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File: 35 KB, 254x393, The Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22957392 No.22957392 [Reply] [Original]

this book was so prescient that it's ridiculous

>> No.22957393

1985 did it better

>> No.22957412

i think you're off by a year there, buddy

>> No.22957571

Kind of. They aren't Indians but Africans who are invading Europe.

>> No.22957585

>doesn’t know of Burgess’s 1985
God I hate the retards here

>> No.22957619

This book shits on everyone. Read more than just the premise.

>> No.22957629

No, thanks. Reality is even uglier. Seeing boats stock full of African negroes just arriving to Europe with impunity is the stuff of nightmares. They are ruining Europe.

>> No.22957906

It wasn't like he made it up out of the blue, everything happening now has been happening for a long time, it just ramped up exponentially in recent years, anyone paying attention could've foreseen it

>> No.22957922

le camp du sauh

>> No.22957936

this post is pure racism

>> No.22958186
File: 305 KB, 1920x1080, 1704263770763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poos are invading Canada and Australia though
Dumb fucks are protesting getting failed in uni, despite the fact they can't even spell correctly

>> No.22958211

>be warned of something for almost half a century
>do nothing about it
>it happens
>"I cant believe this is happening to me. I must combat this by... reading books and never fucking a woman."

>> No.22958212

Kill yourself brownoid

>> No.22958621

I don't see how having sex solves the issue. Are the women supposed to shoot out human torpedos and sink the boats?

>> No.22958652

"You wrote me a letter asking me if my latest work was the most terrifying thing I had ever imagined. Yes, in fact it is, but my imagination is not nearly as terrifying as the reality in which we live. What could be more terrifying than the idea of a multitude of niggers, running around free and unabated in a White society? If only we had left them alone, the White man would be free to roam the stars. They would have never gotten off their godforsaken continent if we had not built the boats to bring them over. In all their history, no nigger has ever built one single ship that could take them across continents. Yet, in no due thanks to our part, niggers roam in every corner of the world, spreading their filth and their stench, and procreating with women of other species, mostly by the forcible means of rape. I ask you, what could be horrifying than the truth?"

—H.P. Lovecraft

>> No.22958689

lol he gets it

>> No.22960072
File: 101 KB, 800x938, 800px-Mazirian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based and it's so over pilled

>> No.22960183


>> No.22960194
File: 215 KB, 550x507, 44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What could be more terrifying than the idea of a multitude of niggers, running around free and unabated in a White society?
He's right!

>> No.22960232

He made it Indians to avoid being too obvious, and to draw out the drama of the "miracle fleet" traveling to Europe. The fact that Egypt shot at the Indians to get them to steer clear is a prescient point, showcasing that other races still have the willingness to defend themselves and it's just whites that have been denatured.

What I often wonder is, assuming Europe isn't cucked enough to allow chain migration for those young male african refugees, what the fuck are they going to do for the rest of their lives? I can see them sitting alone in shitty apartments on welfare in their 40s and 50s, thinking that a beautiful blonde wife is just going to magically happen one day...and then dying alone and unloved.

>> No.22960248

No no you see it's good, Europe is entirely bourgeois, we need a real proletariat!

>> No.22960318
File: 1.24 MB, 1200x1000, TraditionalCatholicEurope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is but one cure and that is a Traditional Catholic Reconquista. These invaders must be expelled. Europe for is European Catholic Clay
>By God We'll Have Our Home Again

>> No.22960321
File: 1.40 MB, 1200x1380, TraditionalCatholicAmerica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will get expelled all the same. Every single one of them. They do not belong in our lands. Return to Catholicism and we will Reconquista our Lands.
>"Dégénération" - Quebecois Traditionalist Song

>> No.22960484

dying earth aesthetic is so fucking kino

>> No.22960651

Doesn't the catholic church aide these migrants into Europe?
Does the church not say time and time again to open your arms to these supposed refugees?

>> No.22960760

Only to refugees, which is right. Not to mass migration

>> No.22960844

lol. lmao, even

>> No.22961080

What is a refugee in the eyes of the church?
Do they ever tell people from Iraq who came here after the war to go back?
Will they tell Syrians to go back to Syria?
Is poverty a reason to flee to Europe?

I'm sympathetic generally to the church, but on this they are dead wrong. And no amount of cope will make it right.

>> No.22962870
File: 318 KB, 570x653, cardinalsarah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. We have a right to our borders and people. Its jews that are mass importing negros and muslims

>> No.22963191

How about having some white children? FAGGOT. You white nationalist losers are all the same. Losers and childless. Bravo!

>> No.22963219

I don't see how that stops the boats. You know you actually have to do that right?

>> No.22963228

>doesn’t know the real 1985
God I hate the retards here

>> No.22963278

Dude the boats aren't going to be stopped unless Europeans start having kids. You fucking white nationalists are so dull it's unreal.

