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/lit/ - Literature

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22962219 No.22962219 [Reply] [Original]

Recommendation thread?
Who I've read and liked/hated omitting the classic authors such as Algernon or other strictly horror authors such as King.

>Thomas Ligotti 10/10
>Laird Barron 9/10
>China Miéville 2/10 (this is fantasy and scifi, nothing ''weird'' about it).
>Jeff VanderMeer 7/10 (Almost feels like a King inspired weird)
>Nathan Ballingrud 8/10 (Feels like normal human drama with some weird just thrown in).
>John Langan 10/10
> Jon Padgett 10/10 (The Secret of Ventriloquism is easily the best weird lit I've ever read in my life).

Recommendations? If you start naming people like Anne Rice and Dean Koontz you will be ignored completely.

>> No.22962262

Please god there is nowhere else to talk about weird lit and the entire Reddit is filled with morons please respond.

>> No.22962320
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Buzzati is great, it's a shame very little of his work has been translated. He also worked on some cool comics which are very hard to find nowadays.
I enjoyed The wine dark sea by Robert Aickman and want to read more of his work.
Piranesi by Susanna Clarke is also good.
If you enjoy reading pulp fiction Robert Howard and Fritz Leiber.

>> No.22962361
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>> No.22962385

Start a substack or something OP if you really want to discuss it. /lit/ moves too quickly for it’s own good owing to the 2016 election tourists

>> No.22962468

Awesome, I've read a lot of these, and some seem more goofy/fantasy but I'll check them out. Thanks!

Is that when the ''Christianity is actually amazing and based and not stupid at all" posts started getting flooded by that one idiot?

>> No.22962563
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Any weird high fantasy books?

>> No.22962626


>> No.22962628

Yeah they are called ''Fantasy'' books.

>> No.22962648
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Nah, something like Morrowind, with those strange vibes.

>> No.22962656

Morrowind is just fantasy anon...

>> No.22962668

You're looking for a subgenre of fantasy, not weird lit. I don't know what you're looking for, but weird lit is ''shove the ever expanding green skeleton up the chimney and avoid its green dust fumes" weird not ''The goblin had 3 tits lol".

>> No.22962691

I honestly don't know what you mean. Morrowind is pretty vanilla.
Maybe the Witcher series or The prince of nothing series.

>> No.22962704

But Jeff VanderMeer's Annihilation is just "strange place" stuff, the same as Morrowind.

>> No.22962740

Weird in what sense?
I would recommend The Obscene Bird of Night by José Donoso and Death on Credit by Louis-Ferdinand Céline. One Hundred Years of Solitude can be really weird too (like the surgery by the invisible doctors), but it's beautiful.

>> No.22962990

Which ones have you read, and what did you think of them? Any favourites?

