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22950748 No.22950748 [Reply] [Original]

>be nietzschean
>lose to 60 IQ africans and go extinct and be forced to make up some cope about it
Would the biological type Nietzsche had in mind for his new aristocracy ever end up this way? I think not.

>> No.22950817

christianity is the bipoc religion par excellence, not atheism, try again neostormfag

>> No.22950859

You're coping about the fact that Nietzscuck's only lasting legacy is going to be racemixing in Brazil huh

>> No.22950861

Not OP, but id say both are not positive for European/White people. Both cause degeneration and apathy

>> No.22950925

brazil has been multiracial and christian since the 1600s
>muh degeneracy
read a fucking book

>> No.22950926


>> No.22950929

What are you talking about?

>> No.22950938

he is mad because no matter how much he hates being a surplus male in an egalitarian society it won't make Christianity real, so he blames Nietzsche for having correctly noted that the collapse of Christianity would lead to a worse form of Christianity

>> No.22950971

>he doesn't know

>> No.22950984

i really don't care about the Brazilian reception of Nietzsche, sorry

>> No.22950989

Cope harder nigger and kike lover

>> No.22950990

I can't compute how brown or christian(heavily overlapping sets) you have to be to write something this retarded.
If Nietzscheans were in charge, it's more likely africans would be used as feed for pigs than the situation we are right now of algae-like artificial miraculous multiplication of bantus largely thanks to christians and neo-christians being obsessed with the quantity of life no matter how downtrodden rather than quality of life

>> No.22950999

this, you really would have to be some sort of afro-portugese arab e-convert to Russian Orthodoxy to think "Nietzsche" is responsible for the conquest of the earth by herd-like masses interested in pleasure and whining about their unequal share of consumer goods and services compared to bourgeois white people

>> No.22951001
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>another "retarded shitskin pretends to understand Nietzsche" thread
Go back to your 3rd world toilet

>implying he's not a sub-90 IQ shitskin
>implying he knows the first thing about Nietzsche or Christianity
I guarantee the faggot OP is non-White

>> No.22951003


>> No.22951007

>the conquest of the earth by herd-like masses interested in pleasure
That's literally what Nietzscuck promotes

>> No.22951010
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you are literally pic related on the left except most likely brown and wearing a little plastic cross necklace and uttering garbage in broken spanish

>> No.22951018
File: 120 KB, 634x659, 25438 - SoyBooru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bruh sheit nigga if me and muh hommies wuz in sharzh there would be laik spazeships and epic technolozheeeiiiii mayn we beez breedin them kike bitches yoooo

>> No.22951022

"real Nietzscheanism" has only had a century or so of attempts while Christianity after two millennia terminates in being: A. a zionist attack dog, B. a resettlement programs for the global south, or C. a generic support class for authoritarian regimes, which will wilt immediately when the winds blow against them and come out as having been the real victims and then pivoting to A or B. (Make no mistake, Russia will end up like Spain, Putin will be disinterred from his mausoleum one day by liberals while the Orthodox church watches)

>> No.22951028

>no you
you haven't read him joao or you'd know that is the sort of christer utopia he expressly rejected

>> No.22951034
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this but unironically but also I look like this

>> No.22951049

You obviously haven't even read him, or you tried to read him and got filtered, and now your posting your idiot 3rd worlder opinion for everyone to laugh at. I don't even like him that much but retards like you who can't read are the reason this board sucks so I'm going to bully you, you deserve it.


Do you know how Nietzsche derived his conception of aristocracy?

>> No.22951050
File: 276 KB, 541x530, FVZZb9oWQAAjZRm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>obsessed with the quantity of life no matter how downtrodden rather than quality of life
>Dat's reich goy, layf iz aboot heffing ghey sex all de taim end doing le drugz dats the pinnacle of human liffing, just being a spirichual negro end behaving layk a vild animool. Pleaz support Izrael end remember that rayc egalitarianism iz haw we win.

>> No.22951053
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>25438 - BasedBooru.jpg

>> No.22951058
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>> No.22951066 [DELETED] 

This is just a really low IQ reading of him. I've noticed this a lot with non-Whites, they utterly fail to grasp any of the nuance in his writing, your little monkey brain can't handle complex topics.

>> No.22951068


>> No.22951074
File: 521 KB, 1375x2392, 60954 - SoyBooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now your posting your idiot 3rd worlder
"Whiter than you Muhammad"

>> No.22951081 [DELETED] 
File: 237 KB, 400x386, 1682839145872331.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the semi-literate 3rd world monkey is noticeably getting angry

>> No.22951095 [DELETED] 

Are you a chinksect?

>> No.22951097

>your little monkey brain can't handle complex topics
Complex topics!!?!?!!!! Oh boy! You should read some of the abstruse essays I have lucubrated!! Please share your thoughts, sir.

Trinitarianism is perfectly coherent. There are three hypostaseis and one ousia; the ousia is a nature, a universal property. A hypostasis is a particular nature or a subsistence, something which is ontologically prior but logically posterior to the bundle of properties that constitute it. The universal is contrary to the speculations of many learned Greeks numerically singular; the property of being a height 175 cm predicated of Paul is identical to the property predicated of Peter, it is not the case that there are instantiations X1 and X2 of the universal X that immanently subsist in the particular subsistences A1 and B2. They are exactly identical, for immanent properties are proper to space but do not exist in space as such, for they cannot subsist on their own when not coinhering coextensively with other properties -- for all existences are but that, collections or bundles of properties. Thus, though there are three divine persons, there is but one numerically singular divine nature, common to all three; the divine persons separated by their idiomatic properties. The Father is unbegotten, the Son is only-begotten, and the Spirit proceeds. Thus, just as Peter, Paul and John are all man yet differentiated from each other by their idiomatic properties, so too are the Father, Son and Spirit all God without being identical to each other.

Now, if you presume that this does not go far enough to secure monotheism, you would be correct. The true securing of the teaching of there being only one God derives from the Divine Monarchy of the Father. As the Son says, the Father is greater than I (John 14:28); by this He means not ontological inferiority, but causal inferiority. As John 1:1 says, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word as with God, and the Word was God.

