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File: 37 KB, 480x721, The Mystery of Banking_Rothbard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22974824 No.22974824 [Reply] [Original]

This shit made me completely blackpilled about the state of the world. How such blatant cases of fraud, embezzlement and outright thieving could be allowed is beyond belief

>> No.22974829
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Give me one example

>> No.22974842

It's a lot worse than that. Look up the interview of that Dutch banker, Ronald Bernard I believe

>> No.22974845


>> No.22974846

Hes a retarded attentionwhore.

>> No.22974854


>> No.22974876

One knowledge is perspectively infinite and even divine.

>> No.22974894


>> No.22974909

I want to learn about it to be better at the game. Any other books that explain how the current global economy functions and the origins of all the financial abstractions built on top of basic commerce?

>> No.22975019

It's simple. All writers and enforcers of the laws are owned. Take, for instance, the recent Goldman Sachs involvement in the scheme involving the theft of the pension funds of Malaysia, or somewhere like that, by their PM. Once the scandal came out, "tax the rich" idiots like Elizabeth Warren came out and commented on the PM, but was Goldman Sachs ever once mentioned, despite their confirmed involvement? Did a single Goldman exec get fined, charged, or jailed? Of course not. The HSBC scandal of 2013 was similar, and there are always so many of these going on it is difficult to even keep up. What is clear, however, is that the reason no one gets jailed or shut down is that the people who own the banks also own the politicians and legislators.

When, by chance, someone who isn't owned accidentally gets involved in something important to these people, that is when hit men get involved--a recent example being the FedEx driver assassin at the federal judiciary's home. She was an unknowing woman who inadvertently was caught up in an Epstein related case. Epstein being a prominent financial criminal with many connections, it was simpler to take her out. It just went awry.

And this is only tangentially related, but just take a look at the 2016 Presidential election. Hillary Clinton, owned by GS--with a daughter literally married into GS, up against Marco Rubio, whose campaign was funded entirely by GS, lol. They literally just put horses on both tracks and try to get into a position where their horses are racing against one another. Now we have Ramaswamy, or whatever. His higher education was funded by the Soros family, he made his money on C-19 vax tech. He is just another carefully chosen, well-trained infiltrator. Even the little autistic Swedish woman is Soros owned--she is accompanied by one of his employees at most events she attends.

Look up Katherine Hudis, and listen to her story, but all you need to do is dig around at a few scandals and how they played out and you'll see just how bad it is. The entire monetary system we have now is just a global theft being perpetrated by an elite criminal gang.

I will. I haven't heard his name before.

>> No.22975132

Well if you want to get real you got to learn that the narrative Rothbard and the conspirtainment crowd promote is actually a pure fiction. It's ok to start there since it's the dominant perspective amongst low IQ retards

Try reading this and than feel dumb you feel for a meme:
>Modern accounts of the origins of fractional-reserve banking, in economics textbooks and elsewhere, often assert that London goldsmiths came up with the idea around the middle of the 17th century, and first implemented it by clandestinely lending coin that they were supposed to keep locked away in their vaults. I assess the veracity of this claim by examining contemporary, circumstantial evidence bearing upon it, and also by considering the circumstances under which, according to English legal doctrines at the time in question, goldsmiths were entitled to lend coin that had been surrendered to them. I conclude that the goldsmiths were almost certainly innocent of the crime for which they are so frequently accused, and that the accusation may well have taken shape through later writers’ confusion of (1) crimes other than embezzlement of which goldsmiths were accused by their contemporaries and (2) documented embezzlement of stored coin, not by goldsmiths but either by the British crown or by merchants’ servants.

>> No.22975167

Super Imperialism. The Economic Strategy of American Empire.

Current global economy still is backed by the dollar and American trade deficits.

>> No.22975467

I think the way it basically works is you get money then loan it at interest. The more money you get, the more you can loan, consequently the wealthier and more powerful are the people you loan to. Next thing you know you control the economy.

>> No.22975521
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Really, it whitepilled me. its simply the discovery that worth is something endlessly transferable between all things. its not something that can only be proved in a knight on horseback now, but we can estimate and mold transactions between relative situational worths at the drop of a hat! its amazing and wonderful. Its truelly the closest one can aproach to something like a God. Land and Homes, people and crafts bravery and guile, songs and sandcastles, all have a signifigance, a soul that can transend the mere mortal constraints of this or that thing, and transpose itself between. It makes me feel alive and happy. Knowing that my worth is determinable and free to be transfered, instead of shackled to the lower reflection of mere physical
corporeal survivability.

COunt yourself lucky to be part of this godhead instead of a chtonic leaf that comes from not and returns to not of no triumph or worth.

>> No.22975760

Post more books about banks plis

>> No.22976134

What does the historical veracity of this claim have to do with his general critique of fractional-reserve banking?

>> No.22976344

The central dogma of conspiritards is that fractional reserve banking came into existence as some sort of illegal "trick" people didn't notice (false) instead of just being more viable or that banks were started as warehouses for money (false) instead of pooling funds to lend out.
No one ever handing over money to an institution like that ever thought along those lines and some mutual understanding existed banking was about commercial loans. Any history of "full reserve banking" is not long because it doesn't work and no one wants to pay the fees. Look at the short history of cryptocurrencies and how even when lolberts start off trying to get rid of middle men than end up inventing more scams and middle men than ever before

>> No.22976931

It's the arrogance of fools like you that allows these wicked people to amass power in the first place.

>> No.22976935

Third world mentality, 100%.

