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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 145 KB, 1010x1600, lightning mage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22965678 No.22965678 [Reply] [Original]

Lightning Magic Edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous: >>22953722

>> No.22965687

first for zyzz

>> No.22965732
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say the words

>> No.22965771
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>> No.22965784

I will protect those I hate. Even if the one I hate most is myself.

>> No.22965828
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Ugh.. shitty roastie

>> No.22965847

Is there any decent cyberpunk out there apart from the stuff by Gibson, Dick and (arguably) Stephenson? It seems like such a beloved genre yet the number of books actually worth reading are pretty slim.

>> No.22965858
File: 515 KB, 808x804, Cnaiur_urs_Skiotha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn Cnaiür is a fucking Chad

>> No.22965865

try Rifters

>> No.22965917

Depends on how you define it and the length you want. Worth reading is also entirely subjective. I've read various ones and also wrote about the Big Book of Cyberpunk which has 108 stories. There are various other anthologies and collections as well.

>> No.22965922

Altered Carbon

"The Stars My Destination" as proto-cyberpunk.

>> No.22965966
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A girl recommended this book to me (shocking I know) and it's not necessarily bad, but why do all women tend to write like this? Write like they are talking at you, having a conversation with you? I guess it's more of a gen x thing. I dislike chuck palahniuk sitting at a bar shooting the shit style. Noticed that with Blindsight too even though I thought the story wasn't bad. Can women/gen x not write beautiful prose? Is it because they have no beauty in their life? No Faith? Constantly cynical and ironic? I guess I have read to much Dunsany and Clark ashton smith, and had it to good. We're never going back are we?

>> No.22965979

Why are you taking about Gen X? Atwood was born in 1939. That makes her part of the Silent Generation. That's even before Boomers.

>> No.22966000

If you want happy fantasy, then stick to trash like sanderson and jordan
If you want a world that's blacker than pitch then read bakker
>Cnaiür screamed. “Show me your mighty warriors!” His limbs fevered by all-conquering hatred, he cut them down, weak and strong alike, fighting like one mad with heartbreak, hacking shields until arms were broken, pounding figures until they stumbled and spouted plumes of blood. The advancing ranks engulfed them, but still Cnaiür and his Utemot killed and killed, until the turf beneath their feet became bloody muck, treacherous with corpses. The Nansur relented, scrambled back several paces, gaping at the Utemot chieftain. Sheathing his broadsword, Cnaiür vaulted the bodies heaped before him. He caught a wounded straggler by the throat, crushed his windpipe. Roaring, he heaved the thrashing man above his head. “I am the reaver!” he cried. “The measure of all men!” He sent the body crashing at their feet. “Is there no cock among you?” He spat, then laughed at their astonished silence. “All cunts, then.” He shook the blood from his mane, raised his broadsword anew.
The greatest fantasy writer since tolkien
>And he thought of Proyas. On the worst nights he hugged himself in the blackness of his tent, screaming and sobbing. He beat the earth with his fists, stabbed holes with his knife, then fucked them. He cursed the world. He cursed the heavens. He cursed Anasûrimbor Moënghus and his monstrous son. He thought, So be it. On the best nights he made no camp at all, but instead rode to the nearest Shigeki village, where he would kick in doors and glory in screams. On a whim, he avoided those doors marked with what he imagined was lamb’s blood. But when he found all the doors so marked, he ceased to discriminate. “Murder me!” he would roar at them. “Murder me and it stops!” Bawling men. Shrieking girls and silent women. He would take what compensation he could.

>> No.22966016

>IP count doesn't increase
It would be humorous if someone encountered bakkerfag irl haha

>> No.22966017

gen x adopted a feminine writing technique then

>> No.22966026

First time back here in years. Looks pretty dead. Guess Bakker posting must have finally destroyed the general, huh? /sffg/ was only ever okay at best anyway. Good riddance I suppose.

>> No.22966078

The thread is barely 2 hours old you knob

>> No.22966085

this is the first time ive seen the map of joeworld, is this official?

>> No.22966104

Nigga you might be dain bramaged. Blindsight with its techno-autism is the least female writing I can imagine.

>> No.22966128

it's less bakker posting and more the current wave of spergs who get really aggressive at anyone who tries to talk about stuff they haven't read.
I just don't see a reason to even leave book reviews in here at the moment

>> No.22966196

Synners, pat cardigan.
Richard K Morgan, his work is great. Check out thin air.

>> No.22966204

The Fortunate Fall by Raphael Carter
I've heard Otherland by Tad Williams described as "the final boss of cyberpunk" but I haven't read it yet

>> No.22966217


>> No.22966267

>Richard K Morgan, his work is great.
lol no.

>> No.22966277

I'm still on book one but yeah it's not bad. So far my fav character is Cnaiür.
Kellhus... idk it seems he has no heart. Kind of hard to like.
Akka is a soppy emo. I hope he gets his shit together.
I also like Conphas. I wish he had more screen time desu

>> No.22966421
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>science fiction and fantasy
So since atheists rely on science so much therefore Richard Dawkins and the other four horsemen

>> No.22966430

In English, doc.

>> No.22966432

Atheism is a joke

>> No.22966435

>all the faggy relationship drama inter-spliced
>not feminine

>> No.22966437


>> No.22966446
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>Akka is a soppy emo. I hope he gets his shit together.
oh baby

>> No.22966513

>relationship drama
you mean Siri realizing he's literally schizoid and unable to have interpersonal connections with another real human?

>> No.22966682

Look at the lower left corner of the map.
He's fine various maps.

