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22962268 No.22962268 [Reply] [Original]

/wwoym/ write what’s on your mind

stole OP pic from another thread edition

previous: >>22958677

>> No.22962279
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People who keep telling me going outside is going to fix my problems don't live in a post commie shithole.The cities here loook GRIM.

>> No.22962286
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>> No.22962299

Thou live in a Fantasyland, yea, it mayhaps be dystopic, yet still, it is a Fantasyland in its own right, see perspective.

>> No.22962301

I’m a monkey. Everything are ideas of objects of my mind. A squirrel could give less shits about good bad money power country this or that. It’s all fake. Return to monkey

>> No.22962306

Return to Aryan.

>> No.22962313

A genocide on companies buying up real estate.

>> No.22962346

welcome to my blogpost, I don't have social media so bare with me.

I'm 30 years old, and I'm still making and releasing music. Even though I made a couple thousand dollars from it and gain an small following (that puts me in the 1% already) I still feel like a loser. I never cared about this since I always did stuff for myself and only myself but age is getting on me. While everyone has either money, a social life, a family or a carreer, I feel like a manchild still playing being an "artist". Working a shitty job, completely isolated. I never knew what to do with life, I just wanted to create something honest and beautiful. But my art isnt even that good and I think I reached my full potential already. To be short, I have nothing. I'll still work my shitty job and live like a hermit as I did these past ten years, and I'll still continue making stuff. It's just this bittersweet feeling of a wasted life that won't go away. Well, who cares. It's not like you can decide which interests to have.

Have a nice day/night anons. I never post here but this place is very comfy as you gals say.

>> No.22962412
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higgs boson field effecting neurotransmitters. micro spacetime distortion in brain matter

>> No.22962469
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Is ROGD (Rapid-onset gender dysphoria) real? I was normal my whole life and for the past few days I craved being a girl. It's getting bad because I even cried because I am not a girl...

>> No.22962503

As a Leftist, I believe one day it will be completely non-controversial to declare that immigration, racial integration, and multiculturalism were actually calculated assaults on white people instead of mending historical wounds. Whether or not the future declarer is gloating about the success of the assault is still to be determined. I just hope it’s still fixable, but it will be very violent.

>> No.22962517

Don’t know why people deal with the thought revolutions of Luther, Descartes, Kant, and the like but never Hegel. It seems to me that Hegel is the preeminent philosopher of modernity.

>> No.22962562 [DELETED] 


The board is swallowing posts again. I just tried to post the same thread twice. I knew something was afoot after the confirmation screen it redirected to the index as opposed to the catalog.

>> No.22962582

Go downtown I bet it's pretty even there

>> No.22962591

Are there even any leftists who aren't pro-immigration?
Maybe a few but I've never seen a leftist who flat out says that any European country should stay that ethnicity.

>> No.22962592

Listen man, if just being around non-white people is an "assault" then you're a huge pussy

>> No.22962594

I fear what early exposure to social media will have on the next generation’s brains. My little cousin is on iPad all the time and is constantly downloading bright, mind numbing games from whatever ads pop up. When I was a kid, I was playing educational games on a Leapfrog

>> No.22962597

What city

>> No.22962602

Yes it's real. It's a social phenomenon. Like when one kid kills himself and a bunch of others do the same.

>> No.22962610

This line of thinking is already non controversial to most people, including the proponents of the policy

>> No.22962614

Being around blacks guarentees being assaulted

>> No.22962624

When I was 23 the thought of turning 25 terrified me. Now I'm 25. Not sure what I was so scared of back then, this is actually pretty cool.

>> No.22962631

Why is the Reformation so overlooked in the history of philosophy? The Reformation went hand in hand with the Renaissance, right? Surely Enlightenment philosophy isn't so distinct a phenomenon from the Reformation that they should never be mentioned together, right?

>> No.22962635

The immigrants don't even own property.
They form the essential and necessary slavedom of new Europe after the old ones sailed away to Amoorica.

>> No.22962639
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>educational games on a Leapfrog

>> No.22962644

Wait till you turn 29.
Saying you're mid 20 is fine.
Late 20's is when you sound old

>> No.22962652

Faggots who care about old age like a bunch of femoids.

>> No.22962657

Guaranteed you've sucked a penis

>> No.22962669

Almost none. The evidence of Anti-White homicides and government policy against them, which is just federalized Jim Crow against Whites, has not solved nothing by but flipping the script. Whites are more Racist now than ever because of this disaster, and i’m not so sure if the multiracial population are focused on Leftism or want economic liberation. It’s straight up pillaging with the approval of the statues quo. It’s pure mind rot.

Leftists will say as w this is false or applaud it, for the sole purpose subjecting europeans. The Third worldist ideology in Leftistcircles is black pilling because it’s very, very ethnocentric. We never moved on, we just gave another group the whip.

>> No.22962676

You don't even know how to get your penis sucked by a man, like even if you wanted to do so you wouldn't know how to proceed because of how much of a loser you are.

>> No.22962680

I'm not looking for a man to suck my penis, sorry to disappoint you, homo.

>> No.22962689

This is the main reason why every red-pilled Western individual right now should abandon all hopes that Western civilization can be re-etablished. Find a white gf, make as many white children as possible and continue the cause knowing that at least you have achieved it. It is also recommendable to settle an isolated place far from everything, like not even the small villages are safe nowadays. Get a fucking farm.

>> No.22962714

You sound more like you have lost several thousands of dollars in ill-judged fellatio speculations.

>> No.22962728

I will breed happas and there is nothing you can do to stop me

>> No.22962729

This White Leftism will fall apart once they notice (fully) that the people they brought in are not in fact progressives.
They are just pro-them. It's so obvious to see how this plays out.

>> No.22962744

Kek, I'm reading this like when I listen to a guy walking into a sign that says 'moving sands' who says: 'I'm walking into the moving sands and there's nothing you can do to stop me'. It is true, I can't. You will perish.

>> No.22962758
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I've never met a single one. Yet when I go read actual leftists, literally any of them from anarchists to Marxists, they all take it as self-evident that it's an obvious ploy by the capitalist class to dilute labor organization.

>> No.22962807

>I'm 30 years old, and I'm still making and releasing music
Just turned 32 and I'm still doing the same, to similarly modest success. What kind of music do you make? Sometimes I feel like music is the only thing keeping me from living as a hermit. It's how I've met almost all of my friends, it gets me out of the house regularly for practices and shows. But if I was just fiddling with electronic stuff at home maybe that wouldn't be the case.

Anyway man, don't feel bad for pursuing art, don't measure yourself by how much money you make in this fucked up world. Maybe try to be less isolated, make time for friends and family.

>> No.22962817

Do you like Indians?

>> No.22962824

Why is there a ship alone at sea?

>> No.22962836

How do I fast forward to the part where she makes them eat her box

>> No.22962847

This is what got me kicked out my Leinist circle.

The oncoming immigration crisis is artificial, you don’t just invite 10 million immigrants without a plan of assimilation unless you want to ruin wages, ruin increase housing prices, and brutally soft power your way into county’s that don’t obey Washington’s vision, is planned and ideological under the guise of Anti-Whitesm. Because that’s what “Diveristy is, less White people. So, they will naturally overwhelm them with people who will, people who will have no idea of the nuances of civil liberties besides understanding they will get subsidized welfare due to this new ‘status.’

