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File: 538 KB, 1200x1748, Lou_Andreas-Salomé_-_Foto_Atelier_Elvira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22971431 No.22971431 [Reply] [Original]

>Nietzsche proposed marriage TWICE to this ugly hoe and got rejected both times
it's shit like this that makes me lose respect you know. this shamanist bending spirits and moving mountains in his books were just a loser, a pathetic simp in reality.

>> No.22971440

Philosphy is cope

>> No.22971445

How old was he when it happenned?

>> No.22971452

Her face possesses a certain Tevtonic strength

>> No.22971451

Once you finally touch grass and have sex you’ll realize that it means nothing compared to Nietzsche’s oeuvre.

>> No.22971461

Jason Bryan would've thrown sweet parties and fucked her

>> No.22971466

>Jason Bryan would've thrown sweet parties and fucked her
awful shill

>> No.22971468

And them some young guy named Rilke hit it without any effort lmao

>> No.22971478

No you don't get it.
It's not contradictory to his philosophy in any way, our poor boy wuz oppressed by da christian conformist society ruled by women so he had to conform to the rules and ask for her pussy. His spiritual ubergrandson will just rape these dumb whores.

>> No.22971480

Also, Aristotle was ashamed by a female too. Don't take it to your heart.

>> No.22971481

She's pretty cute tho

>> No.22971484


>> No.22971489

She looks like the muse of Yeats.

>> No.22971490

Using this opportunity to let out a thought I just had after watching a video on Chrischan.

It's not hard to imagine that Nietzsche would have become somewhat like Chris if he lived nowadays. Ostracized, looking for a boyfriend-free girl, obsessed with semi-autobiographical creative pursuits and in that same vein the feminine aspect of being creative.
Sonichu is just an illustration of Thus spoke Zarathustra.

>> No.22971495

Good post

>> No.22971497

>t. faceblind

>> No.22971500

I am unshaken in my position. you mean to tell me to take this mystical supernatural man who supposedly philosophized with a hammer, got rejected by a dumb hoe with a misshapen head? TWICE? like what the fuck. Diogenes had more dignity when he begged.

>> No.22971507

He wasn't anywhere near being the Ubermensch, he was just his prophet (and as explained in the sentence after the next, he even relegated that role to Zarathustra) and he suffered from that knowledge. Read TsZ. Nietzsche himself is Zarathustra's shadow.

>> No.22971518

>>t. faceblind
I mean the strong jaw

>> No.22971523

they met in 1882, which would mean Nietzsche was about 38 years old when it happened.

what's his story?

never meet your heroes, never read their wikipedia page.

>> No.22971528

I bet you talk in zoomer ebonics irl.

>> No.22971529

Gay bait

>> No.22971534

There is more than looks. Any experience of dating will this obvious to any but I suppose there are many incels here

>> No.22971536

No I was completely serious.

>> No.22971537

>Nietzsche was about 38 years old when it happened
Oh no

>> No.22971544

and yet he still got rejected, twice, by an uggo whore
shouldve ubermensched himself into some pussy

>> No.22971547

Wrong. Aesthetics is everything. Which also explains why Wagner won and got infinite prime pussy. He beat Sneedchud at his own game.

>> No.22971549

Wagner's wife looks like Alan Partridge

>> No.22971550

I see this is a my guy is better than that guy meme thread and not serious…carry on then

>> No.22971555


>> No.22971561

Lmao. Marry for status PHUCK on the side. Tristan und Isolde was inspired by an affair of his which made Cosima seethe
>My guy vs your guy
Not applicable in this case, Wagner was the central figure in Sneedchud's life and the clashing of their lives and philosophies is directly on topic

>> No.22971568
File: 7 KB, 175x288, WagnerCosima1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22971576

>I bet you talk in zoomer ebonics irl.
you're missing the fun of mastering a language so well that even its dialects aren't really out of reach to you.
To me it's just a different scale when I get bored.

It's amusing training different voices too, and it might be useful down the road.

>> No.22971579

This thread is only getting replies because it has Nietzsche’s name attached to it.

>> No.22971580


>> No.22971584

>this thread about subject gets replies because famous topic
some fine detective work chief

>> No.22971585

Just wait for the Wagnerfags to arrive

>> No.22971588
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>> No.22971597

>makes retarded observation
>gets called a retard
take the L with some dignity niggerfaggot

>> No.22971600

us neetstrannies shall await their arrival to defend Him!

>> No.22971610

He really wanted those Liszt's genes, right?

>> No.22971612
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>feminine aspect of being creative.

>> No.22971615

Have you read Nietzsche?