>> No.22966697

read the Battle Angel Alita and Akira manga

>> No.22966707

>dude what if conan was emo and gay

>> No.22966730

I wonder what it would be like if Kelhus wasnt revealed from the beginning to be Dunyain.

>> No.22966741

I guess he would come off as anime-tier mystery stranger who is good at everything. Knowing what he is from the start mitigates this.

>> No.22966753

If theyre so secretive why let TWO people out into the world?

>> No.22966779
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Pic related is bakkerfag irl, he tries to pretend it's not him but everyone knows that's him, literally an irl basedchud , that's everything he is, a retard obsessed with an unfinished fantasy series and he will never be more than that, that's why he makes low Quality posts everyday non-stop pretending he's "Chad" or """based"". That's the reason he loves bakker's sophomore-tier nihilism of "dude nothing matters" because HIS Life is painful and disappointing and useless, he lives in a world of hopelessness because of his autism and mental illness, he is as pathetic, near-sighted and miserable as the characters bakker writes about.
Now watch how he replies calling me a tranny or a Sanderson fan because he actually CAN'T refute anything i wrote
Truth Shines.

>> No.22966874

That is me. But the rest is you projecting your own perceived inadequacies onto me.
You dont know me, but you know yourself and you believe, you hope, that one of your projections will hit a nerve. The "spray and pray" tactic. A full-blown projection shotgun.
You still missed.

>> No.22966879
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Is there any good progression story (fantasy or sci-fi) that doesn't:
>Spend more then 150 chapters in the academy
>Spend more then 150 chapters in the tutorial
>Spend more the 150 chapters below level 50
>Have an MC who isn't a mouth breathing OP retard

>> No.22966889

Give me a book one of you fags wrote. I bet it's filled with the same generic fantasy tropes you fags all claim to hate

>> No.22966894
File: 147 KB, 800x1224, zélda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wrote some zelda erotica

>> No.22966900

Tread Lightly on Royal Road fits those requirements I think

>> No.22966904

progress into a busy highway tbqh

>> No.22966919


>> No.22966921

Is there a fantasy novel that mixes egyptian mythology with cyberpunk aesthetics?

>> No.22966931
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>reverend insanity but egyptian and cyberpunk

>> No.22966939

Sorry i didn't take my meds today

>> No.22966946
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Thanks, have not gotten into westerns in long while.
>Should i play Red Dead Redemption 2 first?

>> No.22966948
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>> No.22966962

There's a comic by Enki Bilal called Gods in Chaos. And also a hilariously bad movie adaption of that comic.

>> No.22967034

Anything simmilar to china mieville's bas lag trilogy?

>> No.22967145

Get out of your room, anon. Stop transposing or rotating or interpolating or whatever it is you do. Just read. For once in your goddamned life, understand something.

>> No.22967219

thanks for the excerpts; they are shit

i imagine this is the kind of prose wwe fans would enjoy

>> No.22967238

That's basically how Moorcock created Elric.
>What if Conan.... but the opposite?

>> No.22967250

Was Moorcock the original subversive midwit fantasy writer?

>> No.22967274

He was. All LE SUBVERSIVE grimderp can be traced back to him.

>> No.22967369

Any Sci-Fi books (or maybe movies) that take this to the extreme?
Doesnt need to be ships in storms, but generally the feeling of "man and machine against the pure, unadulterated violence of the elements". Could be something like a space ship on a gas giant with all the insane storms.
Sunshine comes to mind, of course, as well as some aspects of Dune.

>> No.22967376
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>my face when I drop my book and lose my page

>> No.22967504

It seems everyone is desensitized to the concept of hell. Is Bakker the only modern author to depict hell with the absolute horror it deserves?

>> No.22967516
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>Book starts getting good
>*Mom walks in* "what are you reading, son?"

>> No.22967526
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>> No.22967550

>try reading bakker
>few chapters in
>main character is a faggot

>> No.22967595

That never comes up again btw. Achamian is straight.

>> No.22967617

>main character was only a faggot in the past
you can keep your gay book, I already deleted it, I'm not spending 15 minutes to pirate it again

>> No.22967631

You never read it

>> No.22967643

I read enough to find out that the main character is a faggot

>> No.22967714

Fuuuuucking post it

>> No.22967809

I thought Between Two Fires did a good job

also, Iain M. Banks has a "virtual hell" B-plot in Surface Detail that I thought was excellent

>> No.22967818
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You've read everything on this list, right?

>> No.22967851

Around 0% of this is relevant to the contemporary D&D meta.

>> No.22967864

what stuff is relevant these days?

>> No.22967934

Baldur's Gate III, Critical Role, Honor Among Thieves. Anything /lit/ related is minimal.

>> No.22967941

i don't read pulpshit from the 80s

>> No.22967948
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>i don't read pulpshit from the 80s

>> No.22967956


>> No.22967985

I really like the depiction of hell in God's Demon. It's appropriately nightmarish, and the demon characters have a warped sense of honor or chivalry that makes them relatable without softening their edge too much.

>> No.22967989

Why are you even here then? To promote the far worse chink/harem/ai shit?