I was called a racist because I believe they’re purposely diluting the population with another who don’t know their civil liberties for organization. Because like you said, massive influx third worlders will have a ‘pro-them’ mindset in a different country with different people.

Their children - 2nd or third generation immigrants are very dysphoric because they have no pressure to conform either. The likely hood of them being Anti-white is high because that’s the accepted norm in government policy AND culture, which disrupts organization in worker environments. I’m afraid it’s going to get to a point that ‘Third worldism’ will take hold of leftist circles becuase of the demographic changes, and pointing this out will naturally be processed as ‘racist,’ if White Leftists like me try to remedy or calm down the revenge driven fantasies of civilization warfare in our midst.

It disgusts me, because a lot of the ‘Lenists’ will vote Biden because they are scared of being received as ‘right-wing’ i.e’ never again syndrome. We must never become like Hitler basically. You don’t vote for democrats, you vote and give support to workers. End of story.

>> No.22962855

Thats what you get for being a gay communist

>> No.22962891

Do they not even know why Marx lividly despised the lumpenproletariat? He thought it was a reactionary scum on the bottom of society.

Please found neo-NazBolism.

>> No.22962894

I know the immigrants suck but many European countries have real political reasons to take them in. They are rich - why should they not take immigrants? It could destroy their political ties with other nations of the world. At least this is the reasoning I get out of the politicians. This is all secondary however. In the long term, the immigrants had positive outcomes for the political sphere of Europe - entire states in Germany have become majority right wing for instance and a radically right wing state governor voted in Thuringen. Hungary and Poland have become radically anti-immigration. I see it as a net-positive, that while some European countries are irreversibly going down the sewer drain, like England, some others will experience the complete opposite effect and continue the legacy for centuries to come. It also helps a lot that Hungary and Poland have never been major colonial powers.

>> No.22962896

I wish I was her boyfriend. That's what came to my mind as the cameraman filmed her legs as she climbed the steps into the maid café.

>> No.22962903

something is wrong with my penis.

>> No.22962916

I think of suicide daily. If I tell anyone close, I'm afraid it would destroy something in the relationship.

>> No.22962918

Replacing one race with another is stupid and no sane Leftist would think this is ok. but they aren’t Leftist, their ‘pro them,’ The insane third worldists is being crafted by the technocrats and the corporate establishment. Maybe they think it will be more manageable? who knows why their doing it, all I know is that it’s poisoning leftists discourse. And the only to fix this is to say Whites also have a culture that should be respected like Non-Whites, and so forth. Because in the end, we’re all workers who should have a government ran by workers.

>> No.22962924

What is it?
Mine's so thin I need smaller condoms.

>> No.22962929
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I became a wizard so I started reading romance novels as a proxy. I feel all warm and fuzzy when I see two characters I like finally get together. Sometimes I look up the endings to make sure nothing upsetting happens. I've dropped some books because I found out they had a tragic ending where the leads didn't get together or one on them died

>> No.22962953

If you had to recommend just 3 romanceslops to someone which 3 would you pick

>> No.22962957

> And the only to fix this is to say Whites also have a culture
People only refer to a 'white culture' in America, probably a remnant of colonialism where they had to distinguish themselves from the natives somehow.

>> No.22962963

Hard to say but if I had to narrow it down
>tweet cute
>sky in the deep
>these broken stars
All 3 encapsulate what I love about the genre for different reasons

>> No.22962968

I once saw an extra small condom lying in the gutter. It was about as wide as my index finger. I wasn't getting laid at the time and it really motivated me. I was like, "If this shrimp-dick guy is having sex, then what's stopping me?"

>> No.22962974

I have a fat chode

>> No.22962984

Careful watching porn. A Project Veritas clone went undercover and found that porn companies intentionally put tranny shit on the front page to turn guys gay

>> No.22962988

>Because in the end, we’re all workers who should have a government ran by workers.
Super gay. Amazing how you dont see how this line of thinking leads directly to third worldism. Just give up on the gay communist shit and be a fascist already

>> No.22963004

Annoying how YouTube now pre-plays every video after showing the thumbnail for a split millisecond. As a loyal youtuber who always judged the videos by their thumbnails, this is enfuriating.

>> No.22963005

I did from depressive black metal and noise rock to dark ambient and chamber music. kind words anon, I would love to start painting too but I can't afford it sadly. keep making art, the inner aesthetic experience is worth it

>> No.22963008

Dawg you don't know what "third-worldism" even is, you just think it sounds scary

>> No.22963016

I'm a pervert. Sorry, femanons.

>> No.22963032

Care to post any of your stuff? I understand if you don't want to, I certainly don't want to associate my music with 4chan in any capacity

>> No.22963055
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i hated this so much lmao fuck whoever recommended it last month

>> No.22963092

Is it gay to fall in love with a female character written by a man?

>> No.22963118

I know what it is and I know that you are gay for being a communist

>> No.22963121

Most women are also perverts

>> No.22963125

Thats like asking if it's gay for a man to fall in love with a woman who has a father

>> No.22963137

What did you hate about it?

>> No.22963152

Took a hot bath. So much crap came out of all my pores. Didnt realize how gross my skin was

>> No.22963164

it just doesn't work. "white noise" in the technical sense is noise of equal amplitude at every frequency. the book literally does this. the product placements and intrusive thoughts are high frequency noise, the scenes are medium frequency noise, the overall plot is low frequency noise. it's a cool idea but in implementation it really is all noise, it's all a slog, the author's plodding reflections are as meaningless as the brand names thrown in as non sequiturs. it isn't a commentary on contemporary life, it's a demonstration of contemporary life aka chinese water torture in book form.

>> No.22963175
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>> No.22963188

I don't care, people already exposed my real name in 2015 in metal archives and I didnt bother anymore (Bad idea, employers know my stuff more than my friends lol)


>feel free to roast me, I know my deficiencies too well though

thanks for listening

>> No.22963211

These last 5 years for me feel like a black hole. That really bothers me not only for the feeling of what was wrong with the past, but will be wrong with the future as a result. People who achieve things don’t let 5 years just evaporate.

>> No.22963218

I had a callous on the bottom of my foot, I ripped it off, it grew back, and it’s sometimes painful when I step on it now

Wut do?

>> No.22963221

cope with it for the rest of your life, never seek help

>> No.22963233

Honestly that's what I liked about it. Really bleak and depressing in a way that nothing else I've read has been

>> No.22963265

I had a really vivid scary dream last night

Group of boys, 16-19, we have a rich friend who's parents died in a tornado. It destroyed their mansion. He needs to get some of his belongings from the basement, which should be untouched. For some convoluted reason, he thought it was better to take the 'secret second basement' from his parents' undamaged 2nd mansion to the 1st mansion, apparently there was a secret underground construction done all over the small town. So they get there and it gives you that "unfinished basement look" that scares you as a kid. It's also partially flooded, and rafts are there. Worse, there's monsters.

Periodically the PoV would cut to these two girls, who are trapped down below, trying to get in touch with us to no avail. One had ridiculously long, curly brown hair that reached her ankles. The other was large, oafish, and masculine- a somewhat "detransitioning MtF," though he was never trans, he got latched with a trap for several years on his leg and it pumped him with female hormones for years, but the damage is already done. I think they were cousins of the rich kid who got lost playing down in their basement.