>> No.22971616

oldcel Nietzsche

>> No.22971686
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>> No.22971690

only because I know shes smart and thoughtful, that bitch is beat looks wise

>> No.22971696

lol i feel the same thing about mishima, i love him but imagine if he was born in like 1990. you just know he'd be posting on forums and shit about bringing back the samurai. maybe he'd be like that guy who killed shinzo abe

>> No.22971703

mere fantasies

>> No.22971709

Deep dark fantasies

>> No.22971753

She looks like a fucking man

>> No.22971767

If I met a girl like her who could hold an intellectual conversation with me I'd propose marriage twice too.

>> No.22971777
File: 906 KB, 1821x2601, Lou_Andreas-Salome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying she was ugly
The OP pic was 15 years after Nietzsche proposed. This was her 2 years before he did. She looks like a kinky little brat here. Don't forget that she wrote a book on anal.

>> No.22971781

Looks like a boy facially, in fact a less pudgy version of young Sneedzsche lmao

>> No.22971808
File: 33 KB, 714x1000, cardinal_custom-7b77f77fe5e946c25d095b8e2d888c4b178f1e1b-s1100-c50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is why you shouldn't take advice from philosophers and thinkers who didn't actively fulfill their own thought in their own lives. Guys like Nietzsche and Schopenhauer are fine enough to read, but they're bad to take advice from because when you look at their lives you discover that everything they wrote was basically cope as a reaction to how their lives turned out.

You need to only get life advice from people who practiced what they preached. This is why reading the saints is so helpful and edifying, because you're reading people who actually put their thought into practice successfully.

>> No.22971810

Looks like Cumgenius's type.

>> No.22971813

Nah, Neechgay was ugly. This chick looks kind of cute here.

>> No.22971829

>If I met a girl like her who could hold an intellectual conversation with me I'd propose marriage twice too.
That's the appeal. But we would think that by his age the spell wouldn't hold the same power.

>> No.22971834

The guy that killed Abe was a veteran whose family business got ruined by his retarded mom getting sucked into a cult after his father committed suicide. He's not cringe at all and receives a lot of support from Japanese who've had similar things happen to them.

>> No.22971836


>> No.22971838


>> No.22971843

How is shinzo to blame for his mom and dad being retards

>> No.22971845

>Schopenhauer are fine enough to read, but they're bad to take advice from because when you look at their lives you discover that everything they wrote was basically cope as a reaction to how their lives turned out.
What's the problem with Schopenhauer?

I agree that the life of a philosopher matters to some grade.

>> No.22971860

I think the opposite. He was pushing 40 and possibly still a virgin. He was probably depressed out of his fucking mind.

>> No.22971864

what's the connection with shinzo?

>> No.22971865
File: 1.11 MB, 1752x1168, youngonce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The secret of life is to drive fast cars, fuck hot chicks, and live in cool places.

Who can prove the above wrong?

>> No.22971872

>I think the opposite. He was pushing 40 and possibly still a virgin.
hetairai route then. what's the matter?

>> No.22971874

Disagree. That's cult of personality. Either the ideas are work or they don't.

>> No.22971876

I could totally see Mishima being a neto-uyo, but I don't think he'd go as far as killing someone other than himself.

>> No.22971883

car fetishism is retarded especially if you don't work on them regularly

>> No.22971886

Lou was as close to hetaira as possible basically

>> No.22971893

that's not a secret

>> No.22971897

Not him. I mean, wasn't the original idea that they would teach us how to life between other things?

>> No.22971905

Go live in the woods naked

>> No.22971906

Cars are meant to be driven hard and destroyed

>> No.22971913

*to live

>> No.22971914
File: 34 KB, 474x307, paul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But never be the passenger in a car with a retard driving, especially a car that is known to be very tail-happy and has zero computer safety features to stop a moron from crashing it on an unprepared street surface.

>> No.22971916

I just learned what hetaera means lmao.
This adds another hecking layer of depth and wit to Dr. Faustus.

>> No.22971923

>This adds another hecking layer of depth and wit to Dr. Faustus.

>> No.22971925

I need more survival skills

>> No.22971930

Shut the fuck up I saw you post this in another thread and you’re probably pushing 40

>> No.22971934

>Disagree. That's cult of personality.

>> No.22971935

Of the entire book? Go read a syopsis.

>> No.22972163
File: 76 KB, 500x701, 796c548256130b63dcf0dc9184801a36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Kierkegaard invented existentialism for THIS

>> No.22972166

adds up t b h

>> No.22972179

Shut up ESL.

>> No.22972195

how so?

>> No.22972197

I'm 45, if you haven't had fast cars, hot chicks, and lived in cool places, you haven't lived yet.

