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/lit/ - Literature

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22951409 No.22951409 [Reply] [Original]

Various /lit/ publications have come and gone: The Lit Quarterly, Pinecone, The April Reader, and Ideology, to name a few. There have been collaborative works, like Coronameron, The /lit/ Annotated Moby Dick, Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra, and The Complete Works of God II. Some of these projects were one-offs, some were serialized. Some /lit/ projects, like Unreal Press, are still hanging on but are plagued by drama, and some, like &amp, seem to be rapidly in decline.

Also related are the solo writers of /lit/, composed of various namefags and shills who frequent the board: MNM-DR, John David Card, Zulu Alitspa, Frater Asemlen, Horia Belcea, Ogden Nesmer, Lewis Woolston. There are also those who did not come from /lit/ but are /lit/-adjacent simply because they are discussed here so frequently: Mike Ma, R. C. Waldun, Bronze Age Pervert.

This thread is for the discussion of the history of /lit/ writing and the future of /lit/. Why have so many /lit/ projects failed and fallen apart, and what do you think is next for the scene? Does anonymity vs pseudonymity vs. the use of real names make a difference in the success or failure of these projects, and the way in which these projects are perceived? Of the works that /lit/ has produced, are there common characteristics and themes shared between them? Is there a definitively /lit/ style of writing? Has /lit/ produced anything truly great, and if not, do you believe that it will in the future?

>> No.22951493

>Why have so many /lit/ projects failed and fallen apart
Because they suck dick at writing

>> No.22951890

>Of the works that /lit/ has produced, are there common characteristics and themes shared between them?
Fast food and suicide.
>Is there a definitively /lit/ style of writing?
Rage and typos.
>Has /lit/ produced anything truly great, and if not, do you believe that it will in the future?
Best of &amp in the future

>> No.22951930

Could you please upload a higher resolution version of that Pinecone cover?

>> No.22952009

The PDF is in here if you want to extract it yourself:
Did you read any of the Pinecone issues when they first came out?

>> No.22952094

Thank you very much, and no, I didn't. Might check them out tomorrow if I have time.

>> No.22952149

>Fast food and suicide.
Did LondonFrog off himself after a final last binge ever?

>> No.22952216
File: 1.17 MB, 2478x3516, lainzine05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not from /lit/, but lainchan has lainzine (lainzine.org), which looks cool and has a stickied thread running on their /lit/ board. Fifth issue is in the works, though the development looks pretty slow at the moment (I'd bet it's always been with that site's size).

I also heard of Kohlzine recently, apparently an outcropping of kohlchan. While it looks pretty good at a glance, some anon here said it went to shit (or was always shit) due to Twitter/Discord user influence. Funny pattern.

>> No.22952233

>tfw didn't expect to see someone mention lain here.
Interesting. But reminder to not act like a retard from /g/ if you visit, we actually use computers there and have a book club for reading mathematics and computer science papers.

>> No.22952384

so it's going to repackage the same shit everyone's read AND THEN it will be truly great
ari detected

>> No.22952900
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Posting to shit up the crabs

>> No.22952942

In light of everything we have seen during the RJC and Lamp Standard Press saga, let me ask you all something. What is a respectable small to mid level publisher that you would encourage a young writer to sign with? Don't say KDP.

>> No.22953011

kiss my arse, my wife loved my book and I miss her soooo much. ooh why'd she have to kick my arse out on the street again this arvo, sometime's I'm home and then I'm away an the neighbors keep watching us fight all the time. but I miss her. now I've got to warm me arse on another park bench this arvo with a VB. but she loved my writing and I mean it. fuck you.
my arse this arvo is hard
my arse this arvo is a big bag of lard
my face is a pig
my dick is a twig
and i'm barred from the pub for rubbing my stick
so i'm out on the bench this arvo
fuck you and I mean it

>> No.22953031

There's really no such thing. It's either the Big 5 or one of its imprints or it's not a real publisher.

>> No.22953045

A reminder: Robert James Cross is a narcissist, completely and utterly obsessed with himself.

>> No.22953051

Well, he's an author (or at least fancies himself one).

>> No.22953062

A real author is capable of writing plots and not just scribble after scribble.
But I guess it's hard to think of the big picture when you're too busy out campaigning for more refugees to invade your country and six covid boosters have fried your brain.

>> No.22953070

What a terrible way to think about it.

>> No.22953087


>> No.22953094

Rule #1: never trust /lit/ in matters of publishing.

>> No.22953103

>no londonfrog
>no reikoz
>no gardner

>> No.22953106

>No Hypersphere
Shit thread

>> No.22953108

it's not any way to think about it, it's just how the real world is
you can bury your head all your want about it though

>> No.22953118

And any publisher, even the big ones, are not going to do all the marketing work for you. That's what you goombas still don't fucking understand even after years of this shit. It's sickening to watch you, honestly. You won't even attempt to put in the minimal effort to understand the industry then sit here moping and moaning. None of you deserve this.

>> No.22953126

That is bullshit and just shows how little-read many people on /lit/ are.

>> No.22953130

>rebuttal with no substance or counter example
as empty of meaning as anything you write

>> No.22953201

Well can you answer the first question?

>> No.22953231

Black Scat Books, Sublunary Editions, Amphetamine Sulphate

>> No.22953232
File: 435 KB, 938x1141, 83576985758835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> A HISTORY OF /lit/
4chan got overwhelmed by election tourists, /pol/cels and reddit refugees (kicked out of "the donald" , "jailbait" etc). They viewed /lit/ as some kind of "brain" of 4chan that must be dominated. /lit/ turned to shit. anyone with any interest in literature was scurred away ..... and now here we are living with the consequences.

>> No.22953236

they also killed /mu/

>> No.22953238

tranny vanity publishers

>> No.22953243
File: 78 KB, 294x651, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow so outsider so counterculture
they'll definitely publish the little guy

>> No.22953248

bot post or mental?

>> No.22953251

So all I have to do is make every ideological and moral concession to the mainstream and I can be published by a vanity house with no readership too? Gee willickers! Why didn't I think of that? That's definitely better than just uploading to KDP. Because uh... then I can say I was 'published' on /lit/.

>> No.22953255

what bot post you flaming moron? it's a screenshot from Black Scat, one of the supposed publishers that roots for counterculture. It's a fucking joke.

>> No.22953258

I love being lectured by these vanity press narcissists about how wrong I am. Meanwhile they put years of effort into producing a book for one of these shithouses that will reach a total of 30 people max.
Laugh my ass off much?

>> No.22953260

take your meds jason

>> No.22953268

how many books did you sell with your vanity press fagoli

>> No.22953272

you guys just posture as writers and thats the obsession with being 'published' despite the fact if it's not the Big 5 it doesnt count and everyone knows it

>> No.22953290

make sure to selfie yourself kneeling for BLM when you submit your manuscript they'll read 2 lines of and delete :)

>> No.22953293

>boo hoo this tiny publisher won't give my racist shitposts a fair shake
jfc just send your shit to some stormfag vanity press and quit moaning already

>> No.22953320

youre the one submitting to vanity presses faggot
are you this illiterate? I'm not posting in favor of small presses period

>> No.22953407

Precisely, because you're an unread troglodyte whose knowledge jumps straight from Amazon self-publishing to Penguin. Now plenty of (most…) small publishers won't be "based" (what do you expect) but you asked for "respectable" and they have something of a name and publish serious literature and poetry—not the marketable slop of the mainstream. To jump to ideology is "moving the goalposts". Obviously I'm not saying things are at a high point now, certainly not for anglophones, but there's something here + there.

>> No.22953412

You haven't named a single small publisher with a real readership. You haven't even provided anecdotal evidence (aka you've never written a book).
Amphetamine Sulphate cant even be fucking googled because all you get back is the chemical. Shut your ass you pie in the sky faggot.

>> No.22953442

And also you can make all the assumptions you like, the fact is I've done my research with regards to this. Even the publishers who posture as edgy and off-beat still have the same ten-mile-long laundry list of do's and dont's that goes beyond ideology. It's straight up ACCEPT MARXISM OR FUCK OFF, CHUD tier.
So why bother with them? I'd rather just write what I want than kneel to some nobody publisher. Your mindset is outdated.

>> No.22953461

Itt we have learned: Ari is a /poltroon/ and has no idea of Literature outside the starter pack. Who'da thunket!?

>> No.22953465

if you were as well read as you believed yourself to be you could easily tell that my writing sounds nothing like his but whatever. It's easier for you to fixate on a bogeyman than self-improve, I get it.

>> No.22953531

Who are you talking to

>> No.22953551

your fat dirty moma

>> No.22954039

I could swear there are way more books than what's discussed in these threads.

>> No.22954083

Then why not mention the ones that haven't been brought up so far, instead of bitching about it?

>> No.22954097 [DELETED] 

These /lit/ history threads are made by Ari Boon and Hannah Hutchinson so they can flame their favorite artists. Keep in mind, he has never written or read anything at all, and she considers him the smartest, most well versed guy around.

