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22970534 No.22970534 [Reply] [Original]

Authors who were fanboys for other authors?

>> No.22970541

Mishima for Oscar Wilde.
Houellebecq for Lovecraft.
Jack London for Kipling.
Baudelaire for Poe.
Borges for Stevenson.

>> No.22970546


>> No.22970550

Kafka idolized Flaubert too.

>> No.22970554

Melville for Hawthorne it was more like an unrequited boy crush

>> No.22970567

Dostoyevsky and Dickens

>> No.22970572
File: 108 KB, 1200x630, herman-melville-quote-lbd6r2k-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hawthorne was relentlessly handsome

>> No.22970587

Borges loved every single author in the history of the written word.

>> No.22970601

Not Proust, Gabriela Mistral, Tolkien...

>> No.22970639
File: 91 KB, 931x883, lord of bros... not like this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're talking about real authors here, kid.
Jokes aside, I see why Borges wouldn't like Tolkien. Authors like Borges and Eco can write erudite works and still be accessible, Tolkien is really difficult to vibe with.

>> No.22970658
File: 93 KB, 288x362, Edwin_Muir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tolkien is really difficult to vibe with.
Edwin Muir said in his review of Return of the King that he got the impression that it was written by a virgin and that upset Tolkien so much he complained to his publisher.

>> No.22970679

>DFW loved Don Dellilo. Supposedly read White Noise over ten times
>Chekov and Tolstoy both ways
>kafka and dostoy
>McCarthy and Melville

>> No.22970684

That is some virgin energy right there, no wonder virgins and virgins at heart (manchildren) like his work so much. Borges also shit-talked the baroque stylists in another interview. Even though there is not a single woman in a Borges story, you can tell he fucked a lot.

>> No.22970698

>kafka and dostoy
what is the source?

>> No.22970701

>Borges also shit-talked the baroque stylists in another interview.
Which interview? Do you have the link?

>> No.22970704

>there is not a single woman in a Borges story
Ulrica and Emma Zunz

>> No.22970709

Somewhere in the first 15 minutes, I think. I was half listening and my spanish isn't the best.

>> No.22970718

Google his name next to Gongora and read around if you cannot find it there. It is an important aspect of Borges.

>> No.22970723

He said Dostoevsky was a blood brother

>> No.22970733

Thank you very much.

>> No.22970735

>Kafka considered Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Gustav Flaubert, Nikolai Gogol, Franz Grillparzer,[38] and Heinrich von Kleist to be his "true blood brothers".[39]
that's a lot of brothers.

>> No.22970741

Writers usually have a ton of influences

>> No.22970793

Lmao I‘m fuckin dead

>> No.22970893

>DFW loved Don Dellilo. Supposedly read White Noise over ten times

>> No.22970913

He left out his biggest influence in Robert Walser.

>> No.22970968

Poe was tsundere for Longfellow. Even defended Longfellow under a pseudonym after he (Poe) criticisized one of his poems.