>> No.22972217
File: 49 KB, 646x404, Cioran.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosophers often underrate the mental impact of getting pussy (prostitutes are not the same)

>> No.22972235

Lost my virginity at 31 and it didn't change anything for me.

>> No.22972277
File: 84 KB, 500x650, zuq0whsfxtt41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she actually cute doe, unlike this >>22971431 >>22971777 hobgoblin-looking proto-BPD thot
she & kirk were madly in love & engaged, but he broke it off after a year because he realized he would make a dogshit husband

>> No.22972293

He honestly had a pretty good life though. Guy managed to make a decent living, put himself through school, was obviously quite good with women (despite his half-ironic protestations otherwise), and genuinely seems like a fairly funny and good natured man.

Hell even Nietzsche was pretty successful all things considered. He was the youngest university professor ever, had the beginnings of a successful military career before his accident, hung out with the most interesting people of his day, and wrote several books of profound and world-altering history while suffering from debilitating illness.

Not discounting the saints, but its not as if these philosophers aren't commendable in their own right.

She looks like a sex freak and everything I've ever read of her work confirms this. Idk what Nietzsche was thinking desu.

>> No.22972330
File: 47 KB, 388x598, Lou_um_1877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Idk what Nietzsche was thinking desu.
he was thinking with the wrong head; doing so made him think that salome was a unicorn & forget that not only are """intelligent""" females are still ultimately females, but they're actually more destructively dangerous than typical broads bc their increased capacity for scheming & interpersonal manipulations in no way offsets their innate irrationality & emotional instability

>> No.22972340

>Lost my virginity
He already said prostitutes are not the same.

>> No.22972347

No one can actually engage with Nietzsche's arguments and instead resort to ad hominem. Same with Schopenhauer. It's why I think their philosophy is more important than any other modern philosopher, especially since they influenced artists more than anyone else.

>> No.22972349

>I'm 45, if you haven't had fast cars, hot chicks, and lived in cool places, you haven't lived yet.
tate is lurking here

>> No.22972364

It wasn't with a prostitute. With my girlfriend who I met on an app.

>> No.22972366

That and both those philosophers make people seethe. I only read Schopenhauer because a professor complained that he was only 24 when he wrote his work, and I thought that was impressive.

>> No.22972368

>met on an app.
Sounds like a prostitute to me

>> No.22972370

>especially since they influenced artists more than anyone else.
Not Schopenhauer

>> No.22972372

We're in a relationship and live together

>> No.22972373
File: 44 KB, 1185x890, Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Young Nietzsche had a speedrunner vibe going on.

>> No.22972377

How did she handle your lack of experience? Or is she young and inexperienced?

>> No.22972384

Kek, so basically your relationship is meaningless? Why are you even there if you still feel like the 31 year old virgin?

>> No.22972385

bimbos who have an intense sex life still cut themselves regardless. their head is a mess.

>> No.22972386

Wagner, Brahms, Freud, Wittgenstein, Horkheimer, Hardy, Mann, Rilke, Proust, Tolstoy, Borges, Mahler, Langer and Schönberg were influenced by Schopenhauer's thought. His work almost disappeared, if it wasn't for his work being circulated among artists in Paris he'd never have been read.

>> No.22972398

>Sounds like a prostitute to me
That's the thing you have to understand about most contemporary women.
>Noooo, jump through the ropes. This is not the real thing.
Get lost. Fool.
Go crypto-simp anywhere else.

>> No.22972404

Ah you meant boring artists. I thought you meant cool people. Half of those aren't even artists btw

>> No.22972405

She was shocked to find out I had never even kissed someone before, told me it made her feel ashamed, and thought it was an endearing quality of mine. I've always been the one to lead during sex though. Even though she's had two long-term relationships before me, she was basically not much better than me at it. First few times were awkward as fuck. Cute memories though.

>Why are you even there
Because I love her. Sex just hasn't really changed me.

>> No.22972424

Yes, just highly influential thinkers / inventors of entire disciplines like Fraud.

>> No.22972427

Based. I hope I can escape loner hell soon. like you did. Best of luck to you, anon.

>> No.22972433

>It wasn't with a prostitute. With my girlfriend who I met on an app.
Potato potato anon

>> No.22972436
File: 83 KB, 640x608, Glastonbury2022_218_of_413_52182434551_cropped_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck??

>> No.22972454


>> No.22972457

Pussy is a commodity attached to a dog.

