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22961664 No.22961664[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I get my wife to shut up long enough for me to read?

>> No.22961674

>How do I get my wife to shut up long enough for me to read?
Build a tower
Insulate yoursef there

>> No.22961677

Start Henry VIII-maxxing and get a divorce

>> No.22961683


>> No.22961684

this wont solve your problem but it will make you feel bettee


>> No.22961707

I'm sorry, but I'd rather listen to my wife talk for 8 hours than a nigger talk for 8 minutes

>> No.22961709

>I'm sorry, but I'd rather listen to my wife talk for 8 hours than a nigger talk for 8 minutes
he's irish though

>> No.22961728

Irish are niggers.

>> No.22961730

Typical white retard that rejects all products of the black mind outright, considers jazz noisy and unintellectual, and supposes all instances of black excellence are in fact examples of affirmitive action (that old ghost), so has not bothered to read James Baldwin or Du Bois or Frederick Douglass.

I hope your wife henpecks you have to death and then divorces you when you least expect it, leaving you a sour, fat, miserable and lonely old man alone to his fading years, picking bedsores and crying like a child about how it "has all come to this."

Fuck you buddy!

>> No.22961732

Find her a hobby. Get her into reading aswell.


>> No.22961747
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>James Baldwin

Isnt that the actor guy who shot that cinematographer on set? Typical nigger behaviour.

>> No.22961787

Didn't read a word you seething nigger

>> No.22961799

I know you don't read, but do you know that is nothing to be proud of?

>> No.22961806

thank you anon
just ask her politely to stop talking

>> No.22961811

>still seething
Bro get mad at god not me; I didn't make your skin the color of feces

>> No.22961832

Ook ook ook whaah whaaah!!

>> No.22961863

I am not your brother. You forfeited the human race when you decided to refurbish whatever racism you absorbed as a child rather than interrogate it critically, which you obviously cannot do because you have a weak "Us-Them" mind. I could care less to see you hang. You are not my friend or species, you are as good as a stone. No, you are worse. Stones have no eyes and may he forgiven for not seeing the light in others'.

>> No.22961868

Listen really intently to what she is saying and nod up and down, act sarcastically like she is really interesting and you’re hanging on to her every word until she gets it. Like “gee, tell me fucking more.”

>> No.22961870

>more words I'm not going to read
Lel I would so hate to be brown

>> No.22962113
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>you decided to refurbish whatever racism you absorbed as a child rather than interrogate it critically
Can you interrogate this map critically for me?

>> No.22962187

100% beta subhuman personality, you rant to her as long as suits you then try to make excuses to be nice in breaking your interaction with her, if that doesn't work within so many minutes just outright tell her I have to do something and go browse your phone

>> No.22962192

Throw a book at her.

>> No.22962255 [DELETED] 
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Racist frogposting teens have already grown up into the racist wife-hating boomers their parents were...

>> No.22962265
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>>22961664 (OP)
Racist frogposting teens have already grown up into racist wife-hating boomers...

>> No.22962267

why is reading more important than what your wife has to say?

>> No.22962271

This post is like looking into the mirror....

>> No.22962274

point. set. match.

>> No.22962291

We wuz malnourished n sheit

>> No.22962316

I've found a good smack across the face does the trick. If she speaks again, repeat.

>> No.22962323

ooga booga, want a banana?

>> No.22962362

Nothing more midwit than thinking there is wisdom to be found in the ravings of walking piles of poop. Their skin literally looks like shit!

>> No.22962369

IQ is a stupid zeitgeist obsession. It is literally the attempt to measure the soul with a numeral. I am not nearly stupid enough to think this can be done, as I readily perceive the human mind to be the most subtle, complex and inexplicable object known (supposedly) to science.

You, on the other hand, have allowed absurd notions such as GPA and SAT score to form your entire notion of wits. Let me repeat that. Your idea of intelligence comes from schoolteachers.

Moreover, IQ tests lean heavily on math/spatial reasoning. I tested 130 as a kid but studied advanced math for 3 or 4 years. I test 145 on the other side of that.

