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File: 123 KB, 1024x754, Haku-quote-Hindenburg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22955118 No.22955118 [Reply] [Original]

>If the prevailing “mainstream” argument about Donald Trump is true, it condemns all of the important political norms that Trump’s critics say they’re protecting. Immune systems that can’t stop a virulent infection are failed immune systems. If Trump is what Jamie Raskin and Adam Schiff and Liz Cheney say he is, then they’ve condemned…everything else. Everything else. The emergence of a Hitler figure, the implosion of the rule of law, the collapse of political institutions, and on and on: None of that happens in a healthy country.

>So if you want to argue that this is what’s happening, you must argue that America is in a state of ruin. You have no choice. No Weimar republic, no Nazis. Failure comes from failure. Hitler figures don’t arise from healthy societies.


>> No.22955140

Yes. Everyone thinks
>this means we'll really finish off the jews for real this time! We learned from Hitler's mistakes!!
But nobody considers the possibility that
>this means the jews win for real this time! They learned from their Weimar mistakes!

>> No.22955145

please explain how they are going to win retard

>> No.22955152

Lmao did you even see how people acted in COVID?
>uhh goy nevermind we are kidnapping and buttfucking your children! Here, a virus with 99.9% survivability!!!
Captcha: MONY

>> No.22955154

Better question to you is, how can they possibly lose?
>we're gonna ELECT our way outta this!
Just like 2020!

>> No.22955157
File: 90 KB, 882x1024, 1705314832613847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know what nigger? shut the fuck up and kill yourself.
There was a little election in 1933...

>> No.22955166

I hope you're right. I really do. But I don't see it. Who are you even going to vote for? Trump? He is busy kissing a wall in Jerusalem.
1933 happened in a time when a white majority country still existed.

>> No.22955178

no it's just a dumb meme. we're in 1980s soviet/yugoslavia america. plus the degeneracy we have now far surpasses the worst of weimar then, which was only confined to berlin and munich.

>> No.22955190
File: 161 KB, 960x599, 2D8dzFSoMdeMYCX46-KBtUgXIuq2LuU_Biq4NGYEv7U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Media and officials lie. Despite the problems in the US, standards of living have not reached bad. People are still houses, they have access to affordable food, they still work, the structure is still standing.

Only from a chaotic, broken systsm does a hero emerge to. For that to happen their must be the following:
>Normal people starving and dying in tens of thousands, through no fault of their own
>Hyperinflation, not like we have now but for a dozen eggs to cost $100
>Active civil war, not blm niggers wanting to not be treated like niggers
>A broken economy where nobody but the explotitive can profit
>Complete breakdowm of sexual and gender norms, to the point where open, passive acknowledgement is now the norm

Some of these are happening, some are starting to get worse. We may perhaps entering the beginning of a Weimar period, i hope we are, but i dl not think we are yet.

>> No.22955205

if a /pol/tard who gets all his information from memes creates a substack that doesn't make him anymore worth listening to.
the argument that just because americas democracy is in trouble or in crisis that means they should do away with it completely and install fat orange as dictator for life is not very convincing once you get below the /pol/tards smug gotcha rhetoric.
go back to /pol/ you embarrassing fucking children.

>> No.22955227

I think the argument has more to do with runaway inflation and moral degeneracy than the state of government in itself.

>> No.22956105
File: 33 KB, 317x400, 1654898775416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick up a book you dumb fucking kike.

>> No.22956572

>Are we now Weimar America?
No people used to say the same things about Bush and I feel people do not consider the huge geographical differences between the 2 countries.
Trump is a result of American geography which insulates its people from any real danger therefore they feel confident just voting a retard to piss off the establishment meanwhile Hitler was a result of Germany terrible geography which makes them open from any invasion and therefore they had to aggressively expand their empire.

>> No.22956580

I guess a much more fitting comparison would be with imperial China or ancient Egypt, they both were former superpowers which were blessed with great geographies insulating them from any real danger and for both countries their decline was due to isolationism.
I feel Trump is an early state of that

>> No.22956638

Use capital letters in your posts you fucking nigger. What's wrong, too cool for the shift key?

>> No.22956651

>blimpf is heckin isolationist XD
Kid...he killed isis man and sat down with kim. You are gay.

>> No.22956668

/pol/tard logic, he pulled of from a lot of international treaties during his presidency and tried but failed to push an immigration ban that’s is as isolationist as it gets in modern mainstream American politics.

>> No.22956770

>you are using /pol/tard logic, not correct /pol/tard logic

>> No.22956817

>he pulled out of NAFTA so hes isolationist
Ok retard.

>> No.22956960

He pulled out of Nafta, the Kyoto protocols, the middle east, most nuclear weapons agreement and he tried but failed to pull out of nato and the WHO

>> No.22956981

He's probably a phoneposter too, and phones auto-capitalize unless they're turned off, so he's intentionally in some way using all lowercase to affect a more nonchalant persona. He's a complete fag

>> No.22957386

>most nuclear weapons agreement
This was possibly the most destabilizing thing a U.S. president could do vis-a-vis Russia btw.

>> No.22957406

it sounds to me like he was just being honest because as it stands right now, the US being involved in all of those agreements means nothing
the US just does whatever it wants anyway

>> No.22957422

It's not isolationism. It's American Exceptionalism. These are ways to exert dominance.
An isolationist might do something about the jobs shipped overseas, but none do this. They'r not in control.

>> No.22957666

>/pol/ thread