>> No.22972529

Abe’s family, ever since WWII, have had their thumb in every political pie in the country, and were deep in bed with the US government. His grandfather, I believe, was so cruel that he was known by his own men as “Akuma no Showa”. The Demon of the Showa Era, and was selected as prime minister because he played ball with the US so nicely.
Part of this cooperation involved enabling religious and political groups that claimed to hold the tide against communism. Some of these groups pushed their influence so far that they ended up becoming criminal organizations themselves, to the point that there were dedicated right-wing supporters who tried assassinating them out of disgust. Look up the right-wing porn actor who tried kamikaze-ing a gangster politician, it was incredible.
Anyways, the cult that Abe’s killer got ruined by was one of them, allowed to run rampant for decades long after the Cold War ended. Sins of the past paid by the son, and all that

>> No.22972531

Nietzsche himself said that philosophy is a result of your personality, or as you would call it, a cope.

>> No.22972539
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Proof that he was a romantic all along.
>He was pushing 40 and possibly still a virgin
why do you make shit up? btw he wrote in one of his lesser known works that his sister used to provide him comfort in bed when they were teenagers

>> No.22972547

>why do you make shit up?
Do you have evidence he wasn't? There's no evidence he had syphilis, by the way. In fact, the only thing we know is that he once accidentally entered a brothel and turned 360 degrees and walked away.

>> No.22972548

This is the worst fantasy a man can have. Women aren't meant to be intellectual, in fact they're not really very good at it unless they are very gifted. Most women should only be shown nice things, like cute animals, and be meant to live in the moment. It's quite charming. Most intellectual women end up very neurotic.

>> No.22972551
File: 43 KB, 253x403, My_Sister_and_I_(Nietzsche_book).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of his lesser known works
you mean this literal forgery?

>> No.22972556

Usually when people say lesser known works I think about Philosophy in the Tragic Age of Greece.

>> No.22972560

do you have evidence you're not a bot?
how do you know that it's a forgery?

>> No.22972567

He was put in asylum for saying the Kaiser would destroy Europe because of his militarization of Germany.

>> No.22972579
File: 21 KB, 208x249, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do you know that it's a forgery?
that seems to be the current scholarly consensus based on evidence derived from people analyzing his books for the last 70 years, despite the efforts of many to discredit & attack him bc his sister was a literal nazi

>> No.22972586

Everyone is still upset over the Nazis. That was 100 years ago. Who's going to tell them no one actually cares anymore?

>> No.22972588


>The syphilis hypothesis is not compatible with most of the evidence available.

>> No.22972606

How does that prove that he was a virgin retard?

>> No.22972620

He wasn't fucking Don Juan retard, and it's very unlikely he ever saw prostitutes. He might as well have been one.

>> No.22972626

Neechgay was a chronic masturbator. Wagner was so worried he wrote a letter to a doctor. That's how their friendship ended.

>> No.22972627 [DELETED] 

>she meets up with random strangers on the internet, goes over to their house, and within an hour is having sex with them
>has done this for years with dozens of men
>but, uh, she's not a whore... she does it for free

>> No.22972629

>it's very unlikely
>i.e., I don’t actually know I’m just making shit up

>> No.22972632
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>Who's going to tell them no one actually cares anymore?
i agree completely anon, i'm just pointing out thats probably why (((certain parties))) were so interested in trying to sexually defame nietzsche & his sister through the promotion of the text "my sister & i" during the postwar years

>> No.22972634

More reason to believe he was a virgin.

I never said he absolutely was a virgin, just that it's possible, which you can't deny. Learn to read.

>> No.22972635

Often, the only critique people can come up are questionable aspects about his life and not the content of his writing.

>> No.22972639


>> No.22972648

What a thread..

>> No.22972651


>> No.22972659

>I-I n-never said
Shut up bitch

>> No.22972660

It sounds like fanfic.

>> No.22972667

>and possibly still a virgin
Learn to read you dumb motherfucker

>> No.22972669

Nta but the Moonies were set up and funded by the CIA during the cold war during the heyday of MKULTRA, and a lot of high level politicians in Japan and Korea are aligned with them. Really weird group, but they have their hands on the levers of power so there hasn't been much work done to expose them.


>> No.22972672

>the feminine aspect of being creative
since only e-Christians harbor immense enough contempt for Nietzsche in the current year to liken him to such characters they themselves want to distance themselves from, might I ask whether you believe God, being the most perfect creator, is feminine?

>> No.22972687

What did you learn

>> No.22972700
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>> No.22972714
File: 46 KB, 804x490, insert 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta but i think what he meant by "feminine creativity" is abstracted, soft artistic & intellectual pursuits, compared to masculine creativity which involves the design & production of tangible, utilitarian works. its not necessarily a value judgment, i dont think

>> No.22972719
File: 2.15 MB, 2382x1510, bitches2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this trope that only women can be deeply intellectual, fuck you buddy!

