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22955518 No.22955518 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.22955528
File: 2 KB, 448x357, 364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22955561

Something about this is always so disturbing to me. The tone is so unbefitting the content. He throws in people like Derrida, Foucault, and Rorty (for some reason) with Butler and race baiters like Robin DiAngelo. He has such a weird lens for assessing his philosophical "enemies" and I don't think he understands any one of them at all. Does this stop him from commissioning custom puppets and dancing around in a produced music video? It does not. Imagine JBP dancing around in his apartment, no music, cameras rolling, with the intention of putting the finished product online. Chilling. Foucault may have been a pervert, but even at his most depraved, he never hit this level of sheer indignity.

>> No.22955580

I still remember when he was just the cool professor talking down to the loud blue haired bitch, time is truly the great destroyer

>> No.22955606

not sure it was time so much as xannies

>> No.22955614

Guys like this get "handlers" and "communities" that isolate them from reality. Probably some fan or group of fans made of the pure essence of cringe made it semi-spontaneously and presented it to Peterson (aka it was presented to him through his handlers as intermediaries), as part of his busy month filled with press junkets and retarded youtube interviews, and he had all of an hour to do the "PR-friendly thing" and go "Haha! This is great!! I love it!" even though it's shameful and lame.

That's the price of being famous. You have very limited time, and you are forced to engage with very cringe people, and you have to be happy about everything. Imagine how difficult a situation it is when someone comes up and says "I worship you, I made this commemorative dinner plate of you" and it sucks. You can't say "This plate sucks, you fucking retard" you have to be like "Haha!! My goodness!! How epic!" and pose for a photo

Now imagine if you semi-consented to the video when your handlers pitched to you twice in passing over the last several months, while you were waiting for one radio interview to start after finishing with a "Youtube debate," and you're presented with it as a fait accompli.

One of the first things that happens if you become famous or even just gain a following after creating something is that you being to see your fans as human garbage. They never interpret anything right, they are a burden and a nuisance, and you quickly realize that the only kinds of people who become "fans" are just people who were always already looking to become "fans" of SOMETHING. So you have an audience full of retards like a millstone around your neck and you don't even identify with what they say about your work in the few moments when you check the comments section or look up reviews. And just naturally and instinctively, you start to reconceptualize fame and success as "talking to the 2 or 3 people out there who aren't retards" instead of being liked by billions of retards.

That's if you are human. If you are a nice happy go lucky woman, or a weak shallow man, then you love the fame and become a slave to it. That's why all celebrities are histrionic effeminate freaks. It's also why they become little despots of their pathetic fanbases, which produces comedic outcomes when they get accustomed to talking to their fans and then try talking to normal people again. They instinctively try to throw their weight around as if everybody in the room knows who they are, because they've been mostly talking to paypigs over Patreon for 3 years now. That's the hole Peterson fell into, I think partly because he's autistic and has a typical autistic superego which totally consumed his ego (which he sees as a strength, which it kind of is but one-sidedly) and resultant grandiosity and intense single-mindedness. This leads him to be very confident and measured but also a massive cringe retard who lets people make puppet songs about him.

>> No.22955622

JBP is smart enough to know that he needs to pander to his audience and his audience is largely of the trad larp everything bad and new is pomo mentality.

>> No.22955684

Hm, he doesn't drink.

>> No.22955742

JP is a modernist goy who can only seethe at the antimodernist chad Foucault because he knows he can’t refute him.

>> No.22955803

great write up. Thank you. Where did this inspiration come from?

>> No.22955825
File: 415 KB, 720x641, 1703217737693352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More cringe than if pic related was real.

>> No.22955831

I'm Jordan Peterson

>> No.22955873

I hate Peterstein but that image was made by an incel tranny and both men in it (faggots though they are) are happily married with children

>> No.22955963

lmao. bravo

>> No.22955986

So why exactly do so many people equate Postmodernism with leftist/Marxist ideology? Is it because of academia's adoption of relativism? From my understanding, Postmodernism is just a skeptical (albeit cynical) attitude towards preconceived truths and conventions, but I am unfamiliar with the growth of this mode of thought and its history.

>> No.22956018

Nobody conflates the two. They are saying modern leftists are influenced by both.

>> No.22956031

The association between Postmodernism and leftist/Marxist ideology often stems from the historical and intellectual context in which Postmodernism emerged. While Postmodernism itself is a complex and multifaceted intellectual movement, its connections to leftist thought can be traced to several factors.

1. **Skepticism of Metanarratives:** Postmodernism, as you mentioned, is characterized by a skepticism toward grand narratives or metanarratives. Marxist ideology often presents a grand narrative about the class struggle and the historical inevitability of socialism. Postmodernists, in challenging such overarching narratives, can be seen as questioning Marxist viewpoints.

2. **Academic Adoption:** Postmodernism gained prominence in academic circles, especially in the humanities and social sciences. Many scholars within these fields, influenced by Postmodern ideas, critiqued established power structures and hierarchies. This dovetailed with leftist concerns about social justice and equity, creating a perceived alliance.

3. **Relativism:** The adoption of relativism in Postmodern thought can contribute to its association with leftist ideologies. Relativism challenges the idea of absolute truths, which aligns with a more fluid and socially constructed view of reality – an idea that resonates with certain leftist critiques of traditional power structures.

It's crucial to note that Postmodernism is a diverse movement, and not all Postmodern thinkers share the same political views. Some critics argue that the association with leftist ideologies has been overstated or misinterpreted. Nevertheless, the historical context of its emergence and its impact on academia contribute to the perception of a connection with leftist/Marxist thought.

>> No.22956037

GPTposting is ahrimanic, desist

>> No.22956049

peterson is the product of the atheist media industry, more precisely its subbranch of academia. All he thinks, say and does is garbage.

>> No.22956055

Because the same people created Postmodernism and leftism, ie the bourgeois revolutionists. Postmodernism is just the general name for their ''creation''.