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/lit/ - Literature

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22959088 No.22959088 [Reply] [Original]

Stop wasting your time with airy fairy ideas that have no basis with reality. Stop reading fiction. Dostoevsky will not turn you into a better person. Neither will reading about figures like Alcibiades or Napoleon. At best you become good at spouting trivia.

Get good at sports. Get good at math. Get a skill that makes money. Get rich. Get fit. If you spent less time with fiction and instead chose to do math Olympiad or chess from a young age you'd be a top percentile human instead of wasted potential on /lit/.

>> No.22959093

But does reality actually exist?

>> No.22959097


>> No.22959099

None of this brings her back so I don't care

>> No.22959101

Getting real pajeet vibes off of this post

>> No.22959106

Reading about strong brave men of myth and history inspires me to lift and challenge myself outdoors.

Math and chasing money is for faggots though.

>> No.22959113

Reading about strong brave men of myth and history makes me want to lift because it pisses me off that all the cool prositution and adventure already happened and lifting is my only outlet for that emotion

>> No.22959124

>t. Mediocrity who thinks he's better than everyone else and all it will take is that "one day" where a flip finally switches and he proves himself

>> No.22959127

Very specific there anon. Have something to share?

>> No.22959134

You're no different than coons who get inspired by tiktok edits of Sasuke with some groid rap lyrics

>> No.22959136


>> No.22959139

>Get good at sports. Get good at math. Get a skill that makes money. Get rich. Get fit
Retarded things to say to fully formed adults. If you aren't on your way to these by the time you're out of high school you weren't meant for them. That's the true "realitypill", just follow your own nature.

>> No.22959156

So, based?

>> No.22959157

How are you certain?

>> No.22959158

Batman didn't start fighting crime until his late 20's. He is a prime example of realism maxxing. He learned useful skills to b come impressive despite not having any inborn greatness. He mixed the fantasy with the real

>> No.22959163

Thank you bro I needed this

>> No.22959167

What‘s neat is that by by choosing the most aesthetically distasteful (albeit funny) illustration possible you inherently recognize the spiritual elevation of art by means of its antipode; you only pretend not to see it.

>> No.22959173

No he's seeing that there are multiple ways to express the same idea, in this case the idea being you should be big and break stuff

>> No.22959176

This. Why do people think we should all be interested in the same things and it's fitness and stocks? Besides, you probably watch podcasts where they have "successful" people tell their stories, right? Well, instead of listening to podcasts, we like to read about other people's experiences. The stories might be fictional, but they're not completely disconnected from reality (I mean i swear upon reading the karamzov brothers, i could link the almost every character with someone I knew or met in my life) and you understand how they think and feel ... And maybe that might come handy in making money (yk because rich people that you're trying to cut a deal with are still people) and making money shouldn't be the all be all of life. I mean you deal with friends, family, a gf, your children... and they're people, and you're not making money out of those relationships.

>> No.22959177

>Get a skill that makes money. Get rich.
why ?

>> No.22959181

you're too smart for this place, get out

>> No.22959183

because... you just have to, ok?!?

>> No.22959184

Talk about easily impressed

>> No.22959186

To be impressive. Build your wealth and throw it all away for some childish fantasy you still maintained in adulthood and die at 33 (master number of completion)

>> No.22959192

>Litoids think explaining someone's post is impressive

>> No.22959193

>harboring schizo power fantasies of becoming christ by getting rich and crucifying your money

>> No.22959197

>extremely obvious parasocial tourist post

>> No.22959203

>better person
Would any of the other shit you listed make you a "better person"? Are you basing all this on how "cool" or "impressive" you'll outwardly seem to the masses?

>> No.22959206

You will have wished you invested time in ideas when you're 30 and only have your boring realism. Man needs intellectual refinement and absorbsion.

>> No.22959211

It was no explanation, it was using his logic against him

>> No.22959213

>art...le influences people
Holy shit...wooooah my boy is so fuckin smaht!

>> No.22959226

All things I’m not good at

>> No.22959229

You would've had a point if the thread you're writing this under wasn't about art being a waste of time

>> No.22959234

Yes. Being better than people is the number one goal in life besides pleasure. Some people become martyrs just so you can flex how much more in control of your basal instincts you are than the masses. It's a huge flex to have the weight of the world on your shoulders and forgive others and take the high ground. Others become law men in various forms to scare others into submissions. Instilling fesr is a flex. Subhumans can't cause fear, only the genetically better can. Dying as a young rockstar is also a flex. You keep your beauty and never show the world your cracks in perfection. Realism maxing is a necessary step in becoming better. Many young men get enthralled by fictional characters or unachievable heights like Napoleon and end up as failures who know alot of historical trivia

>> No.22959240

I thought the point was that getting hyped by reading about cool men and getting hyped by watching tiktok amvs leads to the same outcome and the only difference when used in that way is the arbitrary aesthetic value placed on them.

