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22980206 No.22980206[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>most STEM majors could take Philosophy classes and pass them
>most Philosophy majors would probably get filtered by Linear Algebra or Calc 3
how do you cope

>> No.22980227

Philosophy classes are full of braindead hipster thots that are easy to seduce if you say some dumb shit about smashing the patriarchy, Calculus classes have male:female ratio of like 10:1 and the few girls in the class are autistic and/or Asian

>although for the record, law school students are the undisputed kings of “I think I’m very smart, but I’m also incapable of solving a quadratic equation”

>> No.22980239

>most STEM majors could take Philosophy classes and pass them
I'm not convinced this is true. I suspect most STEM graduates have low bullshit tolerance, and would be icked out if having to bullshit was a requirement.

>> No.22980256

No shot. The amount of 2smart4u autismos in stem the egos would get in the way. A good chunk would pass, but not most.

>> No.22980299

>smart people gravitate towards smart subjects, but can also pass dumb subjects
>dumb people gravitate towards dumb subjects, but can't pass smart subjects
wow who knew.

>> No.22980315

this is mostly only a problem at state schools. many topics in STEM are just particular philosophies and are studied rigorously at top universities by philosophy mayors. there is a reason why they call any top level advanced degree a "Doctor of Philosophy".

>> No.22980318

Sure but that’s only because “philosophy” classes at any degree mill school are a joke. Also, getting the history of philosophy down is only a minuscule part of it. If any STEMbrain had to write a paper on the functioning of semiotics in advertisement through a Baudrillardian view while keeping a proper distance from other forms of critique which Baudrillard himself renounced their heads would explode. Math is not difficult. I had to take up to cal4 for my degree and I literally never went to class, only read the textbook and practice problems on the lecture notes, and passed with an A.

>> No.22980320

you're exaggerating, they probably would fail high school mathematics

>> No.22980324

>most STEM majors could take Philosophy classes and pass them
Not really. Im a math major and almost failed a class in Philosophy (Obligatory for extra credit) due to not being able to withstand the bullshit the teacher said. So i didn't do the assignments.

>> No.22980332

>Math is not difficult. I had to take up to cal4
>Philosophy is not difficult. I had to copy definitions out of the dictionary. My teach complimented me on the handwriting, and I passed with an A.
You've never seen or done math in your life. No, really, not as a 4chan exaggeration. Mathematics as done by (STE)M majors is proofs, not arithmetic or calculus "problems."

>> No.22980336

I'm getting popcorn

>> No.22980344

im not really sure about that. i've seen STEM people meme about taking classes in the humanities, complaining about them, or just calling them boring. but i never went to university so i wouldn't know...

>> No.22980347

I took both linear algebra and calc 3 and upper division philosophy classes

>> No.22980352

>conveniently ignores my entire post except for the last sentence
You’ve never seen real philosophy in your life either dumbass

>> No.22980354

most math and computer science students study formal languages and therefore have exposure to semiotics. the same can be true for most biology students considering Baudrillard was a total social darwinist

>> No.22980363

>there is a reason why they call any top level advanced degree a "Doctor of Philosophy".
I can tell you have a real affinity for philosophy by your confusion about the relation of words to reality. Tell us, now, how many topics in STEM are just particular subfields of medicine since the degree is called a "Doctor of Philosophy."

The reason is historical. Haven't you heard of the "etymological fallacy," as it is known among philosophy devotees who like to deboonk with words and lists of fallacies?

>> No.22980364

> If any STEMbrain had to write a paper on the functioning of semiotics in advertisement through a Baudrillardian view while keeping a proper distance from other forms of critique which Baudrillard himself renounced

A STEMbrain would be smart enough to just get ChatGPT to write the paper for him

>> No.22980366

Was a double major and surprised how little most people know about the other side of the lane.
STEM types are by necessity more adapted to passing all sorts of classes before they fully understand the material, so I believe they could pass a philosophy class, but actual comprehension and retention would be very low.

>> No.22980374


Unnecessary, AI that’s intelligent enough to replicate retarded philosophy-paper jibberish with enough accuracy to be published in an academic journal, has already existed since 1996


>> No.22980385

>STEM types are by necessity more adapted to passing all sorts of classes before they fully understand the material
this is so accurate

>> No.22980386

Your entire post is a crock of bullshit, retardino, since you compare the difficulty of philosophy as done by philosophy majors to calculus problems, which you also erroneously think is "mathematics." No, they aren't mathematics, any more than writing out definitions to show handwriting is "philosophy." You're abysmally stunted in the head if you think this somehow is evidence in favor of "math is not difficult." Smoothbrains such as yourself never get exposed to actual mathematics — and I mean that, not just "difficult mathematics" — precisely because math is difficult. Work on your reading comprehension, trash.