>> No.22972729

>only utilitarian works are masculine
The bugmen went too far today

>> No.22972740
File: 57 KB, 850x400, quote-hard-sciences-are-successful-because-they-deal-with-the-soft-problems-soft-sciences-heinz-von-foerster-70-33-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that only women can be deeply intellectual
i never made that claim, nor did my post imply it in any way; the qualification of creativity as either masculine or feminine is, imo, merely a categorical distinction, not a value judgment, like i wrote above; its similar in nature to the differentation between hard vs soft sciences, in my view. tbqdesu, i actually wrote in a previous post that virtually all females are biologically incapable of deep intellectualism akin to that of men >>22972330

>> No.22972743
File: 108 KB, 1160x770, 1705095274821641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only utilitarian works are masculine
The deepest problem human beings face in 2024 is being brainwashed into only having two points of view and then dividing into two easily manipulated camps... and that is the overton window

>> No.22972750
File: 46 KB, 340x313, 303609-340x313-yin-yang-symbol-meaning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>22972743 >>22972729
are yall mad dichotomies/binaries conceptually & functionally exist & that, for all their faults, they're still incredibly useful for making sense of reality?

>> No.22972754


>> No.22972762
File: 236 KB, 1024x1024, 1698297814174462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you gotta chill bro

>> No.22972765

>"feminine creativity" is abstracted, soft artistic & intellectual pursuits
my question is unchanged; but Christ, being the Logos, must then certainly be feminine...
taoism is the exact opposite of dualism and dichotomy

>> No.22972777

Feminine use of lowercase.

>> No.22972790
File: 2.95 MB, 1311x1313, homelessanddead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically caught me off guard with that one, anon!

I will argue in favour of both-
Human beings are very 2-dimensional by nature, so many things fit into that:
When you think in 3D, unironically, that is the 3rd position, when you think of a time when you've been cold, and your face hurts as you walk against the windchill to get a 40oz at the store, you can imagine again when you will be home after buying said 40oz, and you'll be warm again. You were thinking in 3D.

Taoism is AMAZING for 2D thought... and I highly recommend the Tao te ching as it helped me through some rough times.

Higher dimensional thought is required for 2024 and beyond... or you'll end up lost, homeless, and dead.

>> No.22972798
File: 646 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20240120_220939_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my question is unchanged; but Christ, being the Logos, must then certainly be feminine...
i'm an atheist so i dont really give a shit one way or the other lol>>22972765
>taoism is the exact opposite of dualism and dichotomy
objectively false
is proper capitalization & puncuation feminine or masculine in nature? does conforming to proper rules of grammar represent civilization conquering the chaos of nature, or does rejecting it represent acknowledging & embracing the inherent animalistic barbarism of man?

>> No.22972833

>does conforming to proper rules of grammar represent civilization conquering the chaos of nature, or does rejecting it represent acknowledging & embracing the inherent animalistic barbarism of man?
It means you’re unconsciously trying to make yourself sound submissive and breedable.

>> No.22972841

it says right there in your own blurb that the opposites don't actually have any independent existence, i.e. not dualism

>> No.22973117

Nietzsche was a simp, a total beta dork

>> No.22973119
File: 684 KB, 3840x2160, 6000892-Carroll-O-Connor-Quote-The-wages-of-pedantry-is-pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22973169

nta but why the fuck are you in a philosophy thread if defining terms = pedantry to you?

>> No.22973174

Women are chaos. Men are order. Proper capitalization and punctuation is a masculine feature.

>> No.22973322



>> No.22973351


>> No.22973376

IQ distribution is different between the sexes-- finding intelligent male friends is trivial compared to finding a woman of comparable outlier intellect (whom is also attractive and in their character amiable). "Most of marriage is good conversation." to bowdlerize the Mustache.

>> No.22973396

>to finding a woman of comparable outlier intellect (whom is also attractive and in their character amiable)
this is the true crux of the issue, because, as schopenhauer once hypothesized & as females like salome physically prove, women of outlier high intelligence almost necessarily tend to concurrently suffer from severe emotional complexes & sexual neuroses that make stable romantic relations with them almost impossible; iirc, schop's exact quote was something to the effect that females pursue careers in intellectual & academic matters when they possess defective genitalia lol

>> No.22973706


>> No.22973827

Checked. L A Salome reminds me a bit of Sandra Bernhard. The chunky brutal features and masculine-aggressive expression & body language. No common background though, is there? Salome was French/Russian Huguenot, Bernhard's a jew.

>> No.22973976

I never respected Nietzsche as a man, he was a weak faggot incel. It's some of his insight that is profound.
He was a born slave almost, just a smart one.