>> No.22951099

Note that the Word's Godhood is posterior to His being with God; the Son is God inasmuch He is begotten by God the Father Almighty. All that the Son possesses, He received from the Father. So too the Spirit; the Son and Spirit are mere extensions of God, just as our arms are an extension of ourselves, but to be a mere extension of God is no mere thing, for God is immaterial, timelessly eternal, incomposite, spaceless, adiastemic, all-powerful, all-knowing, endlessly transcendental, ineffably ineffable, blinding incandescence, beyond being itself; to be an extension of God, one must be God Himself. Because God acts through His Son and Spirit, they possess His essence and His power. There are no three arkhai, but only one source, God, Who is called Father through His begetting of the Son. We in piety reserve the name God for Him, to accentuate Him as the Source of the Trinity and lynchpin of its Oneness and Unity; the Son and Spirit are God, but in a predicative sense but only rarely in a nominative sense. This is why St Paul says on 1 Corinthians 8:6 that there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and in whom we live. Paul safeguards monotheism by addressing the Father as God, for He is the source of divinity, whereas the Son as Lord, acknowledging His divinity and possession of the most exalted Divine Name YHWH, for it was He who spoke it to Moses. There is one God the Father, who accomplishes all His wonders through His Son and Spirit, who are eternally subordinated to His will (Not my will, but yours be done, Luke 22:42).

Consequent to the Divine Monarchy of the Father is the doctrine of inseparable operations. Because there is one will, there is but one activity in God. All that the three divine persons do, they do as one.

>> No.22951105 [DELETED] 

The Father wills, the Son executes, and the Spirit perfects, for the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does (John 5:19). Their unity of activity is not merely accidental as in men, but essential; men achieve unity of action contingently, but in the Godhead, God does all He does through His Son, and His Son completes and perfects all things through His Spirit, gifted to Him by His Father. It cannot be any other way. It is a metaphysical necessity. This applies equally to the external activities that are but a mere extension of His internal activity as it does to the latter; God generates the Son and Spirit for the purpose of His eternally perpending His own grandeur. God contemplates Himself, and to contemplate Himself, He generates two other divine persons who share in His essence: how or why He does shall remain eternally inaccessible to us, for His activity is identical to His essence, and His essence cannot be grasped. All we know of God we attain through conceptualization and notions we derive of Him through comparison to His Creation: creatures exist in time, so God must be timeless; creatures exist in space, so God must be spaceless; consequently, creatures are composite, so God is necessarily incomposite and perfectly simple; consequently, creatures are subject to alteration, and God cannot change for He transcends the metaphysical preconditions for potentiality, being pure actuality; consequently, creatures are subject to passions, so God must necessarily be impassible; creatures are finite, so He must be qualitatively infinite; consequently, God must necessarily so eminently transcend creatures He is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenelovent; and so forth. But these conceptualizations do not define God, they but merely delineate Him; His essence we try to circumscribe, but it remains inaccessible to us.

>> No.22951106

>profane philosophizing on esoteric topics
You don't pass btw

>> No.22951111 [DELETED] 

It lies behind the eternal qualitative infinity of God, infinitely greater than infinity; our notion of infinity allows us to see its incomprehensibility, to comprehend it, but the essence is so beyond God's infinity that it is incomprehensibly incomprehensible and ineffably ineffable. It is the very essence of mystery. God's attributes are extensions of His essence; they are consequent to and derivative of it. The essence necessarily entails His being omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenelovent, omnipresent, eternal, timeless, spaceless, incomposite, simple, etc.; the attributes we predicate of God are not identical, but mutually entailing, for one cannot be omnipotent without also being omniscient, adiastemic, impassible, and so forth, and vice versa. All we know of God is engendered by the essence, but all we know are the realities which surround God, as the essence itself remains inaccessed and inaccessible. We cannot exist His infinity, yet alone the magnitude beyond the infinity.

Thus, we can provide explanations for the Trinity, but it eternally remains a mystery. The Trinity is a product of the Father's omniscience, for in eternally contemplating Himself, the Father generates a second person in whose reflection He perceives His own visage, coming to know Himself more perfectly, and in the Spirit truly most perfectly; the Trinity is a reflection of God as Love, for He generates a person whom He can love, and a third one through Him that He grants as a gift so that their love may be perfected as a truly unselfish love; the Trinity is engendered by God perpending His omnipotence, for He is so powerful that He generates another as great and ineffable as He, whose own omnipotence is vindicated by His eternally manifesting and sustaining the Spirit, who Itself is vindicated as God by anointing the Son Who sustains and manifests Him eternally as God. Yet we can never truly and fully understand.

>> No.22951116

Hence how we know that God is One: for our knowledge of God is corrupted by our defining Him in relation to creation, as we by negation delineate Him in opposition to ourselves, either by privation or through eminence. We say there are three hypostaseis and one ousia, but this is a product of our considering God as though He were a creature: because God is simple, in Him there is identity of activity and attributes. The essence is a property and an activity; the property is actualized through the activity, and the activity fully and exhaustively communicates the property. God is pure act: He is Thought Thinking of Itself. He is pure, supreme contemplation. Because we are limited creatures, we distinguish logically between the activity and the property it communicates, for our being limited creatures, our powers lie dormant and idle quite often, and we do not manifest the activities that communicate our essence. There is a temporal disjunction.

The distinction between three hypostaseis and one ousia is solely the product of our considering the essence as a property; but this mirage dissipates if we consider the universal as an activity. Because God is perfectly simple, the universal and the subsistence it inheres in are perfectly identical. Ousia and hypostasis are one and the same. The essence of God is equal to God, namely the Father; the Son and Spirit fully and exhaustively possess the essence as a property, but they are not equal to it as an activity, for the eternal contemplation of God entails His generating His Son and Spirit. The hypostasis of the Father necessarily and inevitably eternally generates the hypostaseis of the Son and Holy Spirit.

This is mystery of God.

>> No.22951118

There are two aspects to morality: morality as goodness, and morality as law. Pursuing the Good is intrinsically valuable, but without disincentives for eschewing it, creatures who by their composite nature subject to change and thereby contingently as opposed to essentially good, prone to alteration and evil, will be prone to straying away from it; thus, God imposes morality as a law, to ensure the goodness of His creatures.

Now, God is by His simple nature an energeia -- activity. In God, there is scarcely any real distinction between His attributes and His operation, we merely logically distinguish between the two, because we cannot conceptualize of God in His ineffable and incomprehensible essence due to our delineating Him on the basis of our creaturely observations; all our descriptions of God are in some way or another on the basis of negation, whether as privation or eminence: we begin to be, so God must be unbegotten; we are composite, so God is ineffably simple; we exist in time, so God is timeless; we undergo alteration, so God is subject to change due to His transcending time and space; we are finite, so He must be infinite. We never truly define God as His essence is unattainable, we merely delineate the realities around Him in relation to ourselves.