>> No.22980390

>babby just discovered the sokal affair
Retards really do browse this board

>> No.22980402

yes, science is a particular philosophy. it is a combination of naturalism with the epistemological claim that the scientific method is an accurate approach to understanding naturalism.
this isn't a case of any sort of "etymological fallacy," and your belief that is if proves you don't understand what you are talking about

>> No.22980411

> Retards really do browse this board

This board even has people that were retarded enough to major in philosophy

>> No.22980415

Pretty much no one is intelligent either in philosophy or stem classes. both are dumbed down so that midwits can do it, although comparatively philosophy has to be dumbed down more. Someone once said that metaphysics takes ten years of ardent practice before you can be considered a beginner and I agree. This is because you cannot learn philosophy from a book. You just can't. All you can do is use the books as springboards to help accelerate you as you re-discover the entire history of philosophy through only your own thought. If you don't have a natural obsession with mathematics you can still study it and become good at it. But if you don't have a natural obsession with philosophy there is literally nothing you can do, there is no way you will ever understand it.

>> No.22980418

>the scientific method

Lookit this anon! Even most philosophers got it through their thick skulls that there's no such thing as "the one scientific method" after Feyerabend had to beat them over the head with "Against Method." When will philosophers catch up to what actual scientists were actually doing in the 1900s? 2050 sound right? Philosophers are still incapable of acknowledging the institutional and social tenets of science, not even Hasok Chang ("Realism for Realistic People") is that advanced.

>> No.22980433

STEM students, at leat at undergrad, are generally retarded when it comes to things unrelated to stem. I've heard a classmate say that stem degrees should be required for polititians because "we're the ones who actually understand how the world works".
>t. physics undergrad
Also college maths courses are based on almost 15 years of foundation whereas philosophy courses assume next to no prior experience

>> No.22980435

>If you don't have a natural obsession with mathematics you can still study it and become good at it.
What's your favorite non-standard way to prove one of the important theorems (one a math undergrad would be expected to know), and why do you like it over the standard proof?

>> No.22980441

>science isn't a philosophy
>goes on to talk about how philosophers discuss the merits of science as a philosophy

>> No.22980451

I see; good job proving that science is really a heteronormative whitestreaming praxis since that is how gender studies majors talk about science.

Are you a woman? Your inability to stop thinking that words are reality goes even beyond an average philosopher's.

>> No.22980453

I don’t need to cope because I’m an actual philosopher, of which there have only been a handful in history. Philosophy classes do not make one a philosopher. Being a technical subject, math classes, however, do make one a mathematician, at least to a degree of proficiency.

>> No.22980462

don't know, the only thing like that I can think of is analytic vs geometric proof of desargues theorem, although I hope that it doesn't require an obsession because I've been trying to study it without one

>> No.22980482

>>important theorem
>>one a math undergrad would be expected to know
>names a 17th-century theorem from projective geometry (high school geometry)
Are you deliberately outing yourself as another one of those anons with opinions on both philosophy and math who haven't seen any math newer than the 18th century as is common in philosophy degrees?

>> No.22980483

you seem to not understand the difference between something being "correct" and "a philosophy". that is a typical error made by philosophers so if that is what you are trying to go for you have succeeded.

>> No.22980502

Where is projective geometry taught in highschool? anyway that wasn't even supposed to be an answer to the question, I was only admitting that I couldn't do it, I have studied some analysis and linear algebra just haven't got that far.

>> No.22980506

>a philosophy
It's a practice. The practice of finding out what is true about reality, so we can bend reality to our will. It's not "a philosophy," "an outlook," "a worldview," "a psychology" or any of those things. If philosophers think science is a philosophy, it doesn't make science one any more than it makes science a whitestreaming praxis because gender-studies majors think so. Philosophers and gender-studies majors both try to pigeonhole the practice of science into a box their warped minds understand. Neither are worth listening to. "Philosophers of science" in particular still haven't caught up to the practice of science as was current and practiced by scientists in the 1900s. I don't mean the body of knowledge. I mean what scientists were, and are, doing, to figure out truths about reality. They have these warped, idealized, and wrong notions of "the scientific method" and what science even looks like: >>22980418.

>> No.22980511

At the end of the day it’s all about putting your head down, focusing and studying consistently every day. I could do this with mathematics I just find it boring. The difference between me and your average STEMpC is that the STEMpC is willing to sell his soul and do menial cuck work he hates and that everyone knows is menial busy work.