You can train your mind to become better at quantitative and spatial reasoning. You can train it to have better vocabulary and better analogical reasoning. Everyone who receives strong home education in geometry or arithmetic, or grows up with a high vocabulary adult that speaks to them often, is at a major, advantage on IQ tests.

Jews score higher because they are exposed to more literatue and often Hebrew. It is not rocket science.

If you actually knew and befriended any blacks you will quickly discover there is no difference whatsoever in the mean of conversational aptitude. I know you white boys consider all nonstandard Englishes to be subEnglish, but this is merely your imperial domination instinct applying itself to lexicography for whatever insane reason. Get over the ebonics hump and start talking politics or religion. There is no difference at all.

>> No.22962394

Pure. Nigger. Copium.

>> No.22962546

Go away, you have the wits of a fifth grade teacher and a demeanor to match. Saying "hurrr pure cope" means nothing. Do you have the abiliy to think and formulat a sentence on your own? You sure are a stupid nigger of a white person.

>> No.22962944

>nigger spends 2 hours typing out furious arguments to "prove" himself to whites
>it thinks somehow this is a victory

>> No.22963001

All the best jazz musicians are white, chet baker, chick corea, art pepper, bill evans... black jazz is mostly just noise. The same could be said for lit. But, it's still worth checking them out. That's why I watched the patrice oneal video in the link.

>> No.22963020
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Provide her with a bull to satisfy her sexual needs which you clearly leave unfulfilled.

>> No.22963037

I sex my wife three times a month as the Athenian law prescribes, thank you very much.

>> No.22963046

Lots of negrophobia ITT. Same faggots who whine abou anti white waycism on twitter.

>> No.22963099

hahah Chick Corea said Art Tatum was the greatest jazz pianist bar none. Rachmaninoff said Art Tatum was the greatest pianist in any tradition alive.

To say nothing of Coltrane, Bird, and Miles Davis. Dave Brubeck is ultra white upfront tempo lounge jazz. He only sounds good in a black band.

You are a FUCKEN LOSER and your music taste SUCKS

>> No.22963101

Please write a complete sentence if you can, white nigger

>> No.22963106

You're fucking retarded. Bill Evans is greatest jazz piano and it's not even close. Chick can say whatever he wants I know better.

>> No.22963135

Bro, literally nobody thinks Bill Evans is GOAT. Not even Bill Evans. He was a very clean player with excellent phrasing, and he demonstrates a lot of harmonic brilliance in, say, Green in Blue, but he is not particularly virtuostic, he simply could not play the shit Art Tatum did, let alone improvise it.

Hell, Chick Corea is a more acrobatic player. Bill doesn't play virtuostically or with the force of a concerto. He is a well behaved bandmate with a proclivity for augmenting the jazz genre with classical phrasing.

Your stupid arrogant reactionary obsession with White European culture causes you to assume outright that the classical tradition is superior, and you are just applying this naive notion to your jazz ears and noting Evans fits the ideal better.

You have no soul, no musical subtley, and no experience playing this kind of music, obviously. You do not deserve jazz music, you uncultured white ogre.

You are EXACTLY like William Faggot Buckley Jr. standing there dumbfounded when Rosalun Tureck assured him the polyrhythmical complexity of African music far exceeds any idea of rhythm developed in the classical tradition.

Fuck you I will eat your lunch all day midwit

>> No.22963149

>> polyrhythmical complexity of African music ooga booga

>> No.22963155



>> No.22963161

>>Rosalun Tureck
Shalom rabbi!

>> No.22963186

(You are still a dumbass, I ate your lunch in front of you and we both know it)

>> No.22963200

You must be 18+ to post here.