>> No.22959253

Yeah that's what I meant

>> No.22959262

Huh? But op is not just taking about cool men doing war. He literally said "Stop reading fiction" and "Dostoevsky will not turn you into a better person" ... The idea here anything aside from pure realism is garbage and a waste of time.

>> No.22959283

And youre being told you can get all those gains just by being a normie AND you get to have sex too

>> No.22959294

getting fit can be done at virtually any age minus geriatrics, getting rich is possible till about 50, the rest are true

>> No.22959325

Why yes, I'm also a platonic realist.

>> No.22959329

>or chess
exquisite bait

>> No.22959333

My brain just short circuited trying to understand what you're trying to say. What does being a normie have to do with reading books? Did reading books become a neckbeard thing or sth? Also, are you trying to suggest that reading literature somehow stops you from getting laid? Let's go ask liberal arts bros see who gets more ass you or them

Btw, I don't think anything you're trying to say is that deep or I haven't heard it from guys who went to major in IT sectors in college. They all think humanities is rubbish, but then have no idea why they struggle to form any kind of relationships and are so goddamn lonely.

>> No.22959338

>Did reading books become a neckbeard thing or sth?
And here you are telling ME to touch grass

>> No.22959366

Nice trips, Half Satan.

>> No.22959380

Do you feel like you should grass? Because I didn't tell you to, but maybe you do if that's how you feel kek

Maybe people in the sphere you interact with don't read much because similary to you they believe that reading fiction is a waste of time, but reading is alive and well my friend. 4chan reads more of the stuff i like (philosophy, fiction with philosophical themes), but also girls from 13-18 are keeping the printed word alive by consuming young adult fiction

It's strange to see literature being correlated to viginity btw I promise you any woman is more impressed that you read or write than by you playing vidya

>> No.22959388

>Do you feel like you should grass? Because I didn't tell you to, but maybe you do if that's how you feel kek
funny how this all started because you failed to understand that the same idea can be illustrated in different ways and now here you go again.

anyways zoomer women are addicted to video games, they barely read, you need to go outside man

>> No.22959397

No, all those things are just sublimated will-to-power and lack the intrigue of lopping someone’s head of with a sword and taking their possessions (especially their wife).

>> No.22959405

Why would I want to do that to my fellow man?

>> No.22959407

He's gonna do it to you first if you don't, hurry get him!!!!

>> No.22959410

>t. esl poster

>> No.22959412
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>> No.22959414

True. But it's the closest we've got. Also beauty is more powerful than a spiteful human shaking someone in the alley. Beauty arrests oneself in a way not even violence can do

>> No.22959425

Kek, no, at no point did i say or intend or imply that you should go outside more. I think that's what you inferred from me mentioning IT guys and them being lonely... But what I meant is what I said: the idea that literature, art... being useless isn't new. But then the people who hold humanities in contempt go on to suffer socially. We can discuss why that is, but the point wasn't to tell you to touch grass, it was merely to say that 1. this isn't a new idea and 2. people who espouse it a lot of times end up alone and don't understand why. In short, if this is the latest advice that you've picked up from some sigma male podcast, it doesn't work.

As for zoomer women not reading,again, I disagree. They just don't tell you because a lot of men now want a gf who watches anime and plays vidya. If anything I'd say women read more than men. Because a lot of women get into anime and vidya because they think that's what they have to do now to get your attention, but they get into reading because it's something they're genuinely passionate about.

>> No.22959445

It's not some alpha advice it's just me observing the social situation and telling you that if you want to read this stuff fine but you arent going to get along better with people for it and almost everyone considers it nerd/loner shit. I mean look where your argument is now "those women actually read in secret and only pretend to like video games", I know I was culture shocked too when I learned this, but times change, video game streamers are cool now, books are still considered nerd shit

>> No.22959451

Getting fit was fun for years but every time I try to sit down to learn a skill I end up getting bored. Life sucks, it’s boring. I have no conception of how people get money either. College is also too expensive to keep going. I’m fucked.

>> No.22959453

Prisoner's dilemma.