Anyway we spend most of our time talking and preparing to take this raft, only to realize that one guy in our party had ran upstairs to go to the bathroom as soon as we take off. The long-haired girl tries to call the phone, but no one answers. A man appeared, then his limbs suddenly elongated and as soon as he touched me, I woke up. Shit was weird man.

>> No.22963266

Honestly it's pretty good stuff man. Be more confident!

>> No.22963285

I'll give it a listen but what do you consider your best work?

>> No.22963292

I'm in the same boat.

>> No.22963298

You just entered the Jewish tunnel system via a dream

>> No.22963321
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All works of art will vanish...music will be forgotten and never ever be heard again

>> No.22963323

good. have to clear the playing field for new generations, new civilizations to express themselves without reference to an infinite and insurmountable past.

>> No.22963367

Wanna elaborate?

>> No.22963376

Boomers really came up in a time where the entire economy was blue collar and white collar, more or less dignified jobs, and then proceeded to destroy everything and condemn their own kids and grandkids to a lifetime of labor in shitty service jobs which are now half of the economy, and then gaslight them about it. Not only would these people have been mortified to have to work at a restaurant into their late 20s like their kids and grandkids had to, they wouldn’t have gotten to their stations in life if they did have to do it. Imagine a great President who was a cashier at a gas station at 27. You can’t.

The last noble people died with the greatest generation.

>> No.22963390

Boomers were the last great generation, bub. You can’t better the world and set yourself up any better than they did

>> No.22963412

My favourite work is "Scars as Souvenirs". I don't know which is my Best work since the few guys that listen to me are very divisive regarding what's better. Maybe thats the dilemma with working along different genres

>> No.22963414

I recently had a conversation with a Xoomer who said "service jobs are supposed to be for high school kids, not lifelong careers!" I had to remind that xoomer that her generation transformed America into a service economy and that there arent really many alternatives to service industry work. She then said "But I know people whose kids are in school to be doctors and engineers!" To which I had to say an economy of 350 million people cannot entirely be doctors and engineers. It's so annoying. They dont know how wrecked the economy is.

>> No.22963445

Why is cold approaching women in public considered creepy and wrong to do? How else does a guy meet girls?

>> No.22963449

It isn't creepy if you're attractive

>> No.22963464

It's really hard liking your work when you do everything alone. By the time I reach the mixing stage I'm already sick of the work I did, dont let me start on the fact that I'm working with shitty equipment (a 2012 computer with a cheap audio interface thats about to blow up). I hate living here were most people earn less than 300 bucks a month and everything regarding tech costs 25% more than everywhere else. Hell I can't even get my OWN merch haha! I find certain joy thinking I did all of that with so little though. Thanks for listening. I really appreciate it!

>> No.22963477

If you're attractive, guess, women reach out to you and you don't even need to move a finger. Just be more attractive or be more rich.

>> No.22963483

Girls think it's cute when I fart.

>> No.22963509

Not.my.cup of tea, but I can see that you have really good taste regarding aesthetics and sound design. Maybe you don't have "the best life" as you said but I'm pretty sure you already gained the "artist" tag by your own merits. Keep doing God's work anon.

>> No.22963516

Girls always compliment my piss bottles.

>> No.22963519

They just say that because they think you'll let them go if they're nice to you

>> No.22963530

I feel empty, like a living suicide. I have resigned myself to live life. I am not going to shoot myself; I don’t want to make a mess. If I shoot myself in my apartment, I will need to calculate the angle least likely to cause collateral damage. A hollow-point bullet would probably be the most conscientious choice, because it wouldn’t travel through my skull, brain matter, and skull again before continuing to travel through empty space, drywall, empty space, drywall again, empty space again, and into the little girl that lives in room 452. That is, of course, assuming I shoot myself while holding the pistol horizontally against my temple. The temple is the spot I always imagine myself shooting. There is something about sticking the barrel in my mouth, or under my chin that just doesn’t appeal to my aesthetic sensibilities. Will a hollow point bullet still travel through my head and through the wall? I’ll need to do some ballistic research, but I don’t think so. I’ve heard—I think on the show Criminal Minds—that small caliber bullets only have enough force to enter the skull, but not enough to exit; they bounce around inside and tear up the brain. Maybe I heard that from the movie Shooter. Shooting myself from under the chin also seems risky, I might only blow apart my frontal lobe. The temple is no guarantee either, I heard a couple stories when I was in the Army about guys getting shot in the head by 9mm round and surviving, something about how the bullet will ride around the outside of the skull without breaking through. Shotguns are out of the question, too messy; I don’t want to be rude, after all. I could walk out into the woods and do it, but I don’t want bugs crawling around in the open wound. I could hang myself, I’ve been choked unconscious during sparring and it wasn’t bad at all, you just go away, but I don’t want to stretch my neck out. I think the best option is starving myself to death. Schopenhauer said that is the only virtuous suicide. Tomorrow, I’ll start fasting.

>> No.22963536

this post reminds me of Houellebecq essay "To stay alive". If you haven't done already, read it. It may comfort you as it did to me.

>> No.22963538

Then why do they return, with friends, to show them my piss bottles too?

>> No.22963539
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I linked that essay to a friend and he made fun of me

>> No.22963545

maybe your friend does not understand you, and thats it. to be fair, most people can't relate to it. in my case I read it at least a few times a year, it's been really good for my psyche knowing that I'm not alone, its just that all my real friends are already dead.

>> No.22963546

casing your pad to plan an elaborate heist to steal your piss bottles when you least expect it. don't be fucking naïve.

>> No.22963547

Anyone switch from Goodreads to LibraryThing? I just did and I prefer LT significantly more than GR. Better database to search and catalog books.

>> No.22963576

Pretty much every major change YouTube has made has made the user experience worse. Replacing 5 star rating with like/dislike, getting rid of video replies, getting rid of public dislikes (this was egregious). It's still one of the best scrooling apps around.

>> No.22963598

Interesting, I'll chegg it out. I am an aspiring writer and I'm taking this as a high compliment because I want to write like him. You have no idea how much confidence you've just given me. In fact, it was while I was reading 'Whatever' that I decided to finally start writing. Reading about the protag writing stupid little unfinished short stories about talking animals made me realize I can do the same thing to kill time instead of killing myself. My god, anon, you've saved me.

>> No.22963599

Perhaps being too empathetic towards people is my weak point even with the fact there's some good people meetings. I suppose it might just be a dog eat dog world out there and the smartest survive kind of mentality surrounding me and perhaps elsewhere.

>> No.22963644

You are supposed to upload your pictures and stats online and wait your turn to be selected like a good boy.

>> No.22963645
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>have to file an application tonight that requires delicacy and care
>drinking entire bottle of peppermint liqueur and listening to alanis morissette

>> No.22963648

Have you no dignity

>> No.22963651

>It's really hard liking your work when you do everything alone
I totally get that. The stuff I do on my own is a much more difficult process than anything I do with a band

>> No.22963653
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It was a holiday themed purchase

>> No.22963655

Who actually reads philosophy books? Such a waste of time. Seriously, don't you have a life?