>> No.22968002
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>the only genre fiction that exists is 20th century pulpshit and selfpub litrpg garbage
the absolute state of this general

>> No.22968005

epic rebuttal

>> No.22968010

believe it or not there's a lot of good science fiction and fantasy from the last 20 years and none of it is chinkshit litrpg slop or anything even remotely related to it

>> No.22968017

could you give me some reccomendations, please

>> No.22968019

list some then. holy fuck

>> No.22968021
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no hehe

>> No.22968023

no shit
you could have posted like this from the beginning and been taken seriously

>> No.22968026
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thoughts on the dragonlance series

>> No.22968027

die slow

>> No.22968028
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didnt think so, poser

>> No.22968059
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>MFW i take your advice

>> No.22968073

>good science fiction and fantasy from the last 20 years

>> No.22968076

Well, I guess I will not believe it

>> No.22968081

Peak d&d kino

>> No.22968103
File: 264 KB, 1200x1529, the american tolkien.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hard was the word men used when they spoke of Stannis, and hard he was."
>"Yes, I should have come sooner. If not for my Hand, I might not have come at all."
>"I am your man, Your Grace. So it is your tongue, to do with as you please."
>"From the south," said Robb. "But if we can attack from the north and west simultaneously, and take the ironmen in the rear while they are beating off what they think is my main thrust up the causeway, then we have a chance."
>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew, and her thirst sent her crawling to the stream to suck up more water.
>And suddenly his cock was out, jutting upward from his breeches like a fat pink mast.
>She was sopping wet when he entered her. “Damn you,” she said. “Damn you damn you damn you.” He sucked her nipples till she cried out half in pain and half in pleasure. Her cunt became the world.
>Rain lashed at his face, blinding him. His mouth was full of blood again. The ship groaned and growled beneath him like a constipated fat man straining to shit.
>Ser Alliser Thorne walked from the room so stiffly it looked as though he had a dagger up his butt.
>The three men were erect. The sight of their arousal was arousing.
>"Men call me Darkstar, and I am of the night."
>"Ten thousand of your children perished in my palm, Your Grace. Whilst you snored, I would lick your sons of my face and fingers one by one, al those pale sticky princes. You claimed your rights, my lord, but in the darkness I would eat your heirs."
>Tyrion reflected on the men who had been Hand before him, who had proved no match for his sister’s wiles. How could they be? Men like that... too honest to live, too noble to shit, Cersei devours such fools every morning when she breaks her fast.
>Her loins ached from the urgency of his love making. It was a good ache.
>It was pink and hard and when he sucked on it, her milk filled his mouth, mingling with the taste of rum, and he had never tasted anything so fine and sweet and good.
>The rain stopped and started again and stopped once more and started, but they had good cloaks to keep the water off.
>“Had there ever been a woman with nipples so large, so brown, or so responsive?"

>> No.22968112

>that padawan braid
fucking kek, what a fag

>> No.22968116

at least he's memorable, fantasy writers are so dull and sanitized now

>> No.22968124

samefag pls go and stay go

>> No.22968125

to save the rest of you 30 seconds, this faggot doesn't get hit by a car or fall over

>> No.22968150

cope lil bakker boy

>> No.22968177
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Something like Cradle but with less of a wet blanket MC

>> No.22968183

bakker is as shit as grrm, newfag

>> No.22968223

not as shit as you, you loser

>> No.22968224

good progression (not that there is much) doesn't tend to use explicit levels

>> No.22968242


>> No.22968245
File: 471 KB, 762x1137, appendix-e[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5e has its own appendix which is still better than half of the charts this thread produces desu

>> No.22968252

the depth of insult creativity, as expected from a normalfag

>> No.22968257

you retort like you take it up the ass

>> No.22968277

How can anyone reccomend these writers in good faith, it's scandalous

>> No.22968288

Salvatore's way more objectionable but I guess they have the excuse that he's an inhouse writer

>> No.22968310

A hack being a hack is a given

>> No.22968315

>N.K. Jemisin


>> No.22968359

>this mad about being called out on your shitty writing.
I get that wasting your readers time is your business model but the least you could do is not do it in the general as well.
>We already have bakker fag for that.

>> No.22968416
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>> No.22968458

I have a 6th senes of finding where i left off pretty easily
I am reading Goldenhand by Garth Nix. It is very good. Enjoying the whole Old Kingdom series of books as they are comfy and have good characters

>> No.22968744

>have had ideas for a fantasy story for years
>sit down to finally write it
>realize my setting isn't all that fantastical at all
Is this a genuine critique I can expect to face? Does it bother you to read fantasy or sci-fi and see a setting or world that's already familiar to our own? I've read a lot of history and theology throughout school so those are where a majority of my inspiration comes from.

>> No.22968750
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maybe this is why GRRM can't finish ASOIAF

>> No.22968779

Read Genius Warlock

>> No.22968798

Somewhat related, is any of the other stuff besides LOTM by Cuttflefish worth reading?

>> No.22968909

He's good tho? Elfstones of shannara and Legacy of shannara are based

>> No.22969013

Elf tiddies

>> No.22969088

name fifteen examples outside of eragon

>> No.22969142

tolkien clone

>> No.22969166

thoughts on the live action MTV/hot topic version?

>> No.22969224

unwatchably bad

>> No.22969412
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Picked this up from the Street library. Good pick?

>> No.22969478
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but anons...both of their translations are terribad and i'm sure as shit not learning another language just for entertainment...thats like work or something...

>> No.22969484

im enjoying black company alot (on Dreams of Steel), any books like it? Im trying to read books with romance strewn throughout but it doesnt need to focus on it.

>> No.22969561

>"I plan to live centuries," Egwene hissed. "I will watch your empire crumble, Fortuona. I will watch it with joy."
and then she turned herself into a crystal, funniest thing I've ever seen

>> No.22969595

I finally started reading Elric and the writing is so oddly uneven, it's almost like you can see Moorcock learning about longer sentences and descriptive passages in real time. Is he always like this? As an aside, the funniest part was Elric getting pissed off at Yyrkoon, having emo thoughts and then wishing Yyrkoon had never been born at all.

>> No.22969818

Asher is really well regarded by people into slightly harder scifi space opera, personally I didn't get on with him the first time I tried his writing but not to the point where I'd rule out going back to him or anything.