>> No.22954104

Hannah Whotchinson?
Also Ari wrote POWERPUNK in &amp magazine. Nothing more than flash fiction as far as I know.

>> No.22954109

Oh pardon me, he was published in &amp. He also does a college radio show.

>> No.22954175

robert cross' entire 'novel' is nothng more than gayass flash fiction. 100 of them. quantity over quality.
it seems to be a running trend with these wannabe writers

>> No.22954280
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>> No.22954350

The vignettes are linked together in an overarching plot about witches that mind control a vet into thinking he killed an entire city of innocents in Vietnam, or did he? You’ve not read the book.
Ari, on the other hand, his greatest achievement is something still pending, the compilation of somebody else’s work. He creates these threads to spin blackpill narratives for newfags and weak minds to demoralize them into pursuing nothing. He’s a terrible cynic, and he’s not actually a creator. Lamp Standard Press may be forced and derivative, but Shards is a decent effort for its own context, and who cares if it’s not the best novel of all time? It’s an exhibition of amateur ambition. &amp Magazine on the other hand, I have no idea what they’ve morphed into, an even more randomly scattered buffet of cringe, mostly a YouTube channel now. What’s interesting to me is how little actual discourse there is of Mixtape Hyperborea, by A. L. Reinspects. That book is almost an expert demonstration of zoomer introspection through mostly dialogue, pretty fun dialogue too. None of this stuff is perfect, but it’s all enjoyable. You just can’t have the disposition of a crab in the bucket.

>> No.22954364

I honestly don't remember any of them. I just know there's more

>> No.22954366

your every post is muddy and long-winded and boring as fuck to read. Why the fuck would I spend money to read more of your dogshit? This post right here is practically incomprehensible. Inherit Jason Faggot's crab bucket cope all you like, you're still a boring asswipe.

>> No.22954555


I appreciate you buying my book and reading it. I appreciate you even more for understanding the interconnectedness of the Shards.

My next book will be more linear. I just love experimenting with writing. I'm thankful to Hartley for taking a chance on me.

I submitted Shards to many agents and other small presses.

Was asked to switch perspective so that the main character was actually Vietnamese. I said no. I was asked to take out the word 'whore' because it was "slut shaming" and I said no.

I did take out the word 'cunt' which I had put in there 23 times or so. That was a critique from my professors.

Agents wanted it linear and longer. I told the story I wanted to tell. It didn't get me published with Penguin or Doubleday. Oh well.

>> No.22954567

Reddit spacing.

>> No.22954603

oh boy and now youre acting like you could have been published but you were too counterculture
get fucked you refugees welcome vaxtaker
disingenuous fat faggot your head looks like a bucket of lard turned upside down

>> No.22954607

I've had this issue with editors who seem allergic to every Modernist or experimental style. Thankfully met some that aren't so boring and respect author vision.
>why is he white
>why is this mentally ill character so rude
Fucking lmao, that is really sad. Were you talking directly to publishers or was an agent talking to them?

>> No.22954616

>Were you talking directly to publishers or was an agent talking to them?
this faggot was showing it to his faggot friends at his faggot school for faggots
dont fall for his lies

>> No.22954738

>>22954616 Hoes mad

>> No.22954860

>I'm thankful to Hartley for taking a chance on me.
Taking a chance on you how, exactly? It’s not as though he paid you an advance or invested any money whatsoever into publishing your book. He assumed zero financial or personal risk. All he did was design a shitty cover in Canva, half-ass some formatting, and upload it to KDP. This “published author” LARP of yours is genuinely embarrassing.

>I did take out the word 'cunt' which I had put in there 23 times or so. That was a critique from my professors.
Interesting. You paint yourself as some sort of countercultural rebel who rejects the delicate sensibilities of the literary establishment and forges his own path, and yet you censored your book to avoid offending readers? Weak shit.

>> No.22954866

robert you don't know your ass from your big toe and hartley is an obligate parasite feeding on your fat, dull blood

>> No.22954868

why you mad tho

>> No.22954882

my wife loved 'The Shards'. I miss her so much. ooh hoo hoo.
fuck you fuck you fuck you and I mean it

>> No.22954901

fuck you mate and kiss my arse this sunny arvo

kiss my big toe mate aha a bottle o fosters to ya mate yo ho and a bottle of fosters my merry mates

>> No.22954982

I see the rejection pile is making a fuss again.

>> No.22955107


Both. I had queries with multiple small publishers in NY and LA. I bought one of those Writer's Market guides from Writer's Digest. Queried a bunch of agents too. No dice. Most wanted YA or for me to change huge aspects of the book and I said no.


I designed the cover. I've said this multiple times. Would you respect me more if I were to make up a press and self publish on KDP using that? What difference would that really make? I'm the one who had all the typos in the manuscript. Not Hartley. I started correspondence with him in mid-September and I wanted the book released on Halloween. If I had not rushed him to push it out quickly then maybe some of the little fuckups would have been alleviated. I don't place the blame for the formatting solely on him. The book has made about $300. I make that a day teaching. I'm not breathing down his neck to pay me the $150 he "owes" me. Even though I've told him it'd be smarter to use the money on advertising and review copies. He's sent me and some of friends copies of the book too. So I probably owe him money at this point.


Again, I got the J&J one shot because of work. You can't work at school district without getting vaxxed. Sorry. And they check your medical records so you can't just fake a card and try to trick them either. Many have tried.

I don't want an influx of males 18-35 flooding in. Older men, women, and children are welcome to come here in my opinion.

>> No.22955203

No agent was interested in literary fiction?

>> No.22955232

this is all LARP. The story changes every time he tells it based on the reaction he gets. He never made it off any agent slush pile.

>> No.22955269


Not experimental literary fiction. First girl who got pubbed from my MFA cohort wrote a YA novel about Frankenstein and Dracula as police officers taking on a werewolf mafia. Simpleton shit.


I've never even told any stories about querying anyone. This is the first time I've mentioned it because it seemed pertinent to the discussion. I went through an MFA program. You really think we didn't take a class on publishing and networking and querying agents and publishing houses. I guarantee I know more about it than you do.

>> No.22955288

Post the YA novel, I'm genuinely curious about it

>> No.22955317

How many people from your MFA program have been published?

>> No.22955329

>networking and querying agents and publishing houses. I guarantee I know more about it than you do.
Is that why you ended up publishing on KDP and giving a crackhead felon 50% of your profits?
Oh man, you sure showed your mastery of the industry there.

>> No.22955366

Come on, I wrote a few other things that showed up in &amp (and they were all at least a little longer and more effortful than Powerpunk).
>Vignette: A Chili April, 010
>Phantom Tollbooth, 011
>Dinner, 012
>Shit-Eater Triptych, 014

I did the "&amp Magazine Official Epilogue" and "End of &amp" threads, but that's it. The first seemed like a good way of putting a spotlight on how things were running with &amp at the time, and I'd like to think it was a little bit more artful than than the re-hash threads. (Plus I think it was pretty funny, which was a significant motivation.) You can nail me down as a critic, but I think there's been a lot worth being critical/sceptical of in the last year in this scene (LSP is worse than just forced and derivative), and I try to at least be thorough and substantiate my criticisms. There's no way I can provably distinguish myself from the anons mindlessly shitting on things, so oh well.

And I won't go on too long about the best-of or my not having finished it yet, but "somebody else's work" stops short: it contains many people's works, and the point has been to do their writings justice. I also didn't appear out of nowhere to start that thing, and, even if it took a lot of prodding, the selection process was a community effort as well.

Despite how shit these threads tend to be, the occasional snippet of discussion about old /lit/ projects (including novels) is cool. None of these projects last, but it's right to say they're enjoyable. I think it's worthwhile to look back on them and that otherwise there's a persistent myopia on here.

>> No.22955445

this is the first time I'm seeing one of your posts after weeks of being accused of being you. holy shit they're fucking illiterate if they think I sound anything like you.

>> No.22955481

fuck off and get a life

>> No.22955508

fuck you fuck you fuck you and I mean it

>> No.22955570

Thank you for correcting me, I couldn't remember all of what you wrote.
By the way, I actually liked Triptych. I remember several vocal naysayers.

>> No.22955595

Thoughts on 019?

>> No.22955693
File: 1.07 MB, 828x892, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is 'professional writer' Robert's prose btw

>> No.22955712

Holy font size. Is this nigga shooting for 150 words a page? Imagine how blown up the hardcover text is.

>> No.22955718

>awkward descriptions
>extremely redundant and meandering dialogue
>incorrectly uses “awhile” instead of “a while”

>> No.22955724
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and every other page is just the title
$40 for 100 pages of writing that's worse than literotica fanfic

>> No.22955725

>I was this
>she was that
>he did this. she did that. i was this.
This would get an F in any high school writing class let alone college level. How the fuck is this retard a professor?

>> No.22955746

>How the fuck is this retard a professor?
He's not a professor. He's a grade school substitute teacher.

