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22982812 No.22982812 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is a "Left-Nietzschean"?

>> No.22982816

The academy

>> No.22982817

A homosexual whose pleasure drive is too high for Platonic abstinence.

>> No.22982822

same as a right Nietzschean when the philosophy is commutative

>> No.22982831

fair enough

>> No.22982842
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No such thing.

>> No.22982855

and yet they persist...

>> No.22982860

I am not sure why political ideologies try to claim Nietzsche. I would suspect it is mostly a politically safe way of saying you are either of the same mind or you aren't without having to explain the fundamental logic of the position. In this capacity his philosophy is being used to make a distinction between people that generally would fall into the same spectrum I suppose. In so far as it relates to the opposition at best you are merely gambling for equity, which would seem to denote whoever is claiming Nietzsche felt their logic could not stand on its own, which may also be a fair critique in so far as any side claiming him is concerned in all honesty. It may also be a reference to the nature of the hierarchical aspect of an ideology as well, but this is also prey to the earlier distinctions and at best a gamble for equity. If you have to claim Nietzsche as justification for some political position you likely are arguing for something that runs against logic or you are capable of articulating said logic, or both, and this is true of any ideology.

>> No.22982871

*or you are not capable of articulating said logic

>> No.22982884

nta but how do nietzsche's ideas align with crypto-christuck neo-"left"ism in any meaningful way?

>> No.22982917

Depending on which text and aphorisms we are using how do Nietzsche's ideas align with any -ism? If the proponent views themself as some sort of ubermensch then they may be trying to invoke Nietzsche without providing any sort of logical justification I suppose, which is more about making a distinction between the adherent and others of a similar alignment since a play at whatever the equivalent opposition would be is little more than a gamble for equity along the same lines. If the proponent had some sort of superior logic then why would they invoke Nietzsche at all?

>> No.22982924

idk man that's what i'm asking

>> No.22982931

A hypocrite

>> No.22982934

walter kaufmann

>> No.22982938

An accelerationist.

>> No.22982939
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It is basically Double-Think, like a Christian-Nietzschean. They hold two contradictory viewpoints about the sams position.

>> No.22982940

what about losurdo

>> No.22982969

My apologies, I suppose I am in agreement with you then. The only other thing I would add is merely that one does not necessarily need superior or even valid logic to gain political influence I suppose, and invoking Nietzsche might just be some sort of method the person is using to denote their world outlook so to speak I guess, I will frankly admit I have not encountered any left Nietzscheans who felt the need to profess this sort of affiliation to me in conjunction to whatever beliefs they may have been espousing so I am not entirely sure what their modus operandi is so to speak, I can only speak from what I know of Nietzsche, but by that train of thought I would still fall back on the statement they seem to be more interested in a politically safe way of saying you are of the same mind or not I suppose. I wish I could have been more helpful.

>> No.22983466

>Be a miserable cunt who lives in constant angony and call that a matter of principle

>> No.22983470

Trannys, and no i’m not being hyperbolic, it’s an real argument.

>> No.22983480

technological accelerationism (of which trannies are a part) seems good though. seems like technology should make human institutions and even biology unrecognizable, bad idea?

>> No.22984037
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Because his philosophy is a vacuum, almost literally, within which any number of seemingly incoherent positions can thrive. He is anti-logos, and here's at least one important consequence from the fact:

>> No.22984059

marx wasn't an egalitarian

>> No.22984067

Nietzsche was an old school aristocratic guy and hated the modern bourgeoise world. He happened to hate it for a lot of reasons leftists hate it. He's ideologically outside the Capitalist system so he can criticize it better than anyone. And so, they resonate and work together. However, Nietzsche's ultimate solution is to abandon morality altogether which many can't stomach. Take a look at the book "Reading Nietzsche like a Parasite"

>> No.22984161
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Klossowski, Bataille, Deleuze.

>> No.22984174
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Deleuze is probably the better starting point, and includes a mature critique of right-Nietzscheanism.

>> No.22984186
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Christian-Nietzschean was the default Russian reception of Nietzsche and saw Christ as overman. They're not as incompatible as you think.