>> No.22969862
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Just read the 4th chapter (Kellhus raping Proyas), what the fuck is happening??? Is Kellhus possessed? I feel like whenever he refers to himself as the Place indicates that he's possessed, but by what? Why is he mind-fucking Proyas, is he trying to get him to abandon his faith in the Gods so that Kellhus might now war against them? Why the rape, to further break him?

>> No.22969864

SPOILER yes he's possessed

to abandon his faith in the Godsclose, more like himself

why the rape quickest and easiest method, Proyas is so deluded at this point that kellhus could like chop a babies head off for fun and proyas woul think its a good thing

>> No.22969868

prince of thorns

>> No.22969870

Shoot, didn't mean to put spoilers in the first sentence... Also, what the fuck is up with the head on the pole behind him, what's that all about?? Is this connected to Kellhus' journey to the Outside, did he stick a head on a pole as some kind of anchor point in order to have a way back? That passage in 1st chapter briefly describes his trip, doesn't it?
>The living shall not haunt the dead
Is that the Gods telling him to fuck off?

>> No.22969917

>the head on the pole behind him

unclear, but its kino

>> No.22969975


>> No.22969983
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what compels this madness?

>> No.22969990

>posting on phone and other device to mislead

>> No.22969996

The fuck, is this just smut for fags?

>> No.22970003
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>unclear, but its kino
Pretty much sums up Bakker tbqhwy

>> No.22970019

Jesus christ Bakker why do you have to write such hateable women

>> No.22970026

>other shitposters get uppity
>treat them like bakkerfag
>they get real quiet and mind their manners

>> No.22970033

I hate women so goddamn much, fucking whores

>> No.22970040
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>> No.22970047

he writes them realistically

>> No.22970068
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i honestly find most women characters enjoyable outside of braindead harem sloots. Well that and modern feMC characters. They seem to be this weird mix of thoughtless whimsy while suffering no discernible consequences to their actions inside their mind boggling vacuum. Honestly they are worse then moe anime characters.

>> No.22970077

It's wonderful to think about. And play. I guess. If you have that left brain capacity to imagine creatively while playing. So many secrets. I guess a clue would be don't forget the glitches. And that's all you're getting.

>> No.22970086

It's probably a different Starfield as well. I heard I did avowed. It's probably a different boy and the heron. The art book of Starfield is important to conditioning me the rules of a left brain with a right coming up and other like that to be able to spasm this blood sacrifice result into an action.

>> No.22970160
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/SFFG/ Recommendations:

Read Reverend Insanity, Lord of The Mysteries, Neuromancer, Hyperion, The Prince of Nothing

Also read The Wandering Inn, Between Two Fires, Mother of Learning, Cradle, I Shall Seal the Heavens, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Poppy War.

>> No.22970166
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/SFFG/ Recommendations: LITRPG Edition

Read Azarinth Healer, Primal Hunter, He Who Fights with Monsters, Dungeon Crawler Carl

Also read System Universe, Dissonance, Defiance of the Fall, Iron Prince.

>> No.22970170 [DELETED] 
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>Reverend Insanity = Literally about an a-moral bugman killing/consooming/cultivating
>Lord of The Mysteries = Hard to into asian steampunk with potion based class acquisition, achievement and crafting progression with un-lockable magical items and sekret tarot organizations because it wasn't already confusing enough.
>Neuromancer = Decent cyberspunk i'm putting together a team novel
>Hyperion = Interplanetary high tech trooning
>The Prince of Nothing = Bakker is for fags and fags are for Bakker.
>The Wandering Inn = Stay at home moms power fantasy with a main character whos most prominent power is complaining while being a pacifist.
>Between Two Fires = Heaven Vs hell but in medieval FRANCE!
>Mother of Learning = Time loop and like all of the subgenre goes literally nowhere over and over again, has a decent magic system that some find mediocre and a main characters sister that is annoying as fuck.
>Cradle = Every second novel is a dud in the series with a birdbath of a main character. Only decent thing is the fights that get stale real quick because it does not take long to realize they are all ill conceived magical games of uno.
>I Shall Seal the Heavens = Proto xianxia at its worst, MC gets kidnapped into strong but lowly down on its luck sect. Queue haughty young masters, saving face and swilling ginseng infused tiger penis soup by the gallon.
>A Song of Ice and Fire = Fantastical medieval degeneracy where the characters who should live die and the characters who should die live. Also author is too busy getting fat and old to finish the series.
>The Poppy War = Fem-C gets accepted to 20th century china-esque martial academy and gets looked down upon while struggling to overcome amidst pseudo researched equally vintage china political bullshit.

>> No.22970172

Bros, I want to read Elric but there's like 50 different stories and hundreds of editions. What is the best one to get?

>> No.22970175 [DELETED] 
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>Azarinth Healer = Starts good but fizzles hard midway. Author also makes the main character a low key lesbian because they clearly have no idea what to do with their love life.
>Primal Hunter = MC+background is so impossibly nonsensical that he's not even cannon in his own setting.
>He Who Fights with Monsters = every character that isnt the MC is just there to be amazed at how smart Jason is while he tells them shit they already know before reminding them (incorrectly i might add) that 'Oh you have no idea".
>Dungeon Crawler Carl = The MC's sidekick (A cat named 'Princess Donut') is so much smarter than Carl (the MC) that every scene the two are in is eye-gougingly painful. This would not be so much of a problem if such scenes did not constitute the majority of the series.
>System Universe = After the initial premise is established it turns into how to pander to followers at a snails pace AKA; 'Filler McFiller Face - The Excessively Extended Sleep Inducing Saga'.
>Dissonance = MC gets god fucked more then once as he goes about becoming a man/bear/goat/pig/axolotl hybrid who also has many super sekret identities.
>Defiance of the Fall = Brain dead MC with very-much-just-barely opposed kingdom building with a wafer thin cultivation system
>Iron Prince = edgy school setting with even edgier MC who has lightning powers and no discernible challenges what so ever.