>> No.22955748

Should have known better than to believe his lies.

>> No.22955865

looks like he was a professor until 2020 https://www.ratemyprofessors.com/professor/2485867 so not completely lying but not completely telling the truth either

>> No.22955951


COVID happened. They let go of anyone not tenured and gave tenured professors 600 students on Zoom. I actually told myself I'd stop teaching entirely. However, my stepson said I should go and teach kids his age. So I did. I worked at every elementary school in San Diego, teaching music because I've been playing guitar for 25 years alongside my literary pursuits. Then I taught 11th grade English for my California Teaching Credential. Then I couldn't find a job. So now I work at a K-12 school for disabled and special needs children. It's very meaningful work but my heart is not fulfilled unless I'm teaching reading and writing.

Shards, I believe as its writer, is far more nuanced than the hecklers here give it credit for. I will not release it for free. You can shit talk it all you want. Point out my typos. Which even big publishing houses have books with typos. And shit talk the prose all you want. I enjoyed writing it. I enjoyed rereading it a number of times (skipping over the typos of course) and I've appreciated the feedback I've gotten, including yours. I am 100% a writer who loves getting constructive criticism. Both I and Hartley are watching these threads and taking notes for the next book and for the future iterations of Shards. We appreciate the free proofreading.

>> No.22956219

>I enjoyed rereading it a number of times

Typical of a narcissist such as yourself.

>> No.22956234


So I shouldn't reread my own book? Haha. Wild. Now I know you're just fucking with me. You think writers just write the book and throw it out to the editor and publisher to print without giving it several reads? Absolutely nutter butters.

>> No.22956839

>We appreciate the free proofreading.
Classic narcissism has to turn the situation into some "ha! I outsmarted you!" gotcha moment.

Literally textbook.

>> No.22956852

Sorry this prose is just absolutely useless. Jesus Christ it's so unengaging.

And that's not even subjective - there's objectively no conflict, no dopamine, no suspense, which is scientifically shown to be what makes fiction hold our attention.

Genuinely a 2/10

>> No.22956879
File: 262 KB, 1200x1836, remembering_the_dead_and_other_stories (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you're better off sticking with the classics

>> No.22956939

I loved this one. so did my wife.
fuck my arse

>> No.22956943

>teaches retards how to be retards
seems you've found your calling in life. stick with that and stop pretending to be a writer. shit's embarrassing

>> No.22957268

You have to be pretty high IQ to enjoy lofi prose.

>> No.22957321

>Genuinely a 2/10
Everything in RJCs life is a 2/10. Just take a look at his fat washed up roastie of a wife and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.22957438


>> No.22957956

i wouldnt mind, in fact i wouldnt care at all but for the fact he has the gall to put this on shelves and charge money for it. Hundreds of thousands of these weekend writers poisoning the well of literature.
You just know that in his mind he's rubbing shoulders with Fitzgerald and Miller and Joyce, believes himself to be an undiscovered talent--despite not even maintaining the most basic rules of engaging the reader or simply not being boring as shit to read.
It's a fucking insult this ever got put to ink. And as for the hangers-on enabling his delusion they deserve a trip down a deep well too. Any small ounce of respect I had for Gardner's ability to grind went out the window with his affiliation to this utter disgrace.
Be ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.22958012

As middling as he is, I think he could think up more refined a comparison to name than a Fitzgerald.

>> No.22958023

i dont know any canadian classic authors
canada is a cess pit and I dont care what they have to say

>> No.22958030

I mean Edward Fitzgerald, not F Scott

>> No.22958077

Fuck you. I like big font.

>> No.22958311

You got to finish the best-off. I was predicting January ‘24. Don’t make me a liar.

>> No.22958467

F.P. Grove, Grandbois, Wyndham Lewis (kinda), Vallières, Arcan -- simple as

>> No.22958524

oh yeah wyndham lewis I have read
he's no lewis woolston though

>> No.22958610

kek, i looked at his facebook and you werent kidding. he mustve been really down bad to have ended up settling for a homely middle aged chubster single mom. the man is a desperate cuck

>> No.22958651


I love her and she loves me and that's all that matters. I know that's probably a strange concept to you because you more than likely are a virgin and/or get laid just before the alcohol or the rohypnol wears off. I promise that one day, when you get off the internet, you'll find someone who cares about you.

>> No.22958659


Funnily enough, I actually find the children I work with to be smarter, and indeed kinder, than most people on this board.

>> No.22958664

why are people so rude toward this shards guy?

>> No.22958667

/wg/ authors:
Akaso: https://www.amazon.com/Retribution-Engine-Vol-Rising-War/dp/B0BNZFV2CP/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
Alex Beyman: https://dreamkeeperscomic.com/store/p/Reports-from-The-Institute
Charles Dearmore: https://www.amazon.com/Son-Sun-Charles-Dearmore-ebook/dp/B09J8HJJN8
Danwerd Gachev: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BR61V3F1
Evan Davis: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09PJPJPFN
F. Gardner: https://www.amazon.com/F-Gardner/e/B08KFQR689/ref=dp_byline_cont_pop_ebooks_1
Gulliver: https://www.amazon.com/Seeds-Doubt-Gulliver-Waverly-ebook/dp/B098FF85BP/
James Krake: https://www.amazon.com/James-Krake/e/B09RKCXZH4/ref=aufs_dp_fta_dsk
John J. Stancliff: https://a.co/d/c9T8wnz
Kelsie Glass: https://www.amazon.com/Two-Lesbians-Eating-Pizza-Stories-ebook/dp/B0B69C6CRD
K.K. Wing: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09X6JX44X
L.A. Lynch: https://www.amazon.ca/Last-Call-L-Lynch-ebook/dp/B09H7CZDPZ
Michael D. Wonder: https://www.amazon.com/Xenos-Depths-Michael-D-Cinder-ebook/dp/B09ZS7KDMC
Nash Knight: https://www.amazon.com/Salvation-Peril-Island-Nash-Knight/dp/B09F1FRL86
ogden nesmer: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09MV7G9CJ
Sam Powers: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BTS9G3MB
Steven Boswell: https://www.amazon.com.au/Steven-Boswell/e/B09HWTY2WM/ref=aufs_dp_fta_dsk
Spencer Weedman: https://www.amazon.com/Egregore-Gothic-Horror-Spencer-Weedman-ebook/dp/B0B64L7RFS

All shit or one decent gem?

>> No.22958670

Ari lives in a cave

>> No.22958673

I love my wife and she loves me, though she kicked me out again this arvo for writing shite. ooh hoo hoo
kiss my arse and I mean it

>> No.22958675

Because he wrote a book.
/lit/ hates books.

>> No.22958678

read the sample above >>22955693 >>22955724
if you're not immediately enraged/disgusted then you simply have no taste.
this is a rank amateur putting himself upon a pedestal and claiming he's a real writer
it's an affront, pure and simple.

>> No.22958681


It's my first book. I don't think I'm rubbing shoulders with anyone. I wrote it and I wanted to share it. I'm not expecting to be a millionaire off of my first book. The narcissist guy thinks I'm totally up my ass but I'm not.

>> No.22958684

It’s not people, it’s Ari Boon samefagging his unrelenting troll campaign against Cross for daring to try anything.

>> No.22958698

it's fine to dislike the book (i wasn't knocked out by the samples either), but to insult him and his family is over the line imo. i guess there's some behind the scenes drama i'm not privy to?

>> No.22958703

It’s not that bad. What’s the big problem?

>> No.22958708

but you ARE up your ass and this sorry excuse for writing proves it.
you either didn't get test readers or only chose those willing to blow smoke up your ass
no one who respected their audience would look at that dog litter above and call it printworthy, but you've blown up your ego so much that you honestly thing this crud is worth releasing.
has it ever occurred to you how difficult it is to maintain a reader's attention? have you ever for once put yourself in the readers shoes and tried to produce something WORTHY of their time -- not to mention their fucking money? every single sentence has to shine. and not only that, it has to have depth. you have to have SOMETHING TO SAY.
the reason you are a narcissist is because you think getting high and keyboardmonkeying out a few lines of dry prose, that it's worth reading. that's not how this works. it takes effort and sacrifice. and you have to actually have compassion for your audience instead of ignoring their wishes and pushing this turd out regardless. until you get that into your fat buckethead there's no point having any discussion. you deserve the ridicule.

>> No.22958720

im not the one saying that shit. anyway this is a deflection. go moralize elsewhere. it's a moral affront to release dogshit and bring down the collective reputation of indie writers.why dont you hop on your soapbox about that?

>> No.22958729

I prefer Nesmer and Weedman so far.
Nesmer has been involved with lots of /lit/ projects.
Personally I think Wing is a cool guy, but he pivoted into Fantasy last year. No harm in testing the water at such an early stage. AFAIK he is back on the historic fiction train writing about Genghis Khan.
A lot of anons on /wg/ remain unpublished or writing serialized fiction on Royal Road, etc.

