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22954890 No.22954890 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people like this shit?

>> No.22954898

>(((Yuval Noah Harari)))

>> No.22954903

Because people who like this shit are indeed like monkeys who have money.

>> No.22954909

because being cynical about everything is cool

speaking of which, why did you make a thread about something you hate rather than something you like?

>> No.22954989

ערב רב

>> No.22955002
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Hello disingenuous nigger. You seem to have taken up a strange illogical reddit position.

You are implying that OP, because he dislikes something is "cynical". This is retarded and so are you.
Much more cynical than having a justified distaste for retardation is typing in all lower caps and asking cute little rhetorical "gotcha" questions that are supposed to show how smart, detached and above us all you are. Now, if you please - kill yourself.

>> No.22955057


> in Hollywood and in government, in certain “temples” and synagogues, as well as in academia and the business world.

>While there is undoubtedly a lot of plain-old hatred and bigotry out there, if you examine the bulk of anti-Semitism today, it is often an attack not on the average well-meaning and God-fearing Jew, but on the Erev Rav. The problem is that the anti-Semite is unable to differentiate between Jews at all, so the rage is displaced upon the wrong people. This is why it is imperative for Jews ourselves to confront the Erev Rav and oppose them as much as possible. It is vital to dissociate from any supposed “Jewish” organization that is advocating on behalf of Erev Rav ideas, those rooted in sexual immorality and idolatry, assimilation and godlessness, hedonism and materialism. (It is worth remembering the words of our Sages in Sotah 11b that in ancient Egypt—the birthplace of the Erev Rav—they would wickedly make “men do female tasks and women do male tasks”.)

>they would wickedly make “men do female tasks and women do male tasks”.)

>> No.22955753

נכון, אתה צודק

>> No.22955760

Ah so the Reddit atheists of proper Judaism, makes sense

>> No.22955763

I prefer "The Naked Ape" myself.
Why does our animalness offend you? Makes it harder to hate humanity for acting like every other animal?

>> No.22955772

Holy fucking based, how do I support this? I vow never to be antisemitic again. I vow eternal friendship with the true Jews. Give me a slur that specifically refers to Erev Rav and only Erev Rav. FUCK Erev Rav!

>> No.22955916




>> No.22955990

A lot of animals masturbate in front of their children and throw shit at each other. We don’t.

>> No.22955993

No, no, I think the Naked Ape enjoyer does.

>> No.22956140
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कृपया कुछ बाल उगाएं, युवल, आप शलजम की तरह दिखते हैं

>> No.22956148

And a lot of animals don't and are still animals what's your point?

>> No.22956154

everyone look at this retard. This is the idiot that thinks humans are perfect and everything will be fixed if we just make a few policy changes here and there. Mention genetic engineering and he’ll screech

>> No.22956160

eugenic genetic engineering already exists, it's called women not sleeping with you

>> No.22956175

Either you’re too insecure to fathom the possibility that humans will evolve into something that makes you look like a blabbering idiot, or you’re too stupid to understand biology in the first place.

>> No.22956176
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the 21st century bible

>> No.22956183

the Bible is a math textbook you dumb papist

>> No.22956396

i agree with this frog posters main point but i resent his attack on typing in all lower case. there is nothing cynical about it. i do it for stylistic purposes.

>> No.22956407

Hate is the only thing worth talking about for me, I want only to be silent in a world that I like. I post only to gatekeep, and on the day that there is no one to gatekeep from 4chan I will sit back and lurk gratefully.

>> No.22956490
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Yes we are, you arrogant narcissist with delusions of grandeur. You are nothing special. You are just another species in a long line of mammals (and primates), and there's nothing wrong with that. You don't have to be some "chosen people" or "created in god's image" for your life to matter and have meaning. Have some humility and self-awareness. You were not "created" as the masters of earth with everything else put here for your indulgence. You evolved out of the life forms that already existed here, and are a part of this web of life.