>> No.22970199
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>> No.22970213

this is the worst forced post in the thread, clearly hasn't read the books, isn't funny and it's ai avatarfagging

>> No.22970261

i NEED books with dominant women in them

>> No.22970282
File: 70 KB, 491x547, Swordoftruth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sword of truth

>> No.22970292

>>"Ten thousand of your children perished in my palm, Your Grace. Whilst you snored, I would lick your sons of my face and fingers one by one, al those pale sticky princes. You claimed your rights, my lord, but in the darkness I would eat your heirs."
Imagine gloating that you ate a man's cum as if it was some great act of defiance you owned him with.
Book 4 cersei is an actual retard

>"Men call me Darkstar, and I am of the night."
this one is cringe kino

>> No.22970393
File: 45 KB, 310x500, 9780553345926-us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disappointing month so far
4 km run
Roughly 170 pages read
All in 20 days

>> No.22970417

I do 1.5 km 4-5 times a week. 4 km is just too long and pointless.

>> No.22970457

Chronicles of the Last Emperor of Melnibone is the best collection because they have all the stories in written/published order. Anons and Moorcock himself will lie to you and say the Elric "saga" is meant to be read chronologically, but that is a lie. That is nonsense Moorcock himself came up with later. Also the quality of the stories drop off significantly after the 60s. I would only recommend reading them chronologically if you're a retard like most anons and can't tell the difference between a well written story and a poorly written one.

>> No.22970531

Brother post a picture of yourself.
You've done 8.5 pages a day.
You've done 0.2km a day.
That's 0.12 miles a day.
That's 633.6 feet a day.
That's walking across the short side of an American football field 4 times.
That's 253 steps a day.

I've never seen someone even type something so worthless and terrible in my life.

I'd call you a walking joke but you don't do any fucking walking doing 253 steps a day.

You are a tree, you've got roots. You are a mistake.

He has done 4km over the last 20 fucking days man.

>> No.22970616

Oh that's terrible.

>> No.22970674

Is it out there? The only one close to it that got recommended to me was Overlord, but still there's a lot of humor in it.

>> No.22970693

>Chengdu Worldcon Releases 2023 Hugo Nomination Statistics
Circumstantial evidence suggests ballot stuffing. Various authors were made ineligible without explanation.

>> No.22970695
File: 407 KB, 1000x1364, Stanisław_Lem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's /sffg/ consensus on him?

>> No.22970737

bretty funny and interesting stories

>> No.22970745
File: 26 KB, 500x402, 1ce99y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Walks to shop to buy coke and chips.

Yes I did my walking today why do you ask

>> No.22970754

I have given up all hope of the fat fuck finishing GOT.

What are some good COMPLETE alternatives for me to jump ship to?

>> No.22970769

realm of the elderlings

>> No.22970770

You seem to know what you're talking about. How are his Corum stories?

>> No.22970787

Never read them since I'm not actually a big fan of Moorcock kek
But they are generally considered to be just as good, if not better, than his Elric stories. The original Corum stories anyways.

>> No.22970790

>>>Robin Hobb
he said Good

>> No.22970811

liveship traders

>> No.22970827
File: 7 KB, 250x241, 1703708144424990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any actual good fantasy series apart from LOTR?
>inb4 GRRM, JKRowling, Brando Sando, Robert Jordan, Bakker, Joe Abercrombie

I'm not feeling any of them anons. Kinda sad desu

>> No.22970840

It's not a series, but read The Broken Sword by Poul Anderson. There's two versions; the original and the revised so it's up to you to decide which version you want to read.

>> No.22970844

it's not worth engaging with posters like that, they're just trying to justify not reading

>> No.22970861

Thanks anon, I'll check it out.
I have read them all you faggot, except maybe Abercrombie. I gave up on the 3rd or 4th chapter of The blade itself.

>> No.22970898

thanks ill check it out

>> No.22970955

What are you looking for and why didn't you like those?

>> No.22971170

only the first book and it's completely skippable since the sequel happens like a 100 years after the events of the SoS, that's why most fans say that elfstones is the best palce to start

>> No.22971182


>> No.22971368

crippling self-doubt is a common feature in writers, both aspiring and successful

write the story that you'd want to read

>> No.22971384


>> No.22971406

yeah he was 19 years old when he wrote the first few elric stories
the writing is clumsy at best in some of the stories but the ideas which were revolutionary at the time shine through

>> No.22971417

First two "The Witcher" books.

David Gemmel's books about Waylander and Druss

Guy Gavriel Kay/Tad Williams

Salvatore's Dark Elf trilogy

>> No.22971449
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Please cite the part where the information is factually incorrect and it will be changed?

>> No.22971596

stay on /a/ if you want your wholesemorino waifus

>> No.22971651
File: 495 KB, 967x1280, 96963370-8706-4908-A80F-AA21623BDAFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What should I pick up bros

>> No.22971670

So much garbage.

>> No.22971739

>walk to the store
>buy some chicken skewers
>go to the other store
>buy a monster
>sip it while reading reverend insanity
yes my life is kino

>> No.22971891

Who us the Jules Verne our time,?