>> No.22963229

What do you want me to say that by the late 19th century after 70 years of copying Beethoven there was a realization that they weren't going to be able to surpass Bach or Beethoven so they created the field of ethnomusicology to "discover" folk music that surrounded their elite Vienna scene then as early anthropology rediscovered the ideas of Descartes as Rousseau and the noble savage ethmusicologists went out into the field and said look at all this complexity in African music soooo impressive I bet Mozart would have never imagined this, in fact, I bet the greats of the classical periods were copying African kangs and then by the 1940s every academic musicologist is hell bent on swooning over African and other folk music and pushing it in fusion form as innovation on the music scene

>> No.22963234

Bro if you find out let me know.

>> No.22963257

The easiest way to achieve this is to get her a hobby outside of the house during the time you want to read. So find out what she likes and go from there. For example, if she likes making pottery get her a multiday ceramics class in the evening. If she ends up liking it get her a membership to the ceramics studio and encourage her to go. You read when she's out making coffee mugs. She'll love you more for it, and you'll get quite time.

>> No.22963263

Math is mostly retarded though. STEMfags deserve the rope.

>> No.22963268

Use a chloroform rag

>> No.22963275

Lol the fact that you called affirmative action a ghost is a dead giveaway that you are a lazy nigger with nothing to offer the country and assumes handouts are a necessary part of life. Also, it’s half to death, not have, you fucking idiot. And it’s pretty rich for a nigger to think about another person’s family breaking up. You monkey abandon your kids 75 PERCENT OF THE FUCKING TIME, please explain to me why that’s the result of muh rassizm!!!

You animals trying to be intellectual is so funny. Granted, Go Tell it on the Mountain is a good book.

>> No.22963291

You’re not married obviously but to explain, you are around this person all evening and every evening, weekends, and holidays. You work all day and have to talk to people all day. You take off the clown uniform and come home and just want to relax for a second and that’s when your wife starts rambling on about bills, relationships, appointments, a conversation she had, something the kids did, something the kids said, an idea she has, a video she saw, a recipe she saw, a deal she capitalized on, a dream she had, a chore she has for you this weekend, etc, etc, etc. and then has the audacity to get annoyed with YOU for not listening.

>> No.22963302

Or you can remove the tinfoil hat and notice that ethnomusicology owes its origin to Mr. Edison's victrola, not some outrageous European-wide inferiority complex about Beethoven that apparently drove men to make field recordings in the hills and on the fringes of European empire (the other necessary condition for the invention of a comparative study of music-- contact with other cultures in remote regions of the world and their weird instruments and dances).

You need to get this Antisemitic ghost out of your head you cannot see a damn thing clearly.

I don't know why I bother, your type is very mentally sick and cannot let go of your evil Jew poltergeist that you find blocking your successes and wishes at every turn.

>> No.22963308

Black people are lazy as fuck, why? Partially because of a generally low IQ, but also because of influence from the big 5 personality traits. To understand IQ without understanding them is arbitrary, yes. But once you study them you understand why blacks are not only stupid but also arrogant, entitled, defensive, and violent.

>> No.22963317

I think you need to take your meds

>> No.22963320

This skit literally does nothing for the conversation, nor is funny.
>men want to be alone, but we don't wanna be by ourselves
There, saved all of you 8 minutes.

>> No.22963322

Okay dude who thinks ethnomisicology is a Jewish conspiracy... and that Bill Evans is the greatest jazz pianist... and that any positive claim about nonwestern music must be some kind of cope, because obviously civilization and art only exist in the west

>> No.22963334

You're literally crazy. I never said ethnomusicology was a jewish conspiracy and you may disagree that Bill Evans is the greatest jazz pianist and that's fine. I also didn't say non western civilizations don't exist or that blacks aren't good at anything. People like you try to claim that African polyrhythm is some kind of revelation and should be put on a pedestal and admired and it's absurd.

>> No.22963351

Nice little walkback there partner.

">>Rosalun Tureck
Shalom rabbi!"

">> polyrhythmical complexity of African music ooga booga

" Chick can say whatever he wants I know better."