>> No.22980528

>Where is projective geometry taught in highschool?
A number of European countries, such as in Russian high schools with a mathematical tilt: https://math.ru/lib/files/pdf/geometry/Ponarin-I.pdf
>пpивeдeны яpкиe гeoмeтpичecкиe cвe-
дeния, нe вoшeдшиe в coвpeмeнный шкoльный yчeбник.
>10.1. Teopeмa Meнeлaя (75). 10.2. Teopeмa Гaycca (76). 10.3. Teopeмa Дeзapгa (77)
Plane geometry is how mathematical reasoning used to be taught everywhere until curricula got dumbed down in some places like the US. USAMO and similar contestants, though, are also still learning geometry.

>> No.22980535

ok well I'm American and had to teach it to myself

>> No.22980540

>passing a philosophy class
that's not the point of pursuing higher education in Philosophy. You're not supposed to minmax your grades in the humanities

>t. STEMchad

>> No.22980542
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Philosophy has a higher skill cap, similar to how the visual arts have an easy barrier of entry but people like Michelangelo BTFO every stembug in existence.

>> No.22980552

>but people like Michelangelo
are BTFOd by Jacob Lurie and Peter Scholze and Alexander Grothendieck, and it isn't even close.


>> No.22980557

It's Michelangelo. He btfo's not just any stembug but any philosopher. The only people comparable to him are the greats like Mozart or Shakespeare.

>> No.22980567

>It's a practice. The practice of finding out what is true about reality
that's what scienctists do. even if you disagree with they way they go about that it doesn't mean they aren't a "practice of finding out what is true about reality"

>> No.22980625
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best post itt
also nice doobs

>> No.22980641

anyone can become an engineer by passing classes but people can't become philosophers by passing classes. as far as I am concerned this is the reason why philosophy degree is useless.

>> No.22980754

Hope you’re ready to be replaced by a program in 3 years. By the way if what you mean by proofs is working through proofs that others have done before you already then lmao.

>> No.22980763

I found linear algebra to be pretty easy..
Most people say Calc 2 is harder than 3.
Programming in C++ can be pretty tough.

>> No.22980765

You have never taken either, my stem classes have way more women than my philosophy classes.
t. Phil major, Physics minor (possibly will change to double major)

>> No.22980776

(a) Philosophers were replaced by a program long ago, as this anon points out: >>22980374.
(b) I'm ready for that and more: https://www.metaculus.com/project/agi-horizons/
(c) "Appreciation" of 19th-century proofs is exactly a philosopher's approach. Math majors first try to prove theorems themselves and then look at what has been done so that they can build a toolbox of techniques to prove new results (duh). Even Halmos in his "Linear Algebra Problem Book" urges in the introduction to read the solutions even after you succeed in solving a problem, since they are an essential part of the exposition.

>> No.22980778

Because math is for gay Asians? Also, I bet most philosophy majors in rigorous programs could pass linear algebra if they took the other preceding classes lol you people act like its so hard they got chinese schoolkids doing it

>> No.22980781

based future nrx dark technocrats

>> No.22980784

That's funny. I'm a Chem major, Philosophy minor. Graduated years ago. And lots of those STEM girls are Premed, most likely.
Sometimes I feel like people misunderstood what "Dionysus vs Apollo" means or took Dead Poet Society literally. You can still follow your dreams while also doing another discipline one the side. I never understood the drama people have about this.

>> No.22980787

>I bet most philosophy majors in rigorous programs could pass linear algebra if they took the other preceding classes
Huh? You don't need prerequisites for linear algebra other than high-school arithmetic. That's a first-year first-semester subject, you start with linear algebra at any decent place.

>> No.22980789

Idc. Math and science doesn’t stimulate me. Metaphysics, understanding reality, suffering does and it is infinitely more valuable to understand. Chinks can’t do philosophy. Soulless stem

>> No.22980790

Show me one philosophy program that actually thinks and isn’t just a language model. Show me one novel mathematical proof you’ve done. Don’t have any? How are you any different from a person working calculus problems then.

>> No.22980792

To be honest I'm not sure what a lot of people in this thread are talking about anyways, philosophical engagements with the sciences and mathematics is pretty entrenched, and not just in analytic philosophy.

>> No.22980795

They go hand in hand but one that only follows what his teacher tells him wouldn't know that

>> No.22980807

>one philosophy program that actually thinks
This is goalpost moving. You don't need to think for philosophy. You could and probably still can get published with a random-text-generating program written in 1996, the one this anon linked: >>22980374.
>one novel mathematical proof
This is called publishing a thesis or paper, and these aren't anonymous, numbnut.