>> No.22971931
File: 39 KB, 312x216, disgusted sad sighing manga girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Way of Choices is basically set in LOTR setting but with Chinese Gondor.
>Takes 750 chapters before the series shows its first battle against the orcs, a few chapters after Sauron was killed by his youngest son off screen

>> No.22971960

No one ever came close to Verne, not before him, not after him, not in or time.

>> No.22972073

Meh. He just happened to be one of the firsts, this is like saying Plato was the best philosopher.

>> No.22972150

Then who got closest to him?

>> No.22972151
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ya broken sword or any Sword and sorcerery will help you. And or try David Gemmell starting with Legend. Then Jack Vances the Dying Earth

>> No.22972174


>> No.22972251

(you) should not have done that.

>> No.22972499

see >>22970282

>> No.22972566

I’ll second Kay. I really liked Lions of Al-Rassan and Sarentine Mosiac. Great prose too.

>> No.22972597
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For me it's Sword & Sorcery.

>> No.22972731

that's less than 20 minutes

>> No.22972759

I feel like a lot of Zelazny short stories are kind of like this. The Doors of His Face, The Lamps of His Mouth being Moby Dick on Venus, This Mortal Mountain about climbing the highest mountain in the universe, and I don't remember the names of others, but I remember one of the others being about a cataclysmic storm and there was one about some alien creature like forced to take care of a resort in some harsh winter or something like that.

>> No.22972783
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>roastie lesbian tranny lover author
>lgbt mc
Apologies for the shitreads screenshot

>> No.22972853
File: 3.33 MB, 2000x2000, 2728431_bodarim_nasty-pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I sit down and actually fucking write without the eternal distractions offered by instant rewards vidya and web browsing

>> No.22972856
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Why is fantasy like this?

>> No.22972858

Coffee shop, café, library, university campus, university class, outside in general. Because let's be real if you had any self control you would not ask that question. So go outside, and turn your phone off.

>> No.22972869

Maybe read books instead of playing video games.

>uninterrupted work
>in a cafe, coffee shop, library, university campus, university class

>> No.22972877

text to speech and completely eradicate your mental filter

>> No.22972881

speech to text rather

>> No.22972882

You're just making up an additional criteria, but okay. Tuning out ambient noise/movement is extremely simple, just concentrate on the task at hand. Baring that, noise cancelling headphones and face a wall.

>> No.22972885

>text to speech

>> No.22972891
File: 211 KB, 426x650, uk-orig-the-heroes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know if there are novels or series similar to Calder's storyline in The Heroes? I really enjoyed the POV of a cowardly prince that would do anything to save his own skin but also makes him relatable and sympathetic, so I think I'd enjoy a full exploration of that. It doesn't even have to necessarily be fantasy but whatever works

>> No.22972895

I'd like to start Otherland some day. I've enjoyed every Tad book I've read but Otherland is a whole other mammoth to tackle.

>> No.22972898

Is this true?

>> No.22972905

What additional criteria did I make up?

>> No.22972920

You never mentioned anything about not going outside or in a public space in your post. On top of that you're making up issues in your head, who the fuck is going to interrupt you in a library?

>> No.22972929

Memory, Sorrow and Thorn by Tad Williams.

The 13 1/2 Lives of Captain Bluebear by Walter Moers

A lot of people die by the Gormengast series but I haven't read it

>> No.22972936

I do not state the obvious for obvious reasons.
Outside or a public space by definition is not a quiet, distraction free space suitable for work.

>who the fuck is going to interrupt you in a library?
niggers, zoomers etc

>> No.22972940

block 4chan for one thing

>> No.22972946

You're embarrassing yourself. Let's just admit you don't actually want to write/care about writing and move on.

>> No.22972968

Just read the two books from the King Killer chronicles by Pat Rothfuss not realizing the motherfucker hasnt finished the story even after 10 years. Are there any series with similar amounts of world building or series with a unique maguc system in them?

>> No.22972981


>> No.22972984

>the motherfucker hasnt finished the story even after 10 years
Haha yeah imagine that

>> No.22972996

>you fell for the Rothfuss meme.
Recommendations off the top of my head;
Mistborn (not finished).
Stormlight archives (not finished and you shoul only read the first two books)
Wizard of Earth Sea
Codex Alera


>> No.22973071

The year after next, 2026, will be 30 years since Game of Thrones was published.

>> No.22973090

The year after next, 2026, will be 20 years since The Final Empire was published.

>> No.22973123

The year after next, 2026, will be 10 years since Unsouled was published.

>> No.22973136


>> No.22973220
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noticeable decline in quality desu

>> No.22973366
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Any novels with cenobite-like entities?

>> No.22973381

I never said I did. All I said was that coffee shop, cafe, libraries, university campus and university class are not the right places for uninterrupted work.

>> No.22973388

Am i missing something, is there a reason you cannot write at home/dorm?

>> No.22973391

See >>22972853

>> No.22973393

Fratboys fucking each other. Not even kidding. No women involved

>> No.22973402

you could try having someone disable your internet connection and change the router password so you can't switch it back on. would have to confiscate your phones also ofc.

>> No.22973403

That's fucking retarded. It's like saying offices aren't meant for work. You're the biggest autist the world has ever seen, or you're being massively dishonest. Saying coffee shops aren't meant for work is acceptable (still autistic desu) but universities and libraries literally have dedicated work rooms most of the time. I have written during uni classes, outside in public, during my shifts as an hotel barman, and there's really nothing special about my ability to concentrate.

Nobody is going to interrupt you in a library. When was the last time you even went in a library? My guess is never since you seem to believe it's a place where zoomers hang out playing loud rap music.