>> No.22951121

We try to circumscribe Him, but He is uncircumscribable. We differentiate in Him between essence and subsistence -- ousia and hypostasis -- on account of the fact in creatures the hypostasis is ontologically prior but logically posterior to the many ousiai that constitute it, for all existences are but bundles of coexistent attributes, various universal properties predicated of a hypostasis but which cannot subsist outside of it; thus, we say that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are all equally "God" because divinity is a property -- a numerically singular universal -- that subsists in all three hypostaseis, just as the numerically single universal property of humanity subsists in all particular human persons, no different between any of us. Yet when we say so, we conceptualize of the essence as a property as opposed to activity, and of it as ontologically posterior to hypostaseis: but God's essence is identical with Himself, and His Son and His Spirit are not due to the fact that His generating the persons that causally derivative and therefore inferior to Him yet nonetheless ontologically equal on account of the fact that they are mere extensions of His existence -- for to be a mere extension of God is no mere thing, as it requires ontological equality with Him on account of incorporeal, simple, transcendental nature -- is *part* or His essential activity. God is Thought Thinking of Itself, and in the process of His most sublime, supreme contemplation of His grandeur, He generates the Son and through Him the Spirit, for He comes to know Himself most perfectly in the reflection of others: His generating the other two divine persons is indicative of His omnipotence (for He produces minds who equally possess His attributes), His omniscience (for through Them, He most perfectly actualizes Himself by knowing Himself in Their reflection) and His omnibenelovence (for it is the ultimate, most sublime act of Love), but it is undefinable in its essence.

>> No.22951127

Thus, God is Pure Act. And being simple, He has a single activity: His eternally perpending Himself. Thus, Creation cannot be a second activity, rather it is an operation that is an extension of His essential rumination of His own Self. Ergo, the ultimate purpose of Creation is to serve as a monument to God's glory, and all creatures within it are destined for eternally imitating God, seeking to contemplate Him as He does Himself, but failing to do so; and in doing so, vindicating His ineffable glory, for even finite, imperfect creatures such as ourselves are left stupified by His magnificence despite our inability to fully comprehend it.

The skopos and telos of Existence is epektasis: our eternally circling around God, growing in our knowledge of Him, but never exhausting all that can be said and known of Him. For He is like an infinite well of water from which we seep, yet also infinitely greater than infinity, for His being infinity is merely a notion we have of Him in relation to ourselves -- His infinity is comprehensibly incomprehensible, but His essence is so incomprehensible we cannot even comprehend it, for we can have no direct notion of it.

Everything in Creation exists to facilitate our contemplation of God; God man made in the image of God, and his existing in a community is a most sublime imitation of the loving, perichoretic unity of the Godhead. The community of men is a symbol, an icon, of the Most Holy Trinity. We seek to attain its perfection, but never can, for the Son and the Spirit are extensions of God, His Being and His Doing, eternally subordinate to His will; God is one since in the Godhead there is one source—the Father; one will—that of the Father; one nature and power—that which the Father communicates to His Son and Spirit; one activity—that which the Father completes through His Son and Spirit.

>> No.22951128

oof trad catholic conquistador 1488 has lost it

>> No.22951131

But in man, there are many wills and many activities, which only contingently and not essentially as in God align. We can never be like the Trinity God engenders, but through living imbricated in a community, we can most truly and fully come to know ourselves, for man can only comprehend himself in relation to others; and by comprehending himself as the extension of a community, he can begin to comprehend the community of love, will, nature and activity that God engenders through His Son and Spirit.

By learning humility through existence in a community, where man is compelled to rely on others as an extrinsic good -- extrinsic, inasmuch as he is compelled to rely on others to accord the material conditions prerequisite for the leisure necessary to engage in contemplation of the divine -- and intrinsic good -- intrinsic, inasmuch as his reflection on himself and others allows him to comprehend divine realities -- man learns humility before God; and through humility, reverence for and unity with Him.

That is the source of all morality.

>> No.22951133

Basically. If you're not following Christianity you're not doing it right.

>> No.22951137

As always, atheists are too idiotic to realize that in a world wherein God does not punish people for behaving immorally and merely allows the good to attain the intrinsic reward for pursuing that which is noble and transcendental, only those who intrinsically pursue the good do good; in a world in which he does, both those who do what is right for its own sake and those who would do good insofar as they wish to avoid being punished will choose to pursue higher ends. To this one might subsequently add that laws and their concomitant punishment have a pedagogical purpose: they induce the bestial and profligate to contemplate the good through habit. Men are insufflated through discipline and punishment with knowledge of that which is good and transcendental; many who are driven solely by fear to do good are instilled through conditioning with a desire to intrinsically pursue the good.

Furthermore, midwitted atheists misapprehend that morality depends on God in two senses: an ontological sense, and a legalistic sense. God, being the most highest and transcendental reality, is the telos and skopos of all that lower realities depend on and find most desirous. All the carnal pleasures of this plane are false desires, mediated desires for the ultimate and most sublime reality that is God; indulgence in the hedonistic passions is fictive, finite, fissiparous, fleeting form of pleasure, tiresome and inpermanent, whereas unity with God in His energies is the most highest form of self-actualization, the most supremely sublime and fulfilling bliss. Without any sort higher supranatural realities, there is little reason to eschew dissipation in the atavistic instincts of this world -- little reason not to succumb to the desire to satiate each vile passion at the expense of others. Since doing good to others is not itself a path to fulfillment, since there is no higher telos beyond the material, morality is a mirage.

>> No.22951141 [DELETED] 

It is only subsequently that morality depends on God as a Lawgiver, who punishes those who deviate from their telos in His transcendental being; His being the metaphysical principle that engenders the Good as the Supreme Good and His being the Will imposes norms on our wills is mutually complementary, since His Will is identical to His Intellect; His Laws are a reflection of His most perfect Wisdom and could not be any other way, and His being the ontological basis for the Good induces Him to impose His moral laws upon to guide us to Himself.