>> No.22959454

The optimal movement is from idealism to realism back to a sublimated idealism -- an idealism with an appreciation for the real. Generally the faculty orienting itself towards reality is a good servant but a poor master. The highest parts of man are his imagination and intuition. You will probably eventually discover this on your own OP, that you are currently stuck in a juvenile, materialistic stage of life which you will eventually overcome. Getting rich, getting fit, "being better than other people" aren't very sustainable or ennobling goals. Most people, aside from perhaps the most spiritually deadened and psychopathic, need a narrative and meaning outside of this. What are you doing all of this for -- will it have been all worth it on your deathbed? The issues here are religious and about the meaning of life itself so this post could go on for much longer without ever reaching an adequate way of expressing what I am trying to say. In truth all literature and art is not enough to express the gravity and beauty of the universe which is why we must always be making new books and new art, to constantly remind us of the true and the good and the beautiful that is there. Because humans are so liable to err even despite the overwhelming beauty and strangeness of what surrounds us and, as your OP post has done but is in no way unique or unusual in doing so, to forget it.

>> No.22959460

Wrong. God is more real than your puny reality.

>> No.22959468

I already overcome what you're talking about. I had my materialistic phase and my idealistic phase right after. All I thought about was Napoleon, Hitler, divine intervention and becoming a hero. I have now sublimated that idealism into real life. Javier Milei and Trump are perfect examples of sublimated idealism. Trump believes himself to be cut from the same cloth as Alexander or even Christ (look at his grandfather's middle name) but have sublimated these ambitions into the real world. He's not a warrior on a chariot but a business man with larger than life characteristics owing to his idealistic side. Milei is also similar with his sex magic and occult beliefs.

A kid who wishes himself to be Batman should sublimate his ideal and become a doctor or detective. If he doesn't realismmaxx he's just going to be a beardjak soifacing over the next capeshit. His will to power will be writing video essays about how the justice league cartoon is super poignant and deep

>> No.22959481

This trump one only really makes sense if you believe the trump lore as given by trump, I know this has become an idealogue mess in the last few years but the history of trump is kind of interesting in that he was basically this big baby raised by his father to be his successor to the detriment of his siblings. He was basically never told no and there was always the narrative that he would inherit Fred's great empire. Will to power is interesting there because it's less like this little worm has triumphantly built itself up to this great force and more like this little kids will has been hooked into this machine built just for him.

>> No.22959489

lil bro still licking the outside of the tootsie pop thinking he at the chocolate

>> No.22959493

This. She’s gone for good and

>> No.22959495

That's the realistic part. In real life people don't build themselves to great heights. At most a poor dude can go to a tech college and get a coding job for 100k/year. People like Trump need that pick-me-up from daddy but that doesn't mean they're not the closest thing alive to living Legends today. I guess the other option is becoming a handsome serial killer or Manson type figure for suburbanite women to obsess over. Bonus points if they publish a book outlining their philosophy too

>> No.22959497

and she's gone for good and she's gone for good and she's gone for good and she's gone for good and she's gone for good and

>> No.22959500

I have pretty much solved philosophy at this point. I should have been born a handsome and genius orphan with total devotion to a destructive ideal and die at 33

>> No.22959504

It's not a pick me up though, no one considers the waltons or Rothschild's kids to be incredible legends, they just collect money from their inherited industries in silence. youve just bought a narrative that he's put a lot of pr and money into because like I said he's at his core still a little kid and still needs affirmation

>> No.22959507

They don't read in secret, dude, they just don't think it's worthy of mentioning. It's considered a requirement rather than a hobby, so if someone mentions in their bio on some dating app, people roll their eyes they do at "going out doors" and "hiking..." etc It's like what else do you need to tell me that you also eat and take a shit? Besides, it's not a selling point. It's not that men mind women who read, but if you want to impress, you're gonna try to lead with the things you know are in high demand.

Reading isn't nerd shit. On its own, it doesn't make you one. If you read one or two books a week you're not a nerd. But if you fixate on one book for eg, read fanfiction, write fanfiction, spend all day taking about its lore... You might be one. The problem with nerds is that their life revolves around one thing, if you're not doing that you're alright.