>> No.22984192

God damn russoids are retarded

>> No.22984195
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>Georges Bataille wrote On Nietzsche in the final months of the Nazi occupation of France in order to cleanse the German philosopher of the "stain of Nazism. " More than merely a treatise on Nietzsche, the book is as much a work of ethics in which thought is put to the test of experience and experience pushed to its limits.

>> No.22984197

Communism is literally slave morality: the ideology. It cannot sustain any culture nor inspire any greatness in its people.

>> No.22984226

Ideal communism liberates both master and slave from the inhumaness and unfulfilled nature of the master-slave dialetic and enables both priors to flourish in the full human realisation of a classless society without becoming slaves or masters.

You have to take a step back and define your terms more concretely and really ask yourself how they relate to the artistic creative process, in both societies and individuals, and if they do at all. It's really just a lot of hot air from a mad person hiding in the hills and writing against his failing physical body and continual migraines.

>> No.22984815
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This book traces the origins and deconstructs left nietzscheanism
the bottom line is its a result of selectively reading and misconstruing nietzsche by leftists who were trying to escape marx and wanted new guru

>> No.22984826

Deleuze just lies

>> No.22984832

He’s called kierkegaard
He was a massive philosemite if that’s what you’re asking. Also atheists are overwhelmingly leftist statistically.

>> No.22984839

Sorry that crime and punishment exposed you so hard

>> No.22984842

>He was a massive philosemite
In his early wagner stage he was an aggressive antisemite
After meeting rohm(a jew) and salome he became a philosemite
After salome rejected him and abandoned him with rohm he became an antisemite again
>Also atheists are overwhelmingly leftist statistically.
He was pretty clear about his hatred for socialism and worker's movements

>> No.22984848

I’m not saying he himself was a leftist, I was disagreeing with that other posters comment. I don’t think you can graft any sort of ideology onto nietzsche because if defeats the entire purpose of what he was doing. He wasn’t constructing a system

>> No.22984850


>> No.22984876

just because he rightly considered antisemites slave moralists doesn't mean he was a philosemite. in any case the term meant sperging hick prior to 1945, someone like christian frederik for instance would not be considered an antisemite despite his putting jewish restrictionary laws on the book.

>> No.22984883

He said he identified himself as an aristocratic radical. Although most of his work deals with the negative critique it definitely conceals and makes way for his positive values. During the last decade of his life, He wanted a pan european "aristocratic" state that followed values of nature(some kind of social darwinism with no reifications like racism or ethno-nationalisms etc) instead of values that originated in judaism and transferred to christianity to liberalism culminating in socialism. he even supported eugenics as a valid strategy. He wasn’t a nihilistic ffs. His entire point was to form your own values and assert them even in the absence of value-giving authority figure

>> No.22984894

>not a philosemite
>Considered jews the best race and justified their domination with "they just are that best my nigga"

>> No.22984908

You don’t understand what nihilism is. Nihilism isn’t saying that beliefs are ineffectual or not worth having, it’s claiming that they are without any objective merit, which he certainly did do. Hence the “make your own meaning” thing, which is in itself an admission that there is no absolute meaning. Hence why you can’t systematise anything he said, because it is not coming from anywhere but him. There’s no attempt to articulate some sort of ground up epistemology and set of antecedent moral rules there. Ironically you’ve turned him into the kind of meaning giver he criticised
>values that originated in judaism
He called jews the strongest and most pure race in europe and actively wanted them assimilated into the aristocracy. His issues with christianity have nothing to do with socialism, he didn’t like that it placed a remit on acceptable forms of expressing life. Even though the pagans he cites did that constantly, so he had to invent two different types of pagan to justify his views about them

>> No.22984929

The application of Nietzschian ideals to a leftist project essentially boil down to a radical nothingness,a creative nothing you can find on both the "left" and "right" . You'll find Nietzschians anywhere really. We are formless ever forming...

>> No.22984932

>He called jews the strongest and most pure race in europe and actively wanted them assimilated into the aristocracy
He seperated jews and judaism unlike your retarded ass. He clearly saw an evolutionary connection between judaism/christianity/liberalism/socialism.