>> No.22980820

You know that the Sokal paper was literally called out from day one by actual philosophers right? It was only social science idiots that fell for it. Also, you don’t have any mathematical achievements to your name lol. Nice way to try to dodge the question.

>> No.22980833

>You know that the Sokal paper
You know the Plymouth Rock is an American breed of domestic chicken?

Are we just posting irrelevant factlets, or are you actually so retarded that you still can't tell apart the Sokal affair — where the paper was written manually — from the unrelated Postmodernism Generator program, even though that post was linked twice already, and even though the Wikipedia link doesn't have the word "Sokal" in it?

>Nice way to try to dodge the question.
Not doxxing myself is called dodging the question now? No, it's not; you're just a thicko and mustn't be alive.

>> No.22980837

I also study and practice my mathematics. Learning lots of undergrad physics too. All of it get me closer to reality.
> t.Phil Major

>> No.22980840

Holy shit you’re actually retarded

>> No.22980870

Than I believe most people could do it. Im pretty sure I did linear algebra and I definitely did calc 3 and they were not that hard.

>> No.22980883

We're comparing philosophers and mathematicians. The "linear algebra" you took isn't the same class as the "linear algebra" future mathematicians take.

This is LA for math majors: https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/978-3-031-41026-0.pdf

Let's either compare phil majors and math majors, or the LA-for-engineers or whatever computational class you took, and the philosophy classes that freshmen premed girls take instead of art or something.

>> No.22980889

IDK man, I have a mech. eng. degree, and there is no way all those Chinese and Indian kids in my program would be able to write essays or read philosophy, no way.

>> No.22980912

Yea, and some math tard would struggle just as much in a rigorous philosophy class. Imagine Chang trying to write a 25 page essay about obscure philosophers and a grumpy 90 year old boomer is gradding the paper.

>> No.22980913


>> No.22980985
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STEM students can think outside the box and are the current leaders of postmodern renaissance, the fuck are philosophy majors doing in society?

>> No.22980991

>postmodern renaissance

>> No.22981004

Not everyone was born to be a sociopathic nerd

>> No.22981010

read about the digital age before the 90s

>> No.22981073

Apples to oranges: stupid post. Saged and hidden.

>> No.22981077

if you know anything about STEM majors its their ability to outwork other people and just bang their heads against books until they "get it

>> No.22981090

I think you have a very romanticized view about the average STEM major’s ability to do anything other than the specialized task they have done their whole life

>> No.22981095

Math actually is not difficult for people who learn it not by memory but by intuition as if its a language. Math majors study on average less than of any mainline college major, even arts.

>> No.22981099

This post drips of reddit. I heckin love science too frienderino

>> No.22981103

I would bet a billion dollars you never published a significant math proof lol

>> No.22981106

This is true. I used to proof papers on the side in uni and I never ceased to Lmal at the ESL chinese who could bang out differentials like nothing but could not string together a coherent paragraph

>> No.22981131

>Math actually is not difficult for people who
Math is not difficult for people who have the ability, gee, who would have thunk. That's the point? Most people don't have the ability to work with abstract objects and develop intuition for them.

>I would bet a billion dollars you never published a significant math proof
Will you now? Define significant (what impact factor of the journal and in what year), and where you will place the money in escrow until the bet is settled.

>> No.22981137

they could pass the class, but they could never write a worthwhile work of philosophy, or one that anyone would read for that matter.

>> No.22981149

>After graduating from high school in 1958, Kripke attended Harvard University and graduated summa cum laude in 1962 with a bachelor's degree in mathematics.

>> No.22981157

now I recognize you. you're that edgy anon who comes to lit/ to talk about maths. you're a low-hanging fruit seeker exploring our vanity.
why don't you go annoy people on sci/ when you get bored?
or at least make it lit/ related.
but i know you're not interest in literature.
you just want somebody to talk.
i hope you are well or whatever.
but please go to soc/.

>> No.22981158

Post it and Ill fill you in on the details later. Im sure you don’t even need the money since you are a famous math man

>> No.22981176
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i don't even know who that it.

>> No.22981180

Some jew who wrote masturbatory pseudo-philosophy

>> No.22981184

>anon who comes to lit/ to talk about maths. you're a low-hanging fruit seeker
It's a thread about math, it makes perfect sense to talk about math in the thread; and you're a fruit.

That's not how escrow works, and almost everyone with a pure math degree has published a novel result. (I assume some shitty American universities will accept an expository work or something, but not here.) You don't even have $100,000 since you don't realize that novelty is a degree requirement, child.