>> No.22973977

10/10 in bongland

>> No.22973983

Steppe nomads were borderline egalitarian and made longhouses their national symbol once they settled down lmfao
Mishima would be a rootless cosmopolitan homosexual unthreatening to anyone, offing himself for attention
Basically BAP

>> No.22973993

Εταίρες only appear in times of decline and decadence in Greece and waged disproportionate influence to the detriment of what you like when you look at marble statues.
Brothels were and are the norm. You are not an aristocrat, you are a peasant.

>> No.22973997

Shamefully narrow shoulders

>> No.22974028

She was respected by many intellectuals of her time too. Iirc Freud held her in high regard

>> No.22974034

Translation: If I found a masculine and aggressive nagging whore I would give up my freedom for her until she divorce rapes me.

Red flag. Imagine how high her standards would be

>> No.22974058

>is proper capitalization & puncuation feminine or masculine in nature?
Masculine. Think about book titles all in lower case, for example. Do they strike you as more masculine or more feminine?

This guy
is correct. Men build and enforce structures and rules and hierarchies, and women exist within those structures.

“Women are lawless, George,” she had told him once, when they lay in rare peace. “So what am I?” he had asked, and she said, “My law.”

— John le Carré, ‘Smiley’s People’

>> No.22974097
File: 254 KB, 448x700, My Sister And I (Nietzsche) — p.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal forgery?
I'm not sure. I've read it and it feels very like Nietzsche to me. If it's a forgery (parody, whatever) of Nietzsche it's a extremely good one. I thought it might be someone using some random scribblings N. produced when he was gaga, and maybe "interpreting" them, adding some stuff of his own. So it's not entirely N. but not entirely fake either.

Of course, even if N. did write it, that doesn't mean it's all literal truth. It's quite possible he's mixing up reality and fantasy.

>> No.22974333

THIS is the only solid point I have seen so far. maybe when she was very young, it the situation far less worse.

>> No.22974641

Anything not published by the man himself while he was coherent is debatable as forgery and it's intellectually dishonest to argue otherwise.

>> No.22975698

Nietzsche himself admitted that he was an effeminate bitch and most of his philosophy was based on a rejection of himself
Was this not obvious?

>> No.22975725

where did he exactly say that?

>> No.22975734

>Men build and enforce structures and rules and hierarchies
As do women actually. Just in a more insidious and animalistic way

>> No.22975735


>> No.22975747

By living like an effeminate bitch

>> No.22975749

please keep your retardation to yourself.

>> No.22975768

Nietzsche lived a domesticated life and was effeminate and weak. Is this debated?

>> No.22975780

the claim is that he admitted it. it implies he wrote it somewhere so I got curious, maybe a latter or something. instead I got a literal who's imagination. who gives a fucking shit about your worthless interpretation of his life.

>> No.22975787

He wasn't an idiot. He's constantly alluding to his own shitty condition throughout all of his works and even to his awareness that it's probably why he idolizes classically masculine ideas.

Remember when he said every philosophy is the secret confession of its author and nothing more
Do you think he was too blind to include himself?

>> No.22975811

I'm not the original anon you replied to. Nietzsche never wrote he hated his life but wrote about being ill and weak in letters.
No my coping friend, that's reality. He lived a soft academic life in an urban city filled with luxuries and comfort and he had the means to live a comfortable life. He never fought, never raped, never did anything the Greeks did. Socrates (war veteran) would literally snap his spine in half, that's how weak Nietzsche was. This is objective reality and it has polluted N's philosophy. He's coping, but also true on many occasions.
You thought I implied his philosophy is le bad or le wrong? You are retarded.

>> No.22975826

I don't care about your ideas, "admitted" implied he said it somewhere.

you are the one who's retarded lmao it's not a new idea that the weak desires power the most. how fucking stupid can you get? my point is that I literally thought he said it somewhere. I am not interested in interpretations of nobodies, I already know better than them.

>> No.22975858

If you need something spelled out for you, why the fuck are you reading Nietzsche?

>> No.22975863

are you so fucking retarded you cannot understand a simple sentence, "he admitted" means he explicitly wrote it somewhere, I asked for that document, instead I got a stupid ass person's own commentary. fucking idiot.