>> No.22951142

you will never be a theologian paolo

>> No.22951145

You can "I concede" anon, it's not that hard

>> No.22951150

Tell us how the gay communist Jew is based for shilling for Israel and preaching race blindness anon.

>> No.22951152

why do you think anyone is going to read your essay length off topic schizobabble about christology, it has nothing to do with anything and it was ignored in the previous thread as well, which is still in the catalog

>> No.22951155

I'm not even reading it don't worry

>> No.22951158

are you talking about Christ?

>> No.22951161 [DELETED] 
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>why do you think anyone is going to read your essay length off topic schizobabble about christology, it has nothing to do with anything and it was ignored in the previous thread as well, which is still in the catalog

>> No.22951171

i hate bap, he's a grifting controlled op hack

>> No.22951177

It's not your fault they don't teach reading in Guadalupe, I suppose

>> No.22951183


>> No.22951186

>96% of the population is Christian
I see, a good supposition on your part, if I were an actual christoshitskin from Guadeloupe

>> No.22951193

>lose to 60 IQ africans and go extinct
but this isn't against Nietzsche nor evolution, the exceptional ones very rarely win and are very few in number, it's the average persistent types who keep overbreeding and killing the smarter and stronger ones.
>le but if they keep dying out they aren't the smarter stronger types
you're an idiot who doesn't understand how nature works

>> No.22951207
File: 37 KB, 758x644, 6f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Something's wrong with your mirror there anon. You should get it checked out.

>> No.22951217

>96% of the population is Pachamama worshippers
Seems like you fit right in

>> No.22951225

That's what atheists looked like 5000 years ago before evolution

>> No.22951228
File: 196 KB, 898x683, 20200828050848_5f487f13c2bf74d8cce24ef3jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based and trad

>> No.22951238

Too chickenshit to even tag the guy. Low IQ spamming instead of engaging the topic. Obsessed with bad site for reductive reasons of memetic self-congratulation.

>> No.22951239

>hehe goy this counts against Christianity but Nietzscuck shilling for nigger racemixing in Brazil doesn't count

>> No.22951241

>Too chickenshit to even tag the guy.
How new?

>Low IQ spamming
I didn't post any Nietzsche excerpts

>> No.22951242

prot babble, enjoy hell

>> No.22951244

speaking of nihilism, I just finished The Stranger today. Was Albert Camus a /tv/ coomer?

>> No.22951257

Why won't you tell us how based and nuanced (((Costin Alamariu))) is, anon?

>> No.22951260

he thinks scholastic theology is effective apologetics in arguing with non-believers, when being the product of christians arguing with one another over who can be the most clever smuggler of ancient philosophy into a christian framework (e.g. how can i make Yahweh plus Yeshua a triune god despite the first law of Moses directly and explicitly forbidding the multiplication of god) it has nothing to say to generic atheist critiques let alone Nietzsche's (who is asking about the real origins of Christianity, what values it offers, etc. since he is past arguing whether it is a "true" religion); this is so obviously an incorrect use of the material it makes one wonder if he even understands it in the first place

>> No.22951264

maybe after we discuss an interesting little fella named (((Paul))) from Tarsus, totally trustworthy guy, based and epically christpilled for the win

>> No.22951269

IQs can change, yes there are genetics that set the starting bar of IQs at birth. The exceptional few are just that. The point of racemixing was to create a palpable society with the low bar set society. The bugmen. That's why most public schools focus on test scores, or class averages, or other bugmen brainwashing like lgbtq and diversity; social marxism, etc. That's why private schools, or even homeschooling is so alienated.
>"Oh you went to private school? you're too bougie"
>"Oh you were homeschooled? You're too autistic"
This institution is a prison, and the guards are also prisoners who try to grab others into their cell. I guess you could call it a form of sunken cost fallacy, but these bugmen don't have the self-reflection to realize that.

>> No.22951276

Metaphysics, epistemology and metaethics would certainly be a topic too difficult for someone impressed by Nietzscuck's resentful, petty moralizing.

>> No.22951285

if you aren't able to physically or culturally separate yourself from people who would shame you for being well-educated you are indeed part of the rabble; sorry nobody told you but maybe you can do better for your children some day should you have them

>> No.22951300
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>Yup. Definitely something wrong with yours, anon.

>> No.22951301

>in this moment i am euphoric
well anyway, when you have something relevant to say that isn't hate speech, culture warfare, or scholastic theology in defense of your beliefs, let us know, since your obsession with a dead rabbi's astral kingship as the bulwark against interracial gay sex really makes absolutely no sense

>> No.22951314
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>it has nothing to say to generic atheist critiques let alone Nietzsche's (who is asking about the real origins of Christianity, what values it offers, etc. since he is past arguing whether it is a "true" religion)
You sure about that, anon?

>> No.22951317

I'd go further and point out how out of place they find themselves(but don't realize it often) simply because they haven't yet truly caught up with the fact that they are humbled buck broken vassals of a system of values and ideas that has not only taken their place but has in fact also rendered them powerless to simply do as they once could do, i.e remove opposition from public sight using their political tentacles. Now they either compete like everyone else on the realm of ideas or get dunked upon.

So they still attempt to approach the subject from an authoritative "high ground" which they have already lost, and they keep digging deeper because to re-evaluate christianism from its roots in order to maybe attempt a new form of appeal they have to undo the process of ossification they explicitly underwent to cement their position in the last thousands of years after politically removing opposition(or so they thought, ultimately a bigger political dog managed to wrangle power away from them)
Basically, their own medicine doesn't taste good for them.

>> No.22951330

you have failed consistently to provide any linkage whatsoever and on multiple posts demonstrated an almost anti-familiarity with Nietzsche, as if known entirely through hostile sources

>> No.22951334

Anon, you're literally just some random midwit with an inferiority complex over his middling intelligence and lack of learning who is clinging to Nietzsche as a way to feel "superior" to people endlessly smarter, more perspicacious and pulchritudinous than you. You don't really have anything relevant to say in the first place.