>You don’t understand what nihilism is. Nihilism isn’t saying that beliefs are ineffectual or not worth having, it’s claiming that they are without any objective merit, which he certainly did do. Hence the “make your own meaning” thing, which is in itself an admission that there is no absolute meaning. Hence why you can’t systematise anything he said, because it is not coming from anywhere but him. There’s no attempt to articulate some sort of ground up epistemology and set of antecedent moral rules there. Ironically you’ve turned him into the kind of meaning giver he criticised
Unholy exercise in semantics and dumbfuckery.
Stating some of his positive values doesn't mean "systematizing them". Just cause values can't be grounded in something objective doesn't mean they can't be articulated wtf
Nietzsche had values and he struggled to fight for it in his old age, tried to recruit students, what with his party of life and shit
You're just a dumb kike

>> No.22984941

What do you nietzscheans want?

>> No.22984950

You’re the dumb one. I’m not saying his views can’t be articulated. I’m saying the entire fucking wellspring of his philosophy his himself, or yourself, he’s not laying down the groundwork for a coherent doctrine that is self sustaining, he’s explaining why your values should emerge from within, because there’s no such thing as them coming from anywhere else. Instead you deify him and subject your will and mind to his, which is the antithesis of what he wanted
>he separated jews and judaism
Now this is pure kike cope. So you’re happy with ethnic but not religious jews running the aristocracy? Congrats, you actually have that in the modern world. Hope you like it

>> No.22984966

You're so fucking retarded you can't even read
>he’s explaining why your values should emerge from within
It's not "should" but "only". Values only emerge from human body. He's not making a normative claim you dumbass.

>Instead you deify him and subject your will and mind to his, which is the antithesis of what he wanted
Where did I ever do this. I don't like him at all. I'm just correcting your lies.

>So you’re happy with ethnic but not religious jews running the aristocracy?
My dude, just give up. You don't understand his view of "aristocracy". It's unlike any traditional european aristocracy. His distinction is not between religious and non religious jews. Jews as an ethnicity vs Judaism as a religion and philosophy with history that preceded christianity. He hated le international jews during his wagner/senile moron phase anyway.

>> No.22985002

In his early wagner stage he was an aggressive antisemite
After meeting rohm(a jew) and salome he became a philosemite
After salome rejected him and abandoned him with rohm he became an antisemite again
Pretty much sums up the Nietzsche/Jew debate as far as I’m concerned.

>> No.22985008

>It cannot sustain any culture nor inspire any greatness in its people.
I dunno North Korean military music is kinda cool

>> No.22985009

We want what shall become according to each pursuing their course.

>> No.22985012

Don't really see why they're fundamentally incompatible. What is workers' revolution if not a manifestation of their will to power?

>> No.22985018


>> No.22985068

He's popular, he's edgy, he calls a lot of people retards and his "if you disagree with me it's because you're trying to rationalize your inferiority" kind of argumentation will never not be a popular argument to make, especially in the political sphere, because it completely shuts down anything and everything. It's the exact same reason why freudian argumentation is still so popular despite no one taking it seriously anymore in psychology.

>> No.22985075

>hated the modern bourgeoise world
But then why was he so enamored with the jews? Jews might just be the most distant people in a cultural, sociological, and historical sense from the group closest to resembling his ideals, the pre-socratic greeks.

>> No.22986800

When continentals (mostly frenchies) tried to read Nietzche

>> No.22986807

Like a clockwork

>> No.22987508

Something like: Nietzsche sees the healthy and strong vs the weak and sick, and I side with the sick. Right-Nietzschean is more like "I side with the status quo or aim for a reactionary regression". Proper Nietzschean would be something else. What, you ask? I don't know exactly, I am not an expert, but I've been reading him for 7 years now.

>> No.22987537

Nietzsche says quite literally that the noble thing for the European worker to do would be to stop working all together and venture into the unknown, colonizing and adventuring abroad. They should be replaced by Chinese workers, and Europe stands to learn something from their harmonious, ant-like behaviour. It would be good for Europeans' nerves. Working is for the lower classes, and there's nothing noble about it, socialist revolution doesn't change that. Then he gives etymological proof that the ancient Greeks agreed with him (see "πονηρός", he who works, and how it has a negative connotation). I think it was said in The Will to Power or Daybreak, but I don't remember.

