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22982062 No.22982062 [Reply] [Original]

Who is your literary waifu?

>> No.22982084

lettrice from if on a winter's night

>> No.22982091

Sure, I read books with memory female characters. There is uhhhhh the uhhhhg the wuhh

>> No.22982098

Lady Brett Ashley from The Sun Also Rises

>> No.22982102

For any novel with romance, I insert the my oneitis from college as the girl. Not to say that I enjoy being cucked, it's just I like to imagine her.

>> No.22982104


>> No.22982123

I am long past the point of being able to credibly imagine a woman showing affection to me.

>> No.22982227
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same, my imagination is too weak for such scenario.

>> No.22982241
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Me a year ago but Ive recently been able to identify with NTR bastard characters.

>> No.22982259

Yukiko from The Makioka Sisters.

>> No.22982293
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Pauline Parker.

>There are living among two dutiful daughters
>Of a man who possesses two beautiful daughters
>The most glorious beings in creation;
>They'd be the pride and joy of any nation.

>You cannot know, nor try to guess,
>The sweet soothingness of their caress.
>The outstanding genius of this pair
>Is understood by few, they are so rare.

>Compared with these two, every man is a fool.
>The world is most honoured that they should deign to rule,
>And above us these Goddesses reign on high.

>I worship the power of these lovely two
>With that adoring love known to so few.
>'Tis indeed a miracle, one must feel,
>That two such heavenly creatures are real.

>Both sets of eyes, though different far, hold many mysteries strange.
>Impassively they watch the race of man decay and change.
>Hatred burning bright in the brown eyes, with enemies for fuel,
>Icy scorn glitters in the grey eyes, contemptuous and cruel.

>Why are men such fools they will not realize
>The wisdom that is hidden behind those strange eyes?
>And these wonderful people are you and I.

>> No.22983301

Mina Murray.

I'm truly sorry, anon.

>> No.22983310

Kolya from City of Thieves

>> No.22983315

Annabeth from the Percy Jackson books. I read them when I was an impressionable young lad who was just starting to like girls and since then I've always had a thing for smart women and blondes. Juvenile, I know, but I can't help it

>> No.22983411

Haydee from comc

>> No.22983418

Holden Caulfield's Sister

>> No.22983552

If anyone disagrees they're a phoney.

>> No.22983635
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Varvara from Poor Folk. I knew she was the one for me when she disliked a popular novel saying it's trite or whatever.

>> No.22983667


>> No.22983908

Call me immature but it will always be Jane Gallagher.

>> No.22984050

honestly based

>> No.22984156

Mara from MDoTN. If any other anon knows who this is, I would be thrilled.

>> No.22984179

chani. I always imagine her as a brown loli/hebe alien girl, somewhere between nadia from nadia and the secret of blue water and eureka from eureka 7.

>> No.22984190

>Cat Braddock
>Kazi of Brightmist
>Jubilee Chase
>Scarlett Jones
>Auri O'Malley

>> No.22984207
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Francis from The Secret History

>> No.22984278
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>> No.22984328

Ophelia is the closest thing to that. When it comes to women, Hamlet is a real piece of shit, and I want to save her from him.

>> No.22984359

Leni, The Trial

>> No.22984540


>> No.22984897
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>> No.22984900

Any right-wing semi-dyke who hates men

>> No.22984902
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>> No.22984955


>> No.22985421
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Natalya from Rudin by Turgenev

>> No.22985429

The girl that's missing fingers in Hear The Wind Sing.

>> No.22985574

Sei Shonagon. She would refuse me because of my lack of literary clout and shitty calligraphy.

>> No.22985578

I just want a girl that is beautiful and imaginative who would risk death to be with me. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.22985584

I would like to think it is Mona from Balcony in the Forest but if I am honest with myself it is probably Toni Ware from The Pale King.

>> No.22985693

I would dream of Master's Margarita. Loved the love story there.

But in reality, Zafon's Marina is more appropriate for myself. My emotional maturity is no better than a teenager's. And because it's tragically impossible love.

>> No.22985729

Natasha Rostov, because I imagine her pussy is delicious

>> No.22987577
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The shepherdess Marcela from Don Quixote

>> No.22987599

>ctrl + F
>Oedipa Maas
>no results found

>> No.22988699