>you arent going to get along better with people for it
it's a cirlce. the problem with people who don't care about humanities is that they think that stuff is a waste of time, but also only because they think dealing with other people, trying to understand them, to build relationships ... is a waste of time too. but if i were to tell you that i want to build a clock from scratch without having any background in electrical engineering (an actual reddit post btw), you'd think i'm an imbecile. yet somehow these people who think everything human is stupid and don't bother to work on it, to get better at it... are astonished when they fail at it. it's like dude you don't give importance to people, how thye feel, how they think... why are you surprised that you don't understand people or get along with them. reading literature alone doesn't make you develop friendships or get you a gf ... but it helps you develop the sensibilities that will make that possible

>> No.22959512

The ambition to be a Christ-like figure is genuine though. Much different from a nepo baby who picked up the guitar 6 months ago and now wants to be seen as an artist. Yes, this legend was created by his father or even further back but great things take generations to build. I want to build a legend for myself I don't care if it's fake.

>> No.22959514

You must believe in free will
Batman is a man who has suffered a great loss. His parents were killed in front of him when he was a child, and he swore to avenge them by fighting crime. He sublimates his pain into a mission, using his wealth, intelligence, and skills to protect Gotham City from the forces of evil.

Batman is also a symbol of hope. He inspires others to stand up for justice and overcome their fears. He sublimates his fear into a weapon, becoming the Dark Knight that criminals dread. He sublimates his rage into a story, creating a legend that will endure for generations.

>> No.22959518

>he's at his core still a little kid and still needs affirmation
Little kids aren't that charming or personable. It takes maturity to act the fool and engage in socialization in way that picks people up by acting the fool. His 2016 self was the best orator alive. He was moody, had spunk but also goofiness to be personable and likeable

>> No.22959519

>Reading isn't nerd shit
I agree bro, I'm just saying most people don't, including women. They arent going to bail you out of this one by being the golden holders of morality and culture and telling you Vidya is lame and reading books is epic because they dont think that, go talk to them and you will see.

It should be obvious to you I don't think talking to people is a waste of time but you have to do it on their terms in their cultural frame, you can just pretend you have "the guide to people" because you read some neurotic old guy from 200 yrs ago, in fact that's the exact type of shit women DO see through

>> No.22959521

*Can't just pretend

>> No.22959528

>His parents were killed in front of him when he was a child, and he swore to avenge them by fighting crime. He sublimates his pain into a mission,
All of that is just an excuse to exact his will on others. It's fun to scare others and appear larger than life. It feels good letting his fists land on someone's skull while still retaining his moral superiority. Batman is cool because he's a regular guy who made himself larger than life. Everyone should strive for that

>> No.22959536 [SPOILER] 
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>imagine not pruning frog & jezebel & question begging baiting OPs on sight.

>> No.22959551

You're a poser. To you Hegel is le spooky esoteric guy that is too complex for the normies. He's just a fashion statement

>> No.22959565

Getting rich is not realistic for me.

>> No.22959584

I think women get a lot shit on and many times it's unwarranted. Like again many women got into anime and vidya just so they could compete for men's interest. If men were interested in reading, I promise you many would take it up as a hobby. No, women read and are interested in men who read. But again ike anything else if you make it your whole personality or aren't interested in anything else they won't find it as attractive. I'll give you a counter example: do women think gym bros are attractive? They're not nerds, right? And yet I promise you most women don't find them attractive. Women are attracted to fit men, men who exercise... but they're not attracted to men who are obsessed with gym culture. It's the same thing: if you obsess about it, make it your whole personality, you're a nerd.

> you can just pretend you have "the guide to people" because you read some neurotic old guy from 200 yrs ago
True, but also I don't think people read literature because they want to live by the moeurs of 200 years ago. I mean everyone understands that times change, but also there are things that survive time and are common across cultures. When dostoevsky talks about existential questions, that's not peculiar to his time or to Russia, when he describes the character of the father in the Kramazov Brothers, someone kind of relishes in embarrassment and in making a scene ... we've all known someone like that in real life and it's not particular to his time or country... And reading literature makes you reflect on these types that you meet or may meet in life, think about morality question, societal ones... (sometimes even help you understand historical periods / grasp the zeitgeist of the era, but that's beside the scope of our current conversation)... Now imagine doing that tens and hundreds of times, imagine reading and trying to understand characters/people from different novels and periods and situations... By the end of that, you develop a knack for it, you start to understand people

Btw, anon, I'll tell you sth: I have at least 4 friends who rea and write, and without an exaggeration, they're pussy magnets. And none of them are good looking. It's simply because they have a way of making women feel heard and understood when they talk to them. Sometimes it makes me jeaous desu But I don't write an it's because I'm a bit of a coward, I don't like facing myself

>> No.22959596

>grown men running around playing in the dirt
no thanks

>> No.22959600

Women want to be put in a state of play. They're boycrazy at the end of the day. They want goofy Chads who make them feel like kids. If they're not giggling then they don't like you. If you treat dates like 21 questions and ask about their career, they will start getting anxious and think about wrinkles that have began recently forming on their faces. You got to be teasing and handsome.