>> No.22987578

well he may have loved caste systems and eugenics but he said some mean things about christianity once, he's welcome in my socialist club :)

>> No.22987597

It's when you need to return a stack of books to the library but when you get there you realise you left 'Beyond Good and Evil' at home.

>> No.22987605
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>What the fuck is a "Left-Nietzschean"?
Huey P. Newton probably. He was into Nietzsche. Some anarchists liked him too including Emma Goldman.

>> No.22987619
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>Emma Goldman was profoundly influenced by Nietzsche "so much so that all of Nietzsche's books could be mail-ordered through her magazine Mother Earth". Ultimately Goldman's view of Nietzsche can be summarized when she manifests in her autobiography Living My Life, "I pointed out that Nietzsche was not a social theorist but a poet, a rebel and innovator. His aristocracy was neither of birth nor of purse; it was of the spirit. In that respect Nietzsche was an anarchist, and all true anarchists were aristocrats, I said" and "[i]n Vienna one could hear interesting lectures on modern German prose and poetry. One could read the works of the young iconoclasts in art and letters, the most daring among them being Nietzsche. The magic of his language, the beauty of his vision, carried me to undreamed-of heights. I longed to devour every line of his writings, but I was too poor to buy them." Goldman even went as far as to "baptize" Nietzsche "as an honorary anarchist". Emma Goldman "always combined his championing of the self-creating individual with a kind of Kropotkinist anarcho-communism".

>Emma Goldman, in the introductory essay called "Anarchism: What It Really Stands For" from Anarchism and Other Essays, passionately defends both Nietzsche and Max Stirner from attacks within anarchism, stating that "[t]he most disheartening tendency common among readers is to tear out one sentence from a work, as a criterion of the writer's ideas or personality. Friedrich Nietzsche, for instance, is decried as a hater of the weak because he believed in the Uebermensch. It does not occur to the shallow interpreters of that giant mind that this vision of the Uebermensch also called for a state of society which will not give birth to a race of weaklings and slaves."

>Another similar application of Nietzsche to feminist criticism happens in "Victims of Morality" where she states: "Morality has no terrors for her who has risen beyond good and evil. And though Morality may continue to devour its victims, it is utterly powerless in the face of the modern spirit, that shines in all its glory upon the brow of man and woman, liberated and unafraid."


>In the controversial essay "Minorities Versus Majorities", clear Nietzschetian themes emerge when she manifests that "[i]f I were to give a summary of the tendency of our times, I would say, Quantity. The multitude, the mass spirit, dominates everywhere, destroying quality." "Today, as then, public opinion is the omnipresent tyrant; today, as then, the majority represents a mass of cowards, willing to accept him who mirrors its own soul and mind poverty." "That the mass bleeds, that it is being robbed and exploited, I know as well as our vote-baiters. But I insist that not the handful of parasites, but the mass itself is responsible for this horrible state of affairs. It clings to its masters, loves the whip, and is the first to cry Crucify!"

>> No.22987630

How do you colonize and adventure in the modern? By stealing for money/food?

>> No.22988262

Well yes, I was posting the other two titles I alluded to in the first post. Klossowski is first chronologically, but Deleuze is a better starting point.

>> No.22988344

>Ideal communism liberates both master and slave from the inhumaness

Amusing, as this is what the ubermensch does on the individual level.
I am still astounded by how many people claim to have read Nietzsche and then come to the conclusion than the transvaulation of all values means a return to master morality.

>> No.22988592
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>> No.22989027

Show me where he lies. Blank statements like this are vacuous

>> No.22989238

A lot of queer and neuro "atypical" activists like Nietzsche. The trans valuation of all values obviously goes along with their project, as does the rejection of the masses and tradition.

They also like the idea of "love of fate," and the idea that "broken" is just an arbitrary standard and can be seen simply as "different."

The question does come up: how can BAP types, Rand types, and LGBTQAI+ activists ALL be doing Nietzsche right?

I think they can be, it's just that Nietzsche is incoherent at the core of his philosophy. He heaps scorn on Plato just to recapitulate most of his main points, but the idea of the rightly ordered soul and psychology he jettisoned was crucial and all that is left is solipsistic nihilism.

