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22968567 No.22968567 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.22968571

The Bible.

>> No.22968574

my diary desu

>> No.22968602

The Odyssey

>> No.22968641

In my opinion, Diedrich Knickerbockers History of New York

>> No.22968670

Anabais or Plutarch’s Lives or Ovid’s Metamorphoses or Lonesome Dove or Germinal or Les Miserables or Gargantuan and Pantagruel or Cellini’s My Life or Byron’s lost diary

>> No.22968673


The Divine Comedy

>> No.22968692

>Byron’s lost diary
What's the specific name of this book? I like Byron but I can't find this book.

>> No.22968696
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>> No.22968710

Revolt Of The Masses

>> No.22968794


>> No.22968809

unironically blood meridian

>> No.22968830

So difficult to choose. I see several good recommendations in here. Uhhhhhmmmm.....for me....Fellowship of the Ring, maybe?

>> No.22968834

I love Plutarch's Lives, but I haven't read any of the rest, so you've made me interested.

>> No.22969066

What would you say to a mfer who read the first few paragraphs like five times and lost interest each time? (Ive read no country and thought it was mid)

>> No.22969086

It takes like 10-30 pages to get adjusted to a book

>> No.22969096

george floyd creepy pasta

>> No.22969194

Anything by Louis L’Amour
Shoot people in “””self defense”””, sleep in caves, throw lit cigarettes in the eyes of your enemies
The crack cocaine of westerns

>> No.22969287
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>> No.22969313

Herodotus' Histories

>> No.22969336
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All of the divine hymns from this bad boy.

This is objectively the highest kino

>> No.22969444

>pagan hymns
No thanks.

>> No.22969480
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I read As I Lay Dying over Christmas. still buzzing

>> No.22969499

The Day of the Jackal - Frederick Forsyth

>> No.22969611

I firmly believe its American Psycho

>> No.22969634

This is CORRECT.

>> No.22969646

based. it's not the greatest book of all time, but it is definitely the coolest and by far the most kino.

>> No.22969653


>> No.22969849

Journey to the End of the Night is the coolest. The Book of Disquiet is the most kino.

>> No.22969904
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>> No.22969909

This does look kino. What competencies do I need?

>> No.22969911

Unironically if you have to ask you don't have them

>> No.22969912
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Kinda cringe, we're discussing literature, not picture books.

>> No.22969916

You made the right choice. Overbaked book with nothing interesting to say.

>> No.22969956
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Depends which part you're in for. The whole thing is very technical but the Homotopy part is pretty straightforward, and Homology too at the beginning. If you're starting at 0 and you can read German, start with Jänich. Not sure if the english translation is good.

>> No.22970013

>low IQ nerd can't even (you) properly
Your brain is too smooth for the book.

>> No.22970024
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>read the Odyssey
>spend the next few days imagining myself shooting people I dislike as if they were the suitors and I am Odysseus

>> No.22970073

does anyone else find the term homeomorphism intensely stupid. people should just use the term topological isomorphism.

>> No.22970110

> Homology
> study of Homos
> by homos
> (you)

>> No.22970125

Adolf Hitler wrote a pretty cool book

>> No.22970226

A hero of our time

>> No.22970295

Was Odysseus the first mass shooter?

>> No.22971532

he was certainly the best

>> No.22971812

Strom of Steel - Jünger

>> No.22971828

Storm of Swords

>> No.22971837

Why do you refuse to read anything outside of your death cult? Scared you might realize Truth?

>> No.22971839

listen to the Richard Poe audiobook

>> No.22971853

Came here to post this,didnt even read the whole thing yet but did read inferno and just that can be the answer to OP.
The poster that says the bible is also correct but to me i feel like the bible is something more than literature

>> No.22971877

I fully expected you to say that. This board is so predictably pretentious.


>> No.22971880
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Why do people imply christianity is a death cult like its a bad thing

>> No.22971889

I'm better read than you imagine. There's no truth to be found in pagan hymns from a failed and barbarous civilization. All truth is in Christ.

>> No.22971919

We're a life cult, not a death cult. The dead are to whom I was speaking. Non-Christians who worship death and even advocate for it. Pagans worship with human sacrifice, Muslims raise their children to start war and sacrifice themselves in violent acts of murder, atheists kill their unborn children and plot the mass murder of people all over the world for their fear of over population, Buddhists divorce themselves from the world and become statues, Daoists spend their time breathing on the mountain tops, meanwhile Christians live to tell the Good News of Christ's gift of eternal life, to teach the pure and moral way of God, to encourage men and women to get married and be good spouses and parents, and to do charity for all in need. We are a life cult, and it is life and flourishing Christ brought to the world.

>> No.22971937 [DELETED] 

>barbarous civilization

>> No.22971940
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>> No.22971942
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>barbarous civilization

>> No.22971954

What you call life is actually death,death isnt a state of being but a process and we are experiencing it.

>> No.22971964

what is life?

>> No.22971971

Yes, yes, 16 year-old philosopher. As much is implied right in the beginning of Genesis. Your argument is a non-argument.

>paganists fantasy

>> No.22971995
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the stars my destination

>> No.22971999
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>> No.22972008

Life is the reward for the true believers.

>> No.22972449

That's not even a real civilization.

>> No.22972488

Way too nerdy. The characters are too ordinary and the greatest achievement of it is Joyce's autism. Not a "cool" book, even if it is kino.

>> No.22972494

Okay thanks bro

>> No.22972513
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Moby Dick

It has philosophy, cetology, comedy, and a kino ending.

>> No.22972613


>> No.22972633

It's the original 12 episode action show

>> No.22972698

Can you write a bit about it to recommend it?

>> No.22973677

This might just be the true winner.

>> No.22974172

Pretty cool one.
I really like James Salter's The Hunters.

>> No.22974192


>> No.22974275
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My vote goes to Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and Trainspotting
Both cool and fast paced reads, and both have excellent kinos made from the literature.

>> No.22974627


>> No.22974633

Kill yourself, you attention-seeking faggot

>> No.22974677

My ninth grade english teacher went on a rant about how nothing happens in moby dick, so i never read it. Did he get filtered?

>> No.22974798

The count of monte cristo (abridged)

>> No.22974988
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>> No.22975022

Life is when you shun vigorous things the less vigorous you are the more alive you are

>> No.22975027

lol what a retard
(i'm referring both to you and the teacher)