joyce reader

>> No.22983766

No, it's all fedora wearing neckbeards and retards here.

>> No.22983767
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>the Bible
You outed ourself as a pseud too soon my man

>> No.22983769
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>the Bible, and the Iliad? That is not even 10 books, and they are worse than the average Marvel movie

>> No.22983783

This board and /v/ are both pretty retarded. All the NSFW boards are mentally retarded too

>> No.22983796
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Jesus never existed and nobody talks about Christian "philosophers" for centuries

>> No.22983809

so... who's left to educate us? LM@00000

>> No.22983823

has talked*

>> No.22983825

>Implying /pol/ isn't all just glowies, browns, and bots

>> No.22983844

OP here, I am from >>>/lgbt/ if that matters

>> No.22983857 [DELETED] 

Nope, /v/ and /a/ are far dumber sadly

>> No.22983875
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Even if it were the smartest, consider that no well-adjusted individual uses this site.

>> No.22983888

That’s a good thing, no?

>> No.22983890
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/his/torians are smart, successful and deeply knowledgeable, along with being incredibly handsome

>> No.22983917

Hey, historian here, to continue my sentence:
along with being incredibly handsome and trans-inclusionary.

>> No.22983921
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Focused time allocation is necessary for one to realize their potential as a genius, wizard, or other skilled avocation. Do you think that the people who waste hours on this board daily, over decades, could ever possibly reach the level of competence required to be classified a "genius"?

You may find eccentric individuals that appear smart because of their novel thinking patterns, but that means nothing if not combined with persistent focus and practice.

>> No.22983933

Flag of Pakistan

>> No.22983935

How does a board hold intelligence?

>> No.22983936

Pakistan was the birthplace of esoteric aryanism

>> No.22983937

He is a pure nordic indo european tajik with a scottish grandfather

>> No.22983938


>> No.22983939

This place is fucking retarded, where did you get that from?

>> No.22983954

Your Socratic mentality reveals OP to be correct.

>> No.22983965

The sheer amount of Christian subhumans here dumps this place's IQ to the double digits
Captcha: SEXY

>> No.22983977

No one actually intelligent wastes their time on 4chan, this site is for socially-isolated midwit underachievers.

>> No.22983990

What makes one intelligent though?

>> No.22984010

Furry porn

>> No.22984056

Don't worry their guy is coming back very soon. He has only been out for cigarettes for a few thousand years but he said he would be back soon.

>> No.22984090

Some anons years ago did a study on this polling users on multiple boards, if I remember correctly the ranking was 1. /sci/ 2. /g/ 3. /lit/

>> No.22984155

No. You'll want to go to >>>/pol/ for the high iq conversations. They'll be harder to find in the hoards of retarded liberals that think they are "awake" though.

>> No.22984204

Yeah, I bet all the glowies and ESLs on /pol/ will have very intelligent things to say.

>> No.22984253

Probably /sci/ is the smartest board. But I think most boards have a mix of shitposters and smart people who act dumb. But the closer you get to coomer boards like /vg/ the stupider it gets because they are just completely lost gooners half the time. But you can find intelligent discussion on most boards.

>> No.22984353

It's mostly idiots, and you aren't helping.

>> No.22984363

Lit has got more ‘tarded over the years

>> No.22984402

We used to have genuine geniuses and mystics but they've been gradually driven off. I think there's probably still a few around. But it's a losing battle. Too many retards on this board and jannies simply don't care anymore.

>> No.22984456

Fuck off Christcuck.

>> No.22984458

>Close second is /sci/'s math general.
lol your biggest avatarfag is a tranny

>> No.22984468

You can’t judge the intelligence of 4chan posters because the medium itself dictates shitposting. It doesn’t respect effortposts and its temporal nature means the same threads happen over and over again. I effortposted in a few threads for a while but what’s the point of discussing study and note taking methodology repeatedly? I have to retype the same content just to get new posters up to speed. It’s not worth the effort. McLuhan was right.

>> No.22984474

Geniuses are often neurotic

>> No.22984478

Being a math autist isn't "genius", it's just dysgenic. You exist for the sole purpose of inventing algorithms that obsolete your existence.