>> No.22963663

Boomers were the beneficiaries of an appreciating asset economy and acted in their own rational self-interest. An asset economy that kept going up and could only be bought into affordably decades ago. Nobody is able to build wealth these days because you don't build wealth through labor income, you build wealth by owning appreciating assets. Of which everyone young has been priced out of buying, and all of which boomers already own.

>> No.22963669

Put on some Shania next

>> No.22963670

>but what about crypto
Crypto is an exception but 95% a meme any how. I'm talking about the real valuables, real estate, choice stocks, etc.

>> No.22963673
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>> No.22963676

read it then, its short and straight to the point. the ending always motivates me to get out of a rut.

also playing with a band can bring the best of yourself (when everyone collaborates) and help you improve your compositions skills. before going "my own way" I played for years bass in technical death metal bands, and I still have fond memories of the drummers I had haha.

>> No.22963677

is the dog ok?

>> No.22963690

Why don't you try to get back into playing with bands? You obviously have the chops for it. And maybe the "social" aspect of making music with other people would help you to feel less isolated

>> No.22963708

I just read it. thanks for pointing me that way. It's exactly what I needed to hear. He even says, 'you are a living suicide.'

>> No.22963713
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I want to kill myself

>> No.22963751

TLDR: It's really hard to find people to work with.

I still have nightmares of those times. I mean, I was playing in 3 bands at one time, practising at least 4 hours a day. I really wanted to make it work. What happened then? I got fucked by almost every single musician I've played with. The thing is (at least here), most "musicians" have ZERO work ethic. Z-E-R-O. They are bums with rockstar dreams. People showing up late (more often than not drunk too) to practice, sometimes not even showing up to a "big" show that costed us money and time, not learning their own parts for recording something, or giving up the entire thing just because girlfriend drama. At the same time, these people have 500 posts on social media about how "music is the meaning of their lives" or 250 photos on instagram with their instruments. Not everyone though, a few people tried hard too, but one can lift only so much alone. I never presented myself as a "musician", in fact, because of these experiences, I'm ashamed to be called one when most people that put that label on themselves have years and years as "musicians" but, again, ZERO releases under their belts. Also, in 2014 my Warwick NT thumb got stolen from me and that made me quit entirely. If you've found good people to work with, I envy you, I really do.

Enough being negative, its my shitty trauma but to be fair, those shitty moments are what made me start doing everything by myself (more simplistic and dull, but nonetheless enough). I'm currently working with someone else now. He's helping me doing vocals on my next release, its taking time because we're from different countries. But hey, it's nice to have some feedback before showing something to the world.

Goodbless, keep making music, I will do so.

You're welcome anon, remember, you may be suffering, a lot indeed, but you're not alone. Not even in the author sense, I feel the same way.

>> No.22963768

Pilgrims did nothing wrong

>> No.22963775

What album?

>> No.22963777

welcome to the club, pilgrim

>> No.22963779

What do black men even do for work? The only black people I know who have high-paying jobs like working in medicine or engineering are African immigrants. I just realized I never see them have normal everyday jobs aside from some young black women. Not even as office clerks or something

>> No.22963790

look up James Murphy LCD Soundsystem. He was (somewhat) in the same boat as yoiu

>> No.22963792

I used to work in a warehouse and there were a bunch of African guys on the forklifts.

>> No.22963795

beauty of life :)

>> No.22963798

Fast food chains

>> No.22963814

As someone who is not into metal I gotta say your music is great. I'm more into the dark chamber stuff but even the rock stuff I can vibe to. Keep up the great work bro

>> No.22963829

bookmarked his name, will check it out tomorrow.

thanks for the kind words anon.

>> No.22963845
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>I think the best option is starving myself to death. Schopenhauer said that is the only virtuous suicide. Tomorrow, I’ll start fasting.
It is. I've decided it's how I'll go out, too. Wanting to shoot myself, hang myself, etc. all feel like relics from a time when I was more impulsive and emotional and I wanted it over with quick. It's funny how you can grow up and be ashamed of your suicidal ideations but still want to die. Fasting to death is a revolt against the Mother ("food is love"), against the Father and his slave engines, and against your own frustrated will-to-live because it draws out the death agony like a blade. I firmly believe that an impulsive suicide does land you in a hell state because you will probably experience your regret as some kind of phantasmagorical hell dimension. Anyways, that Houellebecq essay is indeed good, so here's a fictional starvation diary that also brings me comfort. It's a little staid but it gets the job done. I hope you do find peace, anon. But if you don't, save me a seat on the other side.


>> No.22963867
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Would you guys hate me if I troon out and end up like this?

>> No.22963869

Honestly I agree that its a social phenomenon, but I think it has little to do with other instances of dysphoria. Imo, its due to excessive attempts by corporate media and traditionalist influences to enforce gender as categories. Humans aren't meant to fit into neatly organized groupings, especially if disagreeing with those groupings earns them a whipping. Who knew that reinforcing rigid social categories in our overall culture would lead to individuals obsessing over those categories and viewing them as fundamental parts of their own identity.

>> No.22963871

There are perfectly legitimate ways to become a schizophrenic lecher without trooning out.

>> No.22963885

Not sure if they were all like this but my LeapFrog had a solid introduction to astronomy, oceanography, and anatomy. Obviously its not a substitute for learning those things formally but it was good for when I was like 3/4 and it got me interested in those subjects.

>> No.22963933

i know a lot of black guys who do regular blue-collar jobs. building maintenance, construction, landscaping, that kinda thing. are they the hardest workers? no, but they do have jobs

>> No.22964064

Just found out that my college work is way easier when I'm drunk. Rejoice, we're so back.

>> No.22964076

I have a hard time visualising surroundings and places when authors describe them, am I retarded?

>> No.22964081

Like, it confuses me, it's hard to explain. Maybe the authors I read are just bad at writing about surroundings and shit though.

>> No.22964090

No, trans people turn me on, just don't look like that one, they don't pass at all.

>> No.22964132

Oh my God shut the fuck up you're just a confused faggot

>> No.22964133

Unlicensed pharmaceutical sales

>> No.22964134

It’s because it’s not typical anymore.

>> No.22964137


Reminder that in economics-speak "service" jobs includes everything from fast food workers to lawyers and doctors (legal and medical services). When the economy shifted from manufacturing to services it did not mean everybody became a hamburger flipper.

>> No.22964142

It’s not even about the economic meaning. It’s about the dignity and professionalism. These people will be deprived of certain positions in life later because they got stuck in shitty cashier jobs as adults. That is always going to haunt their biography for many of them. It wasn’t enough that these people sold away their children’s’ economic future. They sold away their social and professional future as well, they literally condemned them to “careers” doing jobs that actual servants and slaves did not that long ago, forever.

>> No.22964143

>vivid scary dream last night

I dreamt that I accidentally pulled off half of my penis and then one of my balls

>> No.22964144

The bulk of the service economy is burger flipping and shelf stocking. Again, lets not pretend like everyone is going to be a fucking doctor or lawyer.

>> No.22964146

No. It doesn’t. You are thinking of “services and business services”. Lawyers are business services.

>> No.22964151

>am I retarded?

Everybody has a different capacity. It doesn't mean you're retarded. Even great authors have weird deficiencies. Nabokov could not understand music at all. To him it was just noise.

>> No.22964157

>Nabokov could not understand music at all. To him it was just noise.
That's really interesting.

