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22980373 No.22980373 [Reply] [Original]

This entire book is a massive goddamn shitpost. Ishmael needs to get on a boat before his hypos get the better of him.

>> No.22981001

Ishmael is so obviously black.

>> No.22981037
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>> No.22981051
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>> No.22981098

Seems like what people consider good prose is the stretching of a sentence into a paragraph choke full of unnecessary and unrealistic descriptions in the main character's train of thought; what the fuck do ants worshiping a poisonous mushroom have to do with ramadan?

>> No.22981130
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>he's such a crab he shits on Moby Dick

>> No.22981332

You’re genuinely dumb

>> No.22981333

Redburn was better

>> No.22981357

And that according to your retarded logic is a great criticism for my post? Go buy yourself a beer anon, today, you have outdone yourself.