Didn't read your post btw

>> No.22959606

>Didn't read your post btw
Then what do you want from me? Why even answer?

>> No.22959608

t. has never felt the touch of a woman

>> No.22959613

I haven't actually. But I still know more about women. My cope is that being a virgin means I have a higher potential. I am still capable of being a great statesmen or Batman while most other men have sublimated their will to power with pussy

>> No.22959622

I'm not sure what type of women you or your friends are into but if you are into attractive twenty-thirty year old women for the most part they do not read worth a shit and at the lower end 20-25 they also like video games and anime (genuinely not to impress guys lmao). They definitely don't care about timeless existential questions, you might give them a panic attack even if you say that shit.

>> No.22959628

The fact that I a guy who has had sex at least 50 times in my life just seriously considered and thought over the advice of a virgin on women is really telling about how fucking stupid I am

>> No.22959630

I am much smarter than you so it is good you listened to me

>> No.22959654

I have but I know better

>> No.22959683

I think you just have an idea that every woman is too stupid to understand deep thoughts, when in reality they're (the ideas) not that deep to begin with. Just don't bring it up out of nowhere or try to use it as way to seduce women (i.e., acting like reading about that stuff makes you deep) because they see through that shit. Also, I gave you one example but we're talking about reading fiction in general, not just ones with philosophical themes like D's.

The girls I mentioned aren't interested because my friends talk to them about existentialism. The point is that when you're well read, you become better at communication, and it seeps into you interactions with others.

>> No.22959696

>The point is that when you're well read, you become better at communication, and it seeps into you interactions with others.

The final cope of us litbros, now that we've seen that women literally respect Naruto more than they are respect our hobby we have to hope that one day all of the reading we do subconsciously contributes to our people skills and enables us to have great conversations. But it just doesn't work that way, having your head filled with history lore or cowboys castrating each other will not make you attractive to women. I'm sorry but it's just not the world we live in

>> No.22959723


>> No.22959767

It's not just cope, dude. Here's the thing I'll probably end on (unless someone raises an interesting point later, then I might respond): listen, making money is good. But if it's the only thing a person spends their only chance at life doing, then imo, their life is wasted. Maybe not to them but to me it is. Like dude you can't make the reason you exist, the reason you came into this world... raising coins. shitty metal and paper. Art is valuable because we express our thoughts, feelings, dilemmas, pain... through it, and it is those things that make us human, not how much paper and metal we have amassed over the years. it might give you status, it might make people pretend to ike you or respect you... but it's not gonna make anybody genuinely like you and it's not a remplacement for having a substance.

>> No.22959772

>math Olympiad
Waste of time.

>> No.22959786
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>> No.22959989

I don’t understand why there’s this push and psyop to get people to read less and stop expanding their mind. Most people today are already so wired into the screen on short video content, zombies, yet that’s not good enough. Everyone simply must come under the cold boot of capital, to satisfy YOUR conception of the world and to make YOU feel better and like you made the right choices in life. Go fuck yourself, you and every retard on the internet who pushes this shit just like the other faggot OP up right now. I will keep reading fiction and philosophy and dabbing on you with my superior insight and intelligence and you’ll keep being an inferior cunt.

>> No.22960077

> absolute somehow-dumber-than-OP retard fighting him while sharing the same retarded worldview

>> No.22960079

>Like dude you can't make the reason you exist, the reason you came into this world... raising coins. shitty metal and paper.
I hate artcopers because they look just like me and I look hideous

>> No.22960106

>Stop enjoying things in a way that society does not want you to. Go back to your mouse wheel. Enjoying running. Enjoy chasing after the goals that you don't even care.

No thanks.

>> No.22961204

Are we? Or have you been made to feel weird in high school and have internalized that as the truth, rather than high school teenagers being ruthless and were just anxious to fit in

>> No.22961205

I failed life so now I read leave me alone

>> No.22961219

>a flip finally switches

>> No.22961223

Because there's a weird trend of literacy among zoomers that no one predicted and the CIA doesn't like that

>> No.22961382

That’s not even realism. It’s just materialism. Knowledge is power, after all.