>> No.22951344
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pack your bags folks, he pulled the dictionary out, you aren't dealing with any random spic fuentes acolyte anymore, this one came equipped

>> No.22951354

you have failed consistently to provide any linkage whatsoever and on multiple posts demonstrated an almost anti-familiarity with Christianity, as if known entirely through hostile sources

>> No.22951363
File: 76 KB, 518x1334, 44AE75E1-5F51-41E5-BDBD-82F57992224C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Nietzscuck trembles before the Stirnerchad's anti-spook heuristics

>> No.22951377

>vassals of a system of values and ideas that has not only taken their place but has in fact also rendered them powerless to simply do as they once could
I would take this one step further, they have picked this pseudo-medieval Christianity and its posturing out of a furniture catalog and its very availability to them as a pre-fab decoration for their private life is a consequence of the marketplace enthroned by post-modern attitudes on ideology and free speech. This Christianity he enjoys is allowed to circulate specifically because it harmlessly consumes him in its decontextualized virtualization. He is not going to head into the desert and say, form a band of socially upheaving 4th century Egyptian monastics to destroy the temples of progress and riot in cities. He is completely engrossed by this pacifier of "scholastic theology makes me morally superior to my enemies both high and low;" there is nothing left for him to do except order more books. The fedora model has been replicated for an ever growing number of "dissenting" ideologies, and it is the most brilliant of defenses, to harness ressentiment as a driver of segmentation, a tailor-made Christianity for each slave.

>> No.22951382

Both of them loved gay sex

>> No.22951383

ah yes stirner my favorite Brazilian Orthodox Catholic

>> No.22951438

This sounds a lot like that shit Costin Alamariu does when he says people shouldn't meet up IRL with more than two other people and that you should also try not to push the racialization of public discourse but rather continue under the guise of racial egalitarianism -- you're sold the idea of being this hypermasculine pirate warrior unchained from the societal norms that hold back everyone else, a true great man (TM), just because you have learned to parrot off a few meaningless, insubstantive platitudes, but in practice you don't really do anything except sit around like a cuck and tune in to a minstrel show and a few retarded Twitter spaces. It really shows how Nietzscheanism is an ideology of impotence: it's just people's coping about and compensating for the fact that they are incapable of doing anything, and the (first) Trump administration was a failure, which is why Trump's reelection is seen as this deus ex machina; utterly anodyne, quotidian policies as blown out of proportion as preludes to genocide precisely as a mechanism to obviate disappointment after years of failure and subversion. Someone like Costin Alamariu who is but a hedonistic creature who isn't really concerned with the long term health of civilization but only with policies which will restore his flamboyant life of gourmet tasting and paying for services from prostitutes doesn't really care -- after all, he is a rootless cosmopolitan, a materialist solely concerned with preventing niggers from intruding on his degenerate, dissipative lifestyle; but his followers? You have to kind of pity them; out of sheer obsession, derangment and contrarianism towards Fuentes, they memed themselves into thinking that a sodomite Jew was really based and TND-pilled, when really he was just weaponizing the language of racism to rally people against Christian conservatism -- because he couldn't openly admit that his opposition to it is engendered by his being an indulgent profligate who doesn't like it when Rick Santorum assails his kind. What poor, sorry slaves.

>> No.22951448

Who uses "brown" as an insult other than divisive Jews?

>> No.22951450

The issue with Nietzscheanism is that it is Stirner for edgy teens and manchildren.

>> No.22951458


>> No.22951504
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because your gig is clear as day and doesn't fool anyone north of the tropic of cancer, especially because of the question you just asked and the way you did
the global south stench of christianism in online right wing spaces is beyond doubt, it's what mentally prepares you to invade and exploit European spaces: that's smart, I can see why you'd do it to trick normgroids and their residual christian intoxication to let them have you as a neighbor, but you don't pass here

>> No.22951522

Nietzsche was a congenitally doomed little faggot whose greatest achievement was delivering his anti-foundationalism and perspectivism in a silver platter to socialists so they could destroy the West epistemologically by delegitimizing every objective measure of inequality, and no amount of blonde beast fantasies will change this fact.

>> No.22951531

Holy seethe. This isn't even my thread. Did I hit a nerve with "Jew"?

>> No.22951532

Wow. That's a lot of hate speech, anon. Why are you so obsessed with fucking race? Have you been mentally fucked by /pol/? Please try to contribute something relevant other than hate speech and culture wars nonsense.

>> No.22951542

>rally people against Christian conservatism
Has there ever been a more buck broken political faction? You are led by a thrice divorced man who has discredited you as hypocrites to the entire planet. You have successfully prevented your electoral enemies from aborting their children, which you had no need to do if you merely wanted to oppose abortion in your own household; what victorious blow will you land next? Will society now "progress" at 45 mph instead of 50? Or do you think we are just two more weeks away from reversing the French Revolution? And this is all Nietzsche's fault of course, Nietzsche the impotent, not you who cannot even begin to measure your impotence... (Why do you even bother learning what xwitter ecelebs think about politics for instance, if not because you are completely impotent in your own ability to command results?)

>> No.22951547

call an online christian a cow, jew worshiper, anything, runs off him like water off a raincoat
but reveal his inner third worlder and you'd be astonished how he recoils, how he suddenly shrinks back

>> No.22951560

>stealing Nazi rhetoric
Kek nice try Jew but your ilk still seethes when found out.
Reddit bait. Probably the samefag Jew.

>> No.22951579 [DELETED] 
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>mooooooooooom the jew doesn't want Zambo the based church going favelado from brazil next door

>> No.22951587

Least neurotic Jew

>> No.22951594

hmmm... well since burger style evangelical-pentacostal stuff is spreading rapidly in Brazil they might have nothing to worry about, a nice fusion of A and B >>22951022 which Americans had struggled to reconcile themselves

>> No.22951610 [DELETED] 
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>oh my holy foreskin can't believe the nerve of this jew who is trying to divide us from based rosary reciting rapper Ngubus from Nigeria

>> No.22951630

Lmao. Whining about being called out for his impotence, and ends up proving it in the process -- a real man fights his enemies head on, he engages them in honourable combat, he doesn't impotently like a cuck hope that they commit infanticide on enough of their young ones that his ethnic displacement occurs marginally slower at -0.01 percent to the extent that his becoming a minority is postponed for a few weeks. You aren't doing anything to prevent your own dispossession by celebrating abortion of niggers and spics, you're just being a resentful, vindictive fuck engaging in petty sadism because you can't actually change anything. But sure bro, abortion is totally going to stop the Great Replacement, because it's worked so well thus far, amirite!!!

