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22972394 No.22972394[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22972397

my diary

>> No.22972399

Patrick Roesle - The Zeroes

>> No.22972408


>> No.22972423

>Has a good job
>An affair with a student

Wrong rec, bro.

>> No.22972439
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>> No.22972459

I have an expression to it. I call it "hollywood ugly".

>> No.22972506

Capitalism is for loser.

>> No.22972509
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>> No.22972514

convenience store woman

>> No.22972517
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>> No.22972541

stop making fun of people, this is some 5th grade shit

the best birthday I ever had I sat in my apartment alone at the age of 34, during Covid, drinking NA beer and eating a Wendy's burger.

why? My mom had just died and I was in recovery and I was fighting and not giving up. And I embraced my loser birthday like a thread connecting me to the universe. I smiled and laughed at it, and never had a more courageous hour.

>> No.22972914


Im sorry your mom passed away

>> No.22972927

That’s a good story. And its meaning is derived from the conflict with social conventions. OP’s image shows someone trying to make that guy happy (a mom or something) by showing interest in their hobby but they are fat and ugly and are in an ugly home at an age where a cake like that shouldn’t be presented with no friends in the picture. It literally hurts to see photos like this. I can rationalize and say he’s probably one of those autistic jerks that know they’re an asshole and blame it on autism. I can bet he probably doesn’t make financially good decisions or has any productive skill sets. All these things make me so completely sad for the human race. We are plugged into games shit out by corporations that we don’t actually do anything. This picture makes me want to uninstall DOTA and throw my computer across the room. I’m far more successful than this man, but I feel like this man trapped in modern society even though he is most likely unaware of it all. It is a deep sorrow. I morn for all the lost potential happiness in the world.

>> No.22972930

Nice, that’s more like it

>> No.22972937
File: 89 KB, 259x388, George_Mills_book_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite contemporary but close enough. Starts with greatest grand dad George MIlls way back during the crusades and follows his progeny through the centuries (all named George Mills) right up to the 1970s. Essentially 500 pages and 1000 years of exploring what is a loser and why are they losers.

>> No.22972941

I think I’ll have to write something autobiographical and more fitting to our days.

>> No.22972945


>> No.22972949

Get a job

>> No.22972953


>> No.22972959

Wishlisted it. Not much of a fiction guy but the plot sounds funny

>> No.22972963

Go to the ghetto or any depressed rural region filled with alcoholics a glue sniffers, losers have babies all the time.
It is humorous and quite insightful. You can get a perfect condition first edition for less cash than a new paper back, Elkin is seriously slept on. I got my copy off abebooks for $6 shipped and it was pretty much in unread condition.

>> No.22972973

Can someone outloser me?
>27 (28 in a month)
>no house, no car, no job, no gf, 0 money in bank accounts, live with parents
>I’ve had sex less than 10 times in my life, I have only 450 books in my library, software engineer but hate programming (left job 2 years ago), have never been loved by a woman

>> No.22972988

You don’t sound like a loser, you sound like a millennial.

>> No.22972991

I'm exactly the same as you but I've had sex 0 times

>> No.22972993

House, car, no debts
Lost career job
Never had sex

The financially stable thing doesn't work...

>> No.22973041
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>ever had sex

>> No.22973048

trying to sneak a brag in your loser resume is pretty sad, I'd say you win

>> No.22973051

Honestly you sound like a perfectly awesome person and I wish you were my neighbor so we could become friends and motivate one another out of our pessimisms.