>> No.22975867

Your IQ is under 80

>> No.22975869

You're a whiny little bitch huh lol
Calm down before you've a hot flash, Susan

>> No.22975942

Anon is probably referring to Why I Am So Wise from Ecce Homo, where he refers to himself as a decadent, and to his decadence as the secret source of his insight:

>For, apart from the fact that I am a decadent, I am also the reverse of such a creature. Among other things my proof of this is, that I always instinctively select the proper remedy when my spiritual or bodily health is low; whereas the decadent, as such, invariably chooses those remedies which are bad for him. As a whole I was sound, but in certain details I was a decadent. That energy with which I sentenced myself to absolute solitude, and to a severance from all those conditions in life to which I had grown accustomed; my discipline of myself, and my refusal to allow myself to be pampered, to be tended hand and foot, and to be doctored—all this betrays the absolute certainty of my instincts respecting what at that time was most needful to me. I placed myself in my own hands, I restored myself to health: the first condition of success in such an undertaking, as every physiologist will admit, is that at bottom a man should be sound. An intrinsically morbid nature cannot become healthy. On the other hand, to an intrinsically sound nature, illness may even constitute a powerful stimulus to life, to a surplus of life. It is in this light that I now regard the long period of illness that I endured: it seemed as if I had discovered life afresh, my own self included. I tasted all good things and even trifles in a way in which it was not easy for others to taste them—out of my Will to Health and to Life I made my philosophy...

>> No.22975960

>my refusal to allow myself to be pampered
A child soldier in Liberia makes Nietzsche's whole existence look softer than cotton candy

>> No.22975969

Suffering is relative, so no. You and your child soldier can both fuck yourselves.

>> No.22975977

Cope harder retard

>> No.22975983

>Cope harder
Why? You've got this taken care of for me. Faggot.
>muh child soldiers
fucking lol, kill yourself

>> No.22976001

You're so soft and domesticated that an 8 year old with an AK would kill you. I think it's time to accept it's over anon

>> No.22976003

That was one line in my mind, yeah.
But it's literally ALL over his writing.

>> No.22976022
File: 145 KB, 508x506, 1703437855848433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A kid with an AK could kill you, me and any other adult.

>> No.22976167

Modern Epitectus

>> No.22976509
File: 95 KB, 778x1126, Anal Sexual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was the literal muse of Rainer Rilke, and Nietzsche, and Freud.

>> No.22976523

Nietzsches sister was a hot little minx tho

>> No.22976669

meaningless since he did not adopt a lifestyle of man and wife with her.

>> No.22976996

She honored her name till the last drop, right?

>> No.22977084
File: 85 KB, 500x367, salome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, she was just a girl with a big brain. Very intelligent and perceptive. Wrote by far the best book on Nietzsche, as expected for someone who knew and shared so much time with him.

>> No.22977109

Sadly Nietzsche wasn't Yosuga no-pilled.

>> No.22977168

>as expected for someone who knew and shared so much time with him.
But not what he really wanted, huh?
Of this final redemption she deprived him.
She wanted to be close, but not that level of intimacy.

Let's be cruelly honest (Nietzsche style) for a moment. We're only talking about the russian groupie because of the men she attached herself to. Or am I wrong?

On a related note, have you read "When Nietzsche Wept"? What's your opinion about it?

>> No.22977234
File: 19 KB, 259x400, Salome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nietzsche proposed to her by proxy before he'd even met here, then proposed again the very first time he met her. Spare me the weepy "but not what he really wanted" dross. Nietzsche wanted to conform to conventional sexual norms of the time, he was very upset by Wagner and Cosima's irregular arrangement and overjoyed when they legitimised their relationship by getting married, and thought in Salome he could both satisfy society by being married, and with a wife who wouldn't impose and would understand his desire to shut away and pursue philosophy.

I'd suggest reading her book on Nietzsche and the introduction in the English translation that goes over the history of their relationship, including excerpts from some of their letters (which have also been published separately and can be read) before mischaraterising their relationship with "true love" and "groupie" idle chitchat.

No I haven't read that novel. My interest in Nietzsche is limited to his influence on literature and art. I find him more tragic, man cast of society by the physical failing of his health that he seeks to mentally overcome by philosophical thought experiment, than compelling.

>> No.22977235

You just KNOW

>> No.22977312

So he wanted to marry her and not just spend the night? That's his mistake.
I won't read the book of this groupie regardless.
I've given her too much attention already.
She's the proof a woman can get into history just by being beside great men.

Do you doubt? What's her legacy?

>> No.22977330

harassed rilke to change his birth name as well

>> No.22977332

>We're only talking about the russian groupie because of the men she attached herself to. Or am I wrong?
Technically Nietzsche attached himself to her. Quite pathetically as well.

>> No.22977349

>Technically Nietzsche attached himself to her. Quite pathetically as well.
No. You know what I mean.
What philosophical idea she advanced?
Which nice poems she left?
Which psychological concept she introduced?
That people can have anal pleasure? C'mon.

Forgive me my ignorance, I'm here to be proved wrong.