Eat your stupid words, jackass

>> No.22963361

you're making connections like a schizophrenic

>> No.22963369

I admit I did assume you are the schizo who keeps making threads about dodecaphonic music and Jews. But I had every reason to suspect that based on your ">shalom rabbi" snark and your fairly conspiratorial account of ethnomisicology as a nefarious cope for a Beethoven inferiority complex.

You get a gold star for trying

>> No.22963393

Why bother putting forth so much effort? I am having enough fun at your expense

>> No.22963404

You can't win a single argument with me so now you have decided you are just here for lighthearted fun and I am a crumudgeon wasting his breath. Your post about ethnomisicology was very much an effortpost.

How can you be this unselfcritical?

>> No.22963475
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>> No.22963480

Soulful eyes. We shouldn't keep these things in a cage.

>> No.22963493

>You get a gold star for trying
Your ilk should be the ones being labeled with a golden star

>> No.22963511

Visible headphones. Better harder longer fucking.

>> No.22963518

tape a book holder to the back of her head and put her lips on your dick

>> No.22963584

Ikr I'm so glad I'm not brown. Imagine the smell.

>> No.22963646

>Give her smartphone
>throw it at her
>tell her to look for cute things

>> No.22963688
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I hate Redditors and leftists but I hate /pol/kiddies too. Don’t let them make you seethe too much, though, it’s useless, they’ve been here since the start and will be here indefinitely. It’s like trying to clean an ocean of piss with a towel. Also, sometimes even our enemies have points, even if put crudely and without nuance. However, it’s not my place to talk down to you or urge you to passivity and being a good Uncle Tom house negro. It just saddens me to see someone so worked up about juvenile trolls on the Internet who are unlikely to change their minds, no matter how well-worded the post.

Fuck the human jungle!

>> No.22963704

This is ridiculous. One day she will get fed up and you will wish she had the desire to tell you all about the kids, her ideas, the bills. She talks so much to you when you are back because she cares and she might miss you too. You cannot see that. But she also doesn't see that you are tired and need some space. You just need to talk to her to give you time to relax and she should respect that. But if you expect her to leave you alone for most of the evening then you are not appreciating her.

>> No.22963734

Have you lived with a woman besides your mom?

>> No.22963882

put your dick in her mouth?

>> No.22963901

Have YOU? I undersrand that pragmatic relationship wisdom appears supperficially faggy, but relationship with poor communication turns into a horror show of psychological warfare in no time, and this kind of approach really does keep the ledger balanced. No man who cannot endure the humiliation of struggling to explain his own insecure feelings can love. It is that simple. Love is not competition or conquest. It is holding up a wound to another and hoping they band it rather than throw dirt in it, which they can at any time, and which will always hurt

>> No.22963924

Just ignore them and look for a better social platform. Still, it's neigh impossible to find one without far left or right sycophants... 4chan as a whole has become shit.
Regardless, I don't personally enjoy stand-up humor at all anymore, so I'm not going to watch that video, even if it were a white guy or whatever race. I have become more humorless the older I get.

>> No.22963928

Beat her

>> No.22963929

Lynn/Vanhanen didn't even do IQ tests in most countries. A lot of the stats for most countries are wrong.

>> No.22963936

there is no fucking way Italians are smarter than the French

>> No.22963961

I appreciate your post and your wise words of caution. I am enraged at the world, which is like a stupid and bratty child that refuses to be helped. So have become in turn a stupid and bratty child that refuses to be helped.

In my defense, I have suffered a gauntlet of unfortunate, miserable events in the last several years, including immense grief, and including a profoundly unfair layoff at the hands of a greedy employer.

I had dealt with the inhuman tragedy of death fairly well. Who can we blame for death? It was the human cruelty that has sent me into a rage spiral, because humans should know better than to deny one another for self enrichment. If a large stone falls on my head and kills me, so be it, take it up with God. If a human being behaves towards me with wanton cruelty I have no recourse but to hate life itself, and to feel that my fellow men are all rotten and ought to be drowned.