>> No.22964158


Anything that's not manufacturing is services. Since the manufacturing economy wound down, all those jobs moved to hundreds of different sectors: programming/computer services, tourism, financial services, there's just too much to count. All those jobs people are doing while working remote at home are services that fall into one category or another.

>> No.22964163
File: 156 KB, 777x740, ridge road.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an example of something that I just can't picture in my head, the directions and everything just don't compute, I don't know what this would look like.

>> No.22964165

I'd post more examples but I don't wanna flood with shit that makes me look even more retarded.

>> No.22964181

i have been contemplating what it is that I shall reveal within this space . you are invited, the time within which we shall meet is right now as of this moment that you are reading these words. my space and your time ( which I cherish so deeply ) shall conjoin to birth what I deem place, in here we dwell, little devils we are, free to create what we willingly will.

>> No.22964185

Youre just playing semantics. So many computer based jobs get offshored or imported with H1Bs. The fact is that the economy is wrecked and for a lot of people working some low level retail or food service job is the only path available

>> No.22964189

What fucking mouthbreather wrote that?

>> No.22964202

Stephen King.

>> No.22964306

Nta but this interview is freebase hopium, you may like: https://youtu.be/yYCz06bS380

Will check out your music today. Keep your head in the game, Anon!

>> No.22964326


>> No.22964331

Why do I feel like 95% of self-help and self-improvement material is just not about an actual change but rather fitting some narrative?

>> No.22964336

My sister has a fly phobia and spider phobia and cockroach phobia.

>> No.22964385

Well I watched a movie with that Viet girl who needs a green card. Super awkward. Dont think its going anywhere

>> No.22964432

It was your first time meeting (I assume) and it was a movie date, let's not jump to conclusions, movies aren't good first dates because you don't really get the chance to talk and get to know each other.

>> No.22964434
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>> No.22964451

Slowly, I think I'm discovering my life's purpose: To invent a new kind of art. This probably sounds ridiculous, but I think it's steadily gaining momentum. Working on this has been like digging a tunnel through a mountain with a spoon. At first I didn't even believe it was possible, but the more I explore my thoughts and observations, the more I sense that this could actually be possible and I need to keep researching it. There's a really deep and pervasive feeling of satisfaction when you make progress, like how Andrew Wiles probably felt working on Fermat's last theorem or something. But it's also pretty upsetting when you stagnate and begin to think maybe it's impossible, and take a break for several days. I'm still at the very beginning overall though so I don't want to give details.

Outside of that, my life is pretty empty. I'll try a multiplayer game, get annoyed at how retarded people are, and wipe it from my harddrive within 30 minutes. Since experiencing what I wrote above, media is no longer satisfying like it used to be. Everything feels kinda shallow and old-hat -- nothing is that deep, nothing is new, nothing is at stake. When you're attempting to discover something, sometimes it's shit and sometimes it's amazing but either way you feel something, it's a rollercoaster. Maybe I'll ultimately fail in my goal and not invent anything, but the joys of pursuing it are real, and I won't give up until it's proven impossible. I dunno if it's realistic for everyone to do this, but if you consider yourself smart you really ought to try it.

>> No.22964460

I texted her to see if she was available tomorrow. She never replied

>> No.22964466

get a load of this guy

>> No.22964469

How long ago did you text her and what's the time?

>> No.22964470


>> No.22964475

This is my current reading order for the next several months

Philosophy Of Art:

Tolstoy, Hegel, Pater, Wincklemann, Gasset, Von Hildebrand

General Humanities:

After Locke, read stuff on crowd psychology, first Le Bon, then Trotter

Read Foucault for power studies (optional) then symbolic/interpretive anthropology, first Geertz then Turner then into Jungian psychology, then Marcel “Being And Having”, then Beginner course on Heidegger and then the Heidelberg conferences

Optionally read Claude-Levi Strauss

French Revolution history:

Burke, Carlyle, Taine, Belloc

Russian Revolution history:

Figes, Faulkner, Pipes


Pound, Eliot, Yeats, Coleridge, Shelley, Byron, Frost

>> No.22964478

40 minutes ago

>> No.22964482

You jump to conclusions too much, anon, not replying within 40 minutes is a normal thing, just give it time.

>> No.22964492

Neat hat

>> No.22964519

It's over, the west has fallen, billions must die, and I'm getting black out drunk tomorrow

>> No.22964529

I just released a new banger

>> No.22964539

So true.

>> No.22964543

I want to talk to people who share the same interests as me but those communities are super obnoxious, pretentious and toxic, shit sucks.

>> No.22964616


>> No.22964699

change it from tomorrow to today and thats me.

>> No.22964718

How should I turn my autism into a strength?

>> No.22964728

Put your autism into hobby or activity and become master.

>> No.22964739

I always lose interest after awhile.

>> No.22964792

WHY she does this?????

>> No.22964801

read moar, acquire knowledge via books, articles, podcasts, and Youtube videos

>> No.22964833
File: 185 KB, 493x429, pepe eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I somehow have the position of being able to pay all my bills and live within relative comfort with a part time job (3 days perk week, meaning 4 days off) and yet somehow feel like I can't actually unwind and enjoy myself. I can't just sit and play a game or watch a film. If I have to go do one 1 hour errand during a week I think "welp, no reason to try and learn programming this week, it's shot" as if going from 64 hours of free time to 63 hours suddenly makes a massive difference. I have a brain problem and I'm not even really allowed to complain about it because MOST people don't have it as good as me, and I fully acknowledge that, it just sucks that I feel so brain fried and retarded.

>> No.22964879

The worst thing about threads like this is learning that your once in a life time one in a billion love of your life that tore you apart and you now free associate with everything you do is just a dime a dozen event that happens to people everyday on here and that from the outside it just looks like a retard being retarded.

>> No.22964885

Brutal blackpill

>> No.22964894

I dislike you.
You have what so many people want and you aren't doing anything with it.

>> No.22964911
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It's by bday tomorrow (Saturday) and I've ordered myself some prezzies from myself, to myself. I've already gotten the Panzram, McVeigh/Hammer, and Manly P. Hall books; and the To Hell And Back Again book by Varg is scheduled to come on the same day as my bday according to Amazon, so not Sunday but Saturday :D Funny thing: the Sorcery and Religion in Scandinavia book by Varg, on Amazon, is only available as a Kindle ebook - that is, if you buy the book the "proper way." I found a third-party listing with the book under the "Apparel" category, so I guess this is the seller's way of getting around Amazon's slimy reptilian jew censorship schematics, which I thought was cool.

>> No.22964920

wow someones angy

>> No.22964927

How hard would it be to travel the US without a car? Specifically Boston, Oregon and Arizona.

>> No.22964928


>> No.22964933

almost impossible

>> No.22964939

There's something wrong with your hand buddy. Go to see a doctor

>> No.22964945
File: 97 KB, 1200x1200, fat ass pepe with gola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know! Hence why it's difficult to complain about. I would also like to improve my own situation as well, I'm not fine with it either, but the added pressure from having something others want doesn't help. I'm not going to say "oh yeah you jealous?" as a form of criticism, but I will simply say that yes, I agree, but I hope you can find some empathy to understand that this "ideal" lifestyle I have still has its own unique problems which I am running into now.