>> No.22963281

>just outbreed the rest of the planet dude
least dysgenic bioleninist quasimodo

>> No.22963283

Ahh yes all those Mexicans are flooding the usa because of wars in the middle east

>> No.22963286

Can you explain how newborn white babies are gonna stop boat crossings?

>> No.22963293

boomers aren't ready for a low trust society

>> No.22963332

Who exactly are going to pay for the pensions if the native population doesn't make babies?

>> No.22963336

Boomers will be forced into munition factories to bomb the third world. They won't need pensions.

>> No.22963363

Absolutely! Boomers must accept their fate. A true victory for white nationalists!

>> No.22963378

Bugess’s came out five years before the hungarian one you just discovered

>> No.22963401

Nope, this is you guys deliberately reframing the narrative and debate in such a way that your opponents are forced into an unwinnable position from the beginning. The fundamental problem with what you're saying is simply that birthrates in first world countries do not have to increase. People don't have to enter a breeding competition with the entire second and third world in order to continue to exist. All they have to do is shut down the borders and defend their territory with military force, military force that they already possess.
The major lie that your position is based on comes out here >>22963332. You treat economic growth and the pension system as constants that must be given the highest priority, but it isn't at all evident that these must be the highest priority. First-worlders could quite rationally decide to hunker down and suffer an economic dip by shutting down immigration, one might even say that this is a small price to pay in exchange for getting to continue to exist! One might even go further and begin to question to feasibility and ethics of an economic model that requires constant population growth (more debtors!) in order to continue to function. This situation however has produced a great irony wherein ostensible leftists support the interests of global capitalism and geriatrics because it means more brown people in their country

>> No.22963444

>First-worlders could quite rationally decide to hunker down and suffer an economic dip
You think the most decadent softest group of men in the world would actually do this? lmao

If a problem isn't being fixed money is being made. Just accept your fate. Keep reading those books as well and take no action. Cheers!

>> No.22963465

You're on twitter crying about palestinian kids being ripped apart by the IDF

>> No.22963496

what a smart man

>> No.22963527

People have no control over their governments or institutions. Democracy is the opiate of the masses.

>> No.22963861

let me preface this by saying I hate migrants as much as the next guy and think they all need to go back, but I read this and didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. He was prescient in some of the character archetypes like the subversive journalist Clement Dio and the regular citizen migrant enablers, but I think he spends too much time following the church characters and the military.

The effects of the migrants once they arrive isnt explored in as much detail as I would've liked, but the things he does cover hit the nail on the head.

From a style perspective I found the novel a little masturbatory and difficult to read

>> No.22964044

fukuyamabros is this true? i was told that democracy would solve all of our problems but i'm not feeling too well after reading this

>> No.22964070

There's plenty of people calling for it as well as a bunch of schizo trad attempt movements popping up all over the place. Not that any of that will actually have a significant effect, but it's evidence of an emerging mutiny against liberal democracy. Add to that men dropping out of society and western governments not being able to staff their militaries plus the Western empire seemingly in retreat across the world. Hopefully this brings about a crisis of legitimacy for our democracy and an economic contraction/collapse. Follow this with a military junta or perhaps foreign actors funding anti-regime activity, we could really see some change in the West. Nothing will truly work until we put the merchant caste back in chains thoughever, and that's like a 300 year project at minimum. Hopefully the white race can survive as a rustic mountain folk or something in the meantime

>> No.22964078

>merchant caste back in chains thoughever, and that's like a 300 year project at minimum
Remove all Jews from public life. The Byzantines had it right

>> No.22964095

Well, they are the archetypal merchant race that's for sure. But they weren't the ones that carried out the bourgeois revolutions that eventually led to Our Democracy. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Jpologist, but the revolution has to be far more extreme than simply banning one merchant ethnic group from public life. I'm talking about religious institutions owning all the farmland and the stock market getting deleted. Stuff like that

>> No.22964117

>But they weren't the ones that carried out the bourgeois revolutions that eventually led to Our Democracy
True and I'd readily extend that ban to the groups that ran those revolutions - Freemasons, theosophists etc. They should be openly persecuted and purged.
>I'm talking about religious institutions owning all the farmland and the stock market getting deleted
I believe the ideal is a symphonia between church and state. Canon law is to be enforced by the state whilst the church dispenses which such judgements. Enforcement of ecumenical councils is a good historical example of that. As for church ownership of property, I'm not opposed to it in princple of course, but it must not lose site of its soteriological purpose in society and not become another worldly institution - a hard line to toe for sure. And yes, I'd happily abolish the stock market. Ban usury while we're at it.

>> No.22964119


>> No.22964222

why does reddit love this guy again?

>> No.22965038

>remove all Jews

There we go.

>> No.22965138

Non-western immigrants are a net negative for the fiscus. They are spending tax money, not paying it.

>> No.22965154

Why do people need to pay for bad pensions or bad management by the government? Infinite growth ideology isn't an excuse to mismanage or lack insight.

>> No.22965177

Is the book worth reading on its own merits? Or is it just a kind of Cassandra porn?