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22955879 No.22955879 [Reply] [Original]

Am I supposed to believe this is a dystopia lol? Only halfway through but life in this world sounds amazing.
>you never have to talk about anything with anyone, people who try to talk to you all the time get disappeared
>prostitutes are affordable (not sure what $2 is worth in this world I am guessing like 10-20?)
>women hate themselves and are not allowed to dress promiscuously or show PDA
>free alcohol
>government helps you cut back on smoking
>never have to go shopping for groceries
This book is the greatest argument for communism I have ever heard, when does it get bad? My life would be demonstrably better in this world.

Also lol it is just animal farm with more words, Goldstein is Trotsky, Orwell is such a hack.

>> No.22955881

What the fuck is the point of all that if I can't play EU4?

>> No.22955885
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>> No.22955896

I guess I know what the assigned reading is this semester.

>> No.22955980

he wrote it for the sex scenes. he had horrible taste, disgusting man desu

would be cooler if the entire book could be interpreted as the journal he starts but orwell was too microbrain for that.

at least he was too stupid and uneloquent to be as sermonizing as huxley

>> No.22955985

Aside from the prostitution and woman thing it sounds shitty…shoo shoo WEF shill

>> No.22956014
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Yeah it's great. You should apply for North Korean visa.

>> No.22956064


>> No.22956074

pynchon's 2003 preface to 1984 was better than 1984

>> No.22956077


>> No.22956081

Seriously though why don’t commies lead with this shit? Join our march women will be repressed, starving, and basically free. A wife like katherine sounds ideal to me. Who would complain about a thoughtless tall hot blonde that just lets you have your way with her? Why should I want to hear some easy mode whores dumb thoughts about anything?

>> No.22956082

yep, this is a 4chan post alright

>> No.22956088

This scene gives me shivers
How glorious

>> No.22956090

And for the record I am 27 and this will be the 12th book I have read in 2024, what have you done with your january? I am literally the king of /lit/ right now, like the biggest poster on /fit/ my opinion>your opinion no matter what I say.

>> No.22956104

I know you haven’t finished it or at least aren’t reading it honestly because the backdrop of all that is none of it is enjoyable because it cannot be enjoyed. Sex for pleasure isn’t real and is viewed as a rebellious act that will get you terminated.

>> No.22956262

There was once 2 peasants named Ivan and Boris. Boris had a goat and Ivan had nothing. One day Ivan came across a lamp with a genie that offered him 1 wish and that he could have anything he wanted in the world. Ivan wished for Boris’s goat to die.

I don’t want sex for pleasure, I want to be a sex haver, with a valuable female. Anyway the book also says that seeing prole whores is an overlooked crime.

>> No.22956272

Ivan is silly, he could have wished for more than Boris could even dream of. And yeah none of those are valuable, maybe overlooked if they’re in the party.

>> No.22956309

But Katherine was valuable. Say what you want about 1984, was any man emasculated?

>> No.22956416

>a parable about an idiot bucket crab
>this is the guy I want to be like.
You wouldn't enjoy ohysical sex you're too self-loathing.

>> No.22956552

Because it’s mean to foids and commies are natural simps

>> No.22956581

>never have to go shopping for groceries
Yeah, instead keep eating like a homeless crackhead the same slop of boiled cabbage that stinks up your entire apartment building.

>> No.22956595

My diet consists of oatmeal with flavorless whey, salad greens without dressing, raw carrots broccoli and celery, unseasoned chicken breast, and hard boiled eggs with salt. I already eat without pleasure in order to hope for sex someday.

>> No.22956628

Maybe you could make that argument if the party was actually able to provide for its citizens but they live in a bombed out shithole and food shortages are a real problem. You don't have to worry about getting killed by the thought police if you're a prole but you have none of the amenities the inner party has.

>> No.22956637
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All those things (especially meat) are luxuries reserved only for a handful of top party members of Big Brother. The proles in 1984 survive mostly on boiled cabbage slop, a literal grey stew/goyslop of who knows what, and some dry crusty bread, day in and day out. So if you like 1984's life so much, then start eating these things instead everyday.

>> No.22956639

You don’t understand, I would happily switch to that diet for Katherine and $2 prole hookers. My own diet is already geared towards attaining sex, it is not indulgent.

>> No.22956773

Except, with a degenerate diet and lifestyle like that, you'd barely produce enough testosterone to get horny and get it up. Then there are health and fitness issues from being malnourished and overworked. You'd age horribly and look and feel 15-20 years older than your actual age. Even if you don't mind all of that, the prostitutes you'd be sticking it in would be just as sickly and probably diseased. So it would be like fucking a meth head.

>> No.22956787

Get a bottle of hot sauce dude holy shit.

>> No.22956808

I do remember the bit about the proles having a normal life being in there. Everything 1984 talked about already exists and is effectively practiced in many major countries anyways

>> No.22956811

Okay I finished the book
That’s the funny thing is they actually did provide for people even though they couldn’t in real life, they had the provisions they just reduced them intentionally ostensibly, he never goes into why they have ration reductions. Orwell is just a communist idiot, he seems to think that communism is this great power that can go wrong if put in evil hands. Like all lefties he doesn’t understand that the laws of economics are as unbeatable as the laws of physics, there seems to be a free market mentioned in the book but clearly orwell didn’t know what a free market actually is and the important of entrepreneurs which couldn’t have existed under these conditions. Even the inner party necessarily suffered for the sake of inequality, as if to defend the leftist notion of equality as an end in itself by making inequality out to be an end in itself.

They ate meat of low quality in the beginning, apparently he ate well in the end after the ministry of love, he grew fat, parsons was a prole and fat. I wouldn’t much like to experience the ministry of love, or the eventual plan to get rid of sex altogether, but in the meantime of winstons life I can’t help but be a bit envious. Sure the book was full of dehumanization but it was curiously lacking in emasculation. Anyway I am not actually arguing for communism in this thread, I took the capitalist transhumanism pill, one day women will be driven extinct by technology and that makes me happy.

>> No.22956816

Maybe I will, no extra calories or verboten ingredients I guess. I used to not like spicy because I was a heavy smoker and it ruined my cigarettes, I am a bigger fan of it now that I quit. Don’t want chapped lips though.

>> No.22956876

It's not a portrayal of communism. I think you should read Animal Farm first

>> No.22956880

>Orwell is just a communist

>> No.22956891
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>People will fall for this troons bait thread.

>> No.22956894
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>>It's not a portrayal of communism.
The book portrays a totalarian regime, so yes it is monkey.

>> No.22956969

I like to imagine Oceania is actually just the area around London that’s in a sort of paused conflict with the rest of the UK so trade and whatnot still happens below the table. The proles clearly don’t live just on slop as there’s the scene where Winston chats with proles going to the country to get black market butter (if that’s the case then there’s a good chance that either A they’re visiting relatives in the UK or B some farms are private/family farms in Oceania). Also there’s the scene where the prole are women fight over copper saucepans. You can boil cabbage in a aluminium mess tin. The oceanian state would not produce saucepans unnecessarily so the proles are probably just cooking from scratch on semi-rationed ingredients like the Russians did under communism.

Btw several goods that England produced lots of in Orwell’s time and is self sufficient in today are hard to come by in 1984, suggesting they don’t control the whole of England. E.g. good quality meat, cooking utensils, (non-synthetic alcohol) and so on.

>> No.22957008

You can't count black new world order gay greentexts as books no matter how much you goon to them anon.

>> No.22957041

Orwell worked as an informant for the CIA.

>> No.22957042

I really don’t care how leftists choose to define themselves, I call them all bigoted utilitiarians