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22966951 No.22966951 [Reply] [Original]

What I'm in for?

>> No.22967023

Boring. Read Humus by Raul Brandão instead.

>> No.22967036

translate it for me shitter

>> No.22967040

seething third-world brainlet egoist detected

>> No.22967085
File: 147 KB, 800x1224, zélda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this instead

>> No.22967689

Nietzsche if he was a good poet and somewhat less of an incel

>> No.22967694

Lmao these pretentious ass penguin covers

>> No.22967700

It’s like dreaming

>> No.22967870

me on the left

>> No.22967873


>> No.22967881

I've only read a few pages and I believe it's fair to classify that book as a big nothing.

>> No.22969000

Solipsism: the book.

It’s my all-time favorite, but I still have to read this translation.