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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 135 KB, 800x986, 800px-Herman_Melville_by_Joseph_O_Eaton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22977029 No.22977029 [Reply] [Original]

Herman melvill must have a PHD in yappology

why the fuck does he go on and on about useless bullshit randomly?

>> No.22977042

He on a wooden boat without Internet, nigga. What else he gon do?

>> No.22977060

wanna tickle that beard put it on tiktok fr fr fr

>> No.22977548
File: 86 KB, 530x564, 1686281859693146.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Herman melvill must have a PHD in yappology
>why the fuck does he go on and on about useless bullshit randomly?

>> No.22977579

To filter dumb niggers, see >>22977548

>> No.22977595

>Every poster here made use of ebonics or referred to blacks for a completely unrelated topic
/lit/ has fallen

>> No.22977652

this is the third thread today about moby dick's supposed filler sections, do you honestly believe OP deserves any better?

>> No.22977664

Board deserves better (maybe)

>> No.22977786

why the fuck do you bother with literature if you can’t appreciate aesthetic writing?

>> No.22977789

Moby Dick is the ultimate filter.
Here's a book you might find more up to your own speed:

>> No.22978769

There's a difference in writing for exercise and writing a coherent narrative. The good and great books are separated by the amount of time they waste. It's why Melville's follow-up book is such a disaster.

>> No.22978797

Because it’s not just useless bullshit…

>> No.22978904

you're just a lazy reader who doesn't enjoy reading to begin with.

>> No.22978935
File: 175 KB, 400x400, 1686852843228883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those chapters have some of the best writing in the entire book, with philosophy interjected between cetology. Discounting even this, one must not forget that Ishmael writes these passages after the events of Moby Dick, and as Ahab pursued the whale in his twilight years, so does Ishmael, in his time, unsuccessfully attempt to find meaning in the whale's existence.

I write this to illustrate the structural relevancy of these passages to the story, and that one may find multiple interpretations of their content and purpose if desired. I always assume that the author's work is perfect, even if it is not, because it lends itself well for analysis.

>> No.22978954

Uh, based???

>> No.22979074

An argument from bad faith. How novel.

>> No.22979114

based Franklinchad

>> No.22979152

He's satirizing the scientific discourse and the modern fetish of knowledge accumulation

>> No.22979162
File: 699 KB, 809x1200, z1cl3it9p6c61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

melvill brother of the joker

>> No.22979301

the shittiest 00's le angry reviewer writes better than Herman