>> No.22984490

Shut up retard

>> No.22984492

/lit/ used to facilitate effortposting. It was a nice mix with shitposting, but the shitposting was at least lit related. It’s literally recycled threads these days and a thread that doesn’t get replies can die in 12 hours. That’s crazy for /lit/. “Be ThE cHaNgE yOu WaNt To SeE!!!” isn’t an answer. Anons have tried. There are just too many retards treating the place as if it’s twitter. You got take the /lit/ name off and the board would be pretty identical. Anons would just stop using books for titles to exploit grey zone. The focus and demographic are totally different. Place is fucked

>> No.22984514

I do miss those days. 4chan has been downhill ever since I started posting in 2005, but for the longest time it was subtle culture changes, but this is like an entire ideological shift. The way the medium is used has fundamentally changed. We could blame gamergate or /pol/ or 2016 or the pandemic, but at some point we all gave up.

>> No.22984524

It was kind of a perfect storm. I’m actually surprised 4chan lasted as long as it did. The anonymity and more or less anything goes rules was always bound to become a magnet for the wrong reasons. I miss when /b/ was the flagship board

>> No.22984571

>Probably /sci/ is the smartest board.
Is this bait? /sci/ reeks of council-housed teenagers who have neither the aptitude for nor the experience of doing any science.

At the moment, the thread with the highest reply count is about a program supposedly estimating a writer's IQ from a piece of his writing. Not a single reply indicates any reasonable attempt to actually, you know, do science and reverse-engineer that program — they make a dumb guess, run with it, and insist like so many cocksure popinjays that this is how the program works.

A typical poster "measured" a text, split it into sections, "measured" each of them individually, and concluded that somehow the program understood the semantics of the text and calculated from that. The poster failed even to narrow it down to the minimal case of a single word, as would be the instinct of any high schooler with an aptitude for mathematics. There is no attempt to falsify or figure out the underlying gears, as science demands.

Speaking of gears, few of them have seemingly realized than an actual, real-world program will have access to some sort of a vocabulary list, and that made-up words will be treated differently from listed ones. None of those few have realized that an infrequent word from that list will be ranked higher in "IQ" than any word less frequent but unlisted.

The rest of the board is even less grounded in reality and is absolute schizo-tier — they just barf out words and hope something sticks, as though a teacher or even a word-measuring program were the ultimate judge and not reality itself. As much as I look down on the "start with the Greeks" creepy-crawlies of /lit/, their writing — unlike the unadulterated retardation of /sci/ — doesn't trigger a migraine attack.

>> No.22984575

you can't gatekeep a hundred thousand people at a time. when the site was less popular gatekeeping was easy.

>> No.22984585

yes and yes but like 95% of the people here are very stupid like anywhere else on this site

>> No.22984591

Paul denounced the pride of philosophers. Christ calls upon you to be meek and poor to be better blessed.

>> No.22984597

Jannies don't enforce their shit better because they KNOW that most of the site's traffic comes from retards who just treat this place like twitter. If we did practical steps to gatekeep the quality (post limits, minimum wordcount filters, tighter spam filters, better moderation), we'd get rid of the tards who don't read and just post twitter screencaps and wojaks. That isn't gonna happen not because it isn't doable, but because the site would lose so much traffic it'd need to shut down.

>> No.22984602

they literally just need to stop banning me every time I relentlessly bully an obvious outsider who in no way belongs here.
stop punishing the real victims, tranitors.

>> No.22984603

/lit/ is the most dunning kruger board of all. the smartest board is /pol/ because it's filled with ivy league educated feds, experts in psyops, and people who program de radicalization ai chatbots

>> No.22984614

Capitalism strikes again.

>> No.22984626
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/lit/ is the best, fuck off tourist!

>> No.22984627

This is probably the unfortunate truth. They are very hands off and cater towards their new demographic. It sucks. It is a totally different site.
This, too. Someone who reads and effortposts will probably only do so about the book they are reading, the book they just read, the books they love, and their area of expertise or interest; a very limited range when you consider that most read ~ a book a week. To shitpost about current events and politics takes nothing. I’m sure a bunch of retards do it all day. The latter drove out the former.

>> No.22984629

It's one of the porn boards, and I'm not being ironic in the slightest. I'm inclined to say >>>/trash/, given how they're doing groundbreaking stuff with AI just for their fetish

>> No.22984768

Emotionally shitting on religion for no real reason is a sign of midwit IQ.

>> No.22984776

nobody as in whatever circle of retards you exist in. i’m pretty sure after virtue was pretty huge in moral philosophy in the last few decades and a catholic wrote it

>> No.22984777

They are shat on because they act like zealots, they spam and proselytize. If they stayed in their own thread, no one would care

>> No.22984786

they really don’t. go on the catalogue. there’s more fedora tippers spamming than christians. in many ways the tradlarpers are a direct reaction to how aggressively militant atheists spammed the internet