>> No.22981190

Did a Philosophy major like steal your girl or something bro?

>> No.22981243

>It's a thread about math
even if this was true. this is a literature board. do you know what it means?
and this thread is about bait. not philosophy, not maths. bait.

>and you're a fruit.
God knows i tried to be kind but the lack of a father really makes a difference in the life of a man.
you're a bratty, and being raised in a orphanage is no excuse to no trying to know yourself.
and that's one of the things books can help you, lad.
also, you talk about escrows, and you still so easily dox yourself...
you might have a great technical knowledge, but you're too immature. again books can help you.
one of the biggest tragedies of this age is the lack of a sentimental education.

>> No.22981255

>even if this was true. this is a literature board. do you know what it means?
So...? The thread is here. If I refrain from posting in here, another thread won't be unarchived. I might as well say what I want.

>God [...] education
Different anon, not the one you thought you recognized.

>> No.22981257


>> No.22981266
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>t. functionally illiterate STEM no amount of humanities will correct

>> No.22981593

Passing philosophy is not hard, but usually philosophy doesn't attract stupid people
I am a stemfag and I believe most of you could get a stem degree with a little effort

>> No.22981637

I don't cope. I know I'd fail both.

>> No.22981648

>how do you cope
By just literally not caring and continuing to further develop my skills in the domain i care about
Lolol it's the oldest trick in the book
>how do you cope with some bad thing
I literally just don't care! Haha!

>> No.22981654

I always make silly mistakes in math because I find it so absolutely fucking boring, but generally speaking, I understand it conceptually, fine. And if I had time to really check everything eventually I'd get it. But math classes always filtered me bc I'd make some small error that'd throw off the rest and then get low scores and I'd be like fuck this shit.
Also, applied mathematics is cool, I've followed things with more focus if it's like, physics, if the math is for a thing I care about and not just for its own sake.

When I have to look at numbers and start breaking down the logic of their relationships, my brain goes numb, I start like rejecting being sentient. It's an extremely powerful aversion

>> No.22981663

this is such horseshit, the problem is all the midwits clogging up humanities (students AND staff!!)

the best thinkers in the humanities are of equal caliber to the best thinkers in math or science

have some goddam self confidence, jesus

t. stem/humanities double major

>> No.22981673


>> No.22981762

STEMfags can't read

>> No.22981763

If you make small mistakes then you don't get it. Practice more

>> No.22981785
File: 66 KB, 741x643, Iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average IQ of a philosophy major is higher than most STEMtists, excepting the most rainmanish ones. If you are an engineer I will strangle you.

>> No.22981800

Yeah. My IQ is 135 but I can't do math for shit.

>> No.22981811

Most stem majors would fail to write anything of substantial value on philosophy THOUGH

>> No.22981832

When I was in school I had more than one Stem major fail a humanities class I was in.

>> No.22981837

>low bullshit tolerance

And yet they take astrophysics and everyone pretends its real lmao. Im sure the students taking Stephen Hawking’s class had absolutely no tolerance for bullshit…

>> No.22981838

Dudes bragging about his undergraduate thesis that (admittedly) the school forces you to “publish” lmal

>> No.22981843

>When I have to look at numbers and start breaking down the logic of their relationships, my brain goes numb, I start like rejecting being sentient. It's an extremely powerful aversion
This. What do STEM people do but fine-tune slave engines and generate solutions for maladaptations that civilization itself has produced?

>> No.22981844

>Social Work at the bottom right

>> No.22981858

Lawyer who has represented engineers (mostly EE and Mech) for the last decade, they are fucking shit at writing. Can't communicate for shit. Seem like they barely passed highschool and tend not to understand the basics of how a government or legal system functions. Keep in mind the ones I rep are often the ones smart enough to seek out legal help rather than try to diy (kek they write contracts worse than Mexicans who can barely speak English when they do). STEM means good at STEM, nothing else. Keep in mind my clients are mostly white Americans.

>> No.22981872

STEM-cels are the priestly caste under liberalism. Notice how they always act like they are defending orthodoxy when you question something like Dark matter or black holes

>> No.22982040

>STEM-cels are the priestly caste under liberalism. Notice how they always act like they are defending orthodoxy when you question something like Dark matter or black holes
Nobody in STEM likes the dark matter or black holes, and everyone actually working in STEM research actively hates the existing theorhetical orthodoxy because it's is fugly and dysfunctional, but we can only seethe since we are yet to come up with a better one.

So overall STEMcels don't defend liberalism or academic orthodoxy. We do defend academia itself, despite all of it's flaws, because we appreciate having salaries.

