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22961264 No.22961264[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

an abuse of reason leads to spiritually disordered ideas like nihilism/postmodernism etc.

reason separated from truth/the soul leads to chaos/evil

just like desire can be perverted, reason can be perverted

reason is only good if it is in line with the intuition of the soul

>> No.22961269

Platonism (and Neoplatonism) and Stoicism are good.

>> No.22961364

in other words, you want to keep your illusions of free will and objective morality and God that have been so useful for YOU, because they somehow make sense to YOU, so you want everyone to stop using reason to show that these things don’t actually make sense at all. Of course you cling to them because you evolved to need them, you have no other readily available copes. As soon as you realize there is no infinite afterlife where silly monkeys like you sing songs for eternity, you lose your will. Well, this is not the type of organism that will defeat the aliens. We must go higher.

>> No.22961496

Read Kant

>> No.22961500


>> No.22961516
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in other words YOU don't want to admit that you are morally responsible for anything. You hide behind the cope that "everything is subjective" so that you can deal with the fact that you are craven, dishonorable, and a slave to desire and circumstance. Of course you cling to these ideas, because you've evolved to need them. You never developed the virtues and became truly self-determining, so you have no other copes for indulging lust, gluttony, sloth, and wrath. As soon as you realize you are a hollow solipsist who stands on nothing, who only accepts arguments that gratify the very desires he is a slave to and determined by, you will lose your will. Well, this is not the type of organism who will be able to master the passions and circumstance or know itself and thus become self-moving. We must go higher.

>> No.22961519

Yes, you evolved to think that way. Tell me something I don’t know

>> No.22961525

What determines morality? Genetics and experience. You people would have it that we simply teach other to be virtuous, just be virtuous! I’m sure this has worked in the past few thousands of years. If you have free will, why aren’t you perfect? How do you prove that you are right and I’m wrong? Yet I know how to prove you wrong, and that is by creating a higher organism, much more intelligent and considerate and self-controlled. Your ideology hinders progress, you think that the only thing that needs developing is that which we cannot detect or manipulate in any way. And that is why people like you will die out.

>> No.22961528

Holy shit, wrecked.

>> No.22961529

>I'm intellectually lazy and I hate ideas that don't confirm my dumb comfortable worldviews
Also, you're not fooling anyone with "like nihilism/postmodernism etc" we know you've heard of those two words, saw that many people use them pejoratively, decided to get on the bandwagon because le nihilism postmodernism bad le religion good

>> No.22961537

Your line of reasoning implies that most philosophy is nihilism/postmodernism. Which is not true.

>> No.22961539

> We must go higher
What a funny thing to say in the thread meant to dissuade people from using their brains. I guess we should only go higher when we're agreeing that your god exists. Also, why do religionfags always like to pretend that atheists have no morality? You're not better people than us.

>> No.22961555
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To a chimpanzee, the thought of using the mind more than muscle is surely cringe, and yet without this development, we would still be shit-flinging chimps. We evolve to thrive in a certain environment, but the fact is, environments change. For most of human history, religion and other illusions have been useful. Especially when we didn’t even know how to make sense of weather phenomena like lightning and rainbows. But all of this is coming to an end, we are witnessing this in real time. But as these things pass away, nihilism rises precisely because people have been bred and conditioned to think that life is meaningless without these fantastic things. But there are exceptions, there are people who don’t need these copes. It follows that the whole species can and WILL one day be like this. The universe is not beautiful or ugly or meaningful or meaningless, these are all descriptions that WE impose. It is entirely dependent on the organism. Then if you want to solve nihilism, you simply need to outbreed it.

>> No.22961571

>always like to pretend that atheists have no morality?
Because you don't.

>> No.22961661

>Free will is absolute libertarian free will and teaching virtue only entails telling people "be good."

Not even a good strawman. Please tell me how fapping to porn, abusing drugs, drinking, having promiscuous sex, utilizing on demand abortions, playing vidya all day, social media dopamine hits, stuffing your face with processed slop, never fasting a day in your life, and consuming constantly help to develop will power? And yet, for the emotivist nihilist here can never be anything wrong with this. "Everything is just subjective bro," "you just gotta maximize your utility."

Intelligence? Look who reproduces in a post-morality society.

That you can only conceive of virtue in terms of some simplistic divine command theory ready-made fundementalists strawman just shows how deep into your modernist blinders you are.

>> No.22961669

>And that is why people like you will die out

kek. only the religious and minorities have birthrates above replacement. you nu-athiest types literally have Korea tier birth rates. if anyone is dying out it's you. out of all the secular people I know late 20s to 40s almost none have kids and those who do had just one.

>> No.22961678

Religious people lie, steal, rape, murder. Case in point: ISIS.

Your religion doesn't make you virtuous, even though you love to pretend otherwise.

>> No.22961704

> Please tell me how fapping to porn, abusing drugs, drinking, having promiscuous sex, utilizing on demand abortions, playing vidya all day, social media dopamine hits, stuffing your face with processed slop, never fasting a day in your life, and consuming constantly help to develop will power?
None of those things are good, but relying on religion to enforce good behavior only preserves genetic natures that are susceptible to them. That is possibly why homosexuals exist: they repress their natures, often reproducing to fit in. If religion didn’t exist then people would be more expressive and therefore more easily weeded out from the gene pool. This is why feminism is good, it lets us see who exactly the whores are, because they are allowed to do whatever they want. All of this seems bad on a short time frame but in the end, it is for the best. That’s why the rise of nihilism is a necessary stage in our development. Conditions are changing, so too will our genetics.
And what happens when religion becomes obsolete? Do you mean to tell me that those people only reproduce because they are religious? Therein lies the problem: we should not have to rely on ancient fairytales to survive and reproduce.

>> No.22961706

OP is correct that modern phil is "an abuse of reason." But what kind of abuse? What is its nature? We hear two competing explanations.

Adorno (I have not read him, just the stanford.edu article) placed rationality contrary to Freud's critique of the thinking mind.

The Traditionalists on the other hand postulate the over-rationalizing as symptomatic of an arrogance in mankind that expands in pitch and scale under some kind of demonic cosmological influence.

Is anyone aware of dialogue between traditionalists and Adorno et al. ? Is this covered in a book somewhere? I want to read it

>> No.22961718

See >>22961555
> But there are exceptions, there are people who don’t need these copes. It follows that the whole species can and WILL one day be like this.
The goal is a species that loves life and reproducing regardless of what it’s religious beliefs are.

>> No.22962565

Why is reproduction and pleasure good? Surely pain cannot be eliminated. For the atheist, why isn't antinatalism and pro-extinction just as reasonable a goal?

Why should people move towards your goal? Why don't they just do whatever feels good?

>> No.22962584

>YOU don't want to admit that you are morally responsible for anything
The Christian worldview as it is commonly understood is a complete abdication of moral responsibility

>> No.22962589

> Why should people move towards your goal?
if they have similar goals of human flourishing