>> No.22961391

It’s just the reactionary pendulum swing. The same reason people push this shit is the same reason they love figures like Andrew Tate and Donald Trump. They can’t help but think along strictly dialectical terms. See, the opposite of contemporary gay female literature is not traditional literature or even masculine literature. It’s actually the total rejection of literature altogether. There is no space for nuance in this line of thinking and you live in a world where the aristocratic minds and bodies have been sidelined for worship of midwits and brute force.

>> No.22961801


>> No.22962337

Untrue. They chase sensibilities but he pursues principles. They are nothing alike.

>> No.22963325

I understand the sentiment, but I think it's too one-sided.
You seem to have forgotten that circumstances may differ.
One may be obsessed with money, miserable, pathetic even if he has a lot of money.
But it could also be that the whole thing is an interesting journey, the opposite of what you'd call "a life wasted".
So it depends.

>> No.22963359

>crucifying your money
what does that mean?
I try and fail to imagine that.
like you put coins in a bag and put a bag on a cross?

>> No.22964712

>the only real philosophy
What has any of this thread has to do with philosophy? OP is fucking retarded.

>> No.22965329

Everything is fiction, you're literally a midwit.

>> No.22965372

Not fiction. It's real, only empty (śūnyatā)

>> No.22965471

Great post, I see threads like this posted so regularly I'm convinced some alphabet agency has rented out a couple floors of a high rise in NYC somewhere just to post this shit everywhere. It's infuriating. Probably the same clowns who flood /v/ with coombait.

>> No.22965493

what kind of projection is this?

>> No.22965643

Meds asap

>> No.22965651

I think OP is conflating philosophy with lifestyle

>> No.22965679

bookcels are already a lost cause - they deserve their own suffering

>> No.22965742

Unironically liking vidyaslop is really sad.

>> No.22965765

Not as sad as speaking in meme templates.

>> No.22965775

I've thought about this too. The older I get the more reading seems like a massive cope. reading fiction at the very least almost certainly is. Reading is to living life what watching porn is to being in love. You are wasting time you could be spending living life, making friends, learning a skill, falling in love etc. With the fictional lives of other people. When you are old and decrepit you will look back at a youth you spent staring at words on a page and you will see it for what it truly was - shameful

>> No.22965787

OP has been obliterated with this post.

>> No.22965798
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Hey anon look, another one of these retards >>22965775
hey dumbfuck, if you truly are this retarded, you do realize that you can read AND have a life at the same time? And that reading (good books, obviously, but that should be redundant) is an actual experience that can help you cultivate your inner world? Your thoughts and core beliefs?

>> No.22965807

When did chess become soi?

>> No.22965815 [DELETED] 

I'm already rich (inheritance), therefore my only goals in life are pure hedonism; drugs, women, and books. I prefer getting good at those.

>> No.22965819

All intellectualism is soi nerd shit

>> No.22965822

What's intellectual about an autistic board game? People who play it are literally just swotting patterns.

>> No.22965823

I don't know nigga ask society, I don't see the associations I just recall them in conversation

>> No.22965832

*set the

>> No.22965838


>> No.22965840

Ok vidya trash happy? The thing is at least books are somewhat helpfull but vidya is just mindless entertainment and doesn't do anything for you, in fact they even deteriorate your brain.

>> No.22965842

this place is for illiterate children who can't do anyhthing right, let alone make a coherent point
t. drunk and high constantly at parents home but studying literature and classical music to one day be original

>> No.22965853

im just trying to be the next dostoesvky, so I obviously need to read a lot. I always assumed I'd die as an unhappy failure, So i assume I'll be a happier failure knowing I read dostoesvly and eventually gave up and got a normal job.

>> No.22965855
File: 75 KB, 750x669, 1705626103281052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do you fall on the chart?

>> No.22965861

there are good (nippon) videogames at the same rate as good books desu. The problem is that videogames are so recent they're aimed at modern attention spans, so you aren't increasing your attention span like when reading old books, also you aren't learning any history or anything and it just makes you a slave to the current moment.

>> No.22965977

I read and write, but not fiction I guess (I don't write fiction and only read it a little these days). Women seem like inscrutable aliens to me in many ways.

>> No.22966804

checked. master reality instead of explaining it.

>> No.22967119

I learned the word antipode from this post thanks anon.

>> No.22967124

Now learn antediluvian, bitch

>> No.22967285


>> No.22967295

what will you do when you end up lacking materially

>> No.22967553

If your understanding of reality and resultant realitymaxxing philosophy is founded on the tenets of social success, the striving for which causes abject misery in most, your understanding of 'reality' is garbage and you should know your place.

>> No.22967806

I already know that one.