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22980743 No.22980743 [Reply] [Original]

I have alcoholic fatty liver disease
I'm going to die soon
What should I read or write

>> No.22980746

In Search of Lost Time

>> No.22980748

>or write
A will donating everything you have to charities that support Black people in the US.

>> No.22980752

A fictionalised diary of your life to this point 'Journal of a Disappointed Man'-style

>> No.22980761

No never
I hate black "people"
Don't ban me for racism please...I already got a warning

>> No.22980842

unironcally philosophy and prepare for death

>> No.22980845

The case against sugar

>> No.22980856

Confessions of St.Augustine
Stoic philosophy, start with Seneca's "On the Shortness of Life"

>> No.22980861

Isn't it reversible?

>> No.22980862
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>the bible
>robert walser novels
>Plotinus, Proclus, Porphyry, Syrianus (thomas taylor translations)
>Philosophy as Rite of Rebirth, Algis Uždavinys
Take Milkthistle. It's used on alcoholics & chemotherapy patients, and measurably increases its function.

>> No.22980935

Might as well drink some more if you're gonna die anyway

>> No.22980942
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I can craving chicken and liquor

>> No.22980943

No I've got cirrhosis
Yea way ahead of you. I'm already drunk
It never mattered anyway
Life was a joke from the start

>> No.22980953

The courage to stand alone by UG Krishanmurti

>> No.22981509

write your life story, i guess. but embellish it a bit to make it more interesting unless youre really interesting already

>> No.22981511

sorry youre dying, btw. unless this post is fake and straight

>> No.22981564

If you are going to die, and you STILL can't make up your own mind on anything, it's about time, desu

>> No.22981588

Don't waste your time reading if you are going to die so soon, just write down everything you feel like

>> No.22981590

>No I've got cirrhosis
that's a completely different thing from fatty liver. which one is it, retard? cirrhosis is also survivable these days anyway if you put the fucking bottle down. i know a woman who killed two livers and is currently on her third and she's in perfectly sound health. stop drinking you fucking idiot.