>> No.22964954

Oh gosh, stop drinking so much beer and soda you retard. Get on the pot instead, maybe.

>> No.22964974

I think about killing myself a lot and I want to talk to a specific person about it but I can't because I don't want to make our relationship awkward and I don't want them to cause a fuss or tell anyone. They probably wouldn't if I asked them not to but still.

>> No.22964996

my stomah hurts and i think i''l need to shit soon

>> No.22965004

thanks for the heads up

>> No.22965048

My thoughts are incoherent, they jump from one thing to the next. I try to think of things I think I want to think but my mind wanders. It wanders to all so different things: friends, women, hobbies, progress, the future. I can't wrap my mind around a single thing. Like water passing a sieve, my thoughts continue to flow through me in but a moment. I don't know what I want to do.

>> No.22965056
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>Goethe was 24 when he wrote The Sorrows of Young Werther.

>> No.22965066

24 hour gym, you are but my one love in this world

>> No.22965075
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made the chad from demons lol

>> No.22965076

My favorite number is 24, I don't know why.

>> No.22965084

My favourite number is 4 lol

>> No.22965090

i dreamt i ran into a guy i don't like in the T.V. section of walmart and we got in a fight and broke all the tvs

>> No.22965091

I feel vaguely yet profoundly depressed and idk why

>> No.22965093

That's what I did

>> No.22965097

Funny you mention. I really like the number 7.

>> No.22965102

Did something trigger it?

>> No.22965104

I can't get over the time I made a shitpost and someone tore it apart critically. How is the person seriously analyzing a shitpost not always in the wrong? I'd just forget it if I didn't get called stupid.

>> No.22965107

I grew some shrooms but underestimated how big my harvest would be, and i cant store them long enough, so i had to take a way bigger dose today than i wanted to because it'd be a waste to throw them away.
Did i make the correct call?

>> No.22965116

My favorite number is 36. I was very proud of this for some reason; even telling teachers in school that "That's my favorite number because 6 times 6 is 36." Very cringe and embarrassing. When I got older I learned it was an important number in Jewish Mysticism, which was very concerning kek

>> No.22965117
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I'm currently reading this Vietnam vet's memor (he was a Green Beret and member of the famed MACV-SOG) and it's pretty damn good. I didn't realize just how long the combat stories would be though.
Yeah, it was music. When I was in my teens I realized most popular music was in 4/4 time and that's what triggered it. It was also the line "I've got you now" from Star Wars that preceded that by years but it was the cadence of all my favourte music that finally triggered it. I have Tourette's and even though it isn't a serious case of it, I repeat things a lot to myself and one of those things was that line from Star Wars (the climax of A New Hope when Darth Vader is chasing Luke in his TIE fighter and is about to shoot Luke's X-wing right before Han shows up unexpectedly to save the day).
I think you did, lad. Enjoy your trip. Report back in for us will ya?

>> No.22965123

I get that feeling but I think I know why at least. I recently learned how socially underdeveloped I am after overhearing a classmate. I've been trying to focus on mindful breathing to shake the feeling but to no avail.

>> No.22965135

I tell erybody dat hear wat God tell inside dis book: You guys betta not add notting to dis book. If whoevas add someting, God goin give him all da big troubles God tell bout inside dis book. An if whoevas take away stuff dat God tell from dis book, God goin take away from him his share a da real kine life dat da tree give, an his place in da town dat stay spesho fo God, dat God tell bout inside dis book. - Jesus Show 22:18-19, Hawaiian Pidgin Bible

>> No.22965157

This job is either very stressful or not much happening.
Currently in the stressful phase

>> No.22965164
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cute quiet goth girl nearly begged me to ask her out but I pretended I didn't get the hint and am now avoiding her. I will not succumb to the horny.

>> No.22965192
File: 95 KB, 464x473, 1695941506769734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a smoke!

>> No.22965221

No, you want a smoke.

>> No.22965227
File: 45 KB, 720x516, 1685537533965588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed it.

>> No.22965231


>> No.22965236

The man who drinks his bread has chosen to sit somewhere else!
The table has become too cluttered and someone else is sitting in his usual spot with 2 laptops.
I'm free!

>> No.22965240

She's not worth having a relationship with?

>> No.22965243
File: 83 KB, 475x532, 1677695351155935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm listening to Underoath's cover of "Heart Shaped Box" on repeat because it's soooo goood. Gonna go oot for that smoke in a min and maybe a joint too. Oh and I've gotta warm up my coffee and make some new brew, too.

>> No.22965248

Dunno anything about her, I am avoiding her.

>> No.22965260
File: 269 KB, 1080x1371, Uber Eats order.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ordered meself sum Subway. As an aside, I noticed Uber Eats has removed the ability to leave a note for the restaurant. I wonder what's up with that? I wanted to tell the mfs to lay the parmesan on THICK.....

>> No.22965279

>work as a subway cook
>uber eats order comes in with customer asking for addons with no charge
>make it extra shitty and go back to flirting with cashier girls

>> No.22965298

How hot is your sister?

>> No.22965354
File: 1012 KB, 1536x2048, GD9Syl1bgAA1Tgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a drinking problem. Why? In the moment I want the good feeling of being drunk. I want it forever. I don't care that it'll make me feel awful in the morning, and even the next couple days. I don't care that it'll derail my life. I like being drunk.

Step back a bit. Why do I like getting blind drunk? I'm resistant to the cliche. Well obviously I find sober reality to painful to endure. But that's too cliche. That's not why I drink. That's too cliche.

Why do I drink? Well it's romantic. It's part of my lifestyle. Well I've never written a book and I haven't had a girl in my bed in 11 months. Yeah so being drunk is not working well for you is it?

Why do I drink? I don't like being sober. Being drunk has become my personality. Without it who am I? A cunt that has to face reality.

That's too scary.

It's what has to be done.

>> No.22965355

Fuck you smelly $5 an hour madarchod

>> No.22965364

>the fact that you can buy 3 loaded subs for this price if you use a coupon and drive your dumb ass to the store

>> No.22965369

Your stronger than I am and I bet you will regret it

>> No.22965378

I'm Canadian though, and I have Uber Eats Plus or whatever the fuck it's called (it was a free trial so don't tell me I'm wasting my money - not on that anyways) so there was no delivery fee or service fee; just subtotal + tax. So that's why you're wrong. A footlong at the store is like $15 so this ain't much more. Also fuck walking to the store thru knee deep snow at 5 in the morning. fuckin guy

>> No.22965383

you have to use the coupons, I'm eating subway rn lmao! I was starving myself to death out of protest against the world but I decided to eat some subway instead

>> No.22965388

you don't understand you fuckin ape. the Subway closest to me isn't even open, this was from across town. and I don't drive

>> No.22965391

oh god that subway gonna be gushy as fuck

>> No.22965394

no, it was really good. did you know they have fried onions as a topping now?

>> No.22965396

making an experimental cake

>> No.22965402

no but that would be really good if i wasn't trying to not be fat anymore and get some pussy, hopefully they still have them when im 50 and stop trying

>> No.22965405

big dicks will rule the world

>> No.22965407

Having a small dick is just terrible, every second guy will tell you about how flat is justice and they love small tits, when are women going to pick up the slack on their end?