And yes, Nietzsche was a bedridden schizo and pathological contrarian, a deranged self-hating German who based his entire ideology on creating the antithesis of what middle class Protestant Germans believed to offend their sensibilities: he shilled for kikes to offend nationalists, he praised the Orient to offend both nationalists and social conservatives, he shilled for Friedrich II Hohenstaufen precisely because German nationalists hated him so much, etc. Pure, unadulterated resentment. Try reading his Notebooks in German -- it's just constant screeching and schizophrenic phantasies about killing Kaiser Wilhelm II. Just a very pathetic shitheap of a man. No wonder you admire him.

>> No.22951635

Good rant

>> No.22951660

Imagine how much of a pathetic failure at life you have to be meme yourself into being a Nietzschean New Atheist of all things LMAO

>> No.22951701

Problem with this obviously false fantasy, however, is that Nietzscheans are delusional idealistic buffoons and could never put themselves in a position to be in charge.

>> No.22951702

>A. a zionist attack dog, B. a resettlement programs for the global south, or C. a generic support class for authoritarian regimes
All of these things are decade old and have nothing to do with historic Christianity at its peak. Meanwhile, Nietzscheanism at its peak just led to socialist, anarchist and Bolshevik revolutionaries' doing terrorist attacks.

>> No.22951745

Just pointing out that your christer neo-nazi conservative chimerism is completely retarded and shoots itself in the foot whenever it is given the opportunity, and no amount of scholastic Orthodox theology, hatred of Nietzsche, or knowledge of alt right ecelebs is going to change that. Churches are pro-immigration and anti-abortion, so if you are in fact worried about being replaced by a new stock of voters you are in deep trouble if Christianity is in the driver's seat; it doesn't care for blood, or soil, not unless it is from Jerusalem! You can accuse me of impotence all you like, in fact your emphasis on attempting to gauge the power of an idea to determine its value you inadvertently owe to Nietzsche's genealogy... but you are only applying it to dead opponents, which is indeed highly impotent but entirely predictable coming from christer apologists. I will be the first to admit a simple rejection of Christianity, as a mere atheism does, has little power, but how much less power there is in pretending to be a scholar-monk of Lord of the Rings lore, and castigating others for not liking, sharing, and subscribing to it. Certainly the eagles are not going to fly the interracial brazilian homosexuals into Mordor! The atheist must take the point here.

>> No.22951757

>historic Christianity at its peak
that's dead
>nietzscheanism at its peak
you play far far too many video games to bother with politics or even metapolitics, but to bring this to your level Christianity literally gives your "enemies" a fertility boost and teaches you to allow them to simmer lest you be accused of evil, the worst that can be said for any attempts at Nietzsche-ism is that his thought is difficult to bridle and bring forth as a political program, which was hardly his intention anyway and it is squarely your fault for trying to make a new Christianity of it

>> No.22951844

>you play far far too many video games to bother with politics or even metapolitics
LMAO try being less of a projecting faggot. Only retards with an Internet addiction care about Nietzscuck. You are totally detached from reality. Bang your head against a wall, because it's the only fucking way a mongoloid like you is sobering up. Now keep coping about your beholden to a gay Jew like the seething impotent cuck that your mentally ill """"hero"""" was.

>> No.22951854

>The atheist must take the point here.
The atheists are the reason we are here kek. Keep coping

>> No.22951886

>actually as a russo-brazilian integral orthodox philosopher i believe that white supremacy is best achieved in democratic states by allowing the uncontrolled entry and reproduction of global south populations within western countries, and to allow otherwise would be nietzschecuck homosex
the silver lining to your nonsense is its impotence, your goals and your ideology have no connection since they are just picked whimsically from a furniture catalog—does Seraphim Rose look good in this room with Lothrop Stoddard?

>> No.22951905

>You can accuse me of impotence all you like, in fact your emphasis on attempting to gauge the power of an idea to determine its value you inadvertently owe to Nietzsche's genealogy...
It's called an internal critique you embarrassing faggot. I already demonstrated why amorality is the logical conclusion of atheism and materialism. You couldn't answer because you are a RETARDED NIGGER. You couldn't even read it because you're an illiterate moron. You have a child's understanding of power, because if you actually understood power, you wouldn't be a fucking Nietzschean.

>> No.22951928

Why do you keep bringing up Brazil, retard? Your gay Jewish master loves it! The epic white aristocrats get to exercise power over le nigger brownoids because smart racially alien elites lording over an ethnically distinct population (hmmm, now does that sound (((familiar)))...) is intrinsically good... because it just is okay!?! And at the end of the day, it is the sole way that Nietzsche has changed the world. Why objurgate it?

>i believe that white supremacy is best achieved in democratic states by allowing the uncontrolled entry and reproduction of global south populations within western countries
Who are you quoting?

>> No.22952044

>i believe in christianity because it is powerful or something
atheism with extra steps, you haven't proven anything about morality by dumping scholastic christology that's just a fashion statement to go with your politics; as I have noted before if the only reason not to do x is magical skydaddy will punish you, you are setting up an enormous gay drug orgy at the end of that idea's lifespan and you cannot extract yourself from it by doubling down on the thing nobody believes in anymore, and you would know that if you read Nietzsche...
weren't you the one obsessed with Nietzsche's influence on Brazil or something?— again I don't really care about Brazil but the country and its population are absolutely products of Christianity and not some political embrace of Nietzsche as an ideology

>> No.22952143

>>i believe in christianity because it is powerful or something
One wonders why you are so hateful towards spics considering you're as literate and as bright as one. Truly walking in the footsteps of your nigger and faggot loving idols Dillahunty, Hitchens and Dawkins.

>as I have noted before if the only reason not to do x is magical skydaddy will punish you, you are setting up an enormous gay drug orgy at the end of that idea's lifespan
I already responded to this you fucking moron. THAT IS THE LOGICAL CONCLUSION OF GOD'S NON-EXISTENCE. That is what YOUR FUCKING IDOL PUSHED:

You're such a cowardly fucking piece of shit. Stop fucking dodging my inquiries: how the FUCK do you justify your ethical principles, you mentally stunted nigger retard? What are its metaethical and metaphysical foundations? Sniveling fucking kike.

> I don't really care about Brazil but the country and its population are absolutely products of Christianity and not some political embrace of Nietzsche as an ideology

Brazil is what YOUR ideology looks like, you insect.