>> No.22977359

>What philosophical idea she advanced?
She herself stated that philosophy is a mans domain, and that women, having the mechanism to produce life from themselves, don't need to compensate by producing "great works."

If you ever read any of her work you'd know this. Fuck off.

>> No.22977361

For the better thoughever.

>> No.22977404

>She herself stated that philosophy is a mans domain, and that women, having the mechanism to produce life from themselves, don't need to compensate by producing "great works."
She's a woman, she exists
thus she doesn't need to produce any great work since she has the gift of producing life.

That is, any run-of-the-mill woman is equivalent to some of the best men humanity generated.

The little detail is that Salomé didn't have any children too.


>> No.22977884

Nietzsche later remarked that when a woman has a high amount of intellectualism, it's because something is wrong with her sexually, and she will devote her powers of reason to making a great deal of importance about trivia, like sexuality, and everyone will clap bc men want to fuck her.

Nietzsche won

Her work sucks and reads like a femcel wrote all of it

>> No.22977906


>> No.22978052

> It's good to take advice from people who practiced what they preached.
> It is so because they practiced what they preached.

You stupid monkey, you stupid fucking monkey.

Anyway, Nietzsche's philosophy is practiced by most successful people without they even having read it, so you can shut the fuck up.

>> No.22978247

What you are writing is very dumb. I don't think books are for you in general. 4channel has cartoon and video game boards which would better suit your character.

>> No.22978252

No wonder everything before '82 was good and everything after that became angry and incoherent raving

>> No.22978256

>If I met a girl like her who could hold an conversation with me
I'd propose marriage twice too. I'm close to being completely mute from lack of character

>> No.22978261


>> No.22978301

He was driven out of academia and society by recurrent migraines, likely caused by a brain tumour, which prevented him from reading. In any case his poor health was the source of his anger and late philosophical project to overcome pessimissm because his life's pendulum had swung to suffering. This you would know if you read Salome.>>22977234

>> No.22978307

He hadn't met her yet when he first proposed (by proxy), and the second proposal was at their first meeting.

>> No.22978316

Explains his billions must die philosophy.

>> No.22978696


>> No.22978736
File: 19 KB, 413x395, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Unremarkable people being condescending to a 180iq man who wrote influential books on philosophy while having poor health and will probably be remembered a 1000 years into the future.
You can't make this shit up.

>> No.22978789

This, these are some of the worst threads on this board

>> No.22978805

Why are Nietzsche threads always a complete shit show here? Love the guy but it’s impossible to post about him. It’s like anons just use him as a vehicle for ideas and ideologies

>> No.22978810

> people in here actually considering Nietzsche a good philosopher instead of a brainlet who didn't understand Kant
go back to /pol/ retards

>> No.22978824

It's flustered zoomers trying to give him a wedgie. Who cares if you came inside a woman or not if your mind is such that people are still talking about its contents almost two centuries after your death. American brain envy is a cancer and a blight

Go back to whatever social media lite shithole you came from.

t. don't even like Nietzsche that much

>> No.22978827

>x is bad, because of [unrelated small issue that concers only you]
you are definitely the retard here

>> No.22978836

>Who cares if you came inside a woman or not if your mind is such that people are still talking about its contents almost two centuries after your death. American brain envy is a cancer and a blight
This. Burgerism is a disaster.

>> No.22978860

>Nietzsche was sickly, so he was cucked for believing power was important
>also please save me all-powerful volcano demon's wife's son, for am a meek and lowly sinner who hates the awful jews and trannies that have buck-broken my society and reduced me to state of enforced celibacy (for which i am indeed virtuous in following, but also bitter)
It's the same the person, isn't that wild? Nietzsche has been right about them for 200 years. The tears must flow

>> No.22979066

She got the ick

>> No.22979312

> Le mediaeval myth equals history.

>> No.22979379

Good Lord, women were truly ugly back then. There hasn't been a single photograph of a woman from the 19th or first half of the 20th century that I found attractive. Is it the lack of obvious makeup?

>> No.22979410

Nietzsche in his own autobiography
>I'm one of the most sick and decadent people ever. But I also have a strong spirit. Maybe that's why I'm so smart.
retards on /lit/:

>> No.22979557

people read meaningless shit books and have reverence for shit authors from the past. it means nothing.

>how dare you talk shit about an established person!
it's pretty easy you should try it sometime cuck.

>> No.22980311

>Is it the lack of obvious makeup
That, and I think the manjaws from tougher food and a leanier, manlier body from more physical labor and poorer nutrition. I think Elisabeth in >>22972539 is quite pretty though. Maybe people were just less shallow from not being exposed to fully grown x year old titcows created by whatever they put in the water and food supply these days.