>> No.22958747

when youre called out it's 'just your first book', yet elsewhere you harp on about your long list of accreditations and awards
fuck off. despicable.

>> No.22958749

The guy does nothing but feed the trolls. You can't blame the trolls for enjoying their meal.

>> No.22958774

>it's a moral affront to release dogshit and bring down the collective reputation of indie writers.
you don't think you're overreacting here? barely anyone outside of this board, or even the &amp crew, is going to be aware of this book. we can worry about its negative impact when RJC starts doing rupi kaur numbers
>why dont you hop on your soapbox about that?
seems like you're on it already

>> No.22958776

Ironic when you spent the last couple months (embarrassing) moralizing against Hartley over 'Atlas' stuff

>> No.22958782

I'm not Ari. There are 3 or 4 people in this thread who have actual taste. Surprising, I know.

>> No.22958786

Well you're the same not-Ari who's been shitting in the soup of these threads for nigh a year!

>> No.22958790

I've only been here a month. Less even.
Not my fault you guys write trash and gather haters.

>> No.22958808

And i find it funny all you ever do is make personal attacks like calling me Ari or crab instead of taking responsibility for your craft and acknowledging the things I say are actually valid even if they hurt.

>> No.22958921


I've been clean off of drugs for 15+ years so I'm not getting high and doing anything. And I would never put my name amongst the greats. Hell I wouldn't even put myself amongst the best /lit/ writers. I think Gardner is a far better writer and far more prolific than I am.

You talk about audience as if I'm supposed to know who they are with my first book. C'mon.


I do have all of those accreditations and awards. It's all I have to prove I can write. I'm not going to say "buy my book, I have no proof I know what I'm doing" because that would be dumb.

>> No.22959291

>I do have all of those accreditations and awards. It's all I have to prove I can write
All you have to prove you can write is your writing. And your writing proves otherwise.

>> No.22959357

>I think Gardner is a far better writer and far more prolific than I am.
Not sure whether to think this is actually RJC, but Gardner gave Shards praise, so it's up in the air to me. Anyway. I'm not one of the anons shitting on your writing in your book, but I made a few posts in the /lit/ renaissance thread about the formatting that I'll reiterate.

I don't think there's a good excuse for so many of the pages being nearly blank. Even putting aside my issues with your body text, a massive chunk of your book's cost is wasted on those title pages, and it's not made known to the buyer that only half the book contains the story they bought. So
1. your book's price and size are inflated,
2. you're misleading your readers.
I expect writing in first novels to be rough around the edges, and I don't have any comment on yours, but those two issues above are significant whether it's a first effort or not. It would cost my good will as a reader if I bought a book and found out after the fact about the actual size. The fact that you (or Ryan) have very specifically limited the Amazon preview such that this doesn't show makes it even worse.

Do you think you have a good reason for the title pages?
Do you think the cost (in dollars and potential good will) was worth it?
Did you (or Ryan) ever try a format with the titles at the top of the pages with their body text?
And have you given any thought to the points I made about the body text? (lack of indents, bad paragraph spacing)

An aside: is the Kindle version ever coming back? It was up on release if I remember right, and I think I saw in a thread that it had been taken down to revise formatting issues, so is it in the pipeline or have you axed it indefinitely?

>> No.22959686

Here's the biggest list I know of:

>> No.22959780
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It's def me. I read Call of the Crocodile before I started corresponding with him. He's actually a lot cooler than most people here and on Discord make him out to be.

Pic related was how it was originally formatted. So yes, the titles used to be on top. We decided together to put the titles on the left of the page. I think the biggest gripe people have is that it's only 100 pages of actual writing. If it was the same price and was only 115 pages with all of the other front and back matter (like The Prophet for example) what difference would that make? There are whole sections of metafictional texts with one word per page etc. I get that "this is your first text and it's not perfect yadda yadda yadda" but it would still be $17 and $40. The extra 100 title pages serve as breaks in between.


I guess. I got a lot of praise for "Countdown to Harvest" in Lit Quarterly and for "B.K." which was in Fiction International. As seen here: https://www.newpages.com/blog/blog-items/b-k-by-robert-james-cross/

>> No.22959797

>[Gardner is] actually a lot cooler than most people here and on Discord make him out to be
that's because he doesn't feel threatened by you

>> No.22959867

wow, look at this pile of crap: https://files.catbox.moe/d9sukc.zip

>> No.22959875
File: 58 KB, 1274x793, KDP_costs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In short:
You could charge $6.50 USD less (or make $6.50 more) per book if you went with an honest 115 pages instead.
The wasted pages could hurt your purchasing readers' impression of your book.
The cost may be prohibitive to otherwise interested readers.

And is the Kindle version coming back?

>The extra 100 title pages serve as breaks in between.
I don't see a need for breaks like that between vignettes that aren't even a page long. That doesn't stand as a good reason, especially in light of the negatives.

>If it was the same price and was only 115 pages [...] what difference would that make?
I've been telling you that the increased page count inflated the price, which is because most of the printing cost is per-page. Either you could be making a greater profit or you could be selling it for cheaper.

Running the numbers from Amazon KDP's printing FAQ based on your book being full colour and falling in the regular trim category, the costs are
>$1.00 USD + $0.065 USD per page
so that's
>215 pages
>$14.975 USD
>115 pages
>$8.475 USD
as your minimum prices on a paperback. That's a difference of $6.50.

If you want to say the money doesn't matter to you, then consider that it might to your potential readers: the price will affect how willing people are to buy your book, as well as whether they feel the cost was worth it after the fact. That last part may also to be negatively affected by their surprise discovery of the true page count.

>There are whole sections of metafictional texts with one word per page
Referring to other works means little here because I specifically do not see a good reason for the title pages in your case. You also haven't made it clear to your potential readers that what they're buying is a series of discrete vignettes and not a novel, which even then doesn't elucidate your choice to spend every other page on titles. Someone buying whatever metafictional text are probably at least somewhat aware of what they're getting into and that the formatting may hold some artistic value beyond giving them "breaks".

>> No.22959906

>I'm not breathing down his neck to pay me the $150 he "owes" me.
So you admit that, just as we all predicted, he still hasn't paid you? Scammers gonna scam, I guess.

>> No.22959948


I appreciate this analysis and will talk to Hartley about it. Perhaps you are correct and a cheaper option may be the way to go.


Did you read everything I wrote? He's sent myself, my friends, and reviewers copies of the book using his own money. Nobody has been scammed. You're acting as if the book has sold a million copies. Calm your tits.

>> No.22960003

>I appreciate this analysis and will talk to Hartley about it.
I'm glad you're receptive to it.

And talk to him about properly formatting the body text if you do another book with him. In the case of Shards I can somewhat (and only somewhat) see the lack of indents and large paragraph spaces giving it a matter-of-fact tone suitable to a crazy person talking, but it is very much not good in general.

Ryan has formatted text that way throughout &amp, but it's definitely not an acceptable way to format a novel. Like I said in the other thread, there should be a deliberate use of indents, the paragraph spacing should be reduced, and you should have the text hyphenated (I think this is a limit of him using Canva, but you should be able to accomplish it in Word). It'll go a long ways towards making things look professional, and, on your end, using indents and linebreaks judiciously to control soft sections gives you more options as a writer.

>> No.22960578

>I think Gardner is a far better writer and far more prolific
You're just making false claims like this as damage control to try and convince us you're not a narcissist. But narcssists say things like this all the time - someone who genuinely doesn'y give a fuck what other people think wouldn't make odd comparisons unprompted like this.

You are a narcissist. Consider this shaming part of your therapy.

>> No.22960595
File: 180 KB, 924x915, Screenshot 2024-01-18 093952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A guy can't even talk about having horrific food poisoning in the discord without RJC overriding it to talk about himself. It's insane - not even a "that sucks".

I just feel bad for the people around him.

>> No.22960879

these aren't excuses for shitty writing. They are gimmicks. It's not that we 'just don't get your metafiction' -- it's that your writing sucks, period. Your prose sucks, there is no character, there is no depth. The dialogue sucks. These are entry level problems you should have resolved before going anywhere near 'experimental' text.
It's hopeless. YOU are hopeless. Stop pretending to be a writer.

>> No.22960908

>epistolary text
You're hiding behind gimmicks again because you suck dick at prose. Anyone can do shit like this, it's not creative.

>> No.22960987

If you have such a problem with my simply adding to the conversation in a jovial and relevant manner maybe I should just leave the discord, LA.

>> No.22960989


>> No.22960994

too bad the faggot didnt drown on his own puke

>> No.22960997

>my simply adding to the conversation in a jovial and relevant manner
Come on, man. Can't you just reflect on yourself a teeny tiny bit? It's not that scary, honestly.

>> No.22960999

he has less reflection than a fucking vampire
which is ironic given that harley is the blood sucker of the relationship

>> No.22961009

bro calm down

>> No.22961011

shut the fuck up
you are at the bottom of the totem pole here

>> No.22961054

Frank hasn't shill-spammed himself in almost two days. Is he sick? Dead? Or, God help us all...employed?