>> No.22963965

>This obsessed with an overly rigid view of a fixed IQ
Just kys, memelord faggot.
Experience-dependent neuroplasticity introduces a higher dimension of complexity to this question.
1. Neuroplasticity facilitates the development of intelligence. It is a prerequisite for the development of intelligence.
2. The rate and intensity of neuroplasticity differs across races and individuals (e.g., longer critical period).
3. When the brain is plastic, one can choose to either develop intelligence or not. Let's say someone has highly plastic brain. He chooses to waste his time with anime and games. He never reads or learns anything important. He becomes what is called "wasted potential".
Neuroplasticity is what gives the potential to develop the intelligence, or consolidate the templates.
Even longitudinal studies of Mindfulness Meditation have shown it can increase grey matter density and fractional anisotropy of white matter tracts.
The brain is not like a computer. It is dynamic, plastic complex adaptive system (CAS).

>> No.22963980

If human beings were more closely related to orangutans or gorillas instead of chimps or bonobos, then we wouldn't be so bad as a species.
Granted, I do think there are plausible arguments that human civilizational development may have been manipulated or guided by nefarious forces like Solid State Intelligence. I am undecided on that matter though.
Anyways, this massive growth in identity politics and racism will end after AGI and robots become more sophisticated. People will start arguing whether robots deserve rights.
Anyways, I've come across dumb and smart people of all races, but something about the Ashkenazi makes them the worst as a whole, which is due more to cultural conditioning rather than race itself.

>> No.22964061

>Fuck you buddy
Calm down, Maynard.

>> No.22964073

Wake up earlier and read first thing, or stay up later and read then.

>> No.22964096

this works until Tyrone signs up for a class, steals your wife, then BBC dicks hers down

>> No.22964114

The upper crust of negros are barely capable of muttering folksy platitudes. Even the browncel whining on this board has amounted to the linguistic pilpul of claiming that the bongos are on par with Bach if you don‘t consider anything to do with different tones.

>> No.22964135

What's the point of picking provoking random non-whites when they didn't even attack your race in the first place? You're behaving like a bunch of Jews. I suppose worshiping a Jew for 1000+ years has turned you into one. You need a real enemy to kick you Westernshits in, so you can learn some humility in the process. It's not like this random black man was mocking you in the least or being vulgar by joking about sleeping with your women (if he did do something like this, then I could understand the vitriol). It is a painful thing to watch, but you are becoming too pompous and cocky for your own good as narcissistic slaves of Jews.
Instigating conflict is an invitation to getting beaten.

>> No.22964159

Guys I think we broke the frustrated browncel

>> No.22964161

How do you know that guy is non-white or white? Nevertheless, cuckolding is a disgusting sexual fetish.
Kys, race baiting fag. This entire topic is trash.

>> No.22964327

underrated post

>> No.22964343

Thomas Sowell is pretty based I guess

>> No.22964352

Jews are the finest race of humanity yet. Would all of humanity be as all of Jewry, the world would know harmony.

What other people forged a perpetual will to live out of repeatedly be conquered? None. The story of Jews as a people mirrors the story of any particular human being perfectly. Jews are the essence of humanity. That is not altogether an accolade, for humanity is besmirched by evil. It is no surprise to me at all that Holocaust survivors propogated the Nakba. Jews can turn Nazi and Nazis can turn Jew.

>> No.22964376

fuck off, Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Candace Owens and Tim Scott all have racial inferiority complexes that ring clear and obvious as bells.

Other signs of inferiority complex are: obsession with authority, religion and the symbols of power. How bout that.

Pic related... the self-hating black man that played the empty black character from the movie "The Blindside." The poor bastard that let himself be a white man's fool.

>> No.22964379
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forgot pic

>> No.22964390

Kourosh should have slaughtered all of you when he had the chance. It would have spared the world a lot of misery.

>> No.22964396

I am neither Jewish nor black, though I would happily become either than carry my spirit in this demon-infested man-eating bag of cruel and insane obsession called whiteness.

>> No.22964775

Based and Jung pilled

>> No.22964992

The Italians gave you a civilization, be kinder