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22965783 No.22965783 [Reply] [Original]

Sanderson is so aggressively mid tier. Every single one of his books, especially the series is overlong, and suffers from horrible pacing where nothing of importance happens until the final 10% of his books.
The highest any stormloght gets is a 6/10, with the 2nd and 4th being incredibly bad because he doesn't realize that you have to make each book in a series be able to stand up on its own.
His most enjoyable reads therefore, are his standalone books like elantris and warbreaker, although I'm sure the sequels to those will suck just as much.

>> No.22966505

He writes kino.

>> No.22966516

Go away.

>> No.22966573

I fucking hate him so much it's unreal

>> No.22966846

Yep. I have read his 3 works (Mistborn 1 and Archives 1-2) and I'm done.

>> No.22966866

I like his books. They are fun to read.
They might not have deeper meaning or anything like that, they are just for entertainment like soap operas or Game of Thrones.

>> No.22967836

My friend is loving every book he writes so I decided to buy a book that started of a series: Mistborn, and it was really bad.

It was when the thief and the mage pulled out a whiteboard and started drawing a flow chart of how to conquer the fantasy kingdom that I realized, wait, I'm just reading some sad bastard's D&D campaign.

>> No.22967872

Again? Bro, the consensus here is that Sanderson is just fast food style book, it's fun to read, but don't expect some high tier artistic book, even the dude himself said that he doesn't have the neck for high tier form of literature, he just like to writing fantasy slop for shit and giggles.

>> No.22967879

he's fat and resembles a younger GRRM