>> No.22961116

maybe the asbestos in his anachronism of a penthouse caught fire

>> No.22961164
File: 232 KB, 705x838, repeating frank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gardner's been busy spam posting his own twitter

>> No.22961174

if I had Gardner's complete lack of shame I'd know a thousand ways to catapult myself into relevancy.
His actions are too reactive and short sighted. He isn't networking properly.

>> No.22961195
File: 44 KB, 1079x625, KDP_costs_BW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you reduce the pages and print in black and white you could save over $12.595 USD on printing costs.

Colour printing is a lot more expensive, at $0.065 versus $0.012 per page. I'm not sure how you use colour in your book, but if it isn't substantial then you should consider black and white printing (the cover can still be printed in full colour). So for black and white
>$1.00 USD + $0.012 USD per page
which is
>215 pages
> $3.58 USD
or with the reduced page count
>115 pages
>$2.38 USD
So that's a difference of up to $12.595 USD per book by reducing the page count and doing it in black and white (compare to the original $14.975 USD).

Amazon KDP has a royalty calculator here:
which requires a list price, but you can throw whatever number you want in there so long as it's not too low (the Minimum List Price and Printing Cost won't change). They tack on a little extra for their true Minimum List Price, but you're paying that anyway, so if you compare the numbers I listed the differences should still be the same.

>> No.22961200

honestly these people don't deserve your advice
or mine, for that matter

>> No.22961239

I'm here to point out incompetency. It's easier to understand when you put it in $.

>> No.22961268

Yeah I did notice that this narcissist responded with something other than deflection for the first time in response to your cost analysis. Yet when it comes to matters of skill he doesn't care one bit. Easy to see which side his bread is buttered.

>> No.22961318

I think you’re using the price of the Premium Colour printing option as your basis for comparison here, but (based on the pricing of the book and the KDP royalty model of 60% minus printing costs) I would assume that they’re printing the book in Standard Colour, which costs $0.027 per page. Standard Colour still costs more that twice as much as black and white printing, but that’s not nearly as bad as the $0.065 per page cost of Premium Colour. If they were using Premium Colour then the minimum price Amazon would allow for the paperback would be close to $25.00.

Assuming they’re printing in Standard Colour, the printing cost for the current 215 page edition is $6.81 per copy. If they implemented the changes you’ve suggested, by decreasing the page count to 115 and using black and white printing instead, they could save $4.43 on printing costs per copy.

With a current paperback price of $16.99, they’re making $3.39 per copy sold. If they reduced the page count and switched to black and white, they could reduce the price of the paperback to $9.99 (a much more appropriate price for a self-published novella) and would actually end up making a greater profit, earning $3.61 per copy.

>> No.22961336

$10 is not an appropriate price for a 100 page novella, let alone one by a nobody author who can't write for shit.
The Shards (the real one, by BEE) was $10, and that was 400 pages long.

>> No.22961379

clear as day he doesn't have a job, endless freetime, and thinks he can just brute force notoriety.
it's the repetitive actions of a bug brain or a bot.

>> No.22961435

Also, based on these posts by RJC

>Because you get 35% of list price and since the paperback is $16.99 x 0.35 is $5.95 and we split it in half.

>The $40 hardcover nets $14. So $7 and $7 for me and Ryan. The $17 paperback nets $6. So $3 and $3 for me and Ryan.

he either has a completely incorrect understanding of how KDP royalties work, or is being misinformed by Ryan. The only way they could be making $5.95 per copy while printing in colour would be if they priced the paperback at $21.25.

And as for the hardcover, the only printing options Amazon offers are B&W or Premium Colour. Assuming it’s printed in premium colour, the printing costs would be $19.63 per copy, and with a price of $39.99 they’d only be making $4.37 per copy.

Amazon does offer a 35% royalty option for eBooks, so perhaps that’s what he’s incorrectly basing these numbers off of? But in reality, if they’re splitting profits 50/50, he’s only making $1.69 per copy on each paperback sale and $2.18 per copy on each hardcover sale.

He’s bragged recently that the book has earned about $300. He also said a few days ago that Shards has sold 50 copies. Assuming that 40 of those were paperback copies (40 x 3.39 = $135.60) and 10 were hardcover copies (10 x 4.37 = $43.70), they’d have made a total profit of $179.30, and his share of that would be $89.65, which is about 40% less money than he claims to have made. Just putting these numbers out there for the sake of accuracy. Misleading other writers on this board about the amount of money they could make by associating themselves with Lamp Standard Press seems scummy (and reeks of a pyramid scheme.)

>> No.22961481

/lit/ projects fail because this board is as toxic and creatively dead as mainstream academia. If Faulkner posted on /lit/ he'd be called an illiterate nigger.
Also I'm sure we can all agree there is a certain level of pseudofaggotry that is required to post here. If not, we'd be posting on Reddit or consuming booktok. Therefore I beleive it's reasonable to imagine first-time writers may get caught up in their own pseudfaggotry and view their writing as above the curve, giving them a kind of confidence that makes them rush into a publishing process, without taking time to edit or consider the pros and cons. You see this particuarly in the case of R.C. Waldun. And I'm sure we can all relate. When I first started writing I thought it was the best thing ever written. Thankully as I've grown more mature and thank God I didn't get ahead of myself. But in this zoomer world of self-gratifcation as qucikly as possible culture, you can understand why people fall into this hole of vanity publishing.
That being said, I do believe if there is going to be a great writer in the zoomer age, he will likely lurk here more often than he does any other online literature board/site. I think the 4chan culture of free speech, despite giving birth to all kinds of retardation, is the sort of thing the world needs to embrace again. As no great art can be created when someone's focused on social norms and what's acceptable and not.

>> No.22961521

can we see some of your fiction writing?

>> No.22961569

5 star post nibba

>> No.22961640

You're probably trolling, but I've seen this 'toxic' argument time and again and it just doesn't fly. I can be supportive to a fellow writer if I know he's trying to improve himself and takes it seriously. In fact I have several such friends with whom I am a supportive voice.
But when a talentless cocksucker like Robert Hack Cross comes putting lazy, terrible dogshit out for sale, when it's perfectly clear he hasn't put in the effort to build his craft, then I have no obligation to be kind or supportive anymore.
It becomes fair game the moment you put your work on the marketplace. If you can't understand that then it's time to shut up.

>> No.22961660

>board is as toxic and creatively dead as mainstream academia
This is true. This board is mostly saturated with souless husks of human beings who seem to quantify and calculate art rather than simply experience it. Clearly brainwashed by the jewish education system that makes them obsess over IQ and the shallow opinions of academics rather than to take pleasure in the process of creation and to come together and help one another. Instead they simply want to gatekeep and insult one another. Although it is nice to see when there is an earnest soul amongst the flock. An anon who gives genuine advice or has something of substance to bring.

>> No.22961673

How do you distinguish between a fellow writer and a talentless cocksucker? Remember my second, main argument. It's easy for writers, in this social media world, to get ahead of themselves and rush into soemthing before finalising their work. Although I do completely agree that we shouldn't treat people who push out shit for money on the same tier. But unfortunetly anon, this is what mainstream literature has been for decades now. It's not a phenonmon exclusive to /lit/.

>> No.22961679

it simply requires having taste and actually understanding what makes good writing
which apparently around here is a rare skill.
I have nothing personal against Robert Cross, it's his actions that make him a cocksucker.

>> No.22961685

>board is not toxic
>but this writer is a talentless cocksucker

>> No.22961689

Im saying that toxic/nontoxic is the wrong distinction. that premise is hypersocial reddit crap for women.
that's not what's important. what's important is your respect for the game.

>> No.22961697

I respect the game: I make art, you critique it. We have different yet supplementary roles in the game.

>> No.22961699

tfw no supportive anon who wants me to make it

>> No.22961700

you make dogshit. my critique comes from a place of experience. but you refuse to accept that anyone might know better than you because of narcissism.

>> No.22961703


>> No.22961705

Checked. Ignore the FUD, fren,
We’re All Gonna Make It

>> No.22961708

the nerve of this absolute amateur to say he creates art.
you make me want to fucking vomit. you wouldnt know art if it raped your ugly wife.

>> No.22961715

>Creating art is a game
Are you genuinely retarded and lack self-awareness? Or is this simply bait?

>> No.22961721

Yes, you consider my art to be dogshit, that is your role. I make something, you call it dogshit. I tell you that I’m an artist coming from a place of inspiration, you tell me you’re a critic coming from a place of experience. I’m not mad. Are you mad?

>> No.22961725

I’m not married yet, anon. Sounds like you’re taking it pretty personally.

>> No.22961727

>What is ‘le jeu insensé d'écrire’?

>> No.22961731

did I say art is a game?
holy shit you are fucking retarded
it's pointless even trying with some of you

>> No.22961733

I dont even know who you are but whatever, keep muddying the waters and letting tapeworms like Robert thrive
I've already made it so I don't need to worry about it

>> No.22961737

But you’re not a writer, are you?