>> No.22956745

hello retarded frogposter. in your boundless retardation, you seem to have entirely missed the point of my post. i am going to explain it to you in lowercase purely to trigger your autism.

my point was that THE BOOK has this smugly-cynical-about-everything attitude that makes it popular among normies, because they think it signifies intelligence and sophistication. i find it pretentious and annoying myself, so i'm not calling OP a faggot for disliking the book, i'm calling him a faggot for starting a thread about a book he hates

>> No.22956917

The good news is that you will eventually come out of this nonsense

>> No.22957089

Not really. It's like coming out of "the sun rises in the east". Evolution is a universal truth. Everything evolves. Whether it's rocks, rivers, cultures, languages, civilizations, or life itself. Survival of the fittest is the law of reality itself, not just life. Anything that fits the current conditions the best, is "selected" to survive. The rest die out. The only people who refuse to accept this simple, straightforward fact are the ones who are stubbornly clinging to some ideology because they wasted all their life serving it.

>> No.22957093

Good goy. Go serve those based conservative hassidics who rape children and perform blood ritual sacrifices of animals.

>> No.22957112

It's a big joke at your expense. And he makes money off of it.

>> No.22957315

evolution is disproven by the existence of atlantis

>> No.22957339

They're told they like it. This is the eat the bugs plan and the sheep are being given the plans for their future they can't stop.

>> No.22957364

I know what evolution is, friend. Not sure if you grew up around Bible belt Protestants but most religions do not deny this, nor is it contrary to their belief

>> No.22957430

>First chapter is about how humans aren't special and are no different than animals

>Rest of book is about humans are special and the exact ways they differ from animals

People eat this shit up

>> No.22957505

Crazy how there are precisely 0 liberal atheists that have been able to explain why humans should follow the rule of law and civil morality if we’re supposedly just animals that exist for no reason. If you’re a materialist atheist the most reasonable conclusions are found in Cioran and Schopenhauer, not Christ and Marx

>> No.22957539

What you're describing is natural selection, not evolution. It's easy to get these confused when you're fucking retarded

>> No.22957566
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>I am going to explain it to you in lowercase
>uses capitals five words later

>> No.22957605

>humans are just animals
>but animals don't pay taxes to the Crown


>> No.22957674

It was specifically designed to irk you, in particular

Rape isn’t a real thing, anyways.

>> No.22958529

Natural selection is the driving force of evolution, you fucking retard.
Natural selection over a long period of time is what creates species, and thus, evolution.

>> No.22958543


Never heard of India have you?

>> No.22958546


braindead post

>> No.22958556

The Getes considered themselves immortal. They believed that the passage to the world from down below, far from lead them to birth or to a condition of suffering, took them to the glorious and celestial abodes of Xalmoxis. This dogma is purely Aryan.

Wanted to share, I think it gives a different perspective on the human species. Yeah of course some were until very recent eras, until today even primitive ooga boogas drinking booze and fucking women. Others, a little bit more intelligent, knew how to make the best material outcomes with the resources that they had and the people they could exploit. The first place in the pedestal is taken by the Getes, the Germanics, all these magnificent races that are slowly withering away in an ocean of ooga boogas and Jews.

>> No.22958563
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Great post. Ive always felt the same, like why should it matter that we arent some chosen people or created in God's image? Life is far more interesting when you learn that we are not special among the animal kingdom, and that we are a part of the beauty of all nature.

Im starting to learn in life is that Christians are some of the most narcissistic people, and their whole religion is just a way to signal moral superiority towards other humans, thus giving them a sexual/ reproductive advantage against non-Christian people. Its a totally disingenous repdroductive strategy, except in maybe a few lunatic fringe cases of people who are truly schizophrenic.

>> No.22958590


Based. But it's all Abrahams, not just Christians. Perpetual spiritual and ego insecurity and a cultural thirst to destroy the world. All three are ironically evil.

>> No.22958605
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I agree with these 2 posts but because I don't like people of jewish descent I am obligated to dislike Mr Noah Harari's work

>> No.22958633

Honestly, thats a fair enough reason

>> No.22958964

Indians are not humans

>> No.22959502

>You are nothing special
Wake me up when some other species lands on the moon.
>You were not "created" as the masters of earth with everything else put here for your indulgence.
Correct. We weren't created as the masters of the earth but we became the masters of the earth through a combination of ingenuity and brute strength.
>You evolved out of the life forms that already existed here, and are a part of this web of life.
Kiss my ass and tongue the shit out of my anus, gay pseud faggot. We won the game of natural selection so now the world, and even part of the solar system, belongs to us. Who else can say the same?