Most left Nietzscheans won't event day the right "read Nietzsche wrong." They will say they read a different Nietzsche and that the Nietzsche of Deluze is different from the Nietzsche of Rand.

But as Plato shows in the Protagoras, this sort of thinking just collapsed into self defeating nihilism that makes doing philosophy pointless. If we all talk about totally different Nietzsches, if we are all right about our own Nietzsche, why even talk philosophy? We are trapped in our private worlds and our language doesn't cross the boundaries of these worlds.

The problem with post modernists isn't that their attacks on positivist interpretations of truth are bad. They are indeed naive and broken. It's that they decide that "if I can't figure out the problems, the truth is just an illusion," and embark on a solipsistic project that refutes itself. Right Nietzscheans ALSO so this, and the modern right is itself extremely post modern, e.g. not trusting the scientific establishment because "it all comes down to who is paying who and power relations."

It's the sort of radical skepticism Saint Augustine btfo while perfecting Plato, but no one will read Augustine any more because Christianity is too offensive to right and left (at least his Patristics panentheistic brand).

Nietzsche in the end is best as a diagnostician. He shows what is wrong with enlightenment ethics, how it collapses into emotivism (see MacIntyre's "After Virtue.") He shows how you can't just pick and choose parts of Plato and the Patristics, how this becomes the very sophistry Plato warns us of.

Nietzsche was Gorgias, a sophist we can relate to and feel bad for, but still a sophist who stands on nothing.

>> No.22989595

>His aristocracy was neither of birth nor of purse; it was of the spirit
objectively wrong. He talked about how only the blood makes someone noble cosntantly, he thought the best society was an aristocracy that is based on hierarchy and slavery, he constantly called anarchists dumb and was pro-eugenics (Zuchtung). Nietzsche would have killed this ugly goblin rat Goldman with his own hands.

>> No.22989643

Evola was a charlatan

>> No.22989714

over one million views so far, a hyper-feminized/sexualized 8 year old boy (who some have compared to a drag version of JonBenét Ramsey) is featured partying in a hypersexual adult LGBT environment and telling kids watching that if their parents or friends do not support their desire to be drag (or trans), they need to get new parents and friends. As “Lactatia” speaks to his peers, while an all too happy host leers, bold text leaps out at the viewer saying “YOU NEED NEW PARENTS! YOU NEED NEW FRIENDS!” You too can be a drag queen or transgender superstar and perhaps head out on the town to party with the wild LGBT boys and “Lactatia.” If your parents won’t get on board, they can simply be replaced with a new “glitter family.”

>Masked Antifa protesters show up brandishing weapons at Texas 'drag brunch' with kids









you might not like it but this is how the true transvaluation of values looks like. it means radical queerness, sex work and the sexual liberation of children. glorious perverse de colonial violence. Soros NGO people and queer theorists are apex predators, taking advantage of the weak of the exceedingly developed empathy of liberal societies in order to turn the world into a marquis de Sade novel.

>> No.22989733
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Philosophytube is a 21st century nietzschean.philosophytubes audience are contemptible dupes of the worst sort, but the man himself is a SAS psywar veteran committing the ultimate sacrifice and riding the warmachine to the bitter end in order to serve his king ensure the biopolitical security of the realm,burning the village to save the village, becoming a tranny to ensure the subjection of trannies as subhuman caste of mkultra sex work biomass, biopunk vaccine compliance operative, joan of arc minus any of the saintliness and plus a big fat cock a postmodern ballardian coronel kurtz going native amongst the gamers, the horror, the horror,

>> No.22989762
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>A lot of queer and neuro "atypical" activists like Nietzsche. The trans valuation of all values obviously goes along with their project, as does the rejection of the masses and tradition.

the LGBT(tm) identity is based on science and evidence, not even heterosexuality is backed by as much Hard data. so instead of relying on sexual repression and christian religious superstition you should catch up to the 21st century and embrace an identity based on LOVE (aka objective scientific and psychiatric authority)

Many 4chan users are neurodivergent but have internalized the ableist prejudices of the wider society rendering them vulnerable to radicalization by incels, transphobes, russian bots and white supremacists. it would be far more radical to adopt an intersectional equity based perspective that places evidence based treatment and the lived experience of mental health consumers first and foremost in its intersections with gender race sex worker status, internalized stigma against the use of hard drugs. Besides it plays into the arguments of reactionaries to imply queer peoples identities are based on trauma and not on objective scientific and psychiatric authority

>> No.22989808

Marx is in the side of science empathy and basic human decency, we must protect trans kids and sex workers and destroy every last white privilege! education and vaccination! punch nazis!