>> No.22961748

>what's important is your respect for the game.
Okay retard. Maybe if you wasn't a hateful moron you'd remember the things you wrote and not need to get mad and seethe. I say this out of experience with dealing with people like you. Are you a drunk? Most of your kind tend to be

>> No.22961753

>I’ve already made it
Kek. ITT you’re no more equal than anybody else. You talk a good one about making things happen, but you’ve done very little creatively. I respect your opinion, but we’re on opposite sides of the coin, where I’m all action without thought, and you’re all thought without action.

>> No.22961757

you teach special ed. You're not an expert on anything. And your constant deflection to point out my character flaws doesn't negate the veracity of my statements on writing and the writing industry.

>> No.22961759

>already made it
Kek, with what, selling slop tier novels aimed at retarded zoomers? Keep seething, you'll never be a great author and that's okay. Although you'd be closer to that goal if you dropped the gay, self-rightous attitude of a pseud critic.

>> No.22961764

You should have more humility and be open to improvement instead of assuming you know it all when you haven't made it yet. Stands to reason. All the mud in the world won't change that fact. And I stand above you, so the mud will never reach me. Remember that.

>> No.22961779

Losers will always say that everyone is equal because then their failure in life isn't so bad anymore. But in the same breath they'll then say that you are a failure too. Funny how that works, huh?

>> No.22961786

Not these other anons who are fighting you. Keep seething, retard. You haven't pointed out any of my character flaws. I'll leave that to one of the other anons to answer. Although I see you have deflected from answering the "art is a game". Maybe you're just a seething faggot?

>> No.22961807

I don't see much "pseudfaggotry" in the writing /lit/ has produced, though I suspect our definitions differ a bit. The way I see it, the main with /lit/ writing is this:

The prevailing idea that literature "is dead" and reached its highs hundreds if not thousands of years ago, and that academia and the industry are "pozzed" and even hostile to them, instilling a sense of futility and leading anons to not take writing (or studying literature) seriously. So when you're protected by the dual airbags of irony and false superiority, you get either full-on meme books or Bret Easton Ellis fanfic. This RJC guy seems to be doing "hard-boiled" narration so clipped and bloodless that it might as well have been AI-generated. It would actually be refreshing to see a proper non-schizo pseud doing something ambitious for a change. But then again, why would anyone with even the least bit of ambition want to be associated with this shithole?

>> No.22961839

What you mean I'm an amateur? My wife loves my writing. Ooh hoo hoo. I miss her so much. Kiss my arse and I mean it this time. Fuck you fuck you fuck you I'm not an amateur! I am drunk though

>> No.22961904

NTA, but I have tried hard to distance myself from the idea that literature has nowhere to go. My general approach is to jump into a setting where these worries barely matter. I am going through more traditional channels to edit, hopefully to make something worth reading. Even with the awful state of the market, I feel better now that there are editors who respect author vision and agents who want new perspectives in lit.
>why would anyone want to be associated with this shithole?
I don't have to volunteer that information in any job I've ever had, why would that change with writing? I tried to leave this site before, and I came back. As it's written, Here forever.

>> No.22961908
File: 28 KB, 749x592, IMG_1528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Democratization of means lowers the bar for all civilized creative output. Writing used to be the occupation of Nobles, though now much has changed.
You’re in a fairly insignificant part of a larger virtual realm comprised of uneducated everymen. Holding any of us to a standard more reasonably suited for an academic will provide you with countless opportunities to disparage local amateurs for not being better. And it’s true, perhaps, all of the objective criticism you’ve related for these writers and their books, seemingly RJC and Shards in particular. I respect your opinion, and it doesn’t affect my art, though it may affect his. Then again, it may not.

What is more interesting than the artistic output anywhere, however, is the actual human story behind the art. The art is a projection of the real magic, of which you are a part by simply playing your role. For better or worse, you have expanded the general lore behind those you critique every time you mention them, and with surprising force and conviction, which, I must say, in some ways makes you a superfan. More effectively than making threads and filling them with banter, though, might be to actually read the book and formulate an official opinion that you release more widely, like an honest literary critic might. I could be wrong, though. You maybe don’t actually care about the state of /lit/‘s artistic output.

I will say this: if you actually want any of us to quit trying and give up, you’re going to have to demonstrate what we’re missing by being more like you and less like ourselves. Submit to &amp.

>> No.22961910

which one are you? have you been in amp before?

>> No.22961943
File: 13 KB, 267x400, IMG_2504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would actually be refreshing to see a proper non-schizo pseud doing something ambitious for a change

>> No.22961952

kiss my arse, my wife loved that book and I love her! I love it when she pumps her strap-on into me arse and this arvo my arse is red raw. fuck me fuck me fuck me I said to her, and I meant it.

>> No.22961958

I was only in &amp one time so far, in 015. My next submission is for the drops anthology. Have two novels in the works.

>> No.22961979

A note on the text:
We’re all gonna make it.
Ignore all crabs.
Viva La Gardner!

>> No.22961989

Another Krakeophile I see.
Excuse me, that was a typo. I meant pedophile.

>> No.22962201

This is what should be a staple of the lit canon. I saw that chart anon made a while ago.

>> No.22962206

I challenge you to describe what is any good about Remembering the Dead.

>> No.22962248

kiss my arse I'm a great writer and part of the /literary/ canon

>> No.22962251

my wife loves it and I miss her. Fuck you fuck you fuck you

>> No.22963036

A. Zeller is a faggot.

>> No.22963041


>> No.22963074

You're joking

>> No.22963141

no idea who that is

>> No.22963176

I'm gonna guess this is some new lazy faggot laying the groundwork for his 'brilliant' viral marketing campaign.
>A. Zeller?! Who could that be and what did he do to piss off anon?? Better go google him up and buy his books so I can be better informed on the horseshit drama these idiots fling at each other.

>> No.22963181

The name is gay so I wouldnt have googled anyway
Almost as bad as LA Lasagne trying to pass himself off as "LA Lynch."
Have some self-respect. Never reading your shit ever.

>> No.22963210

It’s some made-up fake bullshit name that someone (probably Ryan or one of the people from the Unreal server) has been using to shit up the threads and detract from legitimate discussion and criticism. It was first brought up (along with a bunch of other meaningless fake names) in an &amp thread back in November:

>> No.22963377

Ugh. Does he know Twitter shows he's replying to himself? Or does he think all social media works like /lit/?
>La Gardner
Appropriate that Gardner considers his name to be a feminine noun.

>> No.22963394

it's likely because he only knows the phrase from Viva La Bam

>> No.22963632

I'm literally right here. I don't have any books on KDP and I took down my Royal Road to revise the story. I've no idea how it's possible you're shitting on me, it's way too early for that.

>> No.22963640

he was right, you ARE a faggot.

>> No.22963654

Yeah well *sniff* hemp hemp FUCK YOU too!

>> No.22963661

Scott Shelly and A. Zeller are real. I don't know the others.

>> No.22963682
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>> No.22963691

I can't believe the amount of bullying in these threads.

>> No.22963699

clutch your pearls up and ram them where the sun also rises

>> No.22963709

you must be new here

>> No.22963727
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I love these.

>> No.22963794

I have seen black people posting on Stormfront being treated with more respect.

>> No.22963828

then go back there. i think you'll be happier there.

>> No.22963849
File: 183 KB, 1024x1024, fuckthecrabz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just seems strange that this place attracts so many interesting people, yet it also has the most vicious crabs.

>> No.22963851

just like every other social media site in existence

>> No.22963874
File: 162 KB, 1024x1024, crabz13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need nicer crabs

>> No.22963888

acting entitled won't accomplish anything. be the crab you wish to see

>> No.22964110

Can't wait for Woolston to put out his next book. The crabs will be in a feeding frenzy.

>> No.22964130
File: 3.26 MB, 1311x1860, YearOne.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did I think of it?

>> No.22964190

Is that a book?

>> No.22964201

Holy fuck I've been here over 10 years

>> No.22964372
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Just a funny joke. Don't worry about it.

>> No.22964401

remember...you're here forever.

>> No.22964423

>an entire book written in Atlas speak detailing all of our authors
I'll take 10 copies.

>> No.22964472
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please be real

>> No.22964526
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Neat. Can you use this picture too?

>> No.22964552

huge ball drop to leave cvmgenius out of that list

>> No.22964564
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We'll see.

We'll see.

>> No.22964581
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i'm excited

>> No.22964636
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>> No.22964661

What the fuck is that? I don't recognize the style at all. Who's making it and why am I just seeing this now?

>> No.22964725

I wonder if the crabs are going to shit all over it?

>> No.22965002

Pity, she could be the new hit writer – she'd have access to the publishing world, diversity and all – and posture the edgy quasi-literary womanwriting that would run shoulders with a dimes square, &c.