>> No.22982052

>This. What do STEM people do but fine-tune slave engines and generate solutions for maladaptations that civilization itself has produced?
We make slave engines more efficient, and thus requiring less slavery for more good things.

>"but it's the slave engines themselves that are the source of the problem"
Probably, but try going without them then.

>"wtf I get drone-striked"
Maybe you should've gotten more efficient slave engines to efficiently do things like fulfilling your needs for shelter, nutrition and especially security. You are free to come up with an alternative solution.

>STEM means good at STEM, nothing else.

>> No.22982072

>they are fucking shit at writing. Can't communicate for shit. Seem like they barely passed highschool and tend not to understand the basics of how a government or legal system functions
Perfectly described lawyers as well.

>> No.22982086

So you defend a corrupt institution that you know is prone to just making shit up for your cush job and money, and you aren’t the priestly caste?

>> No.22982103

>So overall STEMcels don't defend liberalism or academic orthodoxy.
You do with your actions. Personal feelings are irrelevant.

>> No.22982152

>Most people don't have the ability to work with abstract objects and develop intuition for them.
>Uses language, which most people have the facility for, to express this retarded take.

>> No.22982173
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Yeah, philosophy as a discipline is pretty retarded nowadays.

However, people capable of just stem and those who are capable of stem and philosophy are objective intellectually superior.

>> No.22982184

>intellectually superior
Literally just bugpeople without imagination and incapable of abstraction

>> No.22982211

Why would I put myself in a box?
I'm trying to learn all of the academic disciplines.

>> No.22982343

Lawyers often have a tenuous grasp of reality, but tend to understand the legal system pretty well, kind of the whole point of lawyers. If you think you understand the legal system better than a lawyer, you are delusional are probably incredibly uniformed but disturbingly confident.

>> No.22982346

I have a JD and practiced law for five years. Most lawyers are retarded and only really understand “procedure.” Even that is tenuous as they can’t even remember basic ROE, and need a casebook on their table during trial. Being a lawyer made me realize how retarded and sad the state of the profession is with over 100 degree mills churning out retards who don’t know what to do with their life but everyone of them had some uncle who said “you argue good; you should be a lawyer” when they were six.’

>> No.22982385

Go back to your NOUMENAL MEMES FOR NEO KANTIAN TEENS cringe reddit/facebook/discord memepages. You're an utter embarrassment.

>> No.22982396

I was thinking about doing law school but the place I am working at now to save money has made me question that. Its seems retardly easy with the advent of the internet and basically just a $150k money sink to get the credentials.

>> No.22982407

He's exaggerating. I'm at a t14 and if you think anyone's getting in who can't write or communicate well, then let me disabuse you of that notion.

>> No.22982425

I don’t think that. I am more worried about the fact that a basic AI software could pretty easily do 75% of these attorney’s jobs.

>> No.22982427

Everyone and their kid goes to a T14 these days apparently. Forgot the HLS 1L class has 600 retards in it.

>> No.22982431

Keep telling yourself that to help you cope.

>> No.22982433

>STEM bugman seething and mentioning plebbit/facebook
Must be the extent of your imagination.

>> No.22982450

Can’t really cope as I already have a law degree and stopped practicing years ago.

>> No.22982453

I'm glad you're doing what I told you to do. Keep doing it.

>> No.22982464

Nice. Glad this is the calibre of current T14 students. Wait until you become a 2L.

>> No.22982477

Did they really admit retarded applicants? I saw a story the other day about the US air marshalls literally asking for either midgets or mentally retarded applicants lmao

>> No.22982480

Yes, it’s much higher than all the retardation in your posts. Now
keep crying.

>> No.22982508

If you are black like the anon who is seething over the state of his future professional caste (in three years), then yes they will admit you if you are retarded. Was not a coincidence that every black student in my law class failed the Bar multiple times yet they comprised a goodly amount of recipients for scholarships. This was in 2015 but the same argument that the Bar is racist is being made today as it was then. No idea how those people got into NYU outside race. Had a white house “staffer” in my class who could not even remember the definition of a K.

>> No.22982531

oh he’s a polcel. now it’s obvious why his posts are so demonstrably lacking in anything that could even be remotely deemed as intelligence.

>> No.22982536

The DYEL jewboy cries out in pain as they respond to you. HAHAHAHAHAH KWAB

>> No.22982569

Very few people that haven't learned the technique of completing the square could solve a quadratic equation, and it would indeed be a sign of enormous mathematical talent to come up with it on your own. But once you've learned it, it literally says nothing about your intelligence that you can apply it.