>> No.22965412

Most literary cities? I’ve been to New York, Boston, London, and Paris. I’m starting to think they might all be in Asia…

>> No.22965419
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Listening to the new Green Day and it's pretty much what I expected. It doesn't take itself too seriously and actually sounds like it could have been a good-average rock album from 20 years ago. "Coma City" is my favourite song so far.

>> No.22965421


>> No.22965430

It's got a nice vibe.

>> No.22965436

letting my gf finger me was a really good choice

>> No.22965444

The problem with telling people that you want to kill your self is that they’re only liable to care if they care about you already and if they care about you, what telling them about it really turns into most of the time is threatening to kill yourself. And they get offended. They’re right to. Suicide is fundamentally a selfish and egotistical act.

>> No.22965447

>Suicide is fundamentally a selfish and egotistical act.
this has to be projection, if we don't own our own lives then what do we own

>> No.22965478

To travel from Boston to Oregon and Arizona? Totally impossible. Not even an option. To travel around Boston, Oregon, and Arizona individually without a car in each area? Boston is pretty doable. Oregon, eh not really. You’d probably need a car if you left Portland. Hell, you might not a car just to get to Portland since I don’t know if Portland has an international airport. You’d have to fly into Seattle and drive down. Arizona is not doable at all without a car. Same thing with the airport. You could fly into Phoenix but you need a car to get around from there. I don’t think you could even get around Phoenix without one.

If you intend to travel in America car free, you are more or less limited to the Bos-Wash megalopolis. That’s Boston through New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C. and the suburbs of each. Maybe you could get to Providence and New Haven and up to Maine too, but I’m actually not sure. Each probably has bus lines running out from the city across the state to the more prominent cities and towns in the state as well. But if you do this, it’s going to cost you an arm and a leg. Passenger rail tickets can be as much as airline tickets or more in America. The only cost effficient travel without a car in America is within the same metro. So you fly into New York, you can easily get around the New York metro without a car. You fly into Philadelphia, you can easily get around the Philadelphia metro without a car. But as soon as you leave the metro you’re paying an arm and a leg.

>> No.22965512

Of course you own your own life but that doesn’t mean what you do with it can’t be selfish. Everyone knows that suicide is not merely withdrawal of a gift of your love and familiarity to the people you leave behind but also the infliction of trauma. Knowing that, suicide is by default selfish act. It says basically “I care more about my life (or ending it) than I do about your life and the damage I do to it. Go watch audio of people calling after a friend or family kills themself, or how they talk to them in private in their prayers or at their grave. It’s always “why did you do it”, “why did you leave me”. It’s a total abandonment that inflicts damage you can’t even fathom. This was my experience and the experience of other people who are left behind by suicide. We’re in this together like we’re on a secret op behind covert lines and if you choose to abandon us you are fucking is over. That is what is really happening.

>> No.22965519

If you search “moving to Japan” or “moved to Japan” on YouTube it’s all women and flamboyant gay men. What the hell?

>> No.22965524

Live fast, die young, bad girls do it well.

>> No.22965525

Gta5 player

>> No.22965531

can't stop thinking about those hips

>> No.22965540

Actually, I wish I didn’t think Japan was cool. I wish I was t attracted to Japan at all.

>> No.22965557
File: 874 KB, 1920x1080, 1678042817907057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was watching the video for "Bad Romance" a few days ago and I realized that Lady Gaga probably has the best hips I've ever seen.

>> No.22965559

im talking about my ex not this twig, didn't know they could get that wide and now i desperately want to unknow

>> No.22965586

>People showing up late (more often than not drunk too) to practice, sometimes not even showing up to a "big" show that costed us money and time, not learning their own parts for recording something, or giving up the entire thing just because girlfriend drama
Yeah, I've been through a lot of that too. It's less of an issue when you're 30 in my experience, the people who are still doing it tend to be the lifers who actually want to play. People are less deluded, there's less drama. Anyway, good luck with your next album

>> No.22965598

what type of music do you play?

>> No.22965600

How should people get over feeling like a failure by a certain age? For example, if you haven’t made it as a writer by 25, 30, 35 or maybe they don’t have a good job at all by those ages or whatever. This is a huge question on the internet precisely because time is irreversible. You can make different choices and say, become successful at 35, 40 whatever but you can never be successful at 25 or 30 again.

>> No.22965611

I hate how modern cars are constantly beeping at me for not driving like a fucking robot.

>> No.22965614

You can prove the truth of Vedic samsara, Buddhist dukkha, Ecclesiastes I, Surah 57:20, and so on, by using lesbian femdom. The sexual palate of certain individuals around 1880-1940 would have been decadent enough that at least some of them must have been able to conceive of the possibility and thus desirability of witnessing lesbian femdom. But there was no lesbian femdom to be had. Now if you went back in time and told this man day dreaming about seeing all the lesbian femdom he wants, this man who statistically must have existed, that you have free access to millions of hours of lesbian femdom porn of all varieties, and you can even purchase custom videos for not very much money, he would think that you live in heaven. And if you told him, no, you just get used to it and it becomes routine, he would not be able to fathom it. He would say, yes, certainly most pleasures do become routine, but lesbian femdom, that's something so rare and so great that it transcends the hedonic paradox, surely you could live off lesbian femdom for a thousand years in paradise like manna from heaven. This refined intellectual would not be able to understand that all the lesbian femdom in the world, at your fingertips, is mundane to you. Until he experienced it for a few months, and then it would be mundane for him too. Thus, not even something that seemed like an impossible fanciful notion and the rarest delicacy to the most refined decadent palate at the height of décadence can escape the paradox of desire. If anything could have defeated dukkha by being such a sheer unqualified good, it should have been the advent of easily accessible lesbian femdom. But it didn't. Thus we should turn all our energies to the understanding of pratityasamutpada.

>> No.22965618

lesbian femdom sucks, they barely have any size difference stuff, if this is the peak then rip

>> No.22965631

>just wrote >>22965614
>so certain of everything I felt and thought
>now you've got me thinking about normal sized women dominating midgets
>tfw it seems like something one could watch for a thousand years in paradise again

>> No.22965648

I relate to the argument that if we can get bored of something as great as unlimited porn of everything we want then we can become bored by anything. But the truth is in modern porn it can be difficult to just find a high definition video of a woman with a body type you are into and it's only gotten worse with the way sites just remove everything now. I genuinely believe that people are captivated enough by sex that if you put them in a vr world where they can act out any sexual desire it would take a very very very long time to get bored.

>> No.22965703

You can turn that stuff off usually. I had a rental recently and all the beeping was driving me nuts but it was all pretty easy to turn off

>> No.22965708

>in modern porn it can be difficult to just find a high definition video of a woman with a body type you are into
Can't imagine this being the case unless you are into some really weird specific shit

>> No.22965728
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I just think my t is too high

>> No.22965744

I'm the anon who was recc to check out him. This resonated a lot with myself, I'm glad that even if I don't like my life, I've never stopped doing stuff.

Thanks for pointing my way to it.

>> No.22965886

This is what gets me. What drives me fantastically mental. The sheer notion of the absolutely improbable still happening, of things so unlikely to happen but they still happen. And not just that, they keep happening, so many variables, and they still happen. A 3rd party observer might say oh that's just a coincidence, or a series of coincidences, but to the person experiencing it, there is no other means for them to interpret the event of chance without cognitively combusting.