>> No.22963088

I'd recommend The Other Side by Kubin and The Notebook trilogy by Kristoff

>> No.22963091

>Teatro Grottesco
One of my favorite collections from Ligotti, this seems to be one of his more accessible collections. I enjoy how he writes in a time out of place, that could fit just as well in 2024 as 1914.
>The Imago Sequence
Really liked this, but like his shorts more. The ending was just hinted at enough and I love that he brings in subjective art as a point of horror.
Easily my favorite, especially the mental images of the title story. I can still feel that ''thump'' of the head hitting the ground.
>North American Lake Monsters
I like Ballingrud's ability to weave a human story in between the ''weird'' but some of it is a little overbearing, and not as weird. I believe there is a story about a lake monster that washed up on the shore, and it's only slightly part of the story about a father and his daughters conflict as a teenager. Still very good though.
>The Wide Carnivorous Sky
One of my favorites, the other stories are good, but the title story ended up sticking with me the most. I love creature features but the creature isn't fleshed out all of the way and its abilities and origin or only hinted at.
>The Beautiful Thing That Awaits Us All
My second favorite collection from Barron, the story of ''Blackwood's Baby'' throws us back to a time and setting of Algernon, and I find this story very Algernon-inspired, save for the more gruesome parts.
>Songs of a Dead Dream/Grimscribe
For a weird fiction lover, this is Ligotti's masterpiece of collected stories in my opinion. They aren't as easy to get into as other collections, but anyone with any kind of imagination at all will enjoy ''Flowers of the Abyss". It feels very Ambrose Bierce inspired.
>A Collapse of Horses
More fantastic short stories, although I found the title one a little on the weak-side as a ''horror'' story of someone with Alzheimer's, it feels a little too on the nose.
>The Secret of Ventriloquism
Easily my favorite weird fiction book. I can't even begin to explain or describe it. It has stuck with me since I read it and I measure all weird fiction to how engaging and weird it is. That the Author switches formats and it still relates to the overarching story is fantastic. Highly recommended and I tell everyone to read it.
>Songs for the Unraveling of the World
Another solid collection by Evenson, this time more focused in the strictly ''weird''.
This is the book I'd tell people to read first before ''American Lake Monsters''. Much better weaving of the weird and less family/people drama in my opinion.
>The Immeasurable Corpse of Nature
One of the weakest I've read, it's very ''lightly'' weird, having to deal more with personal experience of what it is to live and die and have someone close to you die. This is a nice ''light'' intro to weird fiction.

Well, it looks like I haven't read ''most'' of the list, I have some catching up to do, although I will say I looked up all of them on Goodreads and skipped downloading the ones that look goof

>> No.22963131

Thanks, a very detailed reply! I'm still looking to read most of these (Currently reading Teatro Grottesco), and that gives a nice overview of what they're like.

>> No.22963134

>favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite

>> No.22963142

I'm sorry, did this upset you?
Most are prefaced by saying ''of this author'' or ''of their short collections''.
Are you ... retarded?

>> No.22963154

You write like a girl.

>> No.22963157

boo hoo, just appreciate that he actually put in time and effort to give a decent overview of the collections he's read.

>> No.22963167

I was not aware, I'll try to make my writing more ''giant penis'' and less ''whatever I feel like''.

>> No.22963256

What does "writing like a girl" entail?

>> No.22963276

>You write like half of the best authors on planet Earth

He should take it as a compliment?

>> No.22963279
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Haha, because they can't write!

>> No.22963311

What an asshole.

>> No.22963416
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I'm surprised no one has mentioned our lord and savior Philip K. Dick yet. "Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep", i.e. the book that became the movie "Blade Runner", is a good place to start. After that, consider "The Three Stigmata Of Palmer Eldritch", and finally, the weirdest book I've ever read, "Ubik".
Thanks! Saved.

>> No.22963418
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My father wrote ten books of erotica about his wife taking black dicks.

>> No.22963701

Dick wasn't really a weird fiction author, he had far out sci fi. I will agree Ubik is ''odd'' but not really weird.

>> No.22963715

weird, far out, odd...just hair-splitting

>> No.22963717

>Weird fiction is whatever I say it is


>> No.22963733


>> No.22963788


Imagine doing this.

>> No.22964701
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>Morrowind is just fantasy anon...

>> No.22964705

and u write like a faggot : )

>> No.22964716

I really liked The Other Side of the Mountain. Short read.

>> No.22965014
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All authors from our very own /lit/. Some good stories in here.

>> No.22966020 [DELETED] 

And you write like a nigger

>> No.22966029

why did this make /lit/ seethe? lol

>> No.22966034

Shut the fuck up, retard

>> No.22966035

>weird lit
meme buzzword
"weird fiction" is just horror without the traditional gothic horror tropes of werewolves and ghosts, that's all it is and that's what lovecraft himself classified it as
lovecraft would be sickened if he saw people like mieville and barron and ligotti assocating themselves with his work
and there's the fact that ligotti knows fuck all about lovecraft and calls him a "disturbed individual" when lovecraft himself was noted to be sociable, amicable and extremely humorous , if slightly eccentric

>> No.22966064

Cool, which weird lit have you read and enjoyed?