>> No.22982589

>>most STEM majors could take Philosophy classes and pass them
As a STEM grad with a minor in Philosophy, no, this isn't true. At least not at a half decent school.

>> No.22982820

Why are turbo autists driven to go to law school? It's literally one of the worst professions as soft skills are more important than intelligence. Probably better to be a cool but retarded lawyer than a smart autist. Also kek at the person who commented that they other lawyers didn't have the rules memorized and then quit law after 5 years, I bet they sucked in trial and pissed of the judge by spouting stupid autistic facts like a sperg.

>> No.22982828

I enjoy reading this thread, bumperino

>> No.22982837

STEM is full of chuds who believe there are only 2 genders. They'll never pass a philosophy class.

>> No.22982852

I think STEMlets think the inability to understand different philosophies and approaches means they have a big brain.

>> No.22982861

>pissed of the judge

>> No.22983057
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Really depends on what teacher you get.
Desu there's nothing wrong with the humanities or art. Imagine if we had no music, movies, art or they were poorly made because the knowledge required wasn't passed on.

>> No.22983093
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Not necessarily. I shared a lecture with nursing students in bioethics. The nursing students were obliterated by the course while it was second nature for the philosophy students—that should go without saying.
It's a shame philosophy is a joke at most universities, it should work in tandem with stem programs. I'm not sure why philosophy tries to remain archaic when it used to be applied alongside cutting edge sciences.
I'm doing a dual major in neuroscience and philosophy for reference.

>> No.22983677

Most stem majors could take all kind of humanties and pass, and most philosophy majors could also take STEM courses and pass but it is unlikely other humanities would pass STEM courses.

>> No.22983777

Math is retarded

>> No.22983782

Precisely why postmodernism must be destroyed

>> No.22983791

Retarded people breed more. The current birth rates would be solved if less stem majors were born.

>> No.22983820

Philosophy is just 4 points higher, and engineering is MUCH more studied meaning mantaining a good average is harder

>> No.22983824
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philosophy students were all open to gay sex at my college
a few went to law school but most went to grocery bagging careers

>> No.22983831

Shouldn’t an engineer understand how statistics work lmao

>> No.22983836

I am not an engineer

>> No.22984005

i cant believe the way you people think and live. you must suffer constantly

>> No.22984064

No, engineers are supposed to do what they are told, understanding things would make that harder.

>> No.22984074
File: 429 KB, 320x240, stem_party.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's establish some common ground.

Consider: sometimes a thing — a word, an institution — has cultural power, usually accumulated through decades of real-life success and usefulness and the competence of the people who were involved. Activists notice that a thing has cultural power, and hijack it, turning it into a tool for the activist cause, draining it of the usefulness before moving onto new sources of cultural power, while denying that anything has changed. This is the modus operandi of the various gendxr studies activists who made a nest in the academy to hijack its cultural power despite their resentment at the "white heteronormative" nature of said power. They do not practice anything resembling science, their studies do not replicate, yet the contents of feminist journals and sociology journals are wielded as ideological cudgels by the priestly classes and the chattering classes, the assorted Ta-Nehisi Coateses and Amanda Marcottes. This, while academia is steadily losing ever more of its erstwhile prestige among wide strata of the population.

If academic alchemy still existed, alchemists would be trying to leech off the cultural power of chemistry — which has yielded much of the material abundance of today's world — would be trying to claim chemistry as a subfield of alchemy or a descendant, all while rejecting the foundational precepts that had rendered chemistry a force of creation and a cultural power.

The case of philosophy and science is much the same, and we need not retrace here the tedious choreography of "mhhhm science is really a philosophy you chud ever heard of Newton ever heard of natural philosophy nail polish emoji". But if science is to philosophy as chemistry is to alchemy, where does that leave philosophy? I claim that the closest counterpart to contemporary philosophy is theology.

We thus arrive at a resolution to the original inquiry. What is the closest counterpart to analytic philosophy? That is the Talmud, and indeed yeshiva graduates, and Orthodox Jews more generally, will often be successful computer scientists, economists or mathematicians. Barry Simon, Robert Aumann to name two eminent ones, and any graduate in the sciences will know some personally. What of gender philosophy? That will be the $2-booklet theology, such as it is, of New Age, indigo children, Wicca, and others in that vein.

I shall go so far as to suggest that all branches of philosophy are in nearly a one-to-one relationship with the various theologies humanity has concocted — for neither philosophy nor theology is constrained experimentally by reality, and so there must be as many varieties as there are common personality types to whom they appeal. To each after their own fashion.