>> No.22965007

remember -- there are no 'crabs', you're just a bad writer receiving true critique for once

>> No.22965295

Fuck you I'm a crab! Now butter up my legs.

>> No.22965306

kiss my arse

>> No.22965788

Desk lamp holding a switchblade is my new muse for 2024. Crab leg bookmark a runner-up.

>> No.22966936

I wish I had a muse right meow.

>> No.22967263
File: 145 KB, 1024x1024, crabz14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re-writing my opening line to the 2nd edition of City of Singles.

A lazy blue haze hangs in the air. Smells like an Indian temple in here. Never been to India, but I've eaten a lot of curries. Tamarind and cumin play inside my mind before last night's good idea pulls me back to reality. Chest pressed against cold concrete, odours of urine, garbage and stale beer. How did I end up on the floor today, and what time is it?

Choices for 2nd edition:
>Beneath a sullen, overcast sky, in the weary heart of late afternoon, a shirtless man, his blue jeans soaked in last night's sins, lay crumpled on the cold, polished concrete. His body ached with the echoes of a hangover, a raw, unfiltered reminder of life's relentless cycle of despair.
>In the gray, suffocating cloak of late afternoon, he lay there, a shirtless bastard in dirt-smudged blue jeans, sprawled on the unforgiving concrete like a discarded powder-powered puppet, his head pounding a chorus of vulgar regrets.
>In the gray, suffocating cloak of late afternoon, he had lain there, a shirtless bastard in dirt-smudged blue jeans, sprawled on the unforgiving concrete like a discarded powder-powered puppet, his head pounding a chorus of vulgar regrets.

Aiming to have the 2nd edition done for February 14th, the 11th anniversary of when I released it. Since that time, dating has changed so immensely and smartphones are now the ultimate cockblocker or cock-enabler.

>> No.22967338

all of these come off stunted
youre falling over yourself trying to be clever and it's not working. you're punching above your weight class. stick to tight writing.

>> No.22967384

I'll post the too-clever chapter version and the tighter one when they're ready. Got a little gig to do some logo design today, working on both.

>> No.22967466

>Why have so many /lit/ projects failed and fallen apart
Is it either continue forever or fail and fall apart? Sometimes projects finish and are complete.

>> No.22967499
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2024 is going to be a STRONG year for /lit/, just watch.

>> No.22967825
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Unexpected endings seem to be the norm for a lot the magazine projects. If you dig through the archives or look at the few remaining webpages you'll see projects that petered out or left on a note like "next issue: May 2017".

Standalone works obviously fare different, but there's no continuity and whether the next attempt fails isn't obvious. They also have an end condition, whereas it's hard to frame N issues of a magazine as being "final". /lit/ also changes enough over time for a magazine to look very different at different stages, meaning it's hard to follow a linear path. I also imagine magazine projects are started by people who don't really know what they're doing (or what they want), so each issue they learn a little more personally, so they think the right move is to keep going and (nominally) improving.

>Zine Writers Guild
Had an issue 9 submissions thread, but no issue 9.
>The April Reader
Website with a final post saying they're moving to a quarterly schedule mid-December 2013; last issue was September 2013.
Seemingly exploded due to behind-the-scenes drama, and another case of open submissions for an issue that never happened.
Last couple issues didn't make it to their website, and Issue 420 was released with open submissions for the next issue; never happened.
>Lit Quarterly
Issue 5 has a foreword with no hint of ending; no further threads, and a snapshot of their website as of 2022 has a call for submissions for issue 6.
>Flash Fiction Anthologies
After three anthologies released, the last call for submissions thread died after two posts.

&amp almost fits in this category, with the editor having become more sporadic from 2021-2022, with increasingly long and unexplained absences. Issue 014 arrived July 2022 with fewer pages than normal, after which the editor dipped yet again. The best-of picked up almost immediately after as a community effort and seemed set to be a nice capstone to the magazine. But then the best-of became vaporware and &amp was seemingly back but was operating very differently, including a later shift to seeking submissions off-site, which also happened with other projects in their later stages. &amp died with 014 and it's been in zombie mode since. It almost had a respectable ending and then all major parties involved shat on it.

Similarly for Unreal there was a period of frequent shilling before doxxing turned it into a laughingstock. Podcast halted. Very rare calls for submission or release threads. Turning more to off-site submissions calls, etc.

Modern magazine-ish /lit/ projects seem to revolve around open Discords, leading to more continuous discourse, and thus lower odds of people fading out and silently giving up on the project. No more relying on easy-to-ignore emails, and the casts seem to change frequently, but the magazines turn into extensions of their Discord groups. It's like life support.

>> No.22967850

discord is the killer of all online communities
it's hard to imagine that wasn't its purpose all along

>> No.22967877
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>but the magazines turn into extensions of their Discord groups.
Discord is 100% fake and gay

>> No.22967889
File: 1.08 MB, 879x1200, litquarterly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And something interesting I found while looking into the older mags: it looks like Lit Quarterly started out as litquarterly in around 2016, with a slightly different website (.com vs .ca) which was briefly repurposed for the refreshed mag. Seemed much more "zany", to put it one way, with a trip going by godhead (or variations) running it from what I can tell. Seemed to involve a Discord for a while (the later Lit Quarterly did not). November 2016 is the last activity I found from litquarterly, and no traces yet of the writing they hosted/published. (A decent amount of graphic design in the last thread, however. Maybe that's another sign of terminal illness.)

Maybe the connection was accidental? There's a pretty big gap between the two projects in both time and style, and it could be that the domain being reused was by chance. Or a common editor was sitting on the domain for a few years? Neat, anyway.

>> No.22967908
File: 298 KB, 1024x1024, 2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's a pretty big gap between the two projects in both time and style,
2015-2016 was a time where we all collectively stepped into insanity, and shit has just been a wild and retarded ride since then. It is amazing that anyone is even working on &amp in 2024.

>> No.22967928
File: 1.14 MB, 879x1200, litquarterly2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More litquarterly graphics.

Yeah, it seems like the coffin for online communities. I imagine in part it's the culture shift of instant messaging that kills it, since it encourages less long-form thought than a conventional forum. Plus there are all the files and pieces of specialist information now locked up in it (which even some forums suffer from, and 4chan only avoids due to unofficial/community archives). Their success also doesn't look long-term, which is bleak for all the communities in devoured.

There was a shift like this even earlier from forums to Facebook from what little I saw, which seems to be another substantial failure and loss.

>> No.22967955 [DELETED] 
File: 329 KB, 879x1200, litquarterly3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More, this time balancing hardcore graphix with tasteful nudity.

Quoting from the genesis thread (which opened with "Why don't we start a literary journal?"):
>>It's been done a million times, it never goes anywhere and they all give up.
>Real /lit/ journal has never been tried before mannn, there is no inherent need for gulags.

>> No.22967969
File: 248 KB, 750x1064, the metric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also gleaned from that thread: talk of an April Reader spin-of called the Metric, and two anons disagreeing on which sucked more. Pic related (site is dead but it's on Wayback circa March 2013).

>> No.22968038

More on the Metric:
>This is a project by the Swedish Editor from TAR. Basically, some of the major changes that started happening with TAR in terms of cover art and content that took place a year ago were by him. Prole felt that the change was alienating the sense of community of TAR and /lit/ while the Swedish Editor felt the zine wasn't reaching its full potential. There was a bitter divorce that was probably for the best and all the writers wondered if it was their fault which both editors assured them it wasn't and said they loved them very much.
>I've been in TAR a bunch of times and I'll submit to The Metric as well. After an issue or two of The Metric I'll probably compare how their content selection differs from TAR and then submit my stuff to each accordingly.

Lots of samefag/shill claims, and so far I believe it. The above got called out for it and it reads that way.

Haven't found any copies of the Metric releases (they seemed to make it up to 8), but issue 14 seems to be from the time of the rogue Swede, and the design in it is pretty nice (especially compared to the rest of TAR). Wouldn't be surprised if this Swede was samefagging/shilling in the later TAR threads (circa July 2013) based on some of the replies, so my feelings are mixed. TAR by then was seemingly a little distant from /lit/ anyway.

>> No.22968106

>Haven't found any copies of the Metric releases (they seemed to make it up to 8), but issue 14 seems to be from the time of the rogue Swede, and the design in it is pretty nice (especially compared to the rest of TAR). Wouldn't be surprised if this Swede was samefagging/shilling in the later TAR threads (circa July 2013) based on some of the replies, so my feelings are mixed. TAR by then was seemingly a little distant from /lit/ anyway.
What keeps you motivated to do this research?

>> No.22968170

It's neat, and it's really not all that hard. I also think the context is useful for future projects, since, like I mentioned before, lots of /lit/ editors seem to start from nothing with little consideration for what's been tried and worked or failed. And personally maybe it's a reaction to &amp's zombie status, since I think the contributing anons should have a broader outlook on the possibilities for /lit/ projects. Anons shouldn't feel like they have to prop up the current project to see something cool happen. It's a cycle, and it's interesting to see what's repeated and what's unique.