>> No.22952165

How does the atheist taking the point "here" look like? What is your support base? What is your political platform? How do you circumvent the CR legal apparatus? Where do you get your funding? How do you appeal to voters? What is your rhetoric? Where do you recruit your bureaucracy from? How do you determine your leadership? What is you hierarchy of policy prioritization? Do you start a Presidential campaign? Do you run Congressional candidates? Are you infiltrating the Republican party or starting your own movement? If the former, do you have a preexisting organization to coordinate your various members, or are they just supposed to wing it (somehow)? How do you prevent the regime from coming after you?

>> No.22952232
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>> No.22952267

If that's a problem you need to figure it out, ya know, since he doesn't exist... also cool it with the anti-semitic remarks, you worship one of those people as master of the universe and savior of mankind red and yellow black and white
There is nothing inherent to Christianity which would prevent it, ideologically or morally, from allowing what migration is happening; that churches have been midwives to all of this should be all the more egregious to you given your intense concern with being racially replaced— it would be one thing if they had just shrugged and done nothing but they are aiding and abetting it and you are blaming a value neutral "atheism" for being too weak politically? Why would God or no God even matter to the question? I suppose if you had a race-God, which they do in the Old Testament, it might help ideologically, but the New Testament doesn't, and in fact encourages this sort of thing, being an enemy of established powers and looking to recruit all available opponents. Brazil is Christianity, Japan is anti-Christianity. We have historical experiments of sorts on this thing. But what about, say Poland, they are homogenous and Christian, you might cry. Ahh—but who do they have to thank for that but the godless German and Soviet armies, true enemies of God if there ever were any!

>> No.22952299

I asked you for an actual practical political program, not abstract navelgazing, you faggot. How do you get shit DONE? Once again you are just proving that Nietzscheanism is for IMPOTENT KEKS. You are weak, you are bitch. You cling to Nietzsche to feel better about what a limp wristed weakling you are. No doubt you drink soi while reading him too. In that moment, you are euphoric, not because of any phony god's blessing, but because you're blessed by the schizoid ravings of a mentally ill retard who was bed ridden and had to be fed by his sister while he drooled all over himself. What a faggot HAHAHAHAHA

It's aaaaaallllllllllllllll about POWAH and CRUSHING THE WEAK and BEING MASCULINE AND STRONG GRRRR until someone asks "Um, how do you get more than 0.1% in an election?" Nietzscheanism is just an ideology for edgy teenage faggots. I give you a year before you start cutting yourself.

>Japan is anti-Christianity.
Wow! Thanks for that endorsement, anon! Japan is a fucking degenerate, consumeristic shithole with an aging population and widespread atomization and anomie, so it's a good thing Christianity is the opposite of that.

>> No.22952308

>If that's a problem you need to figure it out, ya know, since he doesn't exist...
Then where did the cosmos come from? How do you explain the miracle of Jesus' resurrection?

>> No.22952327

>if you can't use it for politics then it's incoherent and useless
Anyways the way you use nietzschean thought to win an election is the following
>hey you guys are all the overman, and all those people you don't like they are the last men
then just translate it to the current vernacular of your time

>> No.22952348
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>top lel your guy died because he was a weak cuck and you are so pathetic for clinging to him
uhhh yeah so did yours, he was killed by Roman police officers, but I don't go around claiming mine was God and is therefore still alive, that's Christianity, that is literally what (You) do, make up lies to cope with being weak

>> No.22952355

>>if you can't use it for politics then it's incoherent and useless
That's... literally what you have been saying about Christianity. About as consistent as your idols Christopher Hitchens the Trotskyite kike and Mutt Dilatehunty, so makes sense.

>>hey you guys are all the overman, and all those people you don't like they are the last men
>then just translate it to the current vernacular of your time

Unironically end it bro, just fucking kill yourself Mr Pajeet, you have peaked at life HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHA making me laugh at your diarrhea here is your life's greatest accomplishment end it while you're still ahead LMAO

Maybe try picking up an actual book and you won't be this fucking retarded HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH

You're such a lolcow it's incredible

How come you didn't respond to this though lol >>22952308.

>> No.22952365

>but I don't go around claiming mine was God and is therefore still alive, that's Christianity
Correct, but I'm right, and if you are wrong. That's the difference.

>> No.22952367

nta and don't care about jesus I just thought your take was dumb, good sperg out though

>> No.22952370
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The Holy Spirit is a demonical force of pure destruction. Jesus was an idiot.

Allah is an angry, jealous, and merciless god, and I put superior idols before him. Muhammad and Ali were idiots.

Moses and the Torah are shit, and I curse YHVH/Elohim/Jehova.

>> No.22952374

>how do you explain the secondhand account from people 1000s of years ago of a man coming back from the dead
i tend not to worry about it honestly

>> No.22952386

Would you eat Jesus' holy prepuce? What if it offered magical powers?

>> No.22952392

>eyewitness accounts rely heavily on women
>nobody had any reason Jesus would come back from the dead on prior theological precedent
>people died for the belief in the resurrection
>St Paul shows no scrupple in claiming 500 people witnessed the resurrected Jesus at one single event at a time many if not most those people would have been alive and easily approachable
>a notorious persecuter and oppressor of followers of Jesus witnesses a miraculous appearance of him that leads to his engineering about the events and conditions that led to the global spread of Christianity, which is highly serendipitous
Yup, Jesus Christ rose from the grave.

And also God exists. So pretty open and shut case.

>> No.22952394

Wasn't sucking off Costin the Jew enough for you?

>> No.22952398

yes people actually do believe in and die for religion, does this mean allah is real because some dude blew himself up in a market? does this mean allah is real because islam has spread through the entire middle east?

>> No.22952400

Yes, I WOULD. HAHAHAHA! Jesus is LORD, pajeet shitskin, so to be offered his holy prepuce would mean I could devour and absorb a bit of Him! It would then make me the Second Coming of Christ! LMAO.
Hell, give me his brains and eyes too while we are at it? I WANT TO EAT THAT ARYAN SON OF GOD.
I am sure with some seasoning on a cracker, it wouldn't taste too bad. I READ a lot of cool books. I already eat a lot of dicks, so it wouldn't be to much for me.
Nietzsche is a FAGGOT like btw.
You're such a faggot it's unbelievable.

>> No.22952407

OP here: the only cock I'd suck and eat is the Lord's. I'd be totally fine with eating Jesus' foreskin, you stupid shitskin! LMAO.