>> No.22984086

I am a stem Chad, used chatgpt to write my final paper for political philosophy. If we wanted the possibility of an A you had to meet with the professor and do a revision.

I went to meet the professor and get feedback, told me it was the single greatest paper he's ever had in class, he told me he doesn't want me to change anything, he also said I should seriously consider choosing a career in writing and started trying to convince me to switch majors to philosophy.

Whole class was full of humanities, philosophy, English, creative writing people and I btfo'd them and everyone before me by using chatgpt.

ChatGPT 3 btw.

>> No.22984106

And then everyone clapped

>> No.22984266


>> No.22984269

kek, got 'em

>> No.22984322
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>I went to meet the professor and get feedback
So you're admitting to sucking his dick for an A? You aren't impressing anyone here, gay boy.

>> No.22984326


>> No.22984351

Why would anyone clap? It was just me meeting my professor alone. Why the fuck would either of us start clapping? Are you fucking retarded you gay cuck retard? Learn to God damn read you stupid fucking monger. Go fuck yourself and commit jihad against whichever two retards brought you into this world.
All of the above and more.

>> No.22984399

STEM is a pretty broad and lumpen a term, too broad for any use except to exclude people who are talented or inventive in art, otherwise or in addition. Some artists, like Ravel, were mathematical prodigies, but admittedly better at other work. As for coping, I accomplish that mostly in ways far from academia.

>> No.22984778

>won't post the paper
lol yeah bro i'm sure all of this happened

>> No.22984781
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If the smartest man and greatest mind of the last 200 years is in humanities, then I'm thinking humanities is a good place to be if you're intelligent.

>> No.22984794
File: 377 KB, 1024x1285, HD.3F.191_(11239892036).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Princeton Professor of Byzantine History once said that he would only attend one of von Neumann’s famous parties if von Neumann promised not to bring up the subject of Byzantine history, because many thought the professor to be the world’s foremost expert on the subject, and he did not want anyone to know that that title might actually belong to von Neumann.
It's true that the smartest man and greatest mind, John von Neumann, effortlessly mogged humanities professors by picking up their subjects as side hobbies, but I don't quite think that this put him in the humanities.

>> No.22984805

Do you know who Thomas Pynchon is? I think if you had read Gravity's Rainbow you wouldn't be bringing up a mathmetician against him, seeing as Pynchon knew math to a high degree as well as being a great writer.

>> No.22984813

Theres no shot this dude has read that lol

>> No.22984814

I know with certainty that you have absolutely no idea who John von Neumann was.

>> No.22984820

I know he was a math professor. I'm just saying Pynchon is well known for being good at math. Maybe as good as von Neumann. But he's also the greatest writer that ever lived. And he knows a lot about science and esotericism, linguitics, just a whole ton of other subjects. He's basically a genius in everything. He's my favorite writer.

>> No.22984822

interesting how the smartest stem fan studied humanities, the smartest humanities fan studied stem, and the dumbest /lit/ users get into tribalistic arguments over college mayors

>> No.22984828

>Jewish math man is le smart!

It must be fun to believe in magic

>> No.22984830

he made nukes. you better not mess with jewish magic man

>> No.22984833

There's nothing wrong with saying being good at math is smart, Pynchon is good at math, and he's probably the smartest man of the past 200 years like I said earlier. It just so happens he's more well known for humanities. He probably would have solved the Riehmann hypothesis or something if he had devoted himself to math.

>> No.22984847

>Be philosophy Major
>Have class with non-philosophy major
>Tutorials are terrible, they just pick a position and make up arguments on the spot, will never address your argument and are unnecessarily contrarian. Literally had one guy stamp his finger on the table and restate his claim like that's an argument.

>Only way to have a conversation is to agree with them.

>Have to sit through handholding of how to do a philosophy essay and other stuff I learner in my first year.

>Teacher has to skirt around any references to logic.

It is pretty annoying I will admit.

>> No.22984849

>I know he was a math professor
This is about the same as if you said "I know Shakespeare wrote words". Again, you have absolutely no idea who von Neumann was. Von Neumann single-handedly created multiple areas of mathematics (any single act of which is an intellectual achievement dwarfing the whole of Pynchon's or any writer's lifetime product), economics, computer science, physics, was involved in the building of the first electronic computer, launched off numeric weather prediction, and so forth.

I read GR in my 20s to see what the big deal was, it was an okay comedy by an American. In retrospect I could have spent the time better.

>> No.22984881

>I read GR in my 20s to see what the big deal was, it was an okay comedy by an American

No you didn’t

>> No.22984899

Correctly grade philosophy essays and fail 95% of the class.