>> No.22959750

Life is better when humans cooperate, share resources and forge societies. Altruistic groups out compete sociopathic groups, Laws n shit help protect people and property from dysfunctional types.

Religion is just a convenient and helpful tool to plug that reason seeking hole all people have.

>> No.22959785

You're not supposed to live your life based on evolutionary biology, a bird don't read ornithology books

>> No.22959863
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>white people without Christianity
fixed it for you

>> No.22959864

Yuval is a WEF transhumanist. He wants all of us dead.

>> No.22959932

Hes also a homosexual Jew

>> No.22959968

>Athens and Sparta in that image
Holy fuck what retard made this?

>> No.22959999

>speaking of which
It’s over

>> No.22960045

This and Guns, Germs and Steel are just leftist talking points dressed up as OH MY SCIENCE!

>> No.22960423

>t. humanoid cancer

>> No.22960605

verdict from the lowercase court:
anon is inconsistent
hence, his opinion rejected.

>> No.22960614

i accept no court that does not give me a (you)

>> No.22960646

This book is bad but that's completely true.
Humans are just smarter than average apes. You really can't deny that fact no matter how hard you try.

>> No.22960731

This is such a stupid reddit take you should join the other apes at your local zoo.
Human capacity for abstract thought is so far beyond any other animal it barely bears comparison. Yes, chimpanzees can pass the mirror test and crows can use simple tools and all that, but next to humans it's like comparing a paper plane to a jet airliner.
Even our retarded ancestors two million years ago could already control fire and cook food, something no other animal does.

>> No.22960735

People have a hard time accepting that Harari and his detractors are simultaneously right about everything. Just because they have a different perspective doesn't mean that truth doesn't transcend dichotomies. The sublime synthesis reigns absolute and non-dual, forever. Demoralization occurs when one takes one half of the synthesis for the whole.

>> No.22960736

Ugh, why can't these chuds let people enjoy things?

>> No.22960747
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But you realize that all of this is entirely from the perception of a human that has no concept of a level of intelligence above itself. Basically you're the smartest thing on your planet so you're just assuming that the gap between you and the next smartest thing must be massive. You're looking at a set of data and assuming it must be complete because you're not capable of gathering any more. And you're only allowed to be this arrogant because you've been swimming in your small pond uncontested for thousands of years, and have basically never once been knocked down a peg.

>> No.22960751

The only people who "like this shit" are rationalist bugs who will settle with humanistic and scientific explanations without striving for something greater. Who cares about reality and truth when all that people want is a comforting little illusion to take away their uncomfortable ambitions. Grand narratives and soulful myths are too incandescent and hot for the modern habituated souls to handle ; our stainless steel age produces only these reasonable characterizations of reality, fit for soulless men who will look no further

Truly this is the epoch of the last man, the mediocre amassment of connective tissue and microbia, the soaring eagle shot down by the arrow of incredulity

>> No.22960758

Every girl on Tinder who mentions "loves to read" on her profile gushes about this book and similar pseud slop. I hate it I hate it I hate it

>> No.22960785

>you're just assuming that the gap between you and the next smartest thing must be massive
No contrarian-kun, I'm comparing to the variations in intelligence among other species. E.g. a crow is smarter than a tit, and a dolphin is smarter than a tuna, and a chimp is smarter than a cat, but all of these differences are tiny compared to the gap between us and any other animal.
Yes, you can invent fairy tales about unfathomable superintelligent beings to whom we are like ants are to us, but that's just intellectual masturbation.

>> No.22960817
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>I'm massively smarter than every other animal which is all that matters
>But it's an unfathomable fairy tale for anything to be massively smarter than me, that's just intellectual masturbation

I can't act like I'm surprised by the arrogance of humans. Like I said it makes perfect sense. You rule your planet for what seems to you like a really long time and how can you not start to think like this. But that doesn't make it feel any less ridiculous.

>> No.22960822

I've noticed everyone who tries to tell me to read this is extremely stupid, so thank you Yuval Noah Harari for creating such a brilliant way to make retards reveal themselves quickly so I can stop listening to them.