>> No.22973404

sorry responded to the wrong guy

>> No.22973410
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o i c, i write in my bedroom on a separate laptop that is purposefully cut off from the internet. The information superhighway is cursed and chock full of clickbait dopamine dispensaries. If you want to create stop dividing your attention and find a library with a reading corner or some shit and set up a temporary pillow fort.

>> No.22973412

Loli ASMR works for me. Just make sure it's a video you've already listened to at least 15 times.

>> No.22973453

10 years ago. It was full of n******* and even homeless people, soon after that it closed down.

>> No.22973461

What in the flyover ghetto...Why do you care about writing when you live in a complete shithole of a town? Anyway, people who want to write find a way to write and don't get petty bullshit distract them. If you don't have that drive I don't see why you should try to force it.

>> No.22973511

>Why do you care about writing
I don't.

>> No.22973528

Huh huh sure.

>> No.22973538
File: 230 KB, 1545x2560, baby-dont-hurt-me-mike-ohearn-funny-meme-gym_1684551699-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga reminds me of Kellhus

>> No.22973576

James Clear: Atomic Habits. Especially the parts about Habit Implementations, Habit Stacking, and Habit Tracking.

>> No.22973615

Really, that was another anon who posted the initial question, I only said that coffee shops etc are not the right place for work

>> No.22973634

>I really enjoyed the POV of a cowardly prince that would do anything to save his own skin but also makes him relatable and sympathetic,
One of the POVs of the sequel trilogy, The Age of Madness, is Prince Orso, the dissolute son of the King Jezal, his chapters strike a similar tone. The trilogy itself is pretty meh, but his chapters are one of its saving graces

>> No.22973638

A wind had dropped into the silence, and the scent of the onlookers filled his nostrils: the bitter of rotting teeth, the ink of armpits, the honey of unwashed anuses, all shot through with strands of balsam, orange, and jasmine. And for a moment it seemed he stood within a great circle of apes, hunched and unwashed, watching him with dark and dumbfounded eyes.

>> No.22973644
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Is Redwall "good"? I only know that it's children's medieval fantasy with mice instead of men and that the cover art is really prettily drawn

>> No.22973647

I think it's universally beloved but that might just be nostalgia talking. I didn't read it, I was a Robin Jarvis kid

>> No.22973656

>I don't have the motivation to finish ASOIAF and likely never will given my age
Simple as, George

>> No.22973672

And he wouldn't even lose his dedicated fanbase (who are in too deep anyway) or his development contracts

>> No.22973708


>> No.22973850

I guess prince of fools, but i wouldnt really call it a good book.
Man, the 2nd trilogy was such a disappointment.

>> No.22973904

Will keep it in mind. I have the first book of the Age of Madness but haven't really felt the urge to read it.

I think I've heard of it. Is it even worth it to give Prince of Fools a try?

>> No.22973909

Its basically a marvel movie in book form. Its a trilogy, but i only finished the first book, so i dont know if it improved later on

>> No.22973948

I enjoyed Use of Weapons more than The Player of Games and much more than Consider Phlebas, but fuck me, the plot twist at the end made no sense at all.
Leaving aside how the Culture SHOULD have known Cheradinine had died, and they could with ease because it takes no more than a brief search through some data at the end, even though Livueta told Sma the man was not Cheradinine only at the end of the story and not the previous time, how the FUCK would Elethiomel have gotten out of his fortress and left for another world without anybody noticing?
p.s. I want to fuck a light brown Culture woman and see her lost in a mind numbing, leg shaking, mind shaking and leg numbing orgasm for three minutes straight

>> No.22973970

I see The Broken God up there which was interesting. Takes place in a city that has undergone a kind of industrial revolution thanks the the alchemists guild.

This guild has an iron grip on the city thanks to the funds acquired by selling weapons to both sides of the "God War". A war between a land run by inhuman deities and a land of necromantic lich families.

Its got some interesting fantasy creatures. Like one where each individual is a colony of worms. The gouls who are allied with the city to live under it and eat their dead. Sadistic wax-men who are one of the more common types of law enforcement. And humans who are slowly turning to stone from a nasty disease.

You follow a girl who's having visions from something, one of the aforementioned stone men, and a ghoul. They try and survive and figure out what's going on. Was an entertaining series

>> No.22973974

>You follow a girl

>> No.22973987


>> No.22974024
File: 12 KB, 578x107, Screenshot_20240121_150640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is this sort of stuff rated higher than good literature on goodreads and the likes?

>> No.22974049

Because it filters all readers except those, who like such shit.

>> No.22974057

because goodreads is mostly women. just look at who reviews shit on there

>> No.22974063

>Is this a genuine critique I can expect to face?
Not really. Many fantasy readers prefer a more down-to-earth world building

>> No.22974093

Cuz fish shouldnt be rated by their flying ability

>> No.22974143

Does Adrian Tchaikovsky suck or is he just not for me.
His work feels basic

>> No.22974190

I read Children of time. The idea is not bad but his writing is kind of boring. I didn't continue so I don't know if it gets better after that.

>> No.22974221

>wear mask and big robe
>Kellhus cannot read my actions
Why didn't they just do this?

>> No.22974237

esmenet literally does this to maithanet?

>> No.22974251

Yea that's the one I read. I think I'll pass on anything else.

>> No.22974336
File: 225 KB, 1080x1080, 6bb1d2f2b6e01dc8919c635273296c57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blocks your path

>> No.22974473

>Jesus has had ENOUGH of your bullshit

>> No.22974602

There's a sneaky bit of wordplay that banks uses: "The doctors were still struggling to save [Cheradenine's] life when [Elethiomel's] soldiers trapped in the battleship made a break for it. It was a good fight and they almost succeeded." until you know the reveal at the end you just assume the text is telling you the breakout failed.