>> No.22989826

Nietzsche is clearly addressing the people with more money in their bank account than enough for some chicken nuggets at fucking mcdonald's, i.e., not you.

>> No.22989843

I mean look at all our contemporary marxists, they are a resentful priesthood of middle class academics pontificating on behalf of the working class and the marginalized.powerless to change or even to understand the world, they are reduced to empty moralizing, to running interference for big Pharma and the managerial state psychiatry and other social engineering concerns, because to argue otherwise would meant to be guilty of bigotry, neoliberal selfishness an indecent lack of solidarity. it reaches the heights of hypocrisy, really they end up being nothing but sanctimonious slumlords, I mean you don't want to lock helpless children up in an air conditioned room with a drag queen sponsored by fedgov, Lockheed Martin and master card, who can scold them for their white privilege then you are a nazi fascist terrorist! you are a reactionary

>> No.22989906

le ebbin queer leftists are just the people who mindlessly defend psychiatry, civil rights bureaucracies, the Pharma biomedical complex, compulsory education and the sex industry like the dumbest of dumb right wingers defend the church police and military.

>> No.22989926
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never made sense to me. feels as though hes pretty explicit about it.

>> No.22989994
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Cry harder, all the values espoused in Christianity must be subsumed by other, greater and stronger non-christian virtues for it to work.

Thus invalidating the idea of a Christian-Nietzschean.

>> No.22990626

you could make a good case that christ was the first nietzschian but that doesn't mean christianity can be nietzschian unless you count overtaking pagans which was relatively early on in its history.

>> No.22990649

first overman rather. you know what i mean.

>> No.22991064

A weak tranny with nonexistent wrists wrote this post.

>> No.22991644

> like a Christian-Nietzschean
I remember going over a paper that argued he was an actual real Christian. Can’t exactly recall the rational behind it (even though I can suppose it) but I remember at the time finding that more and more Nietzsche academics entertained that idea

>> No.22991661
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>I cant find the reason why, or the paper cited, but most academics now agree with my position.

>> No.22991668
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How? He was beaten, tortured and murdered. He conformed entirely to what was demanded of him by Gos and what was inflicted on him by man. He is a slave in every meaning. He neither rebelled, nor had an action independent of what was demanded of him.

>> No.22991677

yeah and he seemingly came back from the dead and transvaluated all contemporary values, becoming the most important man in history studied for two millenia.

>> No.22991749
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>> No.22991750
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>transvaluated all contemporary values
The values changed in a regressive manner, thus not transvaluated. The change was from pre-christian values, which where Nietzschean in the only way as they where created by those who practiced them to serve them and not as a reaction to a greater power. The virtues of Christendom, not Christians, were created in refutation and against existing authoritive structures. Slave-based morality, doubly so as the first Christian's were quite literally slaves.

>> No.22991870


Those calling themselves that either haven't read the Gay Science and Beyond Good and Evil, or at any rate haven't understood them.

Nietzsche was truly the first to consider the human animal as a part of nature, not apart from it. To this end, he treated behaviours such as moralizing, which any leftism is inherently guilty of, as manifestations of the impulses through which a certain kind of life wishes to preserve itself. If you actually read him, you see that he always talks about those things which are "species-breeding, species-advancing" in the most glowing terms, and admonishes those who would simply preserve life for the sake of life, as he considered, in the vain of Silenus, that mere life itself was worthless, and that it could only be justified as an aesthetic phenomenon. To this end, "the right", if you understand this left-right distinction as that of equality vs inequality, would be the direction in which he was leaning, as the artist-philosopher-tyrant-ubermensch is definitely distinct from the dysgenic mass of men and thus incompatible with leftism, at least in its most usual forms.