>> No.22952411

Si discite tibi vis sacramentum erit praemium Sanguine Sanctum. Erit praemium sanguine sanctum absconditum. Pervenio humanitas, splendor, perdere. Sanguine Sanctum. Omnes cavete sanguine est nectareis de blasphemia. Respice intra mysterium,te respice intra et bestia.Omnes cavete sanguine est nectareis de blasphemia.Quamvis credo possumus. Quamvis credere possumus. Ignotus, timere, ignotus, sanguine timere benefacitis. Esti omnes cavete Sanguine Sanctum. Intra respice mysterium. Quamvis credo possumus, credo.

>> No.22952416

sorry, you are wrong and i am right, and you will have changed ideologies next year anyway since you are 15-26 years-old

>> No.22952418

The people bringing in the 60 iq's would be the aristocrats; I'm pretty sure. The ancestors of the coming aristocratic class would be already in the country.

>> No.22952421

Except none of the disciples had any prior attachment as such to the idea of a resurrecting Messiah and thus would have had no incentive to devote themselves to the Gospel that Christ had been resurrected unless they experienced something that led them and a large number of Judeans alongside with them to believe they had witnessed the resurrected Jesus. Islam spread through conquest and not through a highly improbable scenario of its largely being due to the missionary efforts of an avowed enemy of the faith who tergiversated on his stance due to a miraculous experience. Try again.
>keeps dodging the cosmological argument

>> No.22952429

It's alright anon, God hates sodomy, so you'll be fine :)

>> No.22952432

>it's true because it was successful at spreading
so when are you adopting transgenderism? it is highly persecuted but its saints continue to inflict the extra-holey stigmata on their groins, so they must have been driven by divine forces to do such a terrible thing! there really is no other explanation

>> No.22952436
File: 90 KB, 676x900, 765B4EFF-77A7-4A19-B2CF-8CEB7EBAA559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read Nietzsche’s Zarathustra, and his sister’s note about how he wrote it, and am absolutely convinced that he was completely mad when he wrote it, and mad not in a metaphorical sense, but in the straightforward and most exact sense: incoherence, jumping from one idea to another, comparisons with no indication of what is being compared, beginnings of ideas with no endings, leaping from one idea to another for contrast or consonance, and all against the background of the pointe of his madness, his idée fixe, that by denying all the higher principles of human life and thought he is proving his own superhuman genius. What will society be like if such a madman, and an evil madman, is acknowledged as a teacher?

>> No.22952444

>Nietzsche is a FAGGOT like btw.
Congrats on coming out of the closet pajeet anon! Glad you could make it.

>> No.22952446

Yeah that cave part at the end is just pure schizo imo but I read it a long time ago when I was less philosphically inclined.

>> No.22952449

Now that he has confessed his sins and renounced the big gay atheism, there's no harm in making him one of your priests right? I mean who better to detect other sinners and spend some time correcting them...

>> No.22952451

what is the cosmological argument? you don't know why there's something instead of nothing so actually its god, and not just spooky spiritual god but your specific scriptural depiction of god?

>> No.22952453

>inflict the extra-holey stigmata on their groins
Well, they're doing a great job of following Origen's example!

>> No.22952457

>[transgenderism] is highly persecuted
Right, transgenderism totally isn't promoted and shielded by every major institution in the United States. What a totally based and redpilled, right wing fascist thing to say. Keep exposing yourself, you're doing my job for me. Fitting for a spic to steal jobs, right? Maybe you'll learn how not to strawman eventually.

>> No.22952463
File: 124 KB, 500x701, tumblr_o06m2eawFi1qzfmh5o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the name of Christ...
- Origen

>> No.22952468

I'm really getting to you, aren't I? Take the dildo out of your ass, you'll be a bit less agitated.

>> No.22952471

>what is the cosmological argument?
it goes something like this:
>everything has a cause
>well, except God, because he is outside of everything caused
>so God caused everything caused because God causes everything caused
>no not YOUR god, MY god because he also incarnated as a human but he was still God because he was always like that from the start just hadn't done it yet
>no he doesn't have motives that cause him to do things at certain times and not others that's psychology you stupid pajeet we aren't up to that yet
>as I was saying, everything has a cause

>> No.22952477
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>> No.22952478

you know, if you are going to pretend to be christian so you can troll people who disagree with you, you might be a fedora after all

>> No.22952489

>tfw Aristotle was dead wrong about physics but im sure his metaphysical ideas still hold some merit

>> No.22952513

Yes anon, the point of the chain of causality is that it has to begin at something that by definition cannot be caused, and since qualitatively lesser things are engendered by qualitatively greater things and complexity is derived from simplicity, the first cause is logically absolutely simple and qualitatively infinite, and therefore uncausable and thus uncaused. With that established, you further go on establishing other things that lead to the conclusion that Christianity is true. Would you like me to wipe your ass too? Who's a retarded little baby! Yes you are, yes you are!

>> No.22952525

>has to begin at something that by definition cannot be caused
so your argument for God is that God exists therefore God exists; you sure you aren't a pajeet?

>> No.22952528

why can't there be a generating function that for any event gives you the prior event

>> No.22952535
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>> No.22952548

Atheist comprehension ability on display. How did get past middle school? Did your pajeet/kike parents bribe the school?

>> No.22952574

>x caused y because by definition x causes y
>fuck you, no more questions
in retard land i suppose this proves something but anywhere else you usually need to substantiate claims

>> No.22952591

>chain causality cannot be infinitely regressive
>chain of causality must begin therefore with something that was uncaused
>the uncaused cause has to be uncausable
>thus it is perfectly simple and qualitatively infinite
I guess anon thinks Anaxagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Xenocrates, Antiochus of Ascalon, Alexander of Aphrodisias, Alcinous, Albinus, Apuleius, Plutarch, Numenius of Apamea, Plotinus, Proclus, Iamblichus, Simplicius, Pseudo-Dionysius, etc. were all dumb. He, the pajeet, knows best of course, because his shitskin parents paid for his programming degree.

>> No.22953433

>there has to be an uncaused cause because otherwise there is no uncaused cause, and we already said it has to exist so it does
you're doing it again

>> No.22954142

>doesn't tackle infinite regress
>pretends he doesn't say there is an uncaused cause in the form of the universe itself
Pajeets are not sending their best, folks!

>> No.22954144

>in retard land i suppose this proves something but anywhere else you usually need to substantiate claims
...unless you are asked to substantiate your claims on morality, ethics and what ought to be politically normative