>> No.22976945
File: 89 KB, 500x800, bankingswindle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the systems was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank...sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world.
Carroll Quigley

>> No.22976952


>> No.22977267

I've been to more then just 3 worlds I'll have you know.

>> No.22977773

There are plenty of abstractions, I worked in finance, the only thing you need to know is that debt is slavery and interest rate hikes is the whip

>> No.22977788

Lmao the central dogma is that fractional reserve banking is retarded not a bastard, this is some snopes tier shit

>> No.22977795

Don't get caught by conspiracy theories.
Just read up on Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) to get an objective description about how money and banks work.

>> No.22977798

If it happens you can be damn sure it was planned that way - FDR

>> No.22977852

Imagine reading books written by kikes

>> No.22977863
File: 400 KB, 1199x1816, D6325B39-F9AC-473D-AB86-4FCED044AC02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They killed this guy and destroyed his books

>> No.22977877



>> No.22977905

That’s the retarded thing about /pol/, you would happily follow a jew if he was white and would ignore a white if he was a jew. No principles, just tribalism.

>> No.22977933

Americans don't have such a law?

>> No.22977965

Of course we do. But you can always sell books by telling idiots what they want to hear.

>> No.22978032

Income tax is illegal

>> No.22978038

by what a paper somewhere says, or by what the monopoly on violence says?

>> No.22978068

The key thing schizoids keep coming back to is that people would give gold coins for storage to someone and those people behind their backs realized they could lend out more IOUs than they had in storage. That's not how fractional reserve banking came about anywhere, no one was ever tricked or that retarded historically. If fractional reserve banking was retarded than full reserve banking would of won out which didn't.

>> No.22978074

Well they are the synagogue of Satan so

>> No.22978085

>Not a single (You)
That's the last time I give you kids free info.

>> No.22978103

who are these schizoids you're referring to? Are they with us in the room?

>> No.22978104

You might be shadowbanned. Only reason I can see your posts is that I have 4chan gold.

>> No.22978105
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>> No.22978120

the bioleninist smelled your distrust in the Instutions™ and has targeted you as enemy of the bankers, so he's talking about (You)

>> No.22978124

Is Finance worth going into anon? Specifically Asset Management, but Finance in general too. Thinking of a career change.

>> No.22978126

Its one of the sectors that pays the best. So why not?

>> No.22978132

As long as men worship idols they'll be controlled by false money

>> No.22978139

Lack of you's doesn't mean your post is ignored or bad. Get rid of this mindset that ruins all social media.

>> No.22978175

How deep does the rabbit hole go?
Who are the most important players? Is it really just Blackrock and Vanguard, or are there power structures above even those entities?

>> No.22978225

Where's the line between this and /x/ tier conspiracies?
And more importantly how do we profit from this?

>> No.22978236

Satan owns money

>> No.22978251
File: 20 KB, 314x419, 7F1F27F9-77AA-441D-9774-34B829D72E83.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can like a good jew without denying the existence of an evil jewish cabal and you can like a white guy without realizing he serves the cabal. /pol/ will acknowledge bobby fischer and jewish whistleblowers and yet fail to reconcile that some jews can be good. I think I saw once that 9% of jews don’t support israel.

And the biggest problem with this is it gives no actual reason to take nonjews side in the battle against the cabal, if it is just tribalism you are on their level and the fight doesn’t even matter. Evil is not a racial quality it is an action, we need to be better than them and stand against evil itself not just the jews who perpetrate it. If you won’t give rothbard a chance try hoppe, he literally argues we need ancap society to kick the jews and gays out of our communities in this book.

>> No.22978266


>> No.22978377

What are you even arguing? That fractional reserve banking is okay because people knew about it? It's literally a heist baked into the conception of money writ large. Just because it's been going on for awhile doesn't mean it's okay. TBD: TOTAL BANKER DEATH. Get fucked nigger.

>> No.22978397

>I think I saw once that 9% of jews don’t support israel.
This need not mean much. Soros hates Israel as well.

>> No.22978410


>> No.22978470

Yes that's what I'm saying. If there was fraud involved that would be more problematic obviously but there isn't. Full reserve banking just isn't viable outside a one world government enforcing it because in anything even resembling a free market the concept spontaneously just gets reinvented even when you try to crush it like with interest

>It's literally a heist baked into the conception of money writ large
No it's a sensible and workable solution. There's even easy to get alternatives like bitcoin and such but they aren't catching on much even as serious workable alternatives where they're made legal tender and given state support like in el salvador

>> No.22978496

how long will you keep defending your retarded take?

>> No.22978510

>think I saw once that 9% of jews don’t support israel.
So I'm right in my assumptions 9 out of 10 times. I'll stick to those adds

>> No.22978514


>> No.22978630

If there is insufficient motive or precedent to drive the conspiracy, you can safely disregard it, but motive is often irrational and subtle.

>> No.22978748

Is CAIA enough to land a good enough job or do you need something better like the CFA to sit at the big boys' table?

>> No.22978804

A long while, people who defend such practices only care about empowering the corrupt child molesters who rule us.

>> No.22978873
File: 38 KB, 850x400, Rothbard, the state and niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the banking shills ITT just outright abandoning any theoretical considerations and "debunk" things by appealing to minutia of historical accounts (note: they wrong on that too but that's irrelevant)
>unironically appeal to modern monetary theory, the bullshit they recently published to offer a phantom of justification for infinite money printing and infinite deficit ( AND THAT'S A GOOD THING)
>meanwhile neetsoc raging at OP posting a book by a man of Jewish origin (not a Jew in meaningful sense)
4chan not sending their best.

>> No.22978875

Existential bad luck: partly solved.