The trouble with this direction-brained discourse nowadays is that most calling themselves right-wing are actually "leftists" in a Nietzschean categorization, as he did not exactly think all that highly of the virtues of industriousness and utilitarianism that are preached by the prophets of capitalism.

>> No.22993307

A nonsensical question asked as bait.

>> No.22993319

BAPteen detected.

>> No.22993324

Someone who thinks Nietzsche broke with Wagner because of his antisemitism.

>> No.22993325

a retard

>> No.22993338

I think highly politicized right wingers don't really understand that left-leaning states are often more stable & efficient in exerting control over the masses, which in Nietzsche's views would eventually allow extraordinary individuals to create new values. This also explains why he didn't necessarily see the increasing democratization of Europe as completely negative.

>> No.22993401

tf you even talking about

>> No.22994340


Was it my use of "dysgenic" that gave me away? I find BAPs interpretation of Nietzsche to be pretty accurate for the most part and at the very least interesting, do you disagree?

>> No.22994360

ok. this is why good posts matter.

If Nietzsche wrote a book, it would have all the words in it from longest to shortest because he knows all the words, and he really knows what a book is.
t. a y trying to be an x

>> No.22994531

>"[i]f I were to give a summary of the tendency of our times, I would say, Quantity."

Wait. Emma Goldman was a Guenonfag? WTF.

>> No.22994657
File: 25 KB, 405x612, foucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone who takes it in the keister because his daddy didn't love him.

>> No.22994705

ITT: Retards who have no never read Steven Aschheim. Nietzsche was loathed for a long time by German nationalists precisely because of his self-loathing autism and was only transformed into the archetypical German with the beginning of the Great War. Most everyone who did so did it precisely a fashion that many strict Nietzscheans would have rejected, in a collectivistic socialist fashion, his will to power's being the militaristic union of purpose of a nation on a mission to impose its vision of society onto lesser peoples. Pure Nietzscheanism does not exist and Left-Nietzscheanism is as about of a valid interpretation of it as Right-Nietzscheanism, which historically was virulently nationalist, sympathetic to socialist planned economies, and exalted the masculine virility of the working class (see Jünger's The Worker).

>> No.22995264

you just know they are going to be based

>> No.22996402


When I was attending university, there were Leftists who were reading and discussing Nietszche. I think it's because of the anti-Christian sentiment found in Nietszche's work. The Leftist's into Nietszche were the sort of people who were either Athiest or Agnostic, were intellectual overachievers, were Vegan, went out on the weekends to drink with friends, watched CNN and MSNBC and laughed at people who watched Fox News.

Obviously, when they wrote their literary pieces, I did not understand it, although it was gay.

Of course, I also tried my hand at pretentious writing, but that's because I took an advanced writing course and tried to emulate E.A. Poe.

>> No.22997758

Nietzsche is a dynamo for ANY young intellectually oriented person to come across, there's a pipeline as far as he goes. It's apolitical. He is not the first philosopher to make the point that there are no objective or logical justifications for our values, and that life is a series of competing interests justifying themselves endlessly with appeals to universality, etc but the difference is he's actually a good writer. When you're young and all this dense philosophical bullshit just reads like noise (not to mention most philosophers are horrible writers), anyone with a creative bent will be drawn to Nietzsche pretty early in.
The core revelations in his work lead to deconstructionism by necessity, and this is why leftists like him, read him and find him useful. Nietzsches work provided the basic support for postmodernism.
Which is ironic because nietzsche would have despised these people. He reached the same conclusion as them, that life is disinterested and meaningless, thus all structures can be deconstructed and analyzed into oblivion, all is malleable etc, but came away with totally separate answers or solutions, much more amenable to right wing views of the world. Leftists are right about the deconstructionist influence, many of them then engage in headcanon cope to turn Nietzsche into a champion of equality and universal rights despite all the evidence.

>> No.22997957
File: 60 KB, 607x427, 13f99180-c71c-48fb-beac-dabb9e3eef23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marx didn't believe in equality

>> No.22998215

>seemingly came back from the dead
starting a cult willing to lie about you for their own benefit doesn't make you an overman

>> No.22998395

>postwar French carpetbagging actual nihilists

Murder of the author.