The culture probably know exactly who he is but don't give a shit after all they still use him for a couple of hundred of years after the truth comes out

>> No.22974658

I don't know why people even circlejerk the twist as some big crazy thing. It's fairly mundane.
The "Culture is morally ambiguous/bad people" moral takeaway seemed to be that they would continue to simply freeze him and use him when needed; he was implied to be an on-screen character in Matter and I believe he was a main character again in Surface Detail(?) so Banks sure liked him for some reason.

>> No.22974671

>Kushiel's dart gets a full cover display
it's a very funny prank to recommend that to romance fantasy fans

>> No.22974692

Mask of the Sorcerer

>> No.22974695

>Various authors were made ineligible without explanation.
No doubt the wrong gender or race, or guilty of wrong-think.

>> No.22974707

>Why is modern fantasy like this?
Fixed that for you, king.

>> No.22974715
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>world building or series with a unique maguc system

>> No.22974751

I noticed the wordplay, but it doesn't take away from anything I've said.
There is no way Elethiomel, the leader of a civil war faction who had been said to be inside of the fortress with Darkense, would be able not only to escape from the fortress undisturbed, but also to get onboard a spaceship and fuck right off without anyone recognizing him or even looking for him.
>the Culture probably knew
Sma didn't know, Skaffen-Amtiskaw didn't know, the Xenophobe mind didn't know, and there's no indication of anyone at all knowing aside from Livueta, who, just as she told Sma near the end of the book, could have reasonably told anyone else the first time, when she tried to kill Elethiomel posing as Cheradinine.

>they'd simply freeze him and continue using him as needed
That may very well be the case, but it doesn't make what happened in UoW any less far fetched, people should have known Cheradinine had died.

>> No.22974753


>> No.22974759

If everyone knew, you wouldn't have a plot, or a book to sell!!!

>> No.22974760

>Stormlight archives (not finished and you shoul only read the first two books)
have you read beyond book 3?
i've heard it recovers after the third, but i was so put off that i haven't started book 4 after a year now

>> No.22974770

You mean besides the novels that actually have the Cenobites?

>> No.22974774
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1705797814386860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Barker barely does anything with them and the rest of his novels read like china meville ones. Ill take anything thats similar

>> No.22974777

The Black Farm

>> No.22974787
File: 13 KB, 197x255, images.jpeg-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

>> No.22974794

>Still... her death will only result in court-based battles outside the dungeon. You want real chaos? Try killing that Dream guy. Or the Viceroy. Or that Jello-looking thing. He may not look like much, but when you start killing off investment bankers...

>> No.22975068
File: 49 KB, 311x404, 39892810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22975145

new thread WHEN?

>> No.22975192

You better read it, fucker.

>> No.22975268

Not anytime soon.

>> No.22975298


It's entertaining but very repetitive. Do you want repeating descriptions of food/drink and charming, if not predictable plots, go for it.

>> No.22975328

That's a really nice cover.

>> No.22975470

I wish I had more

>> No.22976230

Its better written than the majority of the shit posted in this general.

>> No.22976874

>look through the thread
>Bakkerfag still off his meds
Another quality sffg

>> No.22976956

You people feed all of the trolls in this general. Why would any of them ever want to leave?

>> No.22977309

>thinking that the trolls don't feed themselves and aren't also the ones pointing out the feeders
It's trolls all the way down.

>> No.22977328

>Gwynne's Shadow of the Gods has a character like this, the nephew of a viking leader who's an arrogant, spineless weasel man who eventually gets thralled by a viking wizard. Starts as a secondary antagonist in the first book before becoming a PoV character in the second

>> No.22977438


>> No.22977636

does RI have any kind of important "ahh I understand now" moments when re-reading it?

>> No.22977639
File: 761 KB, 2448x2448, codex alera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The primary villains of the early Codex Alera books all become cool dudes before the end

>> No.22977688

holy shit these covers are soulless ass

>> No.22977865

Post soulful covers

>> No.22977996
File: 78 KB, 944x678, 4ab6539538fdb4cc8cd455b5a163c6c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spent the last week reading a Buffy the vampire slayer fan fic
Is it over for me?

>> No.22978005

Was it good? Link it.

>> No.22978023
File: 80 KB, 1024x627, 1678048101445574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Frankly, as it went on I was reading it more out of morbid curiosity to see how much worse it could get.
The worst part is I have never watched BtVS.

>> No.22978176

Jesus Christ.
I can't think of a worse possible Buffy story idea than Xander stuck in a time loop.

>> No.22978308


>> No.22978427
File: 39 KB, 250x416, Swords_and_Deviltry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started reading Swords and Deviltry the other day and it's fucking awful. I didn't realise the stories were written decades after Leiber's other ones, feels weird starting off the series with a 90-page prequel novella about an unlikable character who doesn't do anything interesting until 80 pages in.

The Unholy Grail story with Mouser though is pretty fun.

>> No.22978475

Jacques was writing for children, as an adult you'll probably find it wanting

>> No.22978652

>repeating descriptions of food/drink
Most of that was for the enjoyment of blind children, which was why the food descriptions were so intricate and elaborate.

>> No.22978835

Not regarding the story or the plot but FYs conduct and philosophy regarding life is worth a reread or two.

>> No.22978879

Leiber, like Moorcock with Elric, also tried to turn Frdrffhdh and the Gay Wowzer into a 'saga' and wrote stories purposely trying to connect the older ones with newer ones chronologically and it was, predictably, a disaster. This is why you should ALWAYS read in published or, better yet, written order.

>> No.22978967
File: 208 KB, 1200x1571, deep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22979029
