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22959466 No.22959466[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22959470

Based and throwing the baby out with the bathwater pilled

>> No.22959480
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The American view of everything is a cancer infesting the world. They should have got a few things right by now, but every single thing they take to such a ridiculous degree as to make the solution far worse than the problem they try to fix.

>> No.22959494

you live in your head. No one knows what you’re talking about

>> No.22959523

He's saying that the American public will latch onto an idea or concept and take it to such extremes that they will start to create more problems that the idea or concept was inevitably looked to to fix. In OPs post, this person is talking about how intellectuals sometimes live in a bubble and lack a certain grit or life experience. which is true, but the person also suggests some wild extremity where the intellectual pursuit is basically seen as worthless compared to the life experience of hard labor, which is just blatent anti-intellectualism.

>> No.22959530

Someone's big mad that they not smart and not rich.

>> No.22959531

I have no idea what point is trying to be made.

>> No.22959541

>SAT words
Embarrassing thinking big words are only for test scores.

>> No.22959604

Great advice for the lunchroom at walmart

>> No.22959663

i see two extremes, those who are bitter and insecure because they are uneducated and pseudes who are mad that other people don't care about their esoteric interests.

>> No.22959673

Is this one of those internet micro celebrities or just some guy you know on Facebook? There's not really a difference.

>> No.22959721

probably the same type of retard who says shit like "schools should teach us how to get a job and pay taxes, not shakespeare and algebra"

>> No.22959748

Philosophical intelligence (as opposed to autistic/mathematical intelligence) does hold people back from doing generally unintelligent things like making lots of money, yeah. But it doesn't hold people back from doing intelligent things with their life.
What a stupid and pointless post to make. The person who posted it self-describes as a "filmmaker, musician and artist" btw so not really the person to school others on manual labour.

>> No.22959844

You’re not very intelligent yourself if you think doing intelligent things cannot lead you to money

>> No.22959853

Hmm, good thing I never said that then.

>> No.22959895

...You can do both

>> No.22959913

>everyone should be forced to do [specific yet unremarkable activity that I did once and am probably exaggerating the negative aspects of] you see it makes me very special and gives me much more authority and perspective than YOU

>> No.22959955

Good thread. OP comprehensively btfo.

>> No.22959979

Das rite don't nobody understand yo mayo monkey ass

>> No.22960036

Try using them during lunch break

>> No.22960050

I have a confession: I'm a janitor
I'm largely incapable of sharing my hobby with coworkers so I have to come here
Currently reading Don Quixote, that Marcela sidestory was absolutely brilliant

>> No.22960053

Because Dylan is too stupid to make allusions of commiseration with the "smart" character he evokes, but he doesn't try to hide himself as the victim of the nepo baby manager. Hence he knows he can never be the former, so he wishes to be the latter and his resentment towards same is directed towards the imagined subject of his supposed advice.

>> No.22960098

>unintelligent things
>making lots of money

>> No.22960127

what exactly is an "SAT word"?

>> No.22960130

Life isn't fair and it's not what you thought it would be.

>> No.22960143

He thinks he is making some grand point, but he is saying the lowerclass is stupid and doesnt read books and know about philosophy

>> No.22960149

Sounds like a bunch of communist babble to me

>> No.22960158

When I was a kid I honestly thought I'd never get a girlfriend and would die in a war. It's exceeded my wildest expectations so far.

>> No.22960161

It's insane how every single time some guy tries to make some sweeping statement on social media he's just unknowingly broadcasting his own insecurities and failures.

>> No.22960173

Niggers in 2024 can make millions just by mumbling incoherently on a microphone inside of a studio for a living. Obviously making money isn't a sign of low intelligence, but literal retards are just as capable of being rich as smart people now more than ever.

>> No.22960210

My life is a walking nightmare due to a flase charge of sexual harassment. I'm okay with it now, but it took its toll. I hate women now. Life isn't fair.

>> No.22960277

He's completely on point, but no wonder a mutt can't comprehend it.

>> No.22960281

I feel like if he swapped the word intelligence with pretentiousness that whole post would be a lot less contentious.

Regardless, he does have a point. I've been reading for a long time now and I'm no better off now than when I started and there is a certain idea around reading that makes people feel like their "above" others. Even some who read genre fiction think they're a cut above the average person.

All that being said I've done manual labor for a good portion of my life too. Carpentry and masonry primarily. That never did me any favors either, but I will say it humbled me a lot more to failure.

>> No.22960287

like everything else a leftoid has ever written it just seems like cope for their shitty economic conditions.
>you are reading le philosophy when we are enslaved by le nepobabies??

>> No.22960317
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i have a tested IQ of 188 & imo he's absolutely correct in his assessment. we dont need any more useless 20th century-esque insular ivory tower shitheads in the world making empty pronouncements about how they think average dumbfuck normie people should live & work & think. fuck your worthless little booksmarts & get good at real life, you bitchass scrubs

>> No.22960333

The meaning of the image you've posted completely contradicts the statement you were trying to make.

>> No.22960360

The poor create the wealth of the rich.

>> No.22960364

this pic reminds me of old people at the casino

>> No.22960372

If the number of books represented how many times you've gambled in your life the pic might be more accurate

>> No.22960376

just one more book and it'll all make sense bro (the book is hop on pop)

>> No.22960441

I have a tested IQ of 189 and I think you’re a dumbass.

>> No.22960445

How is that? Been thinking of applying for janitorial work. I just want something that doesn't rule my life and doesn't sap my soul

>> No.22960446

And yet, I am over 21, I do argue about philosophers, and I have a six figure white collar job. Who's gonna stop me?

>> No.22960458

God I sure love the arrogant boilerplate retards the tech industry is producing

>> No.22960467

I'm a barrister that spends his spare time arguing in Junger and Nietzsche threads lel. Some retards just can't let themselves be pragmatic from time to time.

>> No.22960492
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Simple words good

>> No.22960532

hes maopilled (aka retarded)

>> No.22960596

This is what I imagine that guy from Good Will Hunting who got owned by Will in the bar would type

>> No.22961854

He's the equivalent of a frustrated gambler yelling at the dealer about how the game isn't fair because he just lost in his entire life savings

>> No.22961927

I don’t get it
what about manual labor is supposed to turn me off from using certain words?
I’ve been a roofer in the past (which I would say is one of the shittier construction jobs) and being a roofer did nothing to change my word choice. Even with other coworkers I still talk like I swallowed a thesaurus sometimes. If anything working construction taught me to never give an inch to others because they’ll take advantage of any weakness you show. Nobody said shit about the way I talked because they knew better
Like, it’s very clear that whoever wrote this is seething about some “nepo baby”, yet he wants other people to also submit to the nepo baby as because… reasons?
This twitter post just reads like some retard who’s angry that someone used a big word around him and has now gone into full crabs-in-a-bucket mode

>> No.22962142

>they were born with the right last name
What last names is he talking about?

>> No.22962217

I am that six-figure nepo baby and I love using SAT words and talking about my favorite philosophers.

>> No.22962278


>> No.22962347
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>intelligence will only hold you back

>> No.22962408

He meant you’ll teach about the real life and how none of the big words you use matter