An example. This just happened to me. Yesterday and then an hour ago. I went on vacation, had all these tours and things scheduled, some worked out, some didn't. Had to cancel some things, reschedule, reshuffled. But one of the things on my list as it happened to be planned that day, was to go to this one place not really expecting anything. And yet, lo and behold. Out of all the days, out of all the times, I meet A MINOR CELEBRITY IN PERSON ON LOCATION. I could barely contain myself. I then went to my hotel and just tried to process what just happened overnight, my flight home is the next morning anyway. Wow, I thought. I can't believe that happened. That really happened.

Woke up. Got ready. Checked out of hotel. Waited on the hotel lobby for the hotel shuttle to airport. AND BEHOLD, HE JUST HAPPENED TO BE STAYING AT THE SAME HOTEL AND IS CHECKING OUT AND GOING TO THE AIRPORT AT THE SAME TIME AS ME. You can't make this stuff up. I exploded again, he probably thought I was stalking him at that point. I am still processing the sequence of events as they happened right at this very moment. Of all the times, of all the dates, of my rescheduling, reshuffling, vacation dates, flight times. The mind cannot process this much levels of coincidence without resorting to a higher power, it is inconcievable. There's no other way to accept all this.

If you have not experienced this, I invite you to see the world and at least let the variables roll the dice. Perhaps the stars will line up some days, as unlikely as they are. Because when they do, you will believe as I do believe. Christ almighty what are the odds.

>> No.22965894

And they say being schizophrenic isn't fun

>> No.22965925

Any good recs on secondary Lacan literatute?

>> No.22965926

If this was my gf I would put her in a heart locket for sure

>> No.22965937

The Ballot Box was one of the worst ideas DeLeon ever came up with

If only it were that easy for me. I’m just pro-me at this point. Idgaf if the white race gets saved as long as I reproduce that’s all that matters

Third Worldism is cancer

>he says this while on 4chan

NTA but I played guitar in four different bands. My biggest problem is my taste isn’t mainstream

It’s Christian mainly and academia is allergic to that

That side shave haircut women have been wearing is the new danger hair.

>> No.22965941

If her tits are below a C cup or above a D it turns me off

>> No.22965964

Having personality disordered parents sucks. They ring you up to talk at you like a four year old who's been button bashing their parent's phone, except it's excusable when a four year old is socially retarded.

>> No.22965973

If you are only into this kind of body type your T would be lower. Why? Because you need this many curves to get aroused. High T gets aroused with less stimulating figures.

>> No.22965981

yes finally someone is saying this, only the manliest of men fuck men

>> No.22965983

anything by Fink

>> No.22965988

Hey little bird
fly away home
your house is on fire your children are alone

>> No.22965990

ahh I didn't think They would let me. yeah, I'm driving a rental right now and it's *driving* me crazy. the entire dashboard lit up with a big red BREAK! warning when I was pulling up behind someone at a stop sign. I was going like 10mph... it's like driving with a person on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

>> No.22965995

Is it legit to consider the true value of any media phenomena to be the marketing around it and to reframe any kind of marketing independent intrinsic interest evoking quality of a thing as passive marketing as well?

>> No.22966002

Thanks. I have this strange idea that Im not ready for Ecrits and have to prepare for it.

>> No.22966006
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>> No.22966010

One time I listened to On The Road to Viridian City and I cried.

>> No.22966039

You know she's a tranny, right?

>> No.22966052


>> No.22966059

>this is anon's concern
>not the meat suit

>> No.22966061

I finally realized. The things I thought were so important were never important to me, they were just considered important by the people around me and I projected them onto myself. The way others thought and lived was the way I thought things should be, but again I was just assuming I was like everyone else and that the way they thought was the way I should be thinking too.
I did this the most when it came to sexual topics but it happened across every area of my life. I thought that since most people enjoy sexual pleasure and strive to have girlfriends and wives then I should as well, but in truth I never enjoyed or even wanted any of that. I wanted to be left alone. It was like, yeah, objectively it would feel nice to have sex with a cute girl or cuddle with a girlfriend, I would like to be a dad one day, but at the same time, those thoughts were more like instincts or urges that didn't arise solely from my conscious decisions and desires, and they were also almost totally incompatible with the way I actually lived and approached others and thought about the world. If I had met someone I connected with maybe I could have opened myself up in a way, given myself to her in a way, but I think the chances of such a thing are fairly low for people these days even if they don't have other issues.
I wasn't aware of it until recently, but the way I thought of myself was as something subhuman or non-human, a starfish wearing human skin or something, just because of how difficult it was for me to relate to and understand other people and their mindset, and after thinking about it for a while I've concluded that there's nothing wrong with this, that it's neither a source of sorrow nor joy to not really believe myself to be a real person but simply the way I happen to think, for better or worse. Maybe this sounds melodramatic but I can't think of a better way to put it into words.
This all sounds fucked up when I actually type it out. I dunno. I rarely express myself or discuss these things with other people so when I do find an outlet I end up laying it all out at once. Maybe I'm really just self-absorbed.

>> No.22966086


>> No.22966093

wow turns out pussy is easy to get when your parents literally hand it to you

>> No.22966098
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Wasnt the meat suit over a decade ago

>> No.22966100

it isn't creepy, it is just the creepy guys rotting the well. Regardless they will keep at it, even if you don't so it won't change a thing. It is a skill that isn't appreciated when done well, but is lamented if done poorly. I would gain the skill while being aboard if I were you

>> No.22966102

Do you think it aged well?

>> No.22966111

I'm sure after a decade the meat in inedible

>> No.22966115

It was probably inedible when the lights got to it anon

>> No.22966117

working in nursing homes, as electricans, and taxis are fairly popular
>t. black anon

>> No.22966125

I wonder if it is halal

>> No.22966140

she intentionally spread that rumor herself to generate publicity. she's 5'1", 0% chance she's trans

>> No.22966148

>she's 5'1", 0% chance she's trans
Thailand wants your credit card number

>> No.22966155
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that is a she regardless of what is under their skirt

>> No.22966179

t. has never been to thailand

the males there are still on average taller than females

>> No.22966185

It's not like she's being forced to meet me. Like they didn't buy me a concubine

>> No.22966188

Well if she wants to leave the 3rd world country she will

>> No.22966189

t. Has no idea the lengths Asian surgery is willing to go to

>> No.22966191

>manlet troons out
Many such cases

>> No.22966194

Typical Christcuck

>> No.22966197

Not him but isn't Vietnam second world because it's commie?

>> No.22966213

2nd world is a meaningless term post cold war

>> No.22966230

please PLEASE please make the next op a thick bitch, i need it

>> No.22966231

are you going to tell the Americans?

>> No.22966263

Most americans have never even heard the term 2nd world

>> No.22966265

i'm gonna blow my dick off with a quarter stick of dynamite

>> No.22966268

Commies/reds is much easier for them to spell

>> No.22966284

Seems like overkill

>> No.22966291

The far-right of the present is the center-left of 70-80 years ago. The center-left of the present is the far-right of the future.

>> No.22966318


>> No.22966321

What do you consider far right?

>> No.22966452

I guess it’s only hetero to bang black chicks, then

>> No.22967646
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>buy a book in english
>half the book is characters speaking spanish