>> No.22968205

I should add that I think it's healthy for there to be a cycle. It prevents stagnation, and keeps the projects focused on /lit/.

>> No.22968237
File: 185 KB, 1024x1024, crabz16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anons shouldn't feel like they have to prop up the current project to see something cool happen. It's a cycle, and it's interesting to see what's repeated and what's unique.
I am thoroughly enjoying your exposé!

>> No.22968299

Stop talking up Ari you idiot. If you're going to shit up &amp threads at least support us properly.

>> No.22968308

Don't get me wrong, I am 100% in support of &amp, just trying to appreciate the imagery of old /lit/ projects. I know there are a few core people who want to shit all over &amp no matter what.

>> No.22968311
File: 188 KB, 1024x1024, lifecrab2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2023 was the year of the crab.
2024 will be the year where /lit/ pushes out waaaaay more work.

>> No.22968313

>&amp's zombie status
>Anons shouldn't feel like they have to prop up the current project
real subtle, faggot. Yeah you totally 100% support &amp.
Lemme give you a special dedication to show my appreciation. Name. Now.

>> No.22968332

judging by the dreck you revealed earlier, /lit/ would be better off if you pushed out far less. Since we know from what orifice it's getting pushed out.

>> No.22968338

He said it, not me, I don't think &amp is a zombie.

I'm going to be submitting my work for the first time to &amp, definitely want to be on board with the project. The &amp style is fucking great and seeing the stuff from 2016 is awesome, you can see how the style continues to evolve. I'm trying to make my own &amp-esque graphics to use with my submission.

>> No.22968349
File: 193 KB, 1024x1024, icecoldcrab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, ice cold man!

>> No.22968354

perhaps if amp was as live and well as we're led to believe, crackhead wouldnt be in here panicking at the suggestion that anons might make something new without his glowing leadership.
We also know that should anyone try he'd be in here double time to sabotage it.

>> No.22968367

Fuck off Ari

>> No.22968397

>crackhead wouldnt be in here panicking at the suggestion that anons might make something new without his glowing leadership.
Do you think the months and months of bullying and name-calling has made people more or less friendly to each other?

/lit/ could attract the most brilliant of people, it may already have done this, but the first time they posted they were told their prose is purple and they should not quit their 9-5 jobs, if not outright being told to kill themselves. And this is just the introduction to the bullying and harassment anyone who regularly posts on /lit/ will receive. Unfortunately, everywhere else on the internet bans you the moment you call someone else a fag, so this place will have to do.

>> No.22968413

>After three anthologies released, the last call for submissions thread died after two posts.
This is misleading. Editor anon who started and ran the anthologies posted that he was stopping after the 3rd. The call for submissions was by someone else who explicitly said it was not for starting another anthology but to collect stories in the interim, in case another one happened.

>> No.22968422

stfu korwil go jack off in a jail cell again

>> No.22968434

Fuck off Ari

>> No.22968438

That's true. I remember signing up for prompts and suggesting new ones, but they never got updated. I tried to wait for another thread and even ask about it in /wg/, since that anon tried to solicit flash fiction in the /wg/ threads in the OP. But eventually it disappeared.

>> No.22968448

Do you have any plans to start a /lit/ project of your own in the future?

>> No.22968539
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(Elaborating a little more because I was writing a reply and didn't want to ditch it.)

The point I was making before is that these projects don't really evolve into each other. They pop up more or less oblivious of earlier work, suffer in similar ways, and then fail in similar ways. That's not to say that there aren't interesting things gained each time, but it'd be better if something was learned and improved on.

The other anon was right for suggesting that they should reach a point where they consider it complete and move on, though I don't consider it a failure for people to reach that point unexpectedly. I don't think /lit/ can sustain an actual quality literary journal all on its own with a regular schedule, and anything that relies on resources (writing, editing) from outside of /lit/ ends up losing its soul.

Thanks, I missed that last line, though he does specifically bill it as /ffa/ in the OP. These projects tend to switch hands fairly often, so do you have a link to where the original editor signalled the end? I'm looking at >>20635964.

Nah. I'd rather focus on my own writing and get involved in more tangible projects in real life. I think /lit/ projects are cool, but I'd rather work on a project with people whose writing I know and already have some respect for.

There's fun in submitting to and reading a /lit/ project with the board as context, but the writing quality will never be consistent and will most often be mediocre. They're good places to practice, improve a little, and have fun, but they level off pretty quick.

>> No.22968560

>oh the bullying here is too much i think i'll cry about it
>i stay on /lit/ because i want to call someone else a fag

>> No.22968586
File: 3.57 MB, 1311x1860, 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off Ari.

>> No.22968607
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>> No.22968669

> link to where
No. It was in a /wg/ iirc a while ago

>> No.22968691
File: 157 KB, 1024x1024, toocool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think /lit/ projects are cool, but I'd rather work on a project with people whose writing I know and already have some respect for.
Damn... sorry you are too cool for us!

>> No.22968697

I found this post: >>20778013.
>The first /ffa/ anon (editor anon) started the /faa/ threads in Jan 2021 and ran the first three volumes. After the release of Simian Deluxe he noted that he would be taking a break until 2022.
>Cover-anon assisted in vol 1-3 threads, and in Nov 2021 agreed to compile submissions from /wg/ toward a 4th volume. He posted and lurked here for a few months on and off, but submissions tailed off.
>New FFA anon attempted to revive the thread in early July (w/o the iconic badger pic) but got nothing. So he merged with /wg/ for the second time and has been compiling stories throughout July.

If that was true, then it was someone else taking over officially as the editor and things just faded out.

>> No.22968703

None of you can write. None of you is /lit/ famous. This is no crab opinion but a realist

>> No.22968726
File: 92 KB, 231x301, 1689725647430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>none of you is

>> No.22968767
File: 1.70 MB, 1588x1331, winners.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>None of you can write.
Neither can they but the state pays them to produce slop.

>> No.22968800

Hear me out: what if we all banded together and wrote books under ethnic sounding pen names with all the neccesary diverstiy checklist points ticked off? What if we submitted them all and at least some of them got accepted? What if we wait until the funniest point and then revealed ourselves?

>> No.22968947

I have a couple of half-finished novels that would be perfect for this.

>> No.22969095

Okay I'm going to do this ASAP. My plan is to buy ads, setup a Reddit, X, TikTok and other stuff and try and figure out what pen name to use. I will use an XLS file to track all of my ads / promo campaign type stuff. How long should I shop around a book for a publisher before self-publishing it and then making another attempt, 6 months? I have about 2 solid YA books I could use a pen name for.

>> No.22969649

You can make every concession and in the end you'll just be another YA faggot writing milquetoast dogsiht while pretending to be a woman, and therefore having to write like one.
What's the point of even writing then? May as well work at Costco.
You people demonstrate time and time again that you have no respect for craft or yourselves. You just want pseudo-fame, and that's it. Sickening.

>> No.22969664

To be honest i am not bothered about fame. What i really want is to fuck women. I think being a "famous author" would be an ideal way to do this.
If i have to write PC genre slop in order to get access to nerd bitch pussy then so be it.

>> No.22969668

just go to an anime convention and pretend to like some obsucre anime. its full of nerd girls wanting to get fucked

>> No.22969669

cheers for the tip

>> No.22969710

>and anything that relies on resources (writing, editing) from outside of /lit/ ends up losing its soul
It's only natural to evolve from /lit/. The /lit/ effortforce is like 12 people. Hard to sustain a mag that way, especially when there is universal disdain and vitriol tossed at their stories in each issue's thread. What exactly does /lit/ have to offer that frogtwitter for example cannot? Answer: nothing, plus Twitter/Discord has a larger pool of talent.

>> No.22969759

kiss my arse

>> No.22969781

As long as the unrealtrannies are even tangentially involved then I refuse to submit. Simple as.

>> No.22969791

Go submit your balls to a vasectomy fag

>> No.22969794

none of you can write and all you do is bring this place down

>> No.22969963

>bring this place down
>my poor secret literature club where no one reads is being fouled! Woe is me!
Unironically kys.

>> No.22969977

I could have worded it more accurately. "Gayed this place up" is probably better. Since all of you act like gay women. And you are the ones who need to kys, not me.

>> No.22970057

lol, cope faggot. You spend more time hating strangers and trashing 4chan threads than reading. Who gives a fuck what you meant

>> No.22970114

ooooh, please share your wonderful writing so we can all bask in your glory. although i suspect you'll just turn out to be redacted-anon

>> No.22970152

You haven't even read a single part of the /lit/ canon, stop pretending like you're in any position to offer critique.

>> No.22970159

lmao based

>> No.22970161

lmao based

>> No.22970683

still waiting for you to bowl us over with the unbearable greatness that is your own writing, troll. still expecting you to be redacted-anon

>> No.22971306

We all know it's Ari and we all know what Ari's writing looks like. He's a faggot crab who's mad he's been excluded from the Renaissance

>> No.22971320

Does Ari write?