>> No.22966091

I guess the better word is surreal. Most of it is horror but there is "weird" lit that's not horror.

>> No.22966122

The Employees by olga ravn

>> No.22966190
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All scotch is whisky, not all whisky is scotch. You stupid, pedantic shitling.

>> No.22966210

That mag is atrocious. That Labuschagne and Miles guy suck major ass

>> No.22966281

There is like one guy in here that is super mad at everything.
Go read your bible you keep fapping over and spamming threads with.

>> No.22966287

Lovecraft sucks. He's a shit writer. He had some good ideas but is easily one of the worst. Everyone that came after him inspired by him wrote circles around him.

Ligotti makes Lovecraft look like a babbling, drooling, toddler.

>> No.22967488

Ligotti is soulless.

>> No.22969042

You’re soulless

>> No.22969046

I'm peak SOVL.

>> No.22969748
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I like Miles. I don't think you gave his story a chance

>> No.22969750

this OP

>> No.22969768

Not high fantasy but Voyage to Arcturus is very weird.

>> No.22969772

Have you read Noctuary. I think Teatro is overall his best collection, but 4 of his absolute best short stories are in that one.

>> No.22969775

I can say with utmost sincerity that nobody on /lit/ has read 'Third Best' by Arjun Rao. Give it a read faggots.

>> No.22969776
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>> No.22969778


>> No.22969974

>le green arrow

>> No.22969979

My 2 can do all arts zeta good(martial, stroke, scene, etc). If we were to use a 2 as a sort of breaker randomly in dimensional war, the random stuff I apply or use is going to be so neat, hidden and great, I'd blow you away. And then blow you. CAUSE YOURE HOT.

>> No.22969984

The 2 of the broken green has brought me so my intellect and potential wealth in this simulation of 50 years.

>> No.22970010

Say what?

>> No.22970277

did u write this u pajeet faggot? there is no way this is weird lit

>> No.22970358

you will never fuck a woman

>> No.22971281
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Lord Dunsany, Clark Ashton Smith, Jack Vance, M. John Harrison and Gene Wolfe are definitely what you want.

>> No.22971295

>There is like one guy in here that is super mad at everything
Your post should be 4chan banner.

>> No.22971304

Also Lovecraft's Dream cycle.

>> No.22971416

"lovecraft" (who isn't weird lit) is the only one i have enjoyed
i have read ligotti and vandermeer and all the other hacks and theyre shit
but nothing about lovecraft is "surreal". he's just a pulp weird fiction writer with some new ideas about horror, although most of his work is in the typical gothic style (which i have no problem with0
Ligotti is a chinlet hack

>> No.22971421

They hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.22971425

Padgett is so shit. The inner dialogue of the police woman was extremely cringe. Stop recommending absolute garbage to people.

>> No.22971510

Name one book from each author, please. Ok, I know about Jack Vance's 'Dying Earth" and Gene Wolfe's TBONS.

>> No.22971591
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Dunsany: Gods of Pegana
Clark Ashton Smith: anything that he wrote in the settings of Hyperborea, Averoigne and Zothique cycles (pic rel is a good way to start)
Jack Vance: The Tschai cycle or Planet of Adventure
Harrison: the Viriconium series
Wolfe: the rest of the Solar Cycle

>> No.22971601

>Clark Ashton Smith
Which cycle is the most Morrowindish or like high fantasy?

>> No.22971663
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Read Brian Evenson’s “A Collapse of Horses” collection. That’s what got me into this kinda stuff

>> No.22971725

I'd say Zothique.

>> No.22971731


>> No.22971879

Based 6th grade, book report tier, analysis.

>> No.22972379
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Opinions on Ramsey Campbell?

>> No.22973045

I really loved the fisherman, is there more stuff out there like that? Stories set in the early 20th century but feature rpg elements? (Evil dark wizard, plucky layman led by sorcery scholar?)

>> No.22973242

Wtf I thought lovecraft was a socially inept chudcel like me?

>> No.22973247

>Thomas Ligotti
Love his work. Has a certain rustic decayed atmosphere that hooked me in immediately with the first handful of stories.

>> No.22973261

He gets better with every collection.

>> No.22973280
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Forgive the fact that these are videos. I know artists get their panties in a twist about AI content too. But they're adaptations of my short stories, which imo qualify:




>> No.22973295

I don't have to add anything to comment but based taste, nevertheless.

>> No.22974579

Michael Cisco

>> No.22976371


>> No.22976426

/lit/ is a Christian boars newfag

>> No.22976431


>> No.22976718

Read PKD’s story “Faith of Our Fathers”

It seriously reads like a Lovecraft story.

>> No.22976732

The battle sequences in Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath are so fucking bad lmao

>> No.22976739

Has anyone read Matt Cardin’s collection To Rouse Leviathan? How is it?

All I know is that Cardin is a big Ligotti scholar but also studied religious studies and that informs his work.

>> No.22976742
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>> No.22976748
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>"lovecraft" (who isn't weird lit)
>nothing about lovecraft is "surreal". he's just a pulp weird fiction writer

>> No.22976769

Might as well ask here
I recall reading a short story once
>an archaeological dig into the lower layers of a landfill
>In the layers dating back fifty years or so, they discovered first one skeleton, then dozens more, and began to receive letters warning them to stop.
>Somehow they could tell that the letters were coming from old people - the wording, or the fact that it was all letters rather than email.
>They kept digging, and pretty soon discovered an entire stratum of skeletons, millions of them, enough to populate the entire city.
>Conclusion was that half a century ago, the entire population had been replaced somehow, and they were the descendants of those replacements.
Anyone ever heard of something like this?

>> No.22976789

Uh, Teatro Grottesco is Ligotti’s most experimental collection, especially since its later in his career.

Songs of a Dead Dreamer/Grimscribe are his first two, and they are much more accessible. They’re more in line with traditional weird horror.

>> No.22976808
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If you like Ligotti

>> No.22976831

So what term would you prefer?

Cosmic horror?
Surreal horror?

>> No.22976838

Some good small publishing houses that publish some great weird horror.

Grimscribe Press, which publishes the Ligotti-inspired journal Vasterien

Plutonian Press

>> No.22976845

Anyone here read Gemma Files? How is her work?

>> No.22977896


>> No.22978253

Read some ligotti. Kinda bland stuff.

>> No.22978274

This post serves to demonstrate how many foid lurkers there are on /lit/.

You're 100% a woman lmao

>> No.22978560

Michael Cisco

>> No.22978647

Which of his works would you recommend?

>> No.22978656

Is there anything like Ligotti’s early works out there? everything that isnt in the penguin collection is hot garbage

>> No.22979144

his best work is written after the first two collections, you are stupid and tasteless, but that's your problem.

>> No.22979575

I enjoyed The Cipher by Kathe Koja

>> No.22979593

The Cipher is top tier

>> No.22980101

Mark Samuels was pretty good. There is a "best of" anthology that came out recently and it's not bad, does have some of his better stuff in it. But if you can find Written in Darkness or The Man Who Collected Machen they're both knockout collections

>> No.22980731


>> No.22982236

Huh, never heard of that, but sounds like a cool story

>> No.22982262

If you can't understand anything that isn't handed to you on plate just say that.

>> No.22982992

Is this actually worth reading? I've seen it floating around this board but haven't seen it mentioned outside of it.

>> No.22983000

Like 50 percent of the stories are kino and half are dogshit. Take from that what you will. It's actually impressively polarized in that respect. For the kino I'd say it's worth it. Pick up Tales 2. Pretty sure it has more and better stories.

>> No.22983008

Worth it just to be in the loop in regards to the so called /lit/ renaissance.

>> No.22983022

Traffic Stop is kino.

>> No.22